Still want to talk Benghazi Repubs?

Now lets get down to the nitty gritty If Obama was president what hell would republicans pour on him after a seal was killed in an attack that he signed off on ?

If it was Obama bashing our long time and great ally Australia while offering kind words to russia and the murdering swine Putin ,what trash would republicans rain down on Obama?
and what shit would these cowardly republicans toss at obama if he dared call out 2 judges one being mexican and the other a ""supposed"" judge?,,,just asking
The partisan asshat Republicans would be starting a thread just like this one and be doing just as you are. ;)

So you're a partisan asshat? I thought you said you were one
Kaz, your crack is showing, dude.
We haven't even discussed the fact that Trump intended to kill civilians and their families. Our own junior Pol Pot said he actually wanted to kill the families of terrorists.

Yeah, Pol Pot was out to kill terrorists, that's what he was doing ...

Call him whatever you like, I'm sure history can provide you with numerous examples of mad men in power.

With brainiacs like you attacking him for "killing terrorists," I'm sure we're going to have an intellectually honest and measured debate on the subject in this country.

All you're showing is that you are a lunatic. Granted that doesn't make Trump not one, but it doesn't make him one either

He said it I didn't.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," Trump said on Fox and Friends on Dec. 2, 2015. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families."

That doesn't contradict what I said
Fool. Hillary's State department did hire security. Too bad they were affiliated with al Qaeda and Ansar al Sharia. One of the guards was the brother of the Benghazi AQ.

I mean what could possibly go fucking wrong?

There's a new one. Where did you get that from? InfoWars?

Fuck off with infowars shit. The State Department had a direct contract with the Martyrs Brigade. Then they went and hired Blue Mountain.

Did you watch the movie?....You're a con tool.
So you didn't see it. You're strictly regurgitating right wing spin.

Again, trump will have 100 Benghazi and you'll defend him and admit shit happens.

This is gocha politics.

Imagine 8 years all you got was bill got a bj and 8 years of Obama all you got is one Benghazi. Pathetic.

And in-between you defended the gop lying us into war. You really must be a pos
I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that a political operative in the gigantic bureaucracy loosely referred to as the "intelligence community" intentionally leaked details of the pending raid in order to make the administration look bad. There have been traitors in the CIA before and God knows there have been political operatives like socialite Valery Plame and her husband who were more focused on making the Bush administration look bad than National security.
Rwnj alert. Bet you think Chaney is the salt of the earth
Oh and then there's the optics again. The Blue Mountain guards patrolled with flashlights and batons instead of guns.

Ruh roh. What could possibly go wrong?
We haven't even discussed the fact that Trump intended to kill civilians and their families. Our own junior Pol Pot said he actually wanted to kill the families of terrorists.

Yeah, Pol Pot was out to kill terrorists, that's what he was doing ...

Call him whatever you like, I'm sure history can provide you with numerous examples of mad men in power.

With brainiacs like you attacking him for "killing terrorists," I'm sure we're going to have an intellectually honest and measured debate on the subject in this country.

All you're showing is that you are a lunatic. Granted that doesn't make Trump not one, but it doesn't make him one either

He said it I didn't.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," Trump said on Fox and Friends on Dec. 2, 2015. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families."

That doesn't contradict what I said

I never attacked Trump for killing terrorists besides the $5 million dollar cost per person. I tried to keep the point alive that he wanted to kill families which you are avoiding.
It is simply shameful how both sides use the sacrifice of others for their political games. It has to be simply awful for their families.
Why is the left so morbidly fascinated with Benghazi?

It happened.

It got Hillary defeated.

In case you hadn't notice, snowflakes, these days it's President Trump. There is no such thing as "President Hillary". Not even with an "*"
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Yeah, Pol Pot was out to kill terrorists, that's what he was doing ...

Call him whatever you like, I'm sure history can provide you with numerous examples of mad men in power.

With brainiacs like you attacking him for "killing terrorists," I'm sure we're going to have an intellectually honest and measured debate on the subject in this country.

All you're showing is that you are a lunatic. Granted that doesn't make Trump not one, but it doesn't make him one either

He said it I didn't.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," Trump said on Fox and Friends on Dec. 2, 2015. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families."

That doesn't contradict what I said

I never attacked Trump for killing terrorists besides the $5 million dollar cost per person. I tried to keep the point alive that he wanted to kill families which you are avoiding.

