Still want to talk Benghazi Repubs?

That's a lie, he did not say he "wanted" to kill families. What reason did he give? You don't know, do you? It's the nature of partisan hackery. So just to be clear, that's your standard, right? When Obama killed families with drones, he "wanted" to kill them

Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children. His Fox and Friends interview went further:

"Trump doubled down on his position: "I would be very, very firm with families" and repeating his sentiment that even though people think "they may not care much about their lives … they do care, believe it or not, about their families' lives."

Later in the debate, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul took Trump to task for that approach.

"If you are going to kill the families of terrorists," Paul said, "Realize that there's something called the Geneva Convention we're going to have to pull out of. It would defy every norm that is America."

Terrorists hide behind their families. You're just word parsing now

Sounds to me that you're the one parsing.

You're OK with Obama doing what you are attacking Trump for doing, yeah, you go with that I'm the one parsing. Both are targeting terrorists and stopping them

Trump's operation was an exercise in stupidity and waste, that's the difference.

They were going after an AQ base.

What is stupid and wasteful is knowing that there had been an intercept and then continuing the mission.
I served and I served proudly. Here's an eye opening article: The Crimes of SEAL Team 6 I've seen combat and I know what humans are capable of in the heat of the moment.

Not saying some people don't crack or do bad things in the heat of battle, but as this link notes, "Russian disinformation, and another example of the Worldwide Web being a new battlefield."

Russian Disinformation: The Crimes Of SEAL Team 6 - Fortuna's Corner

While it's clear you want to take the actions of a rare few American military personnel and equate them to everyday actions of Islamic terrorists, what I don't understand is why you want to do this.
Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children. His Fox and Friends interview went further:

"Trump doubled down on his position: "I would be very, very firm with families" and repeating his sentiment that even though people think "they may not care much about their lives … they do care, believe it or not, about their families' lives."

Later in the debate, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul took Trump to task for that approach.

"If you are going to kill the families of terrorists," Paul said, "Realize that there's something called the Geneva Convention we're going to have to pull out of. It would defy every norm that is America."

Terrorists hide behind their families. You're just word parsing now

Sounds to me that you're the one parsing.

You're OK with Obama doing what you are attacking Trump for doing, yeah, you go with that I'm the one parsing. Both are targeting terrorists and stopping them

Trump's operation was an exercise in stupidity and waste, that's the difference.

They were going after an AQ base.

What is stupid and wasteful is knowing that there had been an intercept and then continuing the mission.

I won't argue with that. One dead Navy Seal, $72 million aircraft destroyed and 39 dead civilians is pretty bad all on its own.
I served and I served proudly. Here's an eye opening article: The Crimes of SEAL Team 6 I've seen combat and I know what humans are capable of in the heat of the moment.

Not saying some people don't crack or do bad things in the heat of battle, but as this link notes, "Russian disinformation, and another example of the Worldwide Web being a new battlefield."

Russian Disinformation: The Crimes Of SEAL Team 6 - Fortuna's Corner

While it's clear you want to take the actions of a rare few American military personnel and equate them to everyday actions of Islamic terrorists, what I don't understand is why you want to do this.

I'm not trying to reframe anything just keeping the discussion factual.
Trump's operation was an exercise in stupidity and waste, that's the difference.
The operation had been in planning for months and came at the request of our nation's military and intelligence advisors to the WH. Yes, as CiC, Trump is responsible but only a political partisan would spin this like Trump dreamed it up, planned it, wrote down the plans on his Trump letterhead and gave it to the JCS to execute.
I served and I served proudly. Here's an eye opening article: The Crimes of SEAL Team 6 I've seen combat and I know what humans are capable of in the heat of the moment.

Not saying some people don't crack or do bad things in the heat of battle, but as this link notes, "Russian disinformation, and another example of the Worldwide Web being a new battlefield."

Russian Disinformation: The Crimes Of SEAL Team 6 - Fortuna's Corner

While it's clear you want to take the actions of a rare few American military personnel and equate them to everyday actions of Islamic terrorists, what I don't understand is why you want to do this.

