Still want to talk Benghazi Repubs?

well then divine I demand an investigation ,,,not 8 or 9 like with Benghazi but a few to see what dump actually is or is not responsible for OR do we only have investigations when it's dems on the hot seat?
Go for it. The death of American heroes should always be investigated. Especially if the WH is pushing a lie such as the cause of the death was a movie, not a military operation and underestimating the enemy.
Divine, it was a grievous error, but I am certain nobody meant for anyone to be killed. I expect the thought was that a successful raid would be a great way to start a new aggressive admin. A hard learned lesson for a nation, and a very sad tragedy for a family. I sincerely hope no Congressperson shames us again by trying to turn this into another Benghazi....7 or 8 times.
Agreed it was a grievous error, but I think we disagree on what that error was. Also agreed the Republicans overplayed the tragedy in their bid to shit all over Hillary.

As this thread discusses, it's the CiC who's responsible. Why the Republicans went after Hillary as State instead of Obama always mystified me. My guess is that, by that time, Obama was already reelected and they were simply targeting his most likely successor.
divine I agree with MOST of what you post ,,,yes we disagree on some issues but I have a feeling your heart is in the right place UNLIKE some chump supporters here
Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

When Trump went to Dover AFB, did he lie to the SEALs family and tell them it was all because of a video?
think he signed off on it at dinner
What was murder? Murder is when one intentionally plans to kill another. They had no mission to go kill this girl. They went there to kill terrorists, which put her in harms way, rather than protect her. When will you blame the terrorists that did that? When will you blame her father for his treasonous acts which put his family in harms way? Did you blame Obama when her brother was killed, also, when put in harms way? Did you call that murder by Obama?
Hey Edward , your premise is false. Seals are special force trained military, An US Ambassador and his team called for help. None was sent. And a video was falsely accused over and over of being the instigator of an instantaneous protest, for what was a planned attack by terrorists, in which they knew it was.

A young girl, unfortunately, was put in harms way by al queda.
When her father, Anwar al-Awlaki, decided to commit treason against the US and moved their family to the Middle East to fight with al queda, and become one of its leaders, he put them in the middle of the fight.
so you are saying that it was murder ?
And failing to send help. When they pleaded for it.
well then divine I demand an investigation ,,,not 8 or 9 like with Benghazi but a few to see what dump actually is or is not responsible for OR do we only have investigations when it's dems on the hot seat?
Go for it. The death of American heroes should always be investigated. Especially if the WH is pushing a lie such as the cause of the death was a movie, not a military operation and underestimating the enemy.

Liberals intentionally forget to tell you that those were mostly local civilians killed. They also conveniently neglect to even attempt to relate the Benghazi attack because none of them are even remotely comparable.
Benghazi - three key facts:
  • Prior notification of a threat - American embassy officials and Ambassador Stevens repeatedly requested additional security for the Benghazi compound between 2011 and 2012 and the requests were either denied or ignored.
  • During a known threat no action was taken - During the attack on the Benghazi compound calls were made for immediate assistance and nothing was done.
  • The Ambassador was not a soldier.
yes the worst president of your lifetime before chump of course, deserves much blame for our foreign and economic troubles
Yeah, two weeks in. Look pal, you shot your wad, it went into your skivvies. No way to rescue it.
LOL I've got plenty left to deal with dumb republicans,,,,,
...except that you abandoned your topic.
yes I did Felt an urge to throw that into the pot I'll be more careful in the future But since it's there,,What do you feel about the moron talking ill of Mexican judges and so called judge?
I heard one comment, if you have more post them up. I saw Obama give the Supreme Court justices a dressing down at a state of the union address. Let me know when Trump does something that low.

Trump has done more than that already. He's insulted the judiciary from top to bottom, and threatened their jobs. An independent judiciary is the third pillar of your government.

Obama gave the SC justices a well-deserved dressing down on the Citizen's United decision, which I too believe is wrong on every level. The laws regarding corporations say that a corporation will have the same rights as a natural person "to own and hold property, and to conduct business". That doesn't give corporation the same rights as a person without any qualifications or limitations. Such a ruling flies in the face of anything ever intended by the Founding Fathers.
Another thread on this bullshit?The attack was planned in December. Obama was still President. They had to wait for a moonless night.
Yeah, two weeks in. Look pal, you shot your wad, it went into your skivvies. No way to rescue it.
LOL I've got plenty left to deal with dumb republicans,,,,,
...except that you abandoned your topic.
yes I did Felt an urge to throw that into the pot I'll be more careful in the future But since it's there,,What do you feel about the moron talking ill of Mexican judges and so called judge?
I heard one comment, if you have more post them up. I saw Obama give the Supreme Court justices a dressing down at a state of the union address. Let me know when Trump does something that low.

Trump has done more than that already. He's insulted the judiciary from top to bottom, and threatened their jobs. An independent judiciary is the third pillar of your government.

Obama gave the SC justices a well-deserved dressing down on the Citizen's United decision, which I too believe is wrong on every level. The laws regarding corporations say that a corporation will have the same rights as a natural person "to own and hold property, and to conduct business". That doesn't give corporation the same rights as a person without any qualifications or limitations. Such a ruling flies in the face of anything ever intended by the Founding Fathers.
When did Trump insult the judiciary and you just contradicted yourself. The executive branch should not be criticizing the judicial branch, there was no excuse for Obama's street punk lip service. Nor did the court decision give corporations the rights as citizens. You have no clue what is going on in this country. You read filthy leftist propaganda and think that makes you an expert on our country.
Benghazi - three key facts:
  