That's a lie, he did not say he "wanted" to kill families. What reason did he give? You don't know, do you? It's the nature of partisan hackery. So just to be clear, that's your standard, right? When Obama killed families with drones, he "wanted" to kill them
Call him whatever you like, I'm sure history can provide you with numerous examples of mad men in power.

With brainiacs like you attacking him for "killing terrorists," I'm sure we're going to have an intellectually honest and measured debate on the subject in this country.

All you're showing is that you are a lunatic. Granted that doesn't make Trump not one, but it doesn't make him one either

He said it I didn't.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," Trump said on Fox and Friends on Dec. 2, 2015. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families."

That doesn't contradict what I said

I never attacked Trump for killing terrorists besides the $5 million dollar cost per person. I tried to keep the point alive that he wanted to kill families which you are avoiding.

That's a lie, he did not say he "wanted" to kill families. What reason did he give? You don't know, do you? It's the nature of partisan hackery. So just to be clear, that's your standard, right? When Obama killed families with drones, he "wanted" to kill them

Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children. His Fox and Friends interview went further:

"Trump doubled down on his position: "I would be very, very firm with families" and repeating his sentiment that even though people think "they may not care much about their lives … they do care, believe it or not, about their families' lives."

Later in the debate, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul took Trump to task for that approach.

"If you are going to kill the families of terrorists," Paul said, "Realize that there's something called the Geneva Convention we're going to have to pull out of. It would defy every norm that is America."
We haven't even discussed the fact that Trump intended to kill civilians and their families. Our own junior Pol Pot said he actually wanted to kill the families of terrorists.

Obama actually did kill family members of terrorists.
Did he target those family members or was it because terrorists use civilians, including their own families, as meat shields?
Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children....
It was an intell mission and it erupted into a firefight. Are you claiming that Trump deliberately targeted kids? Do you know, as per the Geneva Convention, even if they did that our military officers would refuse it since it's an unlawful order?
Back to Yemen. Who tipped off AQ?
Not sure if there was a tip off. As one of the links noted, it was an intell mission and the place our guys went to visit was a lot more well armed than had been previously believed.

I don't know if you have ever heard the noise that a tilt rotor copter can make but it will shake your house. 5 miles from the LZ, military commanders became aware that the mission had been compromised. Someone gave the order to continue even after they knew that AQ knew we were coming and deliberately set up a hot LZ with hostile action. That's what needs to be investigated, why continue when the enemy knew we were coming?
With brainiacs like you attacking him for "killing terrorists," I'm sure we're going to have an intellectually honest and measured debate on the subject in this country.

All you're showing is that you are a lunatic. Granted that doesn't make Trump not one, but it doesn't make him one either

He said it I didn't.

"The other thing with the terrorists is you have to take out their families, when you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families," Trump said on Fox and Friends on Dec. 2, 2015. "They care about their lives, don't kid yourself. When they say they don't care about their lives, you have to take out their families."

That doesn't contradict what I said

I never attacked Trump for killing terrorists besides the $5 million dollar cost per person. I tried to keep the point alive that he wanted to kill families which you are avoiding.

That's a lie, he did not say he "wanted" to kill families. What reason did he give? You don't know, do you? It's the nature of partisan hackery. So just to be clear, that's your standard, right? When Obama killed families with drones, he "wanted" to kill them

Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children. His Fox and Friends interview went further:

"Trump doubled down on his position: "I would be very, very firm with families" and repeating his sentiment that even though people think "they may not care much about their lives … they do care, believe it or not, about their families' lives."

Later in the debate, Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul took Trump to task for that approach.

"If you are going to kill the families of terrorists," Paul said, "Realize that there's something called the Geneva Convention we're going to have to pull out of. It would defy every norm that is America."

Terrorists hide behind their families. You're just word parsing now
Obama was in the middle of military action and the deaths were collateral. Trump was in a country not at war with the United States and killed up to 30 civilians and 9 children....
It was an intell mission and it erupted into a firefight. Are you claiming that Trump deliberately targeted kids? Do you know, as per the Geneva Convention, even if they did that our military officers would refuse it since it's an unlawful order?

No I can't say absolutely but I do know that Trump has loudly voiced his opinions before. Our military officers can be as brutal as any terrorist in the right situation and have involved themselves with missions of questionable outcome. So don't think for a moment that we are above the fray when we are perfectly capable of getting the job done no matter who gets hurt.

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