Stern interviews Obama 2012 series

I've heard it. It's sad how dumb people are. Do you feel that this sort of stupidity is isolated to democrats?

More so than Republican. Did you forget. We are all white, rich elitists with an education.

Not quite enough... Missing a question mark there, bud. The subject in the third sentence is plural but the noun is singular. If you mean to say you have one education between all of you, that still constitutes as being pretty stupid. Also further up, you butchered the word proficiency, all while deriding the intellect of others.

Sorry, but I didn't see any substance in this thread.. a shock jock's selective editing? WHEW - hard hitting stuff.

Are you for real, give me a freaking break!
More so than Republican. Did you forget. We are all white, rich elitists with an education.

Not quite enough... Missing a question mark there, bud. The subject in the third sentence is plural but the noun is singular. If you mean to say you have one education between all of you, that still constitutes as being pretty stupid. Also further up, you butchered the word proficiency, all while deriding the intellect of others.

Sorry, but I didn't see any substance in this thread.. a shock jock's selective editing? WHEW - hard hitting stuff.

Are you for real, give me a freaking break!

What can one expect from someone with a user name called Baboon! :lol:
I've heard it. It's sad how dumb people are. Do you feel that this sort of stupidity is isolated to democrats?

More so than Republican. Did you forget. We are all white, rich elitists with an education.

Not quite enough... Missing a question mark there, bud. The subject in the third sentence is plural but the noun is singular. If you mean to say you have one education between all of you, that still constitutes as being pretty stupid. Also further up, you butchered the word proficiency, all while deriding the intellect of others.

Sorry, but I didn't see any substance in this thread.. a shock jock's selective editing? WHEW - hard hitting stuff.

It's a message board moron. Did I type so fast that I misspelled it. Gee whatever will I do? Let me fix it for you so you will understand.
I've heard it. It's sad how dumb people are. Do you feel that this sort of stupidity is isolated to democrats?

More so than Republican. Did you forget. We are all white, rich elitists with an education.

Not quite enough... Missing a question mark there, bud. The subject in the third sentence is plural but the noun is singular. If you mean to say you have one education between all of you, that still constitutes as being pretty stupid. Also further up, you butchered the word proficiency, all while deriding the intellect of others.

Sorry, but I didn't see any substance in this thread.. a shock jock's selective editing? WHEW - hard hitting stuff.

Third sentence is...We are all white... Here, I'll make it so you can understand...We "is" all white. Get the fuck out of here you idiot
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You know...clips like this make the case for "IQ test before voting" thing more and more appealing everyday.
Maybe there should be a brief current events quiz where you have to score a certain number before your vote is counted...and I mean EAAASSSYYY questions - like is Osama Bin Laden dead.
You know...clips like this make the case for "IQ test before voting" thing more and more appealing everyday.
Maybe there should be a brief current events quiz where you have to score a certain number before your vote is counted...and I mean EAAASSSYYY questions - like is Osama Bin Laden dead.

Literacy tests have long been ruled unconstitutional. And I don't think voter qualifications should be based on knowing whether or not Osama bin Laden is dead.

But it sure is tempting to require a siimple test to be passed regarding the issues or people being voted on. At least to know their names and check off their positions on the key issues whether or not this done orally or in writing. In today's climate though, that would not pass the P.C. police. For heavens sake, they don't want us asking anybody to prove who they are when they vote. Can you imagine the hue and cry over 'disenfranchisement' if we required them to know something before they can vote?
You know...clips like this make the case for "IQ test before voting" thing more and more appealing everyday.
Maybe there should be a brief current events quiz where you have to score a certain number before your vote is counted...and I mean EAAASSSYYY questions - like is Osama Bin Laden dead.

I agree. The left would call that voter suppression instead, like many of themselves they prefer voter ignorance.
I've heard it. It's sad how dumb people are. Do you feel that this sort of stupidity is isolated to democrats?

More so than Republican. Did you forget. We are all white, rich elitists with an education.

Not quite enough... Missing a question mark there, bud. The subject in the third sentence is plural but the noun is singular. If you mean to say you have one education between all of you, that still constitutes as being pretty stupid. Also further up, you butchered the word proficiency, all while deriding the intellect of others.

Sorry, but I didn't see any substance in this thread.. a shock jock's selective editing? WHEW - hard hitting stuff.

"Sorry, but I didn't see any substance in this thread.. a shock jock's selective editing? WHEW - hard hitting stuff."

Much like the lack of substance in your reply!

Can't you ever add commentary or an opinion to any of this shit threads you start?

I know you don't know how to form your own opinions, but give it a try, unless your brain has atrophied by this point.

Wow - what an ignorant post by you. Why do you even care what his/her "opinion" is on anything? He/She just wanted to share some undeniable facts - which is a million times more valuable than someone's opinion.

These people don't even know that Osama Bin Laden is dead, and still they get a vote. It's no wonder the US has turned to shit.

It's also the reason why liberals ever get a single vote at all. Nobody informed on any level would ever vote their communism. The dumbocrats need uneducated people to gain and then retain, power. Part of the reason they want to provide for them instead of making them earn it - they need to keep them stupid, unemployed, and isolated from the work force where they would be enlightened.

I'm sorry, but your comments about the link seem to be missing? You DO have thoughts of your own............don't you?

This really illustrates the ignorance of the liberals. They are more concerned with THOUGHTS than they are with FACTS.