I'm not trying to reframe anything just keeping the discussion factual.
Are you claiming Americans committing atrocities is rare and illegal or are you saying they do it like al-Qaeda terrorists and we're all just the same?
We haven't even discussed the fact that Trump intended to kill civilians and their families. Our own junior Pol Pot said he actually wanted to kill the families of terrorists.

Obama actually did kill family members of terrorists.
Did he target those family members or was it because terrorists use civilians, including their own families, as meat shields?

Well considering that families are used as human shields by these assholes, I have no doubt that the targeted killings that Obama signed off on the possibility of family members getting whacked was real and probable.

Just not discussed openly.
A reality of war. One day we'll have the tech to just put a bullet through the head of a terrorist from space, but until then, a Hellfire missile will have to do. Yes, sometimes innocents will be killed, but our side does their best to minimize this not only for humanitarian reasons, but to avoid the political fallout of dead Muslim baby pictures being broadcast throughout the Muslim world.
Trump's operation was an exercise in stupidity and waste, that's the difference.
The operation had been in planning for months and came at the request of our nation's military and intelligence advisors to the WH. Yes, as CiC, Trump is responsible but only a political partisan would spin this like Trump dreamed it up, planned it, wrote down the plans on his Trump letterhead and gave it to the JCS to execute.

Once the Trump admin accepted the plan it became their own, they signed off on it, processed it through channels for a final go ahead and signed off on it the night before at a White House dinner. The mission was on their watch and the Commander in Chief wasn't interested enough or too busy to watch the op in the situation room. The failure or win falls on Trump's shoulders and there is no getting around that.
I served and I served proudly. Here's an eye opening article: The Crimes of SEAL Team 6 I've seen combat and I know what humans are capable of in the heat of the moment.

Not saying some people don't crack or do bad things in the heat of battle, but as this link notes, "Russian disinformation, and another example of the Worldwide Web being a new battlefield."

Russian Disinformation: The Crimes Of SEAL Team 6 - Fortuna's Corner

While it's clear you want to take the actions of a rare few American military personnel and equate them to everyday actions of Islamic terrorists, what I don't understand is why you want to do this.

I'm not trying to reframe anything just keeping the discussion factual.
You're using The Intercept, one of the goofiest left-wing sites, to keep things factual. That's just fucking weird!
Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children....
It was an intell mission and it erupted into a firefight. Are you claiming that Trump deliberately targeted kids? Do you know, as per the Geneva Convention, even if they did that our military officers would refuse it since it's an unlawful order?

No I can't say absolutely but I do know that Trump has loudly voiced his opinions before. Our military officers can be as brutal as any terrorist in the right situation and have involved themselves with missions of questionable outcome. So don't think for a moment that we are above the fray when we are perfectly capable of getting the job done no matter who gets hurt.

Obama was one fucked up CIC, his ROE's were nothing short of stupid. Carpet bomb these fuckers until they no longer exist its that simple.
Disagreed on carpet bombing schools, hospitals, mosques and other known civilian places.
I served and I served proudly. Here's an eye opening article: The Crimes of SEAL Team 6 I've seen combat and I know what humans are capable of in the heat of the moment.

Not saying some people don't crack or do bad things in the heat of battle, but as this link notes, "Russian disinformation, and another example of the Worldwide Web being a new battlefield."

Russian Disinformation: The Crimes Of SEAL Team 6 - Fortuna's Corner

While it's clear you want to take the actions of a rare few American military personnel and equate them to everyday actions of Islamic terrorists, what I don't understand is why you want to do this.

I'm not trying to reframe anything just keeping the discussion factual.
Are you claiming Americans committing atrocities is rare and illegal or are you saying they do it like al-Qaeda terrorists and we're all just the same?

Americans committing atrocities is both rare and illegal and has been since World War I.
I served and I served proudly. Here's an eye opening article: The Crimes of SEAL Team 6 I've seen combat and I know what humans are capable of in the heat of the moment.

