Still want to talk Benghazi Repubs?

He said it I didn't.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," Trump said on Fox and Friends on Dec. 2, 2015. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families."

That doesn't contradict what I said

I never attacked Trump for killing terrorists besides the $5 million dollar cost per person. I tried to keep the point alive that he wanted to kill families which you are avoiding.

That's a lie, he did not say he "wanted" to kill families. What reason did he give? You don't know, do you? It's the nature of partisan hackery. So just to be clear, that's your standard, right? When Obama killed families with drones, he "wanted" to kill them

Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children. His Fox and Friends interview went further:

"Trump doubled down on his position: "I would be very, very firm with families" and repeating his sentiment that even though people think "they may not care much about their lives … they do care, believe it or not, about their families' lives."

Later in the debate, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul took Trump to task for that approach.

"If you are going to kill the families of terrorists," Paul said, "Realize that there's something called the Geneva Convention we're going to have to pull out of. It would defy every norm that is America."

Terrorists hide behind their families. You're just word parsing now

Sounds to me that you're the one parsing.
No wrong doing? Depends on your definition.

State Department made "grievous mistake" over Benghazi: Senate report
And many 'mistakes' were made. Read it for yourself, and also find out about their stonewalling

I don't understand why so many people here are attempting to rewrite two congressional investigative conclusions of no wrongdoing. It's almost like you want another committee to review and go over what was already a done deal.
Not sure if there was a tip off. As one of the links noted, it was an intell mission and the place our guys went to visit was a lot more well armed than had been previously believed
I don't know if you have ever heard the noise that a tilt rotor copter can make but it will shake your house. 5 miles from the LZ, military commanders became aware that the mission had been compromised. Someone gave the order to continue even after they knew that AQ knew we were coming and deliberately set up a hot LZ with hostile action. That's what needs to be investigated, why continue when the enemy knew we were coming?
So your OP was totally wrong and irrelevant like all of your posts. There is not even a single lie to congress, not even a lie to the American Public, not any legally actionable event at all, just a liberal talking points bullshit lie as usual.
I don't know if you have ever heard the noise that a tilt rotor copter can make but it will shake your house. 5 miles from the LZ, military commanders became aware that the mission had been compromised. Someone gave the order to continue even after they knew that AQ knew we were coming and deliberately set up a hot LZ with hostile action. That's what needs to be investigated, why continue when the enemy knew we were coming?
Yes, I've heard them. I used to fly CH-46s in the Marine Corps like pictured below. You?

Not sure if there was a tip off. As one of the links noted, it was an intell mission and the place our guys went to visit was a lot more well armed than had been previously believed
I don't know if you have ever heard the noise that a tilt rotor copter can make but it will shake your house. 5 miles from the LZ, military commanders became aware that the mission had been compromised. Someone gave the order to continue even after they knew that AQ knew we were coming and deliberately set up a hot LZ with hostile action. That's what needs to be investigated, why continue when the enemy knew we were coming?
So your OP was totally wrong and irrelevant like all of your posts. There is not even a single lie to congress, not even a lie to the American Public, not any legally actionable event at all, just a liberal talking points bullshit lie as usual.

The Op is absolutely correct and solid on all points. There isn't a lie to congress because it hasn't been investigated and probably won't be. It is actionable because a lot of innocent people died and a major operation failed. We'll see if it will ever be looked into and Ryan Owens get his justice.
Back to Yemen. Who tipped off AQ?
Not sure if there was a tip off. As one of the links noted, it was an intell mission and the place our guys went to visit was a lot more well armed than had been previously believed.

What shocked the crap out of me is that the commandos had not expected the women to pick up weapons and join in the fire fight. Wow. That just blows me away.
.... Our military officers can be as brutal as any terrorist in the right situation and have involved themselves with missions of questionable outcome. So don't think for a moment that we are above the fray when we are perfectly capable of getting the job done no matter who gets hurt.
Got some examples? Are we cutting the heads off of innocent men, women and children?

FWIW, I'm always saddened when LWers prove their hate and/or disrespect for our service personnel, that's "baby killers" to you, who have volunteered to serve their nation.
I don't know if you have ever heard the noise that a tilt rotor copter can make but it will shake your house. 5 miles from the LZ, military commanders became aware that the mission had been compromised. Someone gave the order to continue even after they knew that AQ knew we were coming and deliberately set up a hot LZ with hostile action. That's what needs to be investigated, why continue when the enemy knew we were coming?
Yes, I've heard them. I used to fly CH-46s in the Marine Corps like pictured below. You?


