Still want to talk Benghazi Repubs?


Asswipe...the problem with Bhengazi was the refusal to actually provide the security to keep those men safe....they requested over and over to get more security and hilary refused over and over again to do it.......she sent men into a dangerous part of the world and did not give them the protection they needed to stay alive....

So keep lying about what happened....and you will lose again in 2020...
Now lets get down to the nitty gritty If Obama was president what hell would republicans pour on him after a seal was killed in an attack that he signed off on ?

If it was Obama bashing our long time and great ally Australia while offering kind words to russia and the murdering swine Putin ,what trash would republicans rain down on Obama?
and what shit would these cowardly republicans toss at obama if he dared call out 2 judges one being mexican and the other a ""supposed"" judge?,,,just asking

Ass hat 2aguy,,, Trump shit in the hat and you're wearing it Did republicans TURN DOWN Obamas call or hills for more money for security??? Look in the fn mirror you coward

Fool. Hillary's State department did hire security. Too bad they were affiliated with al Qaeda and Ansar al Sharia. One of the guards was the brother of the Benghazi AQ.

I mean what could possibly go fucking wrong?

You left out the part where Condoleeza Rice and George Bush released those security people from Guantanamo.
I accidentally deleted my reply to this .

Because they had a mission that was apparently more important.

U.S. security officer Eric Nordstrom twice requested additional security for the mission in Benghazi from the State Department. His requests were denied and according to Nordstrom, State Department official Charlene Lamb wanted to keep the security presence in Benghazi "artificially low"

The State Dept refused, and even removed more security for our Ambassador, when it was requested, not only by Stevens, but by his top security officer there- due to the other attacks on the compound,

See, you wind up being stuck with your own stupidity.....

First, WHY would the state department NOT want to protect its staff....Regardless of your fucked up partisanship, why would you think that the other side of the aisle likes MURDERING its people?

Second, WHY didn't Stevens remain in Tripoli's embassy, knowing of the unrest in Benghazi? What was so damn crucial for him to travel 400 miles to Benghazi? Could it be that Stevens made a HUGE mistake and paid for it?

Now, you morons will accuse me of blaming the victim.....but sometimes the victim DOES make a mistake.
Let's get this straight. There were security issues not because of a reduced budget but because the bloody fools at the State Department had hired February 17th Martyrs Brigade tied to AQ and then fired them and hired Blue Mountain who then with a budget of over $7 hundred thousand a month turned around and hired locals with ties to Islamic terrorism.

Not a fucking brilliant move.
Yeah, one of the 2 guards noticed a Libyan policeman was taking pictures of the compound earlier in the day and Sean Smith saw it. He told a friend online about it-
Sean Smith noticed this surveillance, and messaged a friend online around noon, "Assuming we don't die tonight. We saw one of our 'police' that guard the compound taking pictures."[31]:34

Asswipe...the problem with Bhengazi was the refusal to actually provide the security to keep those men safe....they requested over and over to get more security and hilary refused over and over again to do it.......she sent men into a dangerous part of the world and did not give them the protection they needed to stay alive....

So keep lying about what happened....and you will lose again in 2020...
Now lets get down to the nitty gritty If Obama was president what hell would republicans pour on him after a seal was killed in an attack that he signed off on ?

If it was Obama bashing our long time and great ally Australia while offering kind words to russia and the murdering swine Putin ,what trash would republicans rain down on Obama?
and what shit would these cowardly republicans toss at obama if he dared call out 2 judges one being mexican and the other a ""supposed"" judge?,,,just asking

Ass hat 2aguy,,, Trump shit in the hat and you're wearing it Did republicans TURN DOWN Obamas call or hills for more money for security??? Look in the fn mirror you coward

Fool. Hillary's State department did hire security. Too bad they were affiliated with al Qaeda and Ansar al Sharia. One of the guards was the brother of the Benghazi AQ.

I mean what could possibly go fucking wrong?
Fool. Hillary's State department did hire security. Too bad they were affiliated with al Qaeda and Ansar al Sharia. One of the guards was the brother of the Benghazi AQ.

Speaking of fools.......Did Hillary hire those thugs?......Or did the victim, Stevens. make a mistake in hiring those thugs?
I accidentally deleted my reply to this .

Because they had a mission that was apparently more important.

U.S. security officer Eric Nordstrom twice requested additional security for the mission in Benghazi from the State Department. His requests were denied and according to Nordstrom, State Department official Charlene Lamb wanted to keep the security presence in Benghazi "artificially low"

The State Dept refused, and even removed more security for our Ambassador, when it was requested, not only by Stevens, but by his top security officer there- due to the other attacks on the compound,

See, you wind up being stuck with your own stupidity.....

First, WHY would the state department NOT want to protect its staff....Regardless of your fucked up partisanship, why would you think that the other side of the aisle likes MURDERING its people?

Second, WHY didn't Stevens remain in Tripoli's embassy, knowing of the unrest in Benghazi? What was so damn crucial for him to travel 400 miles to Benghazi? Could it be that Stevens made a HUGE mistake and paid for it?

Now, you morons will accuse me of blaming the victim.....but sometimes the victim DOES make a mistake.

Bingo. They wanted the security to be low for the "optics" of how swell things were working out in Libya after the bitch and the bastard in the WH took out Gaddafi.
Let's get this straight. There were security issues not because of a reduced budget but because the bloody fools at the State Department had hired February 17th Martyrs Brigade tied to AQ and then fired them and hired Blue Mountain who then with a budget of over $7 hundred thousand a month turned around and hired locals with ties to Islamic terrorism.

Not a fucking brilliant move.

