Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

Again, Anathema, I ask you what is "universal morality" exactly, and what is it based on, and if it's based on a divine creation, then who's religion is the divine being based on that created it?

As I've commented before, it's the most basic set of societal and social Right and Wrong as known by the first human beings to create the earliest civilizations. It is what we Should do rather than what we Can do.

Morality supercedes religion. I learned that when my father died 16 years ago. Religion is a lie. Only Morality leads to proper alignment with The Divine.

Ah, sounds a bit too much like Sharia Law or Puritanical 'Witch Burning.' So no thanks, i'll pass. Our Founding Fathers got it right.
Again, Anathema, I ask you what is "universal morality" exactly, and what is it based on, and if it's based on a divine creation, then who's religion is the divine being based on that created it?

As I've commented before, it's the most basic set of societal and social Right and Wrong as known by the first human beings to create the earliest civilizations. It is what we Should do rather than what we Can do.

Morality supercedes religion. I learned that when my father died 16 years ago. Religion is a lie. Only Morality leads to proper alignment with The Divine.

The same rules that the first human beings had? Hate to tell you dude, but morality needs to change and evolve with humans as we change and evolve due to learning and technology. How do you think the first humans would handle cloning? How about abortion? How do you think they would handle something like the internet?

Sorry, but there is no such thing as "universal morality". Morals are usually set upon the individual by society at large, because society determines what is "moral" for the individual.
grand mal seizures do more damage to your brain than pot will ever do....

Thankfully I don't have grand mal seizures. Had one at age 4, after two petite mal seizures. Went on meds for 7 years. Got off them at age 11. Never had another seizure until 2 petite mal events three and a half years ago. I'll now have to take a minimal dosage of meds for the rest of my life.
Marijuana can cause seizures too.

Can Smoking Marijuana Cause Seizures?

You can always find something on the internet that will support whatever wild ass view you have. Interesting that your "proof" comes from a recovery site that is ALWAYS going to go against any kind of substance that can be mood altering.

Get me a legitimate medical link over a recovery site link any day, especially when you are talking about recovery and addiction, because recovery sites are skewed towards being sober.
Oh heavens. How dare they side with sobriety!

Well, recovery sites kinda have to side with sobriety and take a very hard line against any kind of substance use. They are strongly biased against substances, but then again, they have to be because it's how they make money.

Like I said, get something from a legitimate medical site that isn't biased one way or the other.
Not sure where you're going with that. Your 'Universal Morality' does not a nation make. You're gonna have to be much more specific.

U Iverson Morality is, or should be, the basis of ALL human society. I've explained it more than enough times around here and if you don't comprehend it instinctively you probably couldn't live it anyway.

Well, you're not being specific enough. It just sounds like you wanna force your 'Morality' on others. And that's been tried time & time again all throughout human history. It always results in bloody tragedy.

Our Founding Fathers were truly brilliant. They learned from history. They achieved a just balance. They created the greatest nation in history.
Ah, sounds a bit too much like Sharia Law or Puritanical 'Witch Burning.' So no thanks, i'll pass. Our Founding Fathers got it right.

It is the basis for the values that have brought us the misguided RELIGIOUS teachings of Sharia Law and witch burning. That's what happens when you try to view UM through the flawed lenses of religion.
The same rules that the first human beings had? Hate to tell you dude, but morality needs to change and evolve with humans as we change and evolve due to learning and technology. How do you think the first humans would handle cloning? How about abortion? How do you think they would handle something like the internet?.

Morality is no more changing than Mathematics are. 1+1=2 no matter who, what, when, where, how or why you look at it.
Well, you're not being specific enough. It just sounds like you wanna force your 'Morality' on others. And that's been tried time & time again all throughout human history. It always results in bloody tragedy.

Our Founding Fathers were truly brilliant. They learned from history. They achieved a just balance. They created the greatest nation in history.

If I have to be that specific then your Soul is not capable of understanding the concept.

You, like the Founders live by the fallacy that Justice is both blind and a balance. In reality it is neither.
Ah, sounds a bit too much like Sharia Law or Puritanical 'Witch Burning.' So no thanks, i'll pass. Our Founding Fathers got it right.

It is the basis for the values that have brought us the misguided RELIGIOUS teachings of Sharia Law and witch burning. That's what happens when you try to view UM through the flawed lenses of religion.

I think our Founding Fathers really did get it right. Freedom & Liberty is a complicated thing. There's upsides and downsides to it. Our Founding Fathers understood that. They devised the best System the world has ever known. They struck a balance. I believe they were guided by a Divine force. But that's my take anyway.
The same rules that the first human beings had? Hate to tell you dude, but morality needs to change and evolve with humans as we change and evolve due to learning and technology. How do you think the first humans would handle cloning? How about abortion? How do you think they would handle something like the internet?.

Morality is no more changing than Mathematics are. 1+1=2 no matter who, what, when, where, how or why you look at it.

Tell ya what, instead of speaking in vague generalizations, why don't you codify some of it for us so we can see exactly what you think is "moral" or not.
I think our Founding Fathers really did get it right. Freedom & Liberty is a complicated thing. There's upsides and downsides to it. Our Founding Fathers understood that. They devised the best System the world has ever known. They struck a balance. I believe they were guided by a Divine force. But that's my take anyway.

