Sterling refuses to pay fine, plans to sue NBA

I'd wager a king's ransom that all the Sterling apologists here don't watch basketball or follow the NBA in any way, shape or form.

Standing up for the right to privacy, and defending victims of blackmail, and not allowing thieves to steal property, is nothing to apologize for.

I don't like racism from anyone. Seeing a bunch of black people gang up on a white person is just as offensive.

It certainly is.


Curiously--no one has explained much about V. Stiviano. Assume nothing--but what was her motivation--burning hatred of Donald Sterling? I guess. The racism seems somehow secondary --this sort of thing is beyond me.

So much that is disturbing about all of this.
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Stiviano blackmailed him. Racist or not, that was wrong. I don't really have a problem with the idea of outting Sterling as a racist, but there are other ways to go about it besides what she did.
Stiviano blackmailed him. Racist or not, that was wrong. I don't really have a problem with the idea of outting Sterling as a racist, but there are other ways to go about it besides what she did.

That seems to be where I am--if I am anywhere.

If I had to choose a term from the psychological grab bag--'psychopath'???

I shouldn't even try to think about this anymore.

'Hatred'---yes, most people experience that emotion. The idea that we must live in fear of every utterance being taped and broadcast to the world is disturbing.

I don't think she cares about racial equality.
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I'd wager a king's ransom that all the Sterling apologists here don't watch basketball or follow the NBA in any way, shape or form.

Standing up for the right to privacy, and defending victims of blackmail, and not allowing thieves to steal property, is nothing to apologize for.

I don't like racism from anyone. Seeing a bunch of black people gang up on a white person is just as offensive.

It certainly is.


Curiously--no one has explained much about V. Stiviano. Assume nothing--but what was her motivation--burning hatred of Donald Sterling? I guess. The racism seems somehow secondary --this sort of thing is beyond me.

So much that is disturbing about all of this.

Mrs. Sterling sued her...
Really what can they do to him if he refuses to pay?


they can cancel all games the Clippers are scheduled to play and declare forfeits.

They can withhold the Clipper's share of broadcast revenues.

There's actually a LOT that they can do to him.

There's just nothing they can do to him that won't hurt all the other owners and the team players.
He's about to find out just how little power he has.

The lawyer should be reported to California Bar association for giving him bad advice.

This is a no-win.
He doesn't care and neither should you. It's his money, his life, and it's his TEAM.

Sterling's comments notwithstanding, the NBA is the real "retard" here. They shot their wad in 7 will never hold up in court. They have to prove damages. How will they do that?

They don't have to prove damages. Did Sterling violate the NBA Constitution & Bylaws? If so, they can do exactly what they are doing.

yup this is all that matters, and then sterling can sue the EX for damages from her taping him.

Whats he going to sue her for? When the team is sold he will get his money. He would have to prove that her taping him caused him to lose market value. Any first year attorney could throw sand on that fire real quick. Even if he were to win a suit against her how would he collect anything from her? She probably deals in cash only.
Well except he never violated the bylaws or Constitution of the NBA.

But he did. He put the NBA in a bad light by being caught on tape as a racist. That violates the bylaws. it doesnt say he has to make a notarized confession. He messed up in a couple of ways.

He signed a franchise contract with the NBA.
He got caught on tape being a racist.
He admitted it was him on the tape.
He gave an interview that made him look worse.
He violated the bylaws again by not paying the fine.
He has a history of discrimination against Blacks and Mexicans.

Not looking too good for Mr Retard Racist Sterling.
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Really what can they do to him if he refuses to pay?


they can cancel all games the Clippers are scheduled to play and declare forfeits.

They can withhold the Clipper's share of broadcast revenues.

There's actually a LOT that they can do to him.

There's just nothing they can do to him that won't hurt all the other owners and the team players.

They can do plenty to him that wont hurt the other owners.
I'd wager a king's ransom that all the Sterling apologists here don't watch basketball or follow the NBA in any way, shape or form.

Standing up for the right to privacy, and defending victims of blackmail, and not allowing thieves to steal property, is nothing to apologize for.

I don't like racism from anyone. Seeing a bunch of black people gang up on a white person is just as offensive.

Well except he never violated the bylaws or Constitution of the NBA.

But he did. He put the NBA in a bad light by being caught on tape as a racist. That violates the bylaws. it doesnt say he has to make a notarized confession. He messed up in a couple of ways.

He signed a franchise contract with the NBA.
He got caught on tape being a racist.
He admitted it was him on the tape.
He gave an interview that made him look worse.
He violated the bylaws again by not paying the fine.
He has a history of discrimination against Blacks and Mexicans.

Not looking too good for Mr Retard Racist Sterling.

Be specific cite line and verse of the by laws or the Constitution that he violated.
Really what can they do to him if he refuses to pay?


The NBA was hoping the media blitz and the pleas from people for him to step down quietly would sway him to just disappear. That isn't going to happen.