Furthermore, it really illustrates their survival tactics. They can't debate FACTS, so they are not interested in them. Instead, they are craving thoughts and opinions of people they hate, not because they really want to hear them, but because an opinion (unlike a fact) can be argued against.

You know...clips like this make the case for "IQ test before voting" thing more and more appealing everyday.
Maybe there should be a brief current events quiz where you have to score a certain number before your vote is counted...and I mean EAAASSSYYY questions - like is Osama Bin Laden dead.

Literacy tests have long been ruled unconstitutional. And I don't think voter qualifications should be based on knowing whether or not Osama bin Laden is dead.

But it sure is tempting to require a siimple test to be passed regarding the issues or people being voted on. At least to know their names and check off their positions on the key issues whether or not this done orally or in writing. In today's climate though, that would not pass the P.C. police. For heavens sake, they don't want us asking anybody to prove who they are when they vote. Can you imagine the hue and cry over 'disenfranchisement' if we required them to know something before they can vote?

I am actually joking...but at the same time...geez...wouldn't you hate to know that someone won an office based on how many idiots they could muster up to vote??
... a shock jock's selective editing? WHEW - hard hitting stuff.

Isn't it comical how the dumbocrats always have the worst execuses for their epic failures. You'd think after generations of lying, back peddling, deflecting, and covering that they would eventually get fairly good at this stuff, but not so much :lol:

Who cares if the content comes from a "shock jock" or from Sean Hannity? When it's on audio/video and cannot be denied, it really doesn't matter who submits the content that exposes the problem.

Furthermore, who gives a shit if it was edited? When a person doesn't know that Osama Bin Laden is dead, that Barack Obama is not "pro-life", and that Paul Ryan is not Obama's VP, there is an astounding level of ignorance. Astounding. It cannot be overstated. There is no adjective in the English language that would adequately describe this astoudning level of stupidity.

It's the CONTENT that matters, not who submitted it. But then again, since the CONTENT burries your ignorant party and exposes it for the uneducated, misinformed bunch of parasite ass-monkey's that you people are, of course you have to focus on something other than the CONTENT.
You know...clips like this make the case for "IQ test before voting" thing more and more appealing everyday.
Maybe there should be a brief current events quiz where you have to score a certain number before your vote is counted...and I mean EAAASSSYYY questions - like is Osama Bin Laden dead.

Literacy tests have long been ruled unconstitutional. And I don't think voter qualifications should be based on knowing whether or not Osama bin Laden is dead.

But it sure is tempting to require a siimple test to be passed regarding the issues or people being voted on. At least to know their names and check off their positions on the key issues whether or not this done orally or in writing. In today's climate though, that would not pass the P.C. police. For heavens sake, they don't want us asking anybody to prove who they are when they vote. Can you imagine the hue and cry over 'disenfranchisement' if we required them to know something before they can vote?

I am actually joking...but at the same time...geez...wouldn't you hate to know that someone won an office based on how many idiots they could muster up to vote??

Well, I know I'll get all kinds of shit for saying it, but we HAVE people in office because so many idiots were mustered up to vote, and that includes our President. (Disclaimer: There were some intelligent, honorable people who voted for him because they were fooled into believing him or because they are just ideologically compelled that way. But those are in a minority. He was elected because the clueless could be bribed, cajoled, or fooled into voting for him.)
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Can't you ever add commentary or an opinion to any of this shit threads you start?

I know you don't know how to form your own opinions, but give it a try, unless your brain has atrophied by this point.

Wow - what an ignorant post by you. Why do you even care what his/her "opinion" is on anything? He/She just wanted to share some undeniable facts - which is a million times more valuable than someone's opinion.

Please point out the facts that she shared.

I swear to christ this place make me think Idiocracy is coming true.
If they can't read, the voter test (the same one used for citizenship) can be given orally. There is no charge to take the test. That is constitutional.

I'm sorry, but your comments about the link seem to be missing? You DO have thoughts of your own............don't you?

This really illustrates the ignorance of the liberals. They are more concerned with THOUGHTS than they are with FACTS.

Furthermore, it really illustrates their survival tactics. They can't debate FACTS, so they are not interested in them. Instead, they are craving thoughts and opinions of people they hate, not because they really want to hear them, but because an opinion (unlike a fact) can be argued against.

Ah...big font much better and more intellectually satisfying. :eusa_eh:

Can't you ever add commentary or an opinion to any of this shit threads you start?

I know you don't know how to form your own opinions, but give it a try, unless your brain has atrophied by this point.

Wow - what an ignorant post by you. Why do you even care what his/her "opinion" is on anything? He/She just wanted to share some undeniable facts - which is a million times more valuable than someone's opinion.

I think the video speaks for itself. Why should I put my 2 cents in everything .. If the post pretty much speaks for itself I wont. If I have something to say about it I will post. Are you the post police RDD..

Can't you ever add commentary or an opinion to any of this shit threads you start?

I know you don't know how to form your own opinions, but give it a try, unless your brain has atrophied by this point.

Wow - what an ignorant post by you. Why do you even care what his/her "opinion" is on anything? He/She just wanted to share some undeniable facts - which is a million times more valuable than someone's opinion.

I think the video speaks for itself. Why should I put my 2 cents in everything .. If the post pretty much speaks for itself I wont. If I have something to say about it I will post. Are you the post police RDD..

2 cents on everything? How about almost never. That's the point. You post shit and don't say anything about it. It's either laziness or you're an idiot and don't know what to say.

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