I'm not a pilot but found myself on them every day as an artillery liaison officer.
Back to Yemen. Who tipped off AQ?
Not sure if there was a tip off. As one of the links noted, it was an intell mission and the place our guys went to visit was a lot more well armed than had been previously believed.

What shocked the crap out of me is that the commandos had not expected the women to pick up weapons and join in the fire fight. Wow. That just blows me away.
I think some Muslim cultures are misogynistic and don't allow women to fight. Obviously the more radical Muslims are recognizing they need all the help they can get.
.... Our military officers can be as brutal as any terrorist in the right situation and have involved themselves with missions of questionable outcome. So don't think for a moment that we are above the fray when we are perfectly capable of getting the job done no matter who gets hurt.
Got some examples? Are we cutting the heads off of innocent men, women and children?

FWIW, I'm always saddened when LWers prove their hate and/or disrespect for our service personnel, that's "baby killers" to you, who have volunteered to serve their nation.

I served and I served proudly. Here's an eye opening article: The Crimes of SEAL Team 6 I've seen combat and I know what humans are capable of in the heat of the moment.
Not sure if there was a tip off. As one of the links noted, it was an intell mission and the place our guys went to visit was a lot more well armed than had been previously believed
I don't know if you have ever heard the noise that a tilt rotor copter can make but it will shake your house. 5 miles from the LZ, military commanders became aware that the mission had been compromised. Someone gave the order to continue even after they knew that AQ knew we were coming and deliberately set up a hot LZ with hostile action. That's what needs to be investigated, why continue when the enemy knew we were coming?
So your OP was totally wrong and irrelevant like all of your posts. There is not even a single lie to congress, not even a lie to the American Public, not any legally actionable event at all, just a liberal talking points bullshit lie as usual.

The Op is absolutely correct and solid on all points. There isn't a lie to congress because it hasn't been investigated and probably won't be. It is actionable because a lot of innocent people died and a major operation failed. We'll see if it will ever be looked into and Ryan Owens get his justice.

Why didn't you post the lie, and who it came from as some evidence, and where did you hear it from, Also who was it directed to the CONGRESS< the federal authorities, or the liberal lying make it up press?

As for your post of the BS article on the seal team SO frigging what, you and those like you herald the scum who burn Americans alive, Behead thousands of people yearly and commit all kinds of murderous acts against civilians DAILY. So WHAT? just another lying enemy of the US putting out propaganda and you are a treasonist for repeating and supporting IT.
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Not sure if there was a tip off. As one of the links noted, it was an intell mission and the place our guys went to visit was a lot more well armed than had been previously believed
I don't know if you have ever heard the noise that a tilt rotor copter can make but it will shake your house. 5 miles from the LZ, military commanders became aware that the mission had been compromised. Someone gave the order to continue even after they knew that AQ knew we were coming and deliberately set up a hot LZ with hostile action. That's what needs to be investigated, why continue when the enemy knew we were coming?
So your OP was totally wrong and irrelevant like all of your posts. There is not even a single lie to congress, not even a lie to the American Public, not any legally actionable event at all, just a liberal talking points bullshit lie as usual.

The Op is absolutely correct and solid on all points. There isn't a lie to congress because it hasn't been investigated and probably won't be. It is actionable because a lot of innocent people died and a major operation failed. We'll see if it will ever be looked into and Ryan Owens get his justice.

Why didn't you post the lie, and who it came from as some evidence, and where did you hear it from, Also who was it directed to the CONGRESS< the federal authorities, or the liberal lying make it up press?

Phew, lay off the coffee or take a quaalude.
.... Our military officers can be as brutal as any terrorist in the right situation and have involved themselves with missions of questionable outcome. So don't think for a moment that we are above the fray when we are perfectly capable of getting the job done no matter who gets hurt.
Got some examples? Are we cutting the heads off of innocent men, women and children?

FWIW, I'm always saddened when LWers prove their hate and/or disrespect for our service personnel, that's "baby killers" to you, who have volunteered to serve their nation.

I served and I served proudly. Here's an eye opening article: The Crimes of SEAL Team 6 I've seen combat and I know what humans are capable of in the heat of the moment.
Heat of the moment. Not cold and deliberate as you and others alluded earlier.
.... Our military officers can be as brutal as any terrorist in the right situation and have involved themselves with missions of questionable outcome. So don't think for a moment that we are above the fray when we are perfectly capable of getting the job done no matter who gets hurt.
Got some examples? Are we cutting the heads off of innocent men, women and children?