Freedom and Liberty are only necessary if you give people the opportunity and blessing to act improperly.

The Founders did the best their naive, religious minds could. It held up for more than 70 years. Not bad. Unfortunately they left space for people like Lincoln, FDR, Reagan, chip away at it and destroy it.
Well, you're not being specific enough. It just sounds like you wanna force your 'Morality' on others. And that's been tried time & time again all throughout human history. It always results in bloody tragedy.

Our Founding Fathers were truly brilliant. They learned from history. They achieved a just balance. They created the greatest nation in history.

If I have to be that specific then your Soul is not capable of understanding the concept.

You, like the Founders live by the fallacy that Justice is both blind and a balance. In reality it is neither.

Again, i seriously doubt you would do better than our Founding Fathers have. I mean, no one even knows what the hell you're talking about. It seems like you're the only one who knows. The world is made up of structured Societies and Systems. And so far, you haven't coherently articulated a better System than what our Founding Fathers devised. But hey, i'm patient and open-minded. I'll give you another chance.
Tell ya what, instead of speaking in vague generalizations, why don't you codify some of it for us so we can see exactly what you think is "moral" or not.

Does the student get to ask another student the answers to the questions during an exam or were both students supposed to have learned the answers before the test?

This life is the test to see if YOUR Soul and Mine have figured it out through our prior lives and experiences in this life. You've been given more than enough hints throughout your life to get it right. At the end we'll see if you learned anything or not.
I think our Founding Fathers really did get it right. Freedom & Liberty is a complicated thing. There's upsides and downsides to it. Our Founding Fathers understood that. They devised the best System the world has ever known. They struck a balance. I believe they were guided by a Divine force. But that's my take anyway.

Freedom and Liberty are only necessary if you give people the opportunity and blessing to act improperly.

The Founders did the best their naive, religious minds could. It held up for more than 70 years. Not bad. Unfortunately they left space for people like Lincoln, FDR, Reagan, chip away at it and destroy it.

What System are you proposing that would be better?
Tell ya what, instead of speaking in vague generalizations, why don't you codify some of it for us so we can see exactly what you think is "moral" or not.

Does the student get to ask another student the answers to the questions during an exam or were both students supposed to have learned the answers before the test?

This life is the test to see if YOUR Soul and Mine have figured it out through our prior lives and experiences in this life. You've been given more than enough hints throughout your life to get it right. At the end we'll see if you learned anything or not.

That's called 'Cheating.' And there's already a System in place to address it. Next?...
Tell ya what, instead of speaking in vague generalizations, why don't you codify some of it for us so we can see exactly what you think is "moral" or not.

Does the student get to ask another student the answers to the questions during an exam or were both students supposed to have learned the answers before the test?

This life is the test to see if YOUR Soul and Mine have figured it out through our prior lives and experiences in this life. You've been given more than enough hints throughout your life to get it right. At the end we'll see if you learned anything or not.

Just what I thought, you are unable to codify it, so instead you duck the issue by saying it's some kind of test for this life, and that you won't share your answers. Jesus knew all the answers and was still willing to share them with others.
That's called 'Cheating.' And there's already a System in place to address it. Next?...

Life IS the Test, and just like History, if you don't learn from it, you will be doomed to repeat it. At least until your Soul is deemed unreachable.
Tell ya what, instead of speaking in vague generalizations, why don't you codify some of it for us so we can see exactly what you think is "moral" or not.

Does the student get to ask another student the answers to the questions during an exam or were both students supposed to have learned the answers before the test?

This life is the test to see if YOUR Soul and Mine have figured it out through our prior lives and experiences in this life. You've been given more than enough hints throughout your life to get it right. At the end we'll see if you learned anything or not.

Just what I thought, you are unable to codify it, so instead you duck the issue by saying it's some kind of test for this life, and that you won't share your answers. Jesus knew all the answers and was still willing to share them with others.

Yeah, he is extremely vague. No one knows what the hell he's talking about. He seems to be the only one who knows. You can't found a nation that way. You need to be much more specific.

Our Founding Fathers really were even more brilliant than most understand. What an awesome undertaking. They created the greatest nation in history. It's why i say i do believe they were guided by Divine intervention.
That's called 'Cheating.' And there's already a System in place to address it. Next?...

Life IS the Test, and just like History, if you don't learn from it, you will be doomed to repeat it. At least until your Soul is deemed unreachable.

Saying that life is the test and that you are doomed to repeat it if you don't learn what you are supposed to the first time is a Buddhist, as well as Hindu, concept.

But, in both religions, sharing of information is encouraged, because the older members point the way down the path for the younger members.
Just what I thought, you are unable to codify it, so instead you duck the issue by saying it's some kind of test for this life, and that you won't share your answers. Jesus knew all the answers and was still willing to share them with others.

I could codify it for you, but in your heart you already know it. It's everything your disgusting, fucked up modern society shudders at, closes its eyes and ears to while crying "FOUL".

Jesus, Muhammed, Buddha, etc..... just more Tests.
That's called 'Cheating.' And there's already a System in place to address it. Next?...

Life IS the Test, and just like History, if you don't learn from it, you will be doomed to repeat it. At least until your Soul is deemed unreachable.

Ok, now you've gone off the rails with your vague platitudes. You're incoherent. You're not articulating a point. You sure you're not on drugs?

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