Still Haunted

Reap what you sow, Berlin, Hiroshima bombed to shit, and you think it matters how? Fascism lost. So all the fawning over Hiroshima, are you celebrating lost fascism, not innocent dead victims of wars? Because Hiroshima is one thing, not the end to the Holocaust and the genocide against innocent Chinese or Jews, not feeling the love here. Not feeling guilt here.
. What happened at Hiroshima was no worse than what happened at Pearl Harbor. ...

Whatever your position on the use of the atomic bomb, that statement makes no sense.^^^
Reap what you sow, Berlin, Hiroshima bombed to shit, and you think it matters how? Fascism lost. So all the fawning over Hiroshima, are you celebrating lost fascism, not innocent dead victims of wars? Because Hiroshima is one thing, not the end to the Holocaust and the genocide against innocent Chinese or Jews, not feeling the love here. Not feeling guilt here.



Hiroshima survivors Haunted 70 years on determined to remember Japan Today Japan News and Discussion

"“My leg slid deep into one of them. Then it was very hard to pull my leg out ... To escape, I had no choice,” said Harada, the 75-year-old former head of an atomic bomb museum."

"Shuntaro Hida, 98, was an army surgeon at the time of the bombing. When he first went out after the explosion, he saw a woman with what he thought were tattered clothes hanging from her torso. Then he realised he was seeing her sloughed-off skin."

" “The cruelest aspect of a nuclear attack is not the savage destruction of human bodies or visible burns, but its life-destroying after-effects,” said Hida, who treated and advised some 10,000 atomic bomb survivors.

Hiroshima began to see an increased number of leukemia patients five year after the bombing."
Right. And Japan didn't start this goddamn stupid war and American involvement, they weren't in an obscene war in China since the frigin 30's and didn't kill god knows how many innocent Chinese. Nooooo, it's all about (ME ME ME Japanese with a guilt complex) Hiroshima! Ok, is that all there is to this thread, superficial "factoids" and damn us if we know better. I like how you avoid the fact JAPAN started the war. Get all insulting. ADDRESS THAT. Japan started the war.
What do you expect if Japan or Germany had a nuke? think they will play
pinochle or something? They (Japanese too here) were also
exterminating innocent people, split hairs? Being pedantic or a prig, still, Japan started the war. Japan Started the war. Can I say that yet again, is that to subtle? Japan started the war. Japan started the War JAPAN STARTED THE WAR. So they weren't the victims YOU make them out to be. They were the major perpetrators, so stop splitting infinitives and look and the simple facts.
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The Japanese are a great people, but in the 30's and 40's they were duped by warmongers into committing atrocities across China and the Philippines....

...and then Pearl Harbor. They wrote a check their asses couldn't cash. Japan could be ruling over swaths of China and the pacific right now, but they made the mistake of fucking with the red, white and blue.

Sorry America didn't want anymore of it's sons to die in the war the Japanese started. :cool:
The Japanese are a great people, but in the 30's and 40's they were duped by warmongers into committing atrocities across China and the Philippines....

...and then Pearl Harbor. They wrote a check their asses couldn't cash. Japan could be ruling over swaths of China and the pacific right now, but they made the mistake of fucking with the red, white and blue.

Sorry America didn't want anymore of it's sons to die in the war the Japanese started. :cool:
Bonzai! I think they relished it, Kamikaze. Death for the emperor and all that, are you that ignorant?
The Japanese are a great people, but in the 30's and 40's they were duped by warmongers into committing atrocities across China and the Philippines....

...and then Pearl Harbor. They wrote a check their asses couldn't cash. Japan could be ruling over swaths of China and the pacific right now, but they made the mistake of fucking with the red, white and blue.

Sorry America didn't want anymore of it's sons to die in the war the Japanese started. :cool:
Bonzai! I think they relished it, Kamikaze. death for the emperor and all that, are you that ignorant?
Uh, what?
Reap what you sow, Berlin, Hiroshima bombed to shit, and you think it matters how? Fascism lost. So all the fawning over Hiroshima, are you celebrating lost fascism, not innocent dead victims of wars? Because Hiroshima is one thing, not the end to the Holocaust and the genocide against innocent Chinese or Jews, not feeling the love here. Not feeling guilt here.