Not saying some people don't crack or do bad things in the heat of battle, but as this link notes, "Russian disinformation, and another example of the Worldwide Web being a new battlefield."

Russian Disinformation: The Crimes Of SEAL Team 6 - Fortuna's Corner

While it's clear you want to take the actions of a rare few American military personnel and equate them to everyday actions of Islamic terrorists, what I don't understand is why you want to do this.

I'm not trying to reframe anything just keeping the discussion factual.
You're using The Intercept, one of the goofiest left-wing sites, to keep things factual. That's just fucking weird!
You're more than welcome to offer your own source.
Terrorists hide behind their families. You're just word parsing now

Sounds to me that you're the one parsing.

You're OK with Obama doing what you are attacking Trump for doing, yeah, you go with that I'm the one parsing. Both are targeting terrorists and stopping them

Trump's operation was an exercise in stupidity and waste, that's the difference.

They were going after an AQ base.

What is stupid and wasteful is knowing that there had been an intercept and then continuing the mission.

I won't argue with that. One dead Navy Seal, $72 million aircraft destroyed and 39 dead civilians is pretty bad all on its own.

Yes, for you of course ... and Obama's not President ...
Sounds to me that you're the one parsing.

You're OK with Obama doing what you are attacking Trump for doing, yeah, you go with that I'm the one parsing. Both are targeting terrorists and stopping them

Trump's operation was an exercise in stupidity and waste, that's the difference.

They were going after an AQ base.

What is stupid and wasteful is knowing that there had been an intercept and then continuing the mission.

I won't argue with that. One dead Navy Seal, $72 million aircraft destroyed and 39 dead civilians is pretty bad all on its own.

Yes, for you of course ... and Obama's not President ...

Yes, and unfortunately for everyone in America I fear a very long four years.
Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and allowing 3 Americans to be murdered because Hillary was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
remember Osama bin laden?? Was that raid successful? and to call hillary lazy or stupid is just republicans farting into the wind

Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and allowing 3 Americans to be murdered because Hillary was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
remember Osama bin laden?? Was that raid successful? and to call hillary lazy or stupid is just republicans farting into the wind

It depends on what you call successful. Petulant former President Obama did not believe it was necessary which is probably the reason he nixed two previous plans to assassinate Osama bin Laden.

You're using The Intercept, one of the goofiest left-wing sites, to keep things factual. That's just fucking weird!
Like Juan de Fuca, they have an agenda to push.

A former journalist for them wasn't impressed with their journalistic ethics.

Where Journalism Goes to Die
....I assumed Omidyar must be a decent guy if he was going to pour $250 million into a new journalism venture, as he promised. Given that the organization had been founded in the wake of the NSA surveillance scandal that Snowden had launched, it was clear from the start that First Look Media would be a muckracking, confrontational publication with a libertarian streak—distrustful of government power and moneyed interests. To start it, Omidyar promised $50 million to get it off the ground. With resources like that, it had tremendous promise.

Plus, I figured, it couldn’t be worse than my last job.

How wrong I was—on both counts.
Trump's operation was an exercise in stupidity and waste, that's the difference.

It wasn't President Donald Trump's operation. It had been planned and run up the chain of command during the failed administration of Obama. President Trump approved the actual operation.

There was a treasure trove of information gathered.
Americans committing atrocities is both rare and illegal and has been since World War I.
Thanks for the admission.

Americans aren't the bad guys here but we're all human beings and, even though American military personnel are well-trained and have a high degree of morality, the human factor still breaks through resulting in atrocities. Usually those incidents are dealt with publicly or from behind the scenes. As for whether or not the reports of atrocities by LCDR Hyder and other SEAL team members is true I don't know. As a vet you know such acts go against the best interests of the service and, once found, are quickly squelched if only for that reason.
For just one thing Decency does not mean that any foul republican can tell my daughter or anyone elses daughter what to do with their bodies and UNTIL one of those I call foul can get pregnant I will continue to look at them with great disrespect

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