Stiff warning to Trump, Sessions, and GOP on marijuana

Can someone who is against legalization legitimize why? And please use the "productive" line because I know of highly paid professionals who use it with zero affects on them.
It should be up to the people of the states. I voted against it because pot is not like alcohol. Pot somehow alters people's world view. Yes you can dabble with it and if well grounded to it without harm but people tend to go overboard.

For evidence I offer the pot forum here. Go read it. People are planning pot weddings, pot delivery, pot events, candies, cookies, etc. People don't just do pot, they worship it. Pot becomes their god.
How many people out of the total users?
What's a total user?
Normally the amount from the addition and/or subtraction...
why dont you find Doctor Who and have him take you back in time to that century you desire to live in.

If only it were that easy. I do keep my eyes open for blue police boxes as I go through life. Haven't found the right one yet.
Can someone who is against legalization legitimize why? And please use the "productive" line because I know of highly paid professionals who use it with zero affects on them.
It should be up to the people of the states. I voted against it because pot is not like alcohol. Pot somehow alters people's world view. Yes you can dabble with it and if well grounded to it without harm but people tend to go overboard.

For evidence I offer the pot forum here. Go read it. People are planning pot weddings, pot delivery, pot events, candies, cookies, etc. People don't just do pot, they worship it. Pot becomes their god.
pot is not like alcohol? are right...alcohol is worse....
I'd rather have the seizures, or whatever else, than use marijuana in any form


Sub humans...

This guy is an "expert" on things he knows nothing about except what his birdbrain parroted at church.
But you do comment on that which you have never personally observed. "Your" "opinions" on reefer are 100% parroted from your JDAAC preacher....
The tyranny and bullshit needs to end. The people on the side of keeping it illegal, are on the same side as Mexican drug cartels. Enough is enough.

People who want to legalize it side with the KKK and admire Hitler. See how that works?
grand mal seizures do more damage to your brain than pot will ever do....

Thankfully I don't have grand mal seizures. Had one at age 4, after two petite mal seizures. Went on meds for 7 years. Got off them at age 11. Never had another seizure until 2 petite mal events three and a half years ago. I'll now have to take a minimal dosage of meds for the rest of my life.
...This guy is an "expert" on things he knows nothing about except what his birdbrain parroted at church.

I don't claim to be an expert. I have learned enough about that shit and I am intimately familiar with my medical condition.

I'm not a Christian, so why would anything a pastor says, mean anything to me?
grand mal seizures do more damage to your brain than pot will ever do....

Thankfully I don't have grand mal seizures. Had one at age 4, after two petite mal seizures. Went on meds for 7 years. Got off them at age 11. Never had another seizure until 2 petite mal events three and a half years ago. I'll now have to take a minimal dosage of meds for the rest of my life.
Marijuana can cause seizures too.

Can Smoking Marijuana Cause Seizures?
No it wouldn't. A person with no drugs in their system has to use deadly force to defend themselves against someone high on drugs. There won't even be an arrest.

Very silly misguided thinking. Do you actually know anyone who's smoked Marijuana? Doesn't sound like it. Folks who smoke Marijuana are by far less aggressive and violent than those who consume alcohol. It's insane that we're still putting people in cages for it. It's barbaric.
I know plenty of people that use pot. I did not know the man who shot his wife or the man who ate someone's face off. While I can't agree that potheads are non violent, I do point out that is doesn't matter whether they are violent or not. The live non drugged up person will not be charged with any crime when the decedent is full of drugs.

I've not heard of someone shooting someone else while they were high, can you post a link for that one? As far as the person who ate another person's face off, yeah, I heard about that one, and the person who ate the other person's face off wasn't high on marijuana, but rather bath salts. Another thing that is far more dangerous than marijuana is these "synthetic marijuana" replacements that were showing up. It was some kind of plant material mixed with designer chemicals to try to produce the same effect as marijuana, but unfortunately for the people who have used synthetic cannabis, it makes them go crazy. K2 is the most predominant brand that causes those problems.

As far as natural marijuana? It has zero effects towards making people aggressive. How do I know? I worked in a biker bar for over 4 years where the owners allowed people to smoke marijuana on the back porch. People who only smoked? They ate a lot and were good tippers. People who smoked and drank at the same time? Mellower than the pure drunks, but still needed to be watched over. People who drank only? They were the ones most likely to cause problems. people who are against marijuana legalization ought to educate yourself as to how it became illegal in the first place. Had something to do with a racist named Anslinger, DuPont who didn't want hemp oil to be used because they had just developed their own stuff, and Hearst, who didn't want the competition from hemp paper to interfere with his paper made from wood. Watch the documentary "Grass" narrated by Woody Harrelson sometime. Or, if you have the VICE channel on your cable system, I recommend watching Weediquette, so you can see what real marijuana use looks like.

