Still No Evidence Against Trump...But There Is Against Hillary

Clinton was the only one implicated today...and their ties in the matters discussed were to hillary, not trump.
Clinton? Based on what? Manafort didn't manage the Clinton campaign, he managed the Trump campaign. Righto?
and yet it was podesta who had to resign...righto?...more to come
Who cares about Podesta? :dunno:

If he committed a crime, he can share a cell with Manafort and Gates.
Not me, I don't care about manafort either he can share a cell with hillary for all I care...whats the point?
No evidence against Trump....

Except for Papadopoulos' email thread setting up a meeting between a "high ranking Trump campaign official" and Russian officials with "dirt" on Hillary. Oh wait, remind me again ... which "high ranking Trump campaign official" met with the Russians to collect said "dirt?" Wasn't that Don Junior?? :lmao:


I'm having a dandy week and you know the uranium deal is a giant nothing burger, right? The only people who didn't sign off on that were the overnight janitors at the D.C. Burger King. Clinton had jack shit to do with that.
I now know from todays events that the russian collusion is a great big nothing [I actually knew it all along, today just proved it...undeniable proof actually] and whether or not you believe the uranium story, hillary had a bad week over it and has no proof to the contrary like trump does, and if you are having a "dandy week" you may want to build a fallout shelter for the weeks that aint so good
Trump people going down makes me happy. If you think Trump is in the clear you are fooling yourself. This ball just started rolling.
Don'tcha think Hillary should at least be indicted of a criminal charge before you start fantasizing about her being in jail?
I think that would only serve to pacify the hillary apologists right now...not much else, but if you really are concrned about such things you could send your days here doing nothing else but making that point about trump to her supporters...I would advise you to not even bother though, way too much to wade through there, but good luck if you think you're up to the task
Dude, and I'm going to be very polite here this one time, two people who worked directly with Trump got nailed today. One cut a a deal and the other and his associate had to turn themselves in and plead not guilty but what you want to discuss is Hillary Clinton? Get a non-partisan reality. The Trump administration is in a full-on panic. Two people close to Trump just got nailed. That's the story, not Clinton.
Clinton was the only one implicated today...and their ties in the matters discussed were to hillary, not trump.
Clinton? Based on what? Manafort didn't manage the Clinton campaign, he managed the Trump campaign. Righto?
and yet it was podesta who had to resign...righto?...more to come
Who cares about Podesta? :dunno:

If he committed a crime, he can share a cell with Manafort and Gates.
Podesta was working for the KGB bank, the primary financier for the Russian effort to buy the uranium, and the Russian spy agency.

His brother, Hillary's campaign manager, was paid off in thousands of shares of unreported Russian stocks.

Bill was paid half a million per speech by the ssne KGB Bank Tony Podesta worked for.

Who cares about Podesta and the huge proven Russian connection / collusion? Obviously not snowflakes. "P

Podesta was tied in with Manafort. If he broke the law, that is not binding on Hillary Clinton. You are trying to prove guilt by association.

For the record, I voted for neither Trump or Clinton. However I am obsessed with Hillary Clinton like Trump supporters. They are desperately seeking a fall guy to deflect blame for what the Trump campaign did.
THIS is called 'Evidence', something Democrats, Liberals, and snowflakes know nothing about and STILL have none of against Trump.

THIS evidence is partial evidence against Hillary, evidence snowflakes have yet to ve able to dispute or disprove:

""Hillary Clinton

It is against the law for the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee to funnel millions of dollars to a British spy and to Russian sources in order to obtain the infamous and discredited Trump “dossier.” The Federal Election Campaign Act (52 USC 30101) prohibits foreign nationals and governments from giving or receiving money in U.S. campaigns. It also prohibits the filing of false or misleading campaign reports to hide the true purpose of the money (52 USC 30121). This is what Clinton and the DNC appear to have done.

Most often the penalty for violating this law is a fine, but in egregious cases, like this one, criminal prosecutions have been sought and convictions obtained. In this sense, it could be said that Hillary Clinton is the one who was conspiring with the Russians by breaking campaign finance laws with impunity."

This is called the 'tip of the iceberg'.

"But that’s not all. Damning new evidenceappears to show that Clinton used her office as Secretary of State to confer benefits to Russia in exchange for millions of dollars in donations to her foundation and cash to her husband. Secret recordings, intercepted emails, financial records, and eyewitness accounts allegedly show that Russian nuclear officials enriched the Clintons at the very time Hillary presided over a governing body which unanimously approved the sale of one-fifth of America’s uranium supply to Russia.

