Sterling refuses to pay fine, plans to sue NBA

According to you, all he had to do to get another award is pony up a larger donation.

Sounds like the NAACP not calling a white man a racist for money is a shakedown.

You should be able to quote where I said that.

I could very well be a shakedown. What do you plan to do about it?

OK. The fact that he was getting an award from them after its been known he was a racist sounds like he has been paying hush money for the longest.

I don't pretend to understand Donald Sterling or the elite of LA,etc.

He was 'doing business'? In a manner as coldblooded as the Mafia? That is the general impression I have of what goes on in LA--'the making of deals'.

The Revealing Map of Donald Sterling's 162 LA Properties - Curbed Maps - Curbed LA

<a while there, Sterling seemed to think he could pay for his vile behavior with good publicity—the NAACP is now awkwardly trying to explain why it planned to give him an award despite years of this kind of documented racism—and he bought his five Skid Row properties back in the mid-aughts in an expensive campaign to convince Los Angeles that he was going to build a "state-of-the-art $50 million" homeless center. (If you were here at the time, you might remember the full-page ads he bought in the Los Angeles Times to announce the endeavor.) No one ever seemed to believe any of it and today the parcels are still home to old warehouses or light manufacturing centers or dried-out scrub.

All of the properties on the maps below are Sterling's, as far as we've been able to document via PropertyShark's records (he usually buys under the Donald Sterling Trust or Donald Sterling Family Trust; please let us know if you see any errors). There are a few other pieces of land on these maps, a few single-family houses in Malibu and Beverly Hills (at least some of which appear to be rental properties), Sterling's own relatively modest mansion on North Beverly Drive in Beverly Hills, and thousands of apartment units, stretching from Santa Monica to Koreatown, whose tenants will keep writing checks to Sterling after he's paid his $2.5 million fine, even after he's been forced to sell the Clippers and retreat back into the muck of his private life.>
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The word 'retarded' to denigrate someone is only used by ignorant jerks.

Thats if you dont understand the context its being used in. That would make you ignorant and uneducated to call someone an ignorant jerk when you dont know the meaning.

less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
very foolish or stupid.
"in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"

In this case Sterling fits both of the above definitions while you for sure fit the last one. BTW what did Sterling donations have to do with the subject?

re·tard·ed adjective, \ri-&#712;tär-d&#601;d\
: slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development or academic progress.

Last question. How did this retarded person become a billionaire?

According to you, all he had to do to get another award is pony up a larger donation.

Sounds like the NAACP not calling a white man a racist for money is a shakedown.

You should be able to quote where I said that.

I could very well be a shakedown. What do you plan to do about it?

OK. The fact that he was getting an award from them after its been known he was a racist sounds like he has been paying hush money for the longest.

OK what? i asked for you to quote where I said he needed to donate a larger amount to get an award. You haven't done that so what did you say OK for?
He can say what ever he wants and for someone in his position consequences can be brutal as we have witnessed..

If we based everything off of what was said in private nobody would be safe from persecution...

The irony is she is half Latina and half Black...

We are under the racist black moon at this time in our culture and do not forget it...
He can say what ever he wants and for someone in his position consequences can be brutal as we have witnessed..

If we based everything off of what was said in private nobody would be safe from persecution...

The irony is she is half Latina and half Black...

We are under the racist black moon at this time in our culture and do not forget it...

What sort of dysfunctional relationship did they have?

It sounds like she used her sexuality in sadistic ways???

Magic Johnson said he didn't know her---allowed her to have his picture taken beside him. Then she posted it on Instagram and then initiated this conversation with Sterling. Manipulative at the least.

eh--my father, now deceased, nothing like Donald Sterling except he grew up in the same era---would get very upset---had some health problems--and he might have heard something on the news--something happened that upset him---the things that came out of his mouth. I really wish there had been a way to shut this down---he probably is a bigot--with many wrong ideas---just from what he 'said'---not so sure about 'racism'---extremely angry with V. Stiviano. Why he didn't just say--'Get away from me--leave now'---such a relationship couldn't have been very good for either of them.

Wondering when 'they' will get around to analyzing the relationship---lol. Too afraid of lawsuits. I probably should be, too.
He can say what ever he wants and for someone in his position consequences can be brutal as we have witnessed..

If we based everything off of what was said in private nobody would be safe from persecution...

The irony is she is half Latina and half Black...

We are under the racist black moon at this time in our culture and do not forget it...

Its not ironic that she was Black and Latino. Sterling is just exercising his slave owner mentality. Why do you think most African Americans are around 75% African? White slave owners raped Black women even while claiming they were animals. Kind of sheds light on the evilness inherent in their souls.
He can say what ever he wants and for someone in his position consequences can be brutal as we have witnessed..