Real marijuana use is nothing like what some of you anti marijuana people are saying.
Are you just not well informed

He got high and killed his wife. A lawsuit claims edible marijuana is to blame
No it wouldn't. A person with no drugs in their system has to use deadly force to defend themselves against someone high on drugs. There won't even be an arrest.

Very silly misguided thinking. Do you actually know anyone who's smoked Marijuana? Doesn't sound like it. Folks who smoke Marijuana are by far less aggressive and violent than those who consume alcohol. It's insane that we're still putting people in cages for it. It's barbaric.
I know plenty of people that use pot. I did not know the man who shot his wife or the man who ate someone's face off. While I can't agree that potheads are non violent, I do point out that is doesn't matter whether they are violent or not. The live non drugged up person will not be charged with any crime when the decedent is full of drugs.

I've not heard of someone shooting someone else while they were high, can you post a link for that one? As far as the person who ate another person's face off, yeah, I heard about that one, and the person who ate the other person's face off wasn't high on marijuana, but rather bath salts. Another thing that is far more dangerous than marijuana is these "synthetic marijuana" replacements that were showing up. It was some kind of plant material mixed with designer chemicals to try to produce the same effect as marijuana, but unfortunately for the people who have used synthetic cannabis, it makes them go crazy. K2 is the most predominant brand that causes those problems.

As far as natural marijuana? It has zero effects towards making people aggressive. How do I know? I worked in a biker bar for over 4 years where the owners allowed people to smoke marijuana on the back porch. People who only smoked? They ate a lot and were good tippers. People who smoked and drank at the same time? Mellower than the pure drunks, but still needed to be watched over. People who drank only? They were the ones most likely to cause problems. people who are against marijuana legalization ought to educate yourself as to how it became illegal in the first place. Had something to do with a racist named Anslinger, DuPont who didn't want hemp oil to be used because they had just developed their own stuff, and Hearst, who didn't want the competition from hemp paper to interfere with his paper made from wood. Watch the documentary "Grass" narrated by Woody Harrelson sometime. Or, if you have the VICE channel on your cable system, I recommend watching Weediquette, so you can see what real marijuana use looks like.

Real marijuana use is nothing like what some of you anti marijuana people are saying.

Perhaps you just need to be better informed.

He got high and killed his wife. A lawsuit claims edible marijuana is to blame

The cannibis cannibal
The Cannabis Cannibal? Miami Face-Eater Didn’t Take ‘Bath Salts’ |
aren't "pot heads", stereotypically, lazy?

I don't know, was Steve Jobs lazy? But regardless, that's certainly no reason to arrest em and throw em in cages.
But regardless, the younger folks don't want your old Puritan 'morals' being forced on them.

Your thinking is very irrational and outdated. If the People decide they wanna decriminalize certain drugs, than so be it. That's how Freedom and Democracy works. You may not like that, but it is what it is.

Which is when the Adults like myself need to and fix the problem- WITH RUTHLESS VIOLENCE when necessary.
why dont you find Doctor Who and have him take you back in time to that century you desire to live in,and take tipsy with guys deserve each other....

Most old white Republican dudes suffer from 'Archie Bunker Syndrome.' They truly fear & hate 'The Pot.' It's what they were indoctrinated on. But i think times are changing in the Republican Party. Folks like Rand Paul are bringing a fresh perspective on the issue to the Party.

The Democratic Party seems to be ahead of the Republican Party on it right now though. But that's to be expected. The Republican Party is more known for the Archie Bunker Syndrome-types. But most young Republicans i run into, are open to decriminalizing Marijuana. So i think times are changing. Many States will decriminalize it. And i think the Feds will come around at some point. The will of the People will win out in the end.
The Democratic Party seems to be ahead of the Republican Party on it right now though

You are a MORON.

There are WORDS and DEEDS. When the Dems had total control in 2009 (WH + Congress) they did this (sucked up to the legal lobby and sold out those they lied to during the campaign).

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot

Back when he was running for president in 2008, Barack Obama insisted that medical marijuana was an issue best left to state and local governments. "I'm not going to be using Justice Department resources to try to circumvent state laws on this issue," he vowed, promising an end to the Bush administration's high-profile raids on providers of medical pot, which is legal in 16 states and the District of Columbia.

But over the past year, the Obama administration has quietly unleashed a multiagency crackdown on medical cannabis that goes far beyond anything undertaken by George W. Bush. The feds are busting growers who operate in full compliance with state laws, vowing to seize the property of anyone who dares to even rent to legal pot dispensaries, and threatening to imprison state employees responsible for regulating medical marijuana. With more than 100 raids on pot dispensaries during his first three years, Obama is now on pace to exceed Bush's record for medical-marijuana busts. "There's no question that Obama's the worst president on medical marijuana," says Rob Kampia, executive director of the Marijuana Policy Project."

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