Steve Bannon Gets it Right - Herd Immunity is the Solution

That is not true because herd immunity would have ended the epidemic too quickly for variants.

Huh? The more people who get infected the more variants are created. Don't think of virus strains as growing like a plant over time, they are created by the more people they infect and mutate within the human body.
Given that there are 330,000,000 Americans, 1 in 500 means a total of 660,000 deaths.

We're already far beyond that, and not everyone has gotten Covid yet.

First of all, you have to break that down by age.
For example, with the current 800,000 deaths, fewer than 500 are under 18.
If we were to deliberately infect enough volunteers under 40, we could have ended the epidemic in a month, with fewer than 60k deaths.
That is because those under 40 have 400 times less chance of dying than the average, because the average is mostly from deaths over 70.

Herd immunity is useful because it works early on, stopping the ability of an epidemic to spread, by eliminating local hosts by giving them immunity.
Once you have "flattened the curve" for 2 years, you have allowed it to spread so wide and deep, that herd immunity requires almost twice as many to get infected and recover.
But if the vaccines really worked, then we would already have herd immunity.
Most countries are around 70% of either vaccination or recovery.
So why it is still rampaging?
Because the vaccines are fake and only temporarily stimulate antibody production.
They wear off after 6 months.
So then the only real immunity out there is from those who recovered.
I do, too. Steve Bannon is in such poor shape, so overweight, he would be on a ventilator within hours of being hospitalized.

No one should ever be on a ventilator.
The lung damage is not done by the virus but the immune system over reaction, and we can easily medicate that.
It should be obvious why ventilators should never be used for covid.
When the lungs start filling with fluid, a ventilator can not possibly pump air into lungs filled with uncompressible fluid.
You have to drain the lung by constant turning, which can not be done to unconscious people on ventilators.
Ventilators are murder.
You can instead reduce the fluid build up with drugs.
No one should ever be on a ventilator.
The lung damage is not done by the virus but the immune system over reaction, and we can easily medicate that.
It should be obvious why ventilators should never be used for covid.
When the lungs start filling with fluid, a ventilator can not possibly pump air into lungs filled with uncompressible fluid.
You have to drain the lung by constant turning, which can not be done to unconscious people on ventilators.
Ventilators are murder.
You can instead reduce the fluid build up with drugs.
You seem quite knowledgeable. How many COVID patients have you treated?
Huh? The more people who get infected the more variants are created. Don't think of virus strains as growing like a plant over time, they are created by the more people they infect and mutate within the human body.

Variants have nothing at all to do with how many get infected.
Variants have to do with how long the epidemic has gone on, with how many new generations serially transpired.
With each generation allowing for some minute change in the recombination of RNA from multiple viruses injecting their RNA into the same cell.
Mutations take WAY too long and nonviable to be at all relevant.
Variants are from RNA mixing, like hybrids, but not sexual.
There is no way to increase variants in quantity or speed even if you infected an infinite number of people.
The virus can not live in a single host for more than about 12 days, so no significant variation can ever happen within a single host.
It is always serial.
Those who appear to be covid victims for months are actually immune system victims for months, with the virus long gone after the first 2 weeks.
The change from one generation of virus to the next is always VERY limited.
Variants require massive numbers of generations.
It IS exactly like trying to modify a plant species over time.
The only difference is it is not careful meiosis of DNA, but instead just a random mixing of RNA.
You seem quite knowledgeable. How many COVID patients have you treated?

I work on medical equipment so get all the medical publications, like "Lancet", "MedPage Today", etc.
I can read and understand the abstractions.
That does not mean I memorized all the Latin, know what an organ is supposed to feel like, can tie a suture, know all the side effects of any particular medication, etc.

However, any one should be able to see why ventilators are a terrible idea.
The person is having trouble breathing because their immune system is filling their lung with fluid in order to get antibodies at what it thinks are infections in the lungs. The immune system does not realize that will drown the patient. So you have to short circuit the immune system. We have drugs that easily do that.
There is nothing complex about what is so obvious.
Variants have nothing at all to do with how many get infected.
Variants have to do with how long the epidemic has gone on, with how many new generations serially transpired.
With each generation allowing for some minute change in the recombination of RNA from multiple viruses injecting their RNA into the same cell.
Mutations take WAY too long and nonviable to be at all relevant.
Variants are from RNA mixing, like hybrids, but not sexual.
There is no way to increase variants in quantity or speed even if you infected an infinite number of people.
The virus can not live in a single host for more than about 12 days, so no significant variation can ever happen within a single host.
It is always serial.
Those who appear to be covid victims for months are actually immune system victims for months, with the virus long gone after the first 2 weeks.
The change from one generation of virus to the next is always VERY limited.
Variants require massive numbers of generations.
It IS exactly like trying to modify a plant species over time.
The only difference is it is not careful meiosis of DNA, but instead just a random mixing of RNA.
Changes don't happen over time, the virus changes in its hosts. The more hosts you have the more possibility for variants.

