Stevens warned State Dep't on the day he died about security in Benghazi


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Stevens warned State Dep’t on day he died about deterioriating security in Benghazi​

Stevens warned State Dep
Allahpundit @ Hot Air:

Not just on the day he died, mind you. Multiple times before, too. I’m near the point now where I want to abandon the whole “pre-planned attack versus spontaneous protest” line of inquiry just because it’s steering us away from the more important topic of State’s negligence on his security. Besides, we already know, more or less,why Carney and Rice pushed the “spontaneous protest” theory. Ask Saxby Chambliss:

“Talking points distributed by the administration [in the immediate aftermath] are nearly identical to intelligence assessments within hours of the attack, except in one important way: the intelligence judgment that the attackers had ties to al-Qa’ida was excluded from the public points,” [Saxby] Chambliss said in a statement on Friday.

“The administration omitted the known links to al-Qa’ida at almost every opportunity … Whether this was an intentional effort by the administration to downplay the role of terrorist groups, especially al-Qa’ida, is one of the many issues the Senate Intelligence Committee must examine,” Chambliss said.

The guy who got Bin Laden and knocked out Qaddafi didn’t need a storyline in the middle of a campaign about AQ affiliates killing the American ambassador in the heart of the “new Libya.” That’s straightforward, and that’s almost certainly why the “spontaneous protest” theory got traction initially. (“Al Qaeda is on the run” used to be part of Obama’s standard stump speech, in fact. That line has been quietly dropped lately.) What’s not straightforward is why State refused to boost Stevens’s security despite countless warnings about the danger, some from the man himself. It’s inexplicable. It’s not a budget issue, either: Charlene Lamb testified to thatbefore the House. She also testified that State had “the correct number of assets in Benghazi,” which literally no one but her seems to believe is true. So, once again: Why didn’t Stevens have more security? What were they waiting for before making a decision to either send him a more professional force or end the American presence in Benghazi? Was that politicized too, i.e. State didn’t want abandon the consulate over security fears because that would have made for some bad headlines about conditions inside the “new Libya”?

Read more:Stevens warned State Dep’t on day he died about deterioriating security in Benghazi « Hot Air
There are so many questions about the Libyan massacre that this royal regime won't answer. No wonder democrats are frightened, if Republicans get their hands on that information after Romney wins the election, someone is going to go to prison.
Stevens warned State Dep’t on day he died about deterioriating security in Benghazi​

Stevens warned State Dep
Allahpundit @ Hot Air:

Not just on the day he died, mind you. Multiple times before, too. I’m near the point now where I want to abandon the whole “pre-planned attack versus spontaneous protest” line of inquiry just because it’s steering us away from the more important topic of State’s negligence on his security. Besides, we already know, more or less,why Carney and Rice pushed the “spontaneous protest” theory. Ask Saxby Chambliss:

“Talking points distributed by the administration [in the immediate aftermath] are nearly identical to intelligence assessments within hours of the attack, except in one important way: the intelligence judgment that the attackers had ties to al-Qa’ida was excluded from the public points,” [Saxby] Chambliss said in a statement on Friday.

“The administration omitted the known links to al-Qa’ida at almost every opportunity … Whether this was an intentional effort by the administration to downplay the role of terrorist groups, especially al-Qa’ida, is one of the many issues the Senate Intelligence Committee must examine,” Chambliss said.

The guy who got Bin Laden and knocked out Qaddafi didn’t need a storyline in the middle of a campaign about AQ affiliates killing the American ambassador in the heart of the “new Libya.” That’s straightforward, and that’s almost certainly why the “spontaneous protest” theory got traction initially. (“Al Qaeda is on the run” used to be part of Obama’s standard stump speech, in fact. That line has been quietly dropped lately.) What’s not straightforward is why State refused to boost Stevens’s security despite countless warnings about the danger, some from the man himself. It’s inexplicable. It’s not a budget issue, either: Charlene Lamb testified to thatbefore the House. She also testified that State had “the correct number of assets in Benghazi,” which literally no one but her seems to believe is true. So, once again: Why didn’t Stevens have more security? What were they waiting for before making a decision to either send him a more professional force or end the American presence in Benghazi? Was that politicized too, i.e. State didn’t want abandon the consulate over security fears because that would have made for some bad headlines about conditions inside the “new Libya”?

Read more:Stevens warned State Dep’t on day he died about deterioriating security in Benghazi « Hot Air

So what?

Exactly. Fuck Chris Stevens and those dead servicemen.

Well...if the dumb ass had stayed in Trippoli he would still be alive. What "servicemen" exactly died? I though they were retired and working for a private contractor.

Yep his dumb ass and his retirees fault. Retired SEALs working for the State Department aren't servicemen. Fuck them too.
Exactly. Fuck Chris Stevens and those dead servicemen.

Well...if the dumb ass had stayed in Trippoli he would still be alive. What "servicemen" exactly died? I though they were retired and working for a private contractor.

Yep his dumb ass and his retirees fault. Retired SEALs working for the State Department aren't servicemen. Fuck them too.

I think about 50 Americans die every day in fires right here with fire departments just a few blocks away.

Lybia just went through and probably to some degree still is going through it's violent revolution.

Getting all spastic over the on going violence in such an area is stupid. What the fuck do you expect? Most of the people over there are wandering the streets with RPG's. This overblown reaction to that countries problems and stupid Americans that get caight up in it is insane.
Hmm, I wonder if you two would be reacting the same way if it were a Republican president? Are you two the same people that complained about the twenty minutes it took President Bush to react on 9/11/2001? I'm sure you would have had something to say if Bush had gone on a campaign speaking appointment the day after. But that was different right?
Then there's the fact that it was an attack on soveriegn U.S. territory, not to mention whether or not the Americans were servicemen or employees of the State Dep't. Really does it make any difference? Oh, I know that there are more people murdered in the Southside of Chicago every week than in Afghanistan, but that's okay too. Right? We can all thank Barry Soetoro/Barack Oblamer.
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Ohhhhh I hope, really hope that obama says that Ambassador Stevens and the others died because they were just too stupid to live.

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