Stick a Fork in Liz Cheney—She's Done

Dems worry about Cheney because they need their pet in Congress. They may want to worrying about Manchin. He may switch or retire if the Dems keep giving him shit, giving Republicans the Senate back.
That's right. Everyone who voted for Trump is a mindless cultist. Unlike those crazy Republicans, we leftists don't tolerate crime and corruption or even the appearance of such from anyone!

Damn child, you need to take that show on the road. You'll get big laughs everywhere you go.

No republican seems able to answer the most important question:

Why don't republicans want to get to the bottom of the Jan. 6 attack on Congress and the Constitution? They act as if they are trying to hide a lot of things. This is what guilty people do.

First things first. I want to know why Trumps offers of the national guard were rejected twice. I also want to know why the Capitol Police Chiefs 6 requests for additional manpower were rejected. And last but not least, I want to know what palouseys reply was to the Capitol Police Boards note, which asked her if they should request the national guard at 1:36 PM on the 6th. They knew a huge rowdy crowd was expected, why was the security posture not beefed up?

Nothing can be settled without those answers. But you can bet the questions will never be asked in the sham committee.

Odd isn't it that being called a RINO (Republican in Name Only) wasn't sufficient to the herd of sheep. To be a Republican in the Trump era and even beyond the sheep still can't make a decision.

Of course I have a border collie / Australian Cattle dog mix [3/4 BC -1/4 cattle dog] and she's more intelligent than Dumb Donald and Dumb Kevin. She learns quickly and learns from experience.

Dumb Donald and Dumb Kevin bumble their way and can't seem to see the light.

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I know this. Many of those fly over deplorables will give your friend terrorist s a free ride with weapons of mass destruction to destroy your cities now. We will become totalitarian just on that. You can not keep increasing taxes on the fly overs to pay for the urbans while you are slandering and destroying them.
She knew she was toast the minute she knew she had to be honest.
True, and she also knows that she loses her job, but wins history. Same with Kinzinger. Either our democracy survives the Trump Cult, or we turn fascist. If we survive, they will be remembered by history as those who fought back against rightwing extremism in the same political party of rightwing extremists. If we lose, victors write the history.
First things first. I want to know why Trumps offers of the national guard were rejected twice. I also want to know why the Capitol Police Chiefs 6 requests for additional manpower were rejected. And last but not least, I want to know what palouseys reply was to the Capitol Police Boards note, which asked her if they should request the national guard at 1:36 PM on the 6th. They knew a huge rowdy crowd was expected, why was the security posture not beefed up?

Nothing can be settled without those answers. But you can bet the questions will never be asked in the sham committee.

And guess what? The Select Committee WILL answer those questions as well as others.

Like were any legislators (Mo Brooks?) warned ahead of time?

What happened with the FBI warning?

Did Flynn's brother interfere with the National Guard response?

Were rioters given tours of the Capitol before the riot?

Was it a planned attack?

And did anyone in the WH co-ordinate with any of the attackers.

Glad you're on board

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