Now its YOU who are blaming Stevens.......After all, HE was in charge in Libya....not D.C.
Let's get this straight. There were security issues not because of a reduced budget but because the bloody fools at the State Department had hired February 17th Martyrs Brigade tied to AQ and then fired them and hired Blue Mountain who then with a budget of over $7 hundred thousand a month turned around and hired locals with ties to Islamic terrorism.

Not a fucking brilliant move.

Who cares? Trump blew the Yemen operation, killed scores of civilians, killed a Navy Seal and totalled a $72 million dollar aircraft. Welcome to the club and this is just week two.
Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

You're on drugs, the issue with Hillary/Obama was not that she was not to be found, it's that she actively impeded the military from responding to the situation. You can't read just the headlines when you read the news, bro.

Also, you quoted a blog making a claim with nothing to back it up. It didn't even explain how Trump screwed it up. The military needed him to do what exactly?
Let's get this straight. There were security issues not because of a reduced budget but because the bloody fools at the State Department had hired February 17th Martyrs Brigade tied to AQ and then fired them and hired Blue Mountain who then with a budget of over $7 hundred thousand a month turned around and hired locals with ties to Islamic terrorism.

Not a fucking brilliant move.

Who cares? Trump blew the Yemen operation, killed scores of civilians, killed a Navy Seal and totalled a $72 million dollar aircraft. Welcome to the club and this is just week two.
can you imagine what hell this will be after 4 years of that turdbrain chump?
Fool. Hillary's State department did hire security. Too bad they were affiliated with al Qaeda and Ansar al Sharia. One of the guards was the brother of the Benghazi AQ.

Speaking of fools.......Did Hillary hire those thugs?......Or did the victim, Stevens. make a mistake in hiring those thugs?

State Department. On record. Stevens had nothing to do with the security or the lack of trusty security. They hired this security contractor with no record to speak of.
We haven't even discussed the fact that Trump intended to kill civilians and their families. Our own junior Pol Pot said he actually wanted to kill the families of terrorists.
You can't be serious. Who was head of and responsible for the State Department and its decisions? And who lied in an attempted coverup?
From Reuters-
The State Department's decision to hire Blue Mountain Group to guard the ill-fated U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, entrusted security tasks to a little-known British company instead of the large firms it usually uses in overseas danger zones.

Security practices at the diplomatic compound, where Blue Mountain guards patrolled with flashlights and batons instead of guns, have come under U.S. government scrutiny in the wake of the September 11 attack in Benghazi that killed U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Federal contract data shows that the Benghazi security contract, worth up to $783,284, was listed as a "miscellaneous" award, not as part of the large master State Department contract that covers protection for overseas embassies.

"Blue Mountain was virtually unknown to the circles that studied private security contractors working for the United States, before the events in Benghazi," said Charles Tiefer, a commissioner at the Commission on Wartime Contracting, which studied U.S. contracting in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Several British government sources said that they were unfamiliar with Blue Mountain, which is based in Wales. They said British authorities used a different contractor for security protection in Libya.

Fred Burton, vice president of intelligence at the Stratfor consulting firm and a former U.S. diplomatic security agent, said he did not know Blue Mountain, but it likely got State Department work because it was already working in Libya.

Fool. Hillary's State department did hire security. Too bad they were affiliated with al Qaeda and Ansar al Sharia. One of the guards was the brother of the Benghazi AQ.

Speaking of fools.......Did Hillary hire those thugs?......Or did the victim, Stevens. make a mistake in hiring those thugs?
I don't understand why so many people here are attempting to rewrite two congressional investigative conclusions of no wrongdoing. It's almost like you want another committee to review and go over what was already a done deal.
Now lets get down to the nitty gritty If Obama was president what hell would republicans pour on him after a seal was killed in an attack that he signed off on ?

If it was Obama bashing our long time and great ally Australia while offering kind words to russia and the murdering swine Putin ,what trash would republicans rain down on Obama?
and what shit would these cowardly republicans toss at obama if he dared call out 2 judges one being mexican and the other a ""supposed"" judge?,,,just asking
The partisan asshat Republicans would be starting a thread just like this one and be doing just as you are. ;)
Bingo. They wanted the security to be low for the "optics" of how swell things were working out in Libya after the bitch and the bastard in the WH took out Gaddafi.

i doubt that you can figure out how truly fucked up you are about "optics"......There's serious rioting going on at the US embassy in Cairo over the video.....and you fucked up morons are hiding behind the excuse of "optics"???
Let's get this straight. There were security issues not because of a reduced budget but because the bloody fools at the State Department had hired February 17th Martyrs Brigade tied to AQ and then fired them and hired Blue Mountain who then with a budget of over $7 hundred thousand a month turned around and hired locals with ties to Islamic terrorism.

Not a fucking brilliant move.

Now its YOU who are blaming Stevens.......After all, HE was in charge in Libya....not D.C.

State Department was completely in charge. Not the Ambassador. They gave the contract to Blue Mountain without properly vetting them.
We haven't even discussed the fact that Trump intended to kill civilians and their families. Our own junior Pol Pot said he actually wanted to kill the families of terrorists.

Yeah, Pol Pot was out to kill terrorists, that's what he was doing ...
Don't they have it backwards? Military Officials were in charge of the Yemen raid not the President. The first thing Trump should do when he finally gets a full cabinet after the democrat party foot dragging is to fire every drone in the Intelligence agencies and every fat ass in the Pentagon who forgot that the military is in charge, not the CIA or political operatives. If the radical left thinks that the negligence and cover up of the Benghazi debacle can compare to the skill and courage of a U.S. Military raid they have been drinking too much Hilly/Barry cool-aid.

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