Still want to talk Benghazi Repubs?

Benghazi - three key facts:
  • Prior notification of a threat - American embassy officials and Ambassador Stevens repeatedly requested additional security for the Benghazi compound between 2011 and 2012 and the requests were either denied or ignored.
  • During a known threat no action was taken - During the attack on the Benghazi compound calls were made for immediate assistance and nothing was done.
  • The Ambassador was not a soldier.

During 2011/12, Congress cut the security budget for diplomatic outposts by 1/3. In spite of this constraint, there had been numerous upgrades to the Benghazi facility in the months leading up to the attack. New fencing and better lighting had been installed, among other improvements, but Republicans stubbornly refused to increase the budget.

This is an outright lie. See Benghazi Reports 1 through 7. All of them say this is a false narrative.

Ambassador Stevens was told not to go to Benghazi that day, and he chose to go anyway. Everyone there knew the risks and the State Department had warned all outposts, especially those in the Middle East, of the risks leading up to the anniversary of 9/11.

But continue to believe your alternative version of reality, so you can hate on Obama and Hillary.

Cut security? The evil douchebag who was Secretary of State couldn't figure out that she could move embassy guards from Ottawa and Toronto to Libya?

Are you freaking kidding me?

Did you know who the guards were? Because she didn't like the optics of US Military guarding the compound she hired a well known militia group with ties to AQ to guard Stevens.

Not just one, but two Congressional investigative bodies found no evidence of wrongdoing. Are you trying to rewrtite history here?
What was murder? Murder is when one intentionally plans to kill another. They had no mission to go kill this girl. They went there to kill terrorists, which put her in harms way, rather than protect her. When will you blame the terrorists that did that? When will you blame her father for his treasonous acts which put his family in harms way? Did you blame Obama when her brother was killed, also, when put in harms way? Did you call that murder by Obama?
Hey Edward , your premise is false. Seals are special force trained military, An US Ambassador and his team called for help. None was sent. And a video was falsely accused over and over of being the instigator of an instantaneous protest, for what was a planned attack by terrorists, in which they knew it was.

A young girl, unfortunately, was put in harms way by al queda.
When her father, Anwar al-Awlaki, decided to commit treason against the US and moved their family to the Middle East to fight with al queda, and become one of its leaders, he put them in the middle of the fight.
so you are saying that it was murder ?
The murder I was referring too was repubs accusing hill and Obama of murder
Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and allowing 3 Americans to be murdered because Hillary was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
remember Osama bin laden?? Was that raid successful? and to call hillary lazy or stupid is just republicans farting into the wind

Yes...thanks to everything George Bush did and put in place, obama was able to be ordered by leon panetta to give the go ahead for the raid.......otherwise bin laden would still be alive today.......
And failing to send help. When they pleaded for it.
IMHO, that was more of a "fog of war" thing than just leaving people to die as some have claimed.

If there is fault to be assigned, it's for conducting this operation not only on a shoestring, but without a contingency plan if the shit hit the fan. Most good leadership decisions are made before the operation, not during or after.

Asswipe...the problem with Bhengazi was the refusal to actually provide the security to keep those men safe....they requested over and over to get more security and hilary refused over and over again to do it.......she sent men into a dangerous part of the world and did not give them the protection they needed to stay alive....

So keep lying about what happened....and you will lose again in 2020...
Let me know when the Trump administration tries to proclaim that people were shot and or killed, because of some movie.

You will go to your grave being STILL the brainwashed moron you are now........

Riots occurred in Cairo (that's in the country next to Libya for all you fucked up ignorant right wingers) BECAUSE of the video................So, what should then be the first assumption when....AT THE SAME TIME.......riots broke out in Benghazi killing 4 of our people????
Now lets get down to the nitty gritty If Obama was president what hell would republicans pour on him after a seal was killed in an attack that he signed off on ?

If it was Obama bashing our long time and great ally Australia while offering kind words to russia and the murdering swine Putin ,what trash would republicans rain down on Obama?
and what shit would these cowardly republicans toss at obama if he dared call out 2 judges one being mexican and the other a ""supposed"" judge?,,,just asking

Asswipe...the problem with Bhengazi was the refusal to actually provide the security to keep those men safe....they requested over and over to get more security and hilary refused over and over again to do it.......she sent men into a dangerous part of the world and did not give them the protection they needed to stay alive....

So keep lying about what happened....and you will lose again in 2020...
Now lets get down to the nitty gritty If Obama was president what hell would republicans pour on him after a seal was killed in an attack that he signed off on ?

If it was Obama bashing our long time and great ally Australia while offering kind words to russia and the murdering swine Putin ,what trash would republicans rain down on Obama?
and what shit would these cowardly republicans toss at obama if he dared call out 2 judges one being mexican and the other a ""supposed"" judge?,,,just asking

Ass hat 2aguy,,, Trump shit in the hat and you're wearing it Did republicans TURN DOWN Obamas call or hills for more money for security??? Look in the fn mirror you coward
Another thread on this bullshit?The attack was planned in December. Obama was still President. They had to wait for a moonless night.

The attack was not planned in December. The attack was proposed and Obama sent it back because it lacked the necessary intel. Trump approved the attack without even attending the briefing or reading the proposal.

The attack was a shit show from start to finish because there was no intel. Obama was right in refusing to authorize it. They went in not knowing what they were getting themselves into and a lot of civilians died, as well as a marine.

Nice work Donnie!