If this proves to be a corrupt “pay-to-play” scheme, it would constitute a myriad of crimes, including bribery (18 USC 201-b), mail fraud (18 USC 1341), and wire fraud (18 USC 1343). It might also qualify for racketeering charges (18 USC 1961-1968), if her foundation is determined to have been used as a criminal enterprise."

Actual laws Hillary has broken. Now comes more insults, attacks, and opinions because, again, that is all they have as snowflakes can not disprove any of this.

There is no evidence of any crimes that have been committed. The fact is that numerous different agencies have to approve the sale other than Clinton. The Treasury Department, Justice, Homeland Security, Commerce, Defense, Energy, head of the Office of the US Trade Secretary, and Office of Science and Technology Policy. Also the fact that Russia wanted Trump to win hardly supports the idea of their bribing Clinton. If I were to bribe someone, I would want them to win.
Hell, there isn't even evidence that Hillary signed off on the deal. The assistant Secretary of State for Economic, Energy and Business Affairs claims he approved of the deal, not Clinton.
Afain, the detailed evidence against Hillary was pointed out in the 1st post....8 pages later + 1 year later...and snowflakes have no evidence against Trump. :p

It was not. The OP was a bunch of speculation by a Fox News reporter and Fox News is a part of state run media. Is it little surprise that Trump lays out the agenda in his tweets and Fox News follows.
Clinton? Based on what? Manafort didn't manage the Clinton campaign, he managed the Trump campaign. Righto?
and yet it was podesta who had to resign...righto?...more to come
Who cares about Podesta? :dunno:

If he committed a crime, he can share a cell with Manafort and Gates.
Not me, I don't care about manafort either he can share a cell with hillary for all I care...whats the point?
No evidence against Trump....

Except for Papadopoulos' email thread setting up a meeting between a "high ranking Trump campaign official" and Russian officials with "dirt" on Hillary. Oh wait, remind me again ... which "high ranking Trump campaign official" met with the Russians to collect said "dirt?" Wasn't that Don Junior?? :lmao:


which all means what?...absolutely nothing
Don'tcha think Hillary should at least be indicted of a criminal charge before you start fantasizing about her being in jail?
I think that would only serve to pacify the hillary apologists right now...not much else, but if you really are concrned about such things you could send your days here doing nothing else but making that point about trump to her supporters...I would advise you to not even bother though, way too much to wade through there, but good luck if you think you're up to the task
Interestingly enough, the noose is tightening around Trump's neck, not Hillary's.
I'm having a dandy week and you know the uranium deal is a giant nothing burger, right? The only people who didn't sign off on that were the overnight janitors at the D.C. Burger King. Clinton had jack shit to do with that.
I now know from todays events that the russian collusion is a great big nothing [I actually knew it all along, today just proved it...undeniable proof actually] and whether or not you believe the uranium story, hillary had a bad week over it and has no proof to the contrary like trump does, and if you are having a "dandy week" you may want to build a fallout shelter for the weeks that aint so good
Trump people going down makes me happy. If you think Trump is in the clear you are fooling yourself. This ball just started rolling.
Maybe you're right, today's great news may just have me on an unreasonable high, in fact that may be why I am seeing the bright side and you seem so miserable
When the guys before the judge worked for Trump, screaming Hillary Hillary Hillary won't save you, boys. Now you know.
Clinton was the only one implicated today...and their ties in the matters discussed were to hillary, not trump.
Clinton? Based on what? Manafort didn't manage the Clinton campaign, he managed the Trump campaign. Righto?
and yet it was podesta who had to resign...righto?...more to come
Who cares about Podesta? :dunno:

If he committed a crime, he can share a cell with Manafort and Gates.
Podesta was working for the KGB bank, the primary financier for the Russian effort to buy the uranium, and the Russian spy agency.

His brother, Hillary's campaign manager, was paid off in thousands of shares of unreported Russian stocks.

Bill was paid half a million per speech by the ssne KGB Bank Tony Podesta worked for.

Who cares about Podesta and the huge proven Russian connection / collusion? Obviously not snowflakes. "P

Podesta was tied in with Manafort. If he broke the law, that is not binding on Hillary Clinton. You are trying to prove guilt by association.