If we based everything off of what was said in private nobody would be safe from persecution...

The irony is she is half Latina and half Black...

We are under the racist black moon at this time in our culture and do not forget it...

Its not ironic that she was Black and Latino. Sterling is just exercising his slave owner mentality. Why do you think most African Americans are around 75% African? White slave owners raped Black women even while claiming they were animals. Kind of sheds light on the evilness inherent in their souls.
Are you saying that those who raped or had sex with black women were bestial, or thought they were?
He can say what ever he wants and for someone in his position consequences can be brutal as we have witnessed..

If we based everything off of what was said in private nobody would be safe from persecution...

The irony is she is half Latina and half Black...

We are under the racist black moon at this time in our culture and do not forget it...

Its not ironic that she was Black and Latino. Sterling is just exercising his slave owner mentality. Why do you think most African Americans are around 75% African? White slave owners raped Black women even while claiming they were animals. Kind of sheds light on the evilness inherent in their souls.
Are you saying that those who raped or had sex with black women were bestial, or thought they were?

Yep. Those type of white guys liked raping goats and sheep as well. Dont pretend you were not well aware of this fact. Someone must have told you before. I know some white dudes in the military told me they would have sex with cows so I thought it was a common thing.
Its not ironic that she was Black and Latino. Sterling is just exercising his slave owner mentality. Why do you think most African Americans are around 75% African? White slave owners raped Black women even while claiming they were animals. Kind of sheds light on the evilness inherent in their souls.
Are you saying that those who raped or had sex with black women were bestial, or thought they were?

Yep. Those type of white guys liked raping goats and sheep as well. Dont pretend you were not well aware of this fact. Someone must have told you before. I know some white dudes in the military told me they would have sex with cows so I thought it was a common thing.
I did not know that those who thought it was OK to rape black women also had sex with animals. I suppose there is a perverse consistency.
People are forgetting something. If the League just up and voids players contracts, leaves this guys team off the schedule and just ignores him, he still owns the team and that team is still part of the NBA. This means that if the League does all this, the League will still have to pay him because the League has "Revenue Sharing".

The NBA does not have a leg to stand on, not one. Even if all players drafted decide to play in Europe for a year because this guys team drafted them and no one is on the team, he will still get paid by the League.

If all of a sudden, to get the team out from under him and puts his team on the schedule but he has no players, he can hire bums off the street and put them on the floor to play.

This racist has the NBA over a barrel and it would be wise for the NBA to wait him out until he's dead.

EDIT: Also, if the players walk out on this team or on all the teams while they are under contract, this owner or all the owners will sue the players for lost revenue. Hell, if the NBA tries to do anything, this guy will counter sue for lost revenue and win especially after he wins the lawsuit against the NBA if they try to take his team.
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People are forgetting something. If the League just up and voids players contracts, leaves this guys team off the schedule and just ignores him, he still owns the team and that team is still part of the NBA. This means that if the League does all this, the League will still have to pay him because the League has "Revenue Sharing".

The NBA does not have a leg to stand on, not one. Even if all players drafted decide to play in Europe for a year because this guys team drafted them and no one is on the team, he will still get paid by the League.

If all of a sudden, to get the team out from under him and puts his team on the schedule but he has no players, he can hire bums off the street and put them on the floor to play.

This racist has the NBA over a barrel and it would be wise for the NBA to wait him out until he's dead.

EDIT: Also, if the players walk out on this team or on all the teams while they are under contract, this owner or all the owners will sue the players for lost revenue. Hell, if the NBA tries to do anything, this guy will counter sue for lost revenue and win especially after he wins the lawsuit against the NBA if they try to take his team.

I can't imagine how this will be resolved.
Stiviano blackmailed him. Racist or not, that was wrong. I don't really have a problem with the idea of outting Sterling as a racist, but there are other ways to go about it besides what she did.

What Sterling said in the privacy of of his own home, is invasion of privacy. I'm willing to wager that 99% of NBA players have called a white person a honky or a cracker in their homes. Would they be banned for life if their wife or kids made it public?
Just this one so far.

Pretty sure he is retarded. :lol:

The word 'retarded' to denigrate someone is only used by ignorant jerks.

Thats if you dont understand the context its being used in. That would make you ignorant and uneducated to call someone an ignorant jerk when you dont know the meaning.

less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
very foolish or stupid.
"in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"

In this case Sterling fits both of the above definitions while you for sure fit the last one. BTW what did Sterling donations have to do with the subject?

I have volunteered to officiate at several Special Olympic athletic events. They are held to allow 'retarded' children a chance to compete with each other. Even the one that comes in last is a winner.