Hiroshima survivors Haunted 70 years on determined to remember Japan Today Japan News and Discussion

"“My leg slid deep into one of them. Then it was very hard to pull my leg out ... To escape, I had no choice,” said Harada, the 75-year-old former head of an atomic bomb museum."

"Shuntaro Hida, 98, was an army surgeon at the time of the bombing. When he first went out after the explosion, he saw a woman with what he thought were tattered clothes hanging from her torso. Then he realised he was seeing her sloughed-off skin."

" “The cruelest aspect of a nuclear attack is not the savage destruction of human bodies or visible burns, but its life-destroying after-effects,” said Hida, who treated and advised some 10,000 atomic bomb survivors.

Hiroshima began to see an increased number of leukemia patients five year after the bombing."
Like I said...war sucks. But Japan is what opened the pandora box. And they paid for it. Many died. You can't pick and choose which was more atrocious. Well, you can, but it makes you look pretty silly.
Right. And Japan didn't start this goddamn stupid war and American involvement, they weren't in an obscene war in China since the frigin 30's and didn't kill god knows how many innocent Chinese. ...

Are you really suggesting that the US dropped atomic bombs on Japanese civilians out of revenge for what happened in China?
Bonzai! I think they relished it, Kamikaze. Death for the emperor and all that, are you that ignorant?


Old broad got into the cooking sherry....
You can't pick and choose which was more atrocious. ..

Current topic aside, of course you can.
Of course. But some will disagree with you on which atrocity was/is worse than another. Any way you look at it...Japan "started it" and we finished it. Japan and the USA get along pretty darn well now, so....why keep the crusted over shit stirred up? Both lost innocent people and not so innocent people. Both suffered loss. Both did what they thought was a good idea at the time and ONE won in the end. Lesson learned by all.
Yes, the Nazis and the militarists in power in Japan started the war. They committed horrendous acts that demean humanity. Fighting them led, unfortunately, to acts very similar to theirs; i.e., ethnic hatred and indiscriminate killing.
There is no justification for using the atomic bombs, only excuses. It haunts America to have been the first to use them.
You can't pick and choose which was more atrocious. ..

Current topic aside, of course you can.
Of course. But some will disagree with you on which atrocity was/is worse than another. ...

Not among reasonable people. If one soldier sneaks up on another solider and kills him, sparking a war, reasonable people can recognize that action as causal but still realize that slaughtering thousands of civilians is still a moral outrage of another order.

Even current topic aside.
Americans need to read about conditions Japanese civilians endured in 1945. Americans have no clue how bad things were. They need to read about the horrendous conditions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki following the a-bombings. Until they do, they are ignorant of the facts.

Killing innocent civilians on a massive scale, because of the acts of their despotic government over which they had no control, is a war crime and entirely unjustified. It is no different than what the tyrannical regimes of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan committed.
Atrocities happen all over the world. I ain't gonna pick one and say it was the worst. But, everyone has their own decisions on what to focus on.

Kinda like some people donate to cancer or childrens hospitals or pizza parlors. Some leave all their money to dog pounds, the aspca, zoos. Whatever floats whomevers boat. *shrug*
A tragic time in American and Japanese history. A war crime that hopefully will never happen again...but I doubt it.

You can take solace in knowing Truman is burning in Hell for eternity.
exactly,as you well know,thats another lie about our history our corrupt schools have conditioned and programmed americans into thinking in our propaganda history classes always leaving out the key detail that Japen had offered to surrender and our corrupt government and that bastard Truman ignored the plea.
The Japanese are a great people, but in the 30's and 40's they were duped by warmongers into committing atrocities across China and the Philippines....

...and then Pearl Harbor. They wrote a check their asses couldn't cash. Japan could be ruling over swaths of China and the pacific right now, but they made the mistake of fucking with the red, white and blue.

Sorry America didn't want anymore of it's sons to die in the war the Japanese started. :cool:

My father was wounded on Utah beach. As a sailor of an LCI, after Germany surrendered he was sure he would be shipped off to the Pacific for the final push on Japan.

What happened there is tragic, yet it likely did save in overall deaths.

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