Variants take way too long? Where? In the wind? Are they just hangin' out waiting around for people to leave their houses and changing during that time? Or do they mutate inside the human body?

Here is a nice little video for people who are slow. It gets to the point and is super easy to follow.

Oh, I see the liberals want us to have to wear masks for 3 or 4 years. I'm sure they would also like to cancel Christmas and have more lockdowns.

Folks, let's get this over with. Go out and mingle with people (without a mask) so we can all get natural immunity and be done with it.
Changes don't happen over time, the virus changes in its hosts. The more hosts you have the more possibility for variants.

Variants take way too long? Where? In the wind? Are they just hangin' out waiting around for people to leave their houses and changing during that time? Or do they mutate inside the human body?

Here is a nice little video for people who are slow. It gets to the point and is super easy to follow.

Oh gawd help me----Happy is posting nonsense again.
Virus are super tiny and super easy to kill outside of the body. Most don't live long outside their environment. OUTSIDE of a body, human or otherwise, they don't food source and they QUICKLY dry out bursting open their outer cell wall spill dying.
Oh gawd help me----Happy is posting nonsense again.
Virus are super tiny and super easy to kill outside of the body. Most don't live long outside their environment. OUTSIDE of a body, human or otherwise, they don't food source and they QUICKLY dry out bursting open their outer cell wall spill dying.

What does any of what you said have to do with my post? I mean other than in a way kind of proving my point.
Changes don't happen over time, the virus changes in its hosts. The more hosts you have the more possibility for variants.

Variants take way too long? Where? In the wind? Are they just hangin' out waiting around for people to leave their houses and changing during that time? Or do they mutate inside the human body?

Here is a nice little video for people who are slow. It gets to the point and is super easy to follow.

Totally wrong.
I did not say variants take too long, but that MUTATIONS take too long.
Changes in RNA from accident are almost never viable at all, and are just inert.

The only changes in RNA that are viable in the fame of reference of thousands of years, are mixing of RNA from more than one virus injecting into the same cell.
Mixing of viral RNA is very common and very likely to be viable, unlike random mutations.

The more hosts you have in parallel, you get NO additional chances for variants.
That is because variants are only significant if they compete against previous variants and over whelm them through natural selection of evolution.
They have to greatly increase in number.
And that can only happen over long periods of time.
Herd immunity without deaths occurs when you’re vaccinated. Herd immunity with millions of deaths without. What’s so special about herd immunity through death?
It's time to get Covid and get it over with.

---Steve Bannon: Omicron is Nature’s Vaccine – It’s Called Herd Immunity---

But wait wait......please don't tell us the scamdemic is over say is the answer....

The Megatron Variant!
Herd immunity without deaths occurs when you’re vaccinated. Herd immunity with millions of deaths without. What’s so special about herd immunity through death?

Wrong, before about 1800 there were no vaccinations at all, and yet all epidemics ended without species extinction.

The few high death tolls in history, like the Bubonic Plague, was due to poor hygiene, with rats and fleas being the hosts and carriers.
Normally epidemics end quickly through herd immunity if humans are the only hosts and carriers.
Herd immunity is achieved when 70-80% of the population is vaccinated.

That vaccination can come from a vaccine or it can come from your bodies natural response after it's been infected and fought the virus off.

If you let your body fight off COVID without being vaccinated, COVID has a 1 in 500 chance of killing you.
Complete lie from a pathological liar. Only 0.0018% of the population was impacted by COVID.

Being fat, stupid, lazy and sick is what kills you.

This is why Leftists are pissing their panties over the Scamdemic because that is their profile.
Huh? The more people who get infected the more variants are created. Don't think of virus strains as growing like a plant over time, they are created by the more people they infect and mutate within the human body.
Omicron was caused by the stupid vax as was Delta. If you morons would quit mandating useless vaccines, this stupid fauxrona would already be like the common cold a year ago.

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