The biggest problem for the NBA is that they made it seem the issue was settled, when it clearly isn't even close to being settled. They went with the twitter timeline, less than a week from issue to resolution, and did not realize the real world (and especially the legal world) work far slower.

I also have a stinking suspicion that they do not have the votes among the owners to get rid of him. If they had the votes, they would have held it.

They have the votes, they wouldn't have announced he was losing the team without knowing the votes are there. I believe the other 29 owners all gave their support to the commissioner after he announced Sterling's punishment. Just as Sterling has powerful lawyers working for him, so does the NBA including Adam Silver himself.

I wonder if there would be any problems if a gay owner of an NBA team fired a very successful head coach because he was a Christian? How about if he was an African-American Christian and was not gay? Are there any laws against Christian bashing and possibly racism? Of course that would never happen?
they can cancel all games the Clippers are scheduled to play and declare forfeits.

They can withhold the Clipper's share of broadcast revenues.

There's actually a LOT that they can do to him.

There's just nothing they can do to him that won't hurt all the other owners and the team players.


What's your point?

They should stop trying to punish someone over trivia.
Well except he never violated the bylaws or Constitution of the NBA.

But he did. He put the NBA in a bad light by being caught on tape as a racist. That violates the bylaws. it doesnt say he has to make a notarized confession. He messed up in a couple of ways.

He signed a franchise contract with the NBA.
He got caught on tape being a racist.
He admitted it was him on the tape.
He gave an interview that made him look worse.
He violated the bylaws again by not paying the fine.
He has a history of discrimination against Blacks and Mexicans.

Not looking too good for Mr Retard Racist Sterling.

Be specific cite line and verse of the by laws or the Constitution that he violated.

Since you asked nicely here you go!

Sterling violated Article 13(d), which centers on failure to meet contractual obligations. Sterling allegedly failed to avoid unethical conduct and taking positions that damage the NBA. This failure violated covenants contained in several contracts between Sterling and the NBA, including the franchise agreement and joint venture agreements. Sterling may be accused of violating other provisions contained in Article 13, but 13(d) is considered the leading rationale for his ouster.

Read More: How the NBA can oust Donald Sterling and sell the Clippers - NBA - Michael McCann -

Note that this really does not have to be proven. Its up to the voting owners to make that determination. He agreed to this when he signed the franchise contract. This is not a court of law. His case will be thrown out of the court where other more valid cases will be receive the court time they are due instead of wasting time on any frivolous lawsuit Sterling brings.
Well except he never violated the bylaws or Constitution of the NBA.

But he did. He put the NBA in a bad light by being caught on tape as a racist. That violates the bylaws. it doesnt say he has to make a notarized confession. He messed up in a couple of ways.

He signed a franchise contract with the NBA.
He got caught on tape being a racist.
He admitted it was him on the tape.
He gave an interview that made him look worse.
He violated the bylaws again by not paying the fine.
He has a history of discrimination against Blacks and Mexicans.

Not looking too good for Mr Retard Racist Sterling.

How much money has Mr BILLIONAIRE Retard Racist Sterling given to the NAACP?
Well except he never violated the bylaws or Constitution of the NBA.

But he did. He put the NBA in a bad light by being caught on tape as a racist. That violates the bylaws. it doesnt say he has to make a notarized confession. He messed up in a couple of ways.

He signed a franchise contract with the NBA.
He got caught on tape being a racist.
He admitted it was him on the tape.
He gave an interview that made him look worse.
He violated the bylaws again by not paying the fine.
He has a history of discrimination against Blacks and Mexicans.

Not looking too good for Mr Retard Racist Sterling.

How much money has Mr BILLIONAIRE Retard Racist Sterling given to the NAACP?

I dont know. What does that have to do with it?
The NBA was hoping the media blitz and the pleas from people for him to step down quietly would sway him to just disappear. That isn't going to happen.

The biggest problem for the NBA is that they made it seem the issue was settled, when it clearly isn't even close to being settled. They went with the twitter timeline, less than a week from issue to resolution, and did not realize the real world (and especially the legal world) work far slower.

I also have a stinking suspicion that they do not have the votes among the owners to get rid of him. If they had the votes, they would have held it.

They have the votes, they wouldn't have announced he was losing the team without knowing the votes are there. I believe the other 29 owners all gave their support to the commissioner after he announced Sterling's punishment. Just as Sterling has powerful lawyers working for him, so does the NBA including Adam Silver himself.

I wonder if there would be any problems if a gay owner of an NBA team fired a very successful head coach because he was a Christian? How about if he was an African-American Christian and was not gay? Are there any laws against Christian bashing and possibly racism? Of course that would never happen?

Thats a dumb post. Mark Jackson was just fired as coach of the warriors. The owner is white and Mark Jackson is Black. No one thinks its because of racism.

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