For the record, I voted for neither Trump or Clinton. However I am obsessed with Hillary Clinton like Trump supporters. They are desperately seeking a fall guy to deflect blame for what the Trump campaign did.
this was bad news for hillary
Except for Papadopoulos' email thread setting up a meeting between a "high ranking Trump campaign official" and Russian officials with "dirt" on Hillary. Oh wait, remind me again ... which "high ranking Trump campaign official" met with the Russians to collect said "dirt?" Wasn't that Don Junior?? :lmao:


which all means what?...absolutely nothing

Maybe they'll stop saying there was no collusion between russians the the Trump campaign, and limit it to no direct collusion between Trump himself.

I wonder if Sessions is in trouble for saying there were no contacts between Trump advisers and the russians. Now that there is a guilty plea of a Trump adviser over his multiple contacts with the russians over the stolen Clinton emails.
and yet it was podesta who had to resign...righto?...more to come
Who cares about Podesta? :dunno:

If he committed a crime, he can share a cell with Manafort and Gates.
Not me, I don't care about manafort either he can share a cell with hillary for all I care...whats the point?
No evidence against Trump....

Except for Papadopoulos' email thread setting up a meeting between a "high ranking Trump campaign official" and Russian officials with "dirt" on Hillary. Oh wait, remind me again ... which "high ranking Trump campaign official" met with the Russians to collect said "dirt?" Wasn't that Don Junior?? :lmao:


which all means what?...absolutely nothing

Only to the most brain-dead trump acolytes is a "high ranking Trump campaign official" encouraging another Trump employee to arrange a meeting with Russian officials to illegally obtain dirt on Hillary Clinton -- "absolutely nothing."

Oh, and it's also being reported that yesterday's revelations are merely the "tip of the iceberg" as Mueller's investigation rolls on.

Interestingly enough, the noose is tightening around Trump's neck, not Hillary's.
well so much for the "wait for an indictment before fantasizing" BS eh?...I knew you were just trying to pull a fast one to get me off the hillary being implicated news today, just needed to get you to admit it.
I'm having a dandy week and you know the uranium deal is a giant nothing burger, right? The only people who didn't sign off on that were the overnight janitors at the D.C. Burger King. Clinton had jack shit to do with that.
I now know from todays events that the russian collusion is a great big nothing [I actually knew it all along, today just proved it...undeniable proof actually] and whether or not you believe the uranium story, hillary had a bad week over it and has no proof to the contrary like trump does, and if you are having a "dandy week" you may want to build a fallout shelter for the weeks that aint so good
Trump people going down makes me happy. If you think Trump is in the clear you are fooling yourself. This ball just started rolling.
Maybe you're right, today's great news may just have me on an unreasonable high, in fact that may be why I am seeing the bright side and you seem so miserable
Miserable? I'm watching the Trump three-ring circus in which the lion is eating the trainer, the elephant is sitting on the clown car, and 14 marksmen are all aiming at each other while the tent is being set on fire. All I need now is for Trump to be shot out of a cannon in the wrong direction of the net. It's the greatest show on earth at the moment.
Interestingly enough, the noose is tightening around Trump's neck, not Hillary's.
well so much for the "wait for an indictment before fantasizing" BS eh?...I knew you were just trying to pull a fast one to get me off the hillary being implicated news today, just needed to get you to admit it.

Where did I say Trump "will" be prosecuted? I said the noose is tightening -- which it is as a result of Papadopoulos' guilty plea.
Maybe they'll stop saying there was no collusion between russians the the Trump campaign, and limit it to no direct collusion between Trump himself.

I wonder if Sessions is in trouble for saying there were no contacts between Trump advisers and the russians. Now that there is a guilty plea of a Trump adviser over his multiple contacts with the russians over the stolen Clinton emails.
It's hard to assess your "wondering" thoughts from todays news since the only thing in it implicated hillary
Only to the most brain-dead trump acolytes is a "high ranking Trump campaign official" encouraging another Trump employee to arrange a meeting with Russian officials to illegally obtain dirt on Hillary Clinton -- "absolutely nothing."

Oh, and it's also being reported that yesterday's revelations are merely the "tip of the iceberg" as Mueller's investigation rolls on.


Papadopoulos was arrested in July, and has been cooperating with Mueller through at least October 5th.

And all completely secret. Not a leak out of Mueller. Who knows what Mueller has gotten from Flynn. We won't know until Mueller announces it.
Miserable? I'm watching the Trump three-ring circus in which the lion is eating the trainer, the elephant is sitting on the clown car, and 14 marksmen are all aiming at each other while the tent is being set on fire. All I need now is for Trump to be shot out of a cannon in the wrong direction of the net. It's the greatest show on earth at the moment.
and after reading your posts today I believe your really are seeing all those things

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