Steve Bannon Gets it Right - Herd Immunity is the Solution

Thanks for proving me right!
It is another right-wing wacko concept with no basis in reality.
It's not just a RW concept, its "an unfortunate staple of contemporary rhetoric". It is very real:
"In a recent interview, Professor West mocked Al Sharpton for playing the odalisque in President Obama’s media seraglio, calling him the embodiment of the “rent-a-Negro phenomenon on MSNBC.” The Reverend Sharpton, he said, is constrained because “he’s still on the Obama plantation.”
The use of the word “plantation” to describe the relationship between black Americans and their political patrons is an unfortunate staple of contemporary rhetoric.
It's time to get Covid and get it over with.

---Steve Bannon: Omicron is Nature’s Vaccine – It’s Called Herd Immunity---

So now you asswipes are taking medical advice from Dr. Bannon? But who's surprised that you Trump lemmings would do that. Way to go, taking medical advice from Steve, who most of the time looks like he just came back from a lost weekend.
So now you asswipes are taking medical advice from Dr. Bannon? But who's surprised that you Trump lemmings would do that. Way to go, taking medical advice from Steve, who most of the time looks like he just came back from a lost weekend.
The other option it to take advice from Fauci, and that ain't gonna happen.
Getting Omicron is a matter of When and not If. Same as Covid in general. It has escaped the BS vaccines completely. But it is NOT A DEEP LUNG virus. And the survival rate is very high from most reports.

If we don't hide from the thing and stop taking ALPHA vaccines that are not really vaccines..........WE CAN END THIS BS.
That is not true because herd immunity would have ended the epidemic too quickly for variants.
It was "flattening the curve" that prevented herd immunity, and stretched the epidemic out for over 2 years.
Variants are ALWAYS less lethal, due to natural selection of evolution, so always ensure herd immunity.
Whether or not people get infected more than once is irrelevant.
That rarely happens.
But people vaccinated getting infected more than once is very common.

The only reason why it was not wrong for Trump to be vaccinated is that he is older and over weight.
The young and healthy would serve us all better by deliberately getting infected and recovering.
But tbe young and the healthy still stand the risk of dieting from it or suffering long term issues. They too can end up in the hospital.
It's not just a RW concept, its "an unfortunate staple of contemporary rhetoric". It is very real:
"In a recent interview, Professor West mocked Al Sharpton for playing the odalisque in President Obama’s media seraglio, calling him the embodiment of the “rent-a-Negro phenomenon on MSNBC.” The Reverend Sharpton, he said, is constrained because “he’s still on the Obama plantation.”
The use of the word “plantation” to describe the relationship between black Americans and their political patrons is an unfortunate staple of contemporary rhetoric.

A right-wing Professor insulting AL Sharpton by making up a nonsensical concept.

Thanks for proving my point.
The only way to end the scamdemic is to refuse to get tested for the scam virus.

100% of people who do not get tested for COVID do not test positive for COVID.
The next time you have a medical condition instead of seeing your Dr., contact Dr. Steve Bannon & see what he thinks, numbnuts.
But tbe young and the healthy still stand the risk of dieting from it or suffering long term issues. They too can end up in the hospital.
And why should they, or anyone, get to go into publicly funded places like schools and airports without being vaccinated or virus free?

It's sort of ironic that Biden (or anyone) is seen as failing simply because a significant number of people are convinced by political opponents to act in uncivil and dangerous ways
Numbnuts liberals think doctors know everything.
Not really. But, we sure as hell don't look to Steve Bannon for advice & emotional support.

Grow up & be a man for once in your fucking life instead of sucking the ass of grifters telling you shit you want to hear.
Not really. But, we sure as hell don't look to Steve Bannon for advice & emotional support.

Grow up & be a man for once in your fucking life instead of sucking the ass of grifters telling you shit you want to hear.
What we want to hear is the truth. That's why Tucker Carlson's ratings are so high.

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