Steve Bannon Gets it Right - Herd Immunity is the Solution

Tell me you are really that stupid. Read and learn "reality".
If you don't like this article, google it and find one you like.
That's a good article. Perhaps you should read it.
That is not true because herd immunity would have ended the epidemic too quickly for variants.
It was "flattening the curve" that prevented herd immunity, and stretched the epidemic out for over 2 years.
Variants are ALWAYS less lethal, due to natural selection of evolution, so always ensure herd immunity.
Whether or not people get infected more than once is irrelevant.
That rarely happens.
But people vaccinated getting infected more than once is very common.

The only reason why it was not wrong for Trump to be vaccinated is that he is older and over weight.
The young and healthy would serve us all better by deliberately getting infected and recovering.
Future historians will consider the politicized medical decision to “flatten the curve” of a novel coronavirus in 2019 better understood during 1919. The fact that 100 years of progress didn’t amount to much will be mind-boggling for them. Especially when they consider that we’re making humanized mice in 2021 yet attempted to extend a pandemic intentionally as if that was a smart idea! True imbeciles behind the purple curtain folks, but the good news? Their days of spinning are numbered!
The only way to end the scamdemic is to refuse to get tested for the scam virus.

100% of people who do not get tested for COVID do not test positive for COVID.
Totally wrong.
I did not say variants take too long, but that MUTATIONS take too long.
Changes in RNA from accident are almost never viable at all, and are just inert.

The only changes in RNA that are viable in the fame of reference of thousands of years, are mixing of RNA from more than one virus injecting into the same cell.
Mixing of viral RNA is very common and very likely to be viable, unlike random mutations.

The more hosts you have in parallel, you get NO additional chances for variants.
That is because variants are only significant if they compete against previous variants and over whelm them through natural selection of evolution.
They have to greatly increase in number.
And that can only happen over long periods of time.

What? mutations and variants all need a host. It's not a matter of time it's a matter of how many people are infected.

Did you not watch the video? More people infected leads to more variants. End of story.
Tell me you are really that stupid. Read and learn "reality".
If you don't like this article, google it and find one you like.

Thanks for proving me right!

It is another right-wing wacko concept with no basis in reality.
Omicron was caused by the stupid vax as was Delta. If you morons would quit mandating useless vaccines, this stupid fauxrona would already be like the common cold a year ago.

First of all, you have to break that down by age.
For example, with the current 800,000 deaths, fewer than 500 are under 18.
If we were to deliberately infect enough volunteers under 40, we could have ended the epidemic in a month, with fewer than 60k deaths.
That is because those under 40 have 400 times less chance of dying than the average, because the average is mostly from deaths over 70.

Herd immunity is useful because it works early on, stopping the ability of an epidemic to spread, by eliminating local hosts by giving them immunity.
Once you have "flattened the curve" for 2 years, you have allowed it to spread so wide and deep, that herd immunity requires almost twice as many to get infected and recover.
But if the vaccines really worked, then we would already have herd immunity.
Most countries are around 70% of either vaccination or recovery.
So why it is still rampaging?
Because the vaccines are fake and only temporarily stimulate antibody production.
They wear off after 6 months.
So then the only real immunity out there is from those who recovered.

Admit it, your numbers were wrong.

There is no evidence that people who recover from Covid remain immune. There are many people that get infected a second time.

Besides the long term effects of COVID, in some people are horrible. They never truly recover.

Even if vaccines wear off after 6 months, it would be better to get a booster every 6 months.

If everyone would get the vaccine within the same 2 months or so, THAT would end the pandemic permanently.

But unfortunately, too many dumb asses still refuse to get the vaccine.
Admit it, your numbers were wrong.

There is no evidence that people who recover from Covid remain immune. There are many people that get infected a second time.

Besides the long term effects of COVID, in some people are horrible. They never truly recover.

Even if vaccines wear off after 6 months, it would be better to get a booster every 6 months.

If everyone would get the vaccine within the same 2 months or so, THAT would end the pandemic permanently.

But unfortunately, too many dumb asses still refuse to get the vaccine.
I haven't been sick for two years. Fat ass lazy DemoTwats have gotten COVID all around me. They smoke and drink and are obese, like you.

I go to the gym and am strong as an ox.

Maybe it is because I got the Megatron Variant.
I haven't been sick for two years. Fat ass lazy DemoTwats have gotten COVID all around me. They smoke and drink and are obese, like you.

I go to the gym and am strong as an ox.

Maybe it is because I got the Megatron Variant.

None of that proves your point.
Admit it, your numbers were wrong.

There is no evidence that people who recover from Covid remain immune. There are many people that get infected a second time.
Exactly. It's a coronavirus. The common cold is a coronavirus and some people catch a cold three or four times a year.

Reinfection with human coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has been documented.

Estimates based on viral evolution forecast a 50% risk 17 months after a first infection without measures such as masking and vaccination.
They are the difference between a mild, manageable infection or ending up on a ventilator in the hospital with an ever-increasing weary healthcare system that sometimes has to implement "“crisis standards of care", which is a nice way of saying rationing of meds, equipment and personnel.
They are the difference between a mild, manageable infection or ending up on a ventilator in the hospital with an ever-increasing weary healthcare system that sometimes has to implement "“crisis standards of care", which is a nice way of saying rationing of meds, equipment and personnel.
Yep. A weary healthcare system because there were people fired who risked their life to help others, but didn't want the vaccine. The burdened healthcare system is the result of mandates.

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