FWIW, I'm always saddened when LWers prove their hate and/or disrespect for our service personnel, that's "baby killers" to you, who have volunteered to serve their nation.

I served and I served proudly. Here's an eye opening article: The Crimes of SEAL Team 6 I've seen combat and I know what humans are capable of in the heat of the moment.
Heat of the moment. Not cold and deliberate as you and others alluded earlier.

Anytime you violate your oath it is cold and deliberate period.
That doesn't contradict what I said

I never attacked Trump for killing terrorists besides the $5 million dollar cost per person. I tried to keep the point alive that he wanted to kill families which you are avoiding.

That's a lie, he did not say he "wanted" to kill families. What reason did he give? You don't know, do you? It's the nature of partisan hackery. So just to be clear, that's your standard, right? When Obama killed families with drones, he "wanted" to kill them

Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children. His Fox and Friends interview went further:

"Trump doubled down on his position: "I would be very, very firm with families" and repeating his sentiment that even though people think "they may not care much about their lives … they do care, believe it or not, about their families' lives."

Later in the debate, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul took Trump to task for that approach.

"If you are going to kill the families of terrorists," Paul said, "Realize that there's something called the Geneva Convention we're going to have to pull out of. It would defy every norm that is America."

Terrorists hide behind their families. You're just word parsing now

Sounds to me that you're the one parsing.

You're OK with Obama doing what you are attacking Trump for doing, yeah, you go with that I'm the one parsing. Both are targeting terrorists and stopping them
Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children....
It was an intell mission and it erupted into a firefight. Are you claiming that Trump deliberately targeted kids? Do you know, as per the Geneva Convention, even if they did that our military officers would refuse it since it's an unlawful order?

No I can't say absolutely but I do know that Trump has loudly voiced his opinions before. Our military officers can be as brutal as any terrorist in the right situation and have involved themselves with missions of questionable outcome. So don't think for a moment that we are above the fray when we are perfectly capable of getting the job done no matter who gets hurt.

Obama was one fucked up CIC, his ROE's were nothing short of stupid. Carpet bomb these fuckers until they no longer exist its that simple.
I never attacked Trump for killing terrorists besides the $5 million dollar cost per person. I tried to keep the point alive that he wanted to kill families which you are avoiding.

That's a lie, he did not say he "wanted" to kill families. What reason did he give? You don't know, do you? It's the nature of partisan hackery. So just to be clear, that's your standard, right? When Obama killed families with drones, he "wanted" to kill them

Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children. His Fox and Friends interview went further:

"Trump doubled down on his position: "I would be very, very firm with families" and repeating his sentiment that even though people think "they may not care much about their lives … they do care, believe it or not, about their families' lives."

Later in the debate, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul took Trump to task for that approach.

"If you are going to kill the families of terrorists," Paul said, "Realize that there's something called the Geneva Convention we're going to have to pull out of. It would defy every norm that is America."

Terrorists hide behind their families. You're just word parsing now

Sounds to me that you're the one parsing.

You're OK with Obama doing what you are attacking Trump for doing, yeah, you go with that I'm the one parsing. Both are targeting terrorists and stopping them

Trump's operation was an exercise in stupidity and waste, that's the difference.
We haven't even discussed the fact that Trump intended to kill civilians and their families. Our own junior Pol Pot said he actually wanted to kill the families of terrorists.

Obama actually did kill family members of terrorists.
Did he target those family members or was it because terrorists use civilians, including their own families, as meat shields?

Well considering that families are used as human shields by these assholes, I have no doubt that the targeted killings that Obama signed off on the possibility of family members getting whacked was real and probable.

Just not discussed openly.
We haven't even discussed the fact that Trump intended to kill civilians and their families. Our own junior Pol Pot said he actually wanted to kill the families of terrorists.

Obama actually did kill family members of terrorists.
Did he target those family members or was it because terrorists use civilians, including their own families, as meat shields?

Well considering that families are used as human shields by these assholes, I have no doubt that the targeted killings that Obama signed off on the possibility of family members getting whacked was real and probable.

Just not discussed openly.

That's a problem for Donnie. When you discuss killing families you violate the Geneva Convention. He should just learn to keep his fat mouth shut.

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