I was much too nice to call you an ignorant jerk for using the word 'retarded' to insult someone that you disagree with. A pseudo-intellectual, low-life, bottom-feeding scumbag would be a more apt description of you and your ilk.
The word 'retarded' to denigrate someone is only used by ignorant jerks.

Thats if you dont understand the context its being used in. That would make you ignorant and uneducated to call someone an ignorant jerk when you dont know the meaning.

less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
very foolish or stupid.
"in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"

In this case Sterling fits both of the above definitions while you for sure fit the last one. BTW what did Sterling donations have to do with the subject?

I have volunteered to officiate at several Special Olympic athletic events. They are held to allow 'retarded' children a chance to compete with each other. Even the one that comes in last is a winner.

I was much too nice to call you an ignorant jerk for using the word 'retarded' to insult someone that you disagree with. A pseudo-intellectual, low-life, bottom-feeding scumbag would be a more apt description of you and your ilk.

The medical professionals used the word "retarded" for decades, that's where we got the word. All this "political correctness" is "retarded".
tossing this in--

Anderson Cooper said that Donald Sterling and V. Stiviano walked in together to meet with him for the interview.

ah well--I had 'problems' understanding Prince Charles and Camilla, Princess Di--the Clintons--now this.
I had STARTED a thread about the lack of logic behind the NBA's "decision" on Sterling a while ago (back on 5/1 to be more precise).

It got very limited attention.

But what I said back then wasn't so much prescient as just basic logic.

If the NBA wants to bust a move on Sterling, then they need to base it on their rules and procedures.

I'm not at all sure they did, on either count.

Therefore, it might be a good idea for some legal genius advising the NBA to recommend that they CONSIDER at least a different route than the one Commissioner Silver has mapped out so far.

It does not seem like a prudent thing to allow this matter to go to court, and it looks like that's where it's headed unless the NBA takes a big old step back.

Is Sterling pretty clearly an old racist buffoon? Yep. IS that sufficient basis to act outside the bounds of their own rules? Nope.
The word 'retarded' to denigrate someone is only used by ignorant jerks.

Thats if you dont understand the context its being used in. That would make you ignorant and uneducated to call someone an ignorant jerk when you dont know the meaning.

less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
very foolish or stupid.
"in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"

In this case Sterling fits both of the above definitions while you for sure fit the last one. BTW what did Sterling donations have to do with the subject?

I have volunteered to officiate at several Special Olympic athletic events. They are held to allow 'retarded' children a chance to compete with each other. Even the one that comes in last is a winner.

I was much too nice to call you an ignorant jerk for using the word 'retarded' to insult someone that you disagree with. A pseudo-intellectual, low-life, bottom-feeding scumbag would be a more apt description of you and your ilk.

You have to be lying. Did you really think I couldn't tell? I too have volunteered for special needs children. They dont call them retarded. I save that description for you and others like Sterling
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Thats if you dont understand the context its being used in. That would make you ignorant and uneducated to call someone an ignorant jerk when you dont know the meaning.

In this case Sterling fits both of the above definitions while you for sure fit the last one. BTW what did Sterling donations have to do with the subject?

I have volunteered to officiate at several Special Olympic athletic events. They are held to allow 'retarded' children a chance to compete with each other. Even the one that comes in last is a winner.

I was much too nice to call you an ignorant jerk for using the word 'retarded' to insult someone that you disagree with. A pseudo-intellectual, low-life, bottom-feeding scumbag would be a more apt description of you and your ilk.

You have to be lying. Did you really think I couldn't tell? I too have volunteered for special needs children. They dont call them retarded. I save that description for you and others like Sterling

Because of bottom feeders like you, we most assuredly do use the term 'special needs' children instead of 'retarded' to describe them. Note how I emphasized 'retarded' in my initial post.
I have volunteered to officiate at several Special Olympic athletic events. They are held to allow 'retarded' children a chance to compete with each other. Even the one that comes in last is a winner.

I was much too nice to call you an ignorant jerk for using the word 'retarded' to insult someone that you disagree with. A pseudo-intellectual, low-life, bottom-feeding scumbag would be a more apt description of you and your ilk.

You have to be lying. Did you really think I couldn't tell? I too have volunteered for special needs children. They dont call them retarded. I save that description for you and others like Sterling

Because of bottom feeders like you, we most assuredly do use the term 'special needs' children instead of 'retarded' to describe them. Note how I emphasized 'retarded' in my initial post.

Dont try to pretend you really knew. You know you were talking about calling special needs kids retarded. If you really knew the correct term, you would not have gotten upset with me using the word retard you retard. :lol:

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