Obama did jack shit. This plan involved a moonless night. And that moonless night turned up on Trump's watch.
"And that moonless night turned up on Trump's watch.

Who just happened to be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Another thread on this bullshit?The attack was planned in December. Obama was still President. They had to wait for a moonless night.

The attack was not planned in December. The attack was proposed and Obama sent it back because it lacked the necessary intel. Trump approved the attack without even attending the briefing or reading the proposal.

The attack was a shit show from start to finish because there was no intel. Obama was right in refusing to authorize it. They went in not knowing what they were getting themselves into and a lot of civilians died, as well as a marine.

Nice work Donnie!

Obama did jack shit. This plan involved a moonless night. And that moonless night turned up on Trump's watch.
And it shall come to pass
As George Orwell said: “The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.” Mr. Trump and company seem to be betting that much of the electorate will not care if the president tells demonstrable lies, and will pick and choose whatever “alternative facts” confirm their views. The next few years will be a test of that thesis.
And here you have it. The truth. Coming from the NYT of all places.

"President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen.

But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended".
You didn't answer my other questions.
The State Dept refused, and even removed more security for our Ambassador, when it was requested, not only by Stevens, but by his top security officer there- due to the other attacks on the compound, as well as attacks on other Embassies. Those same Embassies as well as the Red Cross removed their people due to the deteriorating security situation there. We didn't. We even removed some of their security, even though they had already blown a hole in the wall of the compound. They also never re-enforced that compound to State Dept standards for security to begin with.
It was murder by terrorists, of which this admin was complicit and lied about as to what happened. And they also refused to send help. The CIA compound had more security than the Ambassador did. And it was their team that went to try to save those at the compound, under no directive to do so, as they could not stand by and just let the hours long attack just continue.

What was murder? Murder is when one intentionally plans to kill another. They had no mission to go kill this girl. They went there to kill terrorists, which put her in harms way, rather than protect her. When will you blame the terrorists that did that? When will you blame her father for his treasonous acts which put his family in harms way? Did you blame Obama when her brother was killed, also, when put in harms way? Did you call that murder by Obama?
Hey Edward , your premise is false. Seals are special force trained military, An US Ambassador and his team called for help. None was sent. And a video was falsely accused over and over of being the instigator of an instantaneous protest, for what was a planned attack by terrorists, in which they knew it was.

A young girl, unfortunately, was put in harms way by al queda.
When her father, Anwar al-Awlaki, decided to commit treason against the US and moved their family to the Middle East to fight with al queda, and become one of its leaders, he put them in the middle of the fight.
so you are saying that it was murder ?
The murder I was referring too was repubs accusing hill and Obama of murder
"And that moonless night turned up on Trump's watch.

Who just happened to be Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Oh please ,don't blame massa chump for anything Cowardly republicans lying and following a disaster of a president
And here you have it. The truth. Coming from the NYT of all places.

"President Barack Obama’s national security aides had reviewed the plans for a risky attack on a small, heavily guarded brick home of a senior Qaeda collaborator in a mountainous village in a remote part of central Yemen.

But Mr. Obama did not act because the Pentagon wanted to launch the attack on a moonless night and the next one would come after his term had ended".

This Is Donald Trump's Bay of Pigs. Planned by the previous administration and dumped right into Donnie's lap, and Donnie gets the blame because he put his stamp of approval on it when he could have cancelled it, but didn't.
The State Dept refused, and even removed more security for our Ambassador, when it was requested, not only by Stevens, but by his top security officer there- due to the other attacks on the compound,

See, you wind up being stuck with your own stupidity.....

First, WHY would the state department NOT want to protect its staff....Regardless of your fucked up partisanship, why would you think that the other side of the aisle likes MURDERING its people?

Second, WHY didn't Stevens remain in Tripoli's embassy, knowing of the unrest in Benghazi? What was so damn crucial for him to travel 400 miles to Benghazi? Could it be that Stevens made a HUGE mistake and paid for it?

Now, you morons will accuse me of blaming the victim.....but sometimes the victim DOES make a mistake.
The security for the CIA annex asked to go help. They were told no by the top CIA officer there in their compound. After awhile they went anyway as they could not just sit by and do nothing.
And failing to send help. When they pleaded for it.
IMHO, that was more of a "fog of war" thing than just leaving people to die as some have claimed.

If there is fault to be assigned, it's for conducting this operation not only on a shoestring, but without a contingency plan if the shit hit the fan. Most good leadership decisions are made before the operation, not during or after.

Asswipe...the problem with Bhengazi was the refusal to actually provide the security to keep those men safe....they requested over and over to get more security and hilary refused over and over again to do it.......she sent men into a dangerous part of the world and did not give them the protection they needed to stay alive....

So keep lying about what happened....and you will lose again in 2020...
Now lets get down to the nitty gritty If Obama was president what hell would republicans pour on him after a seal was killed in an attack that he signed off on ?

If it was Obama bashing our long time and great ally Australia while offering kind words to russia and the murdering swine Putin ,what trash would republicans rain down on Obama?
and what shit would these cowardly republicans toss at obama if he dared call out 2 judges one being mexican and the other a ""supposed"" judge?,,,just asking

Ass hat 2aguy,,, Trump shit in the hat and you're wearing it Did republicans TURN DOWN Obamas call or hills for more money for security??? Look in the fn mirror you coward

Fool. Hillary's State department did hire security. Too bad they were affiliated with al Qaeda and Ansar al Sharia. One of the guards was the brother of the Benghazi AQ.

I mean what could possibly go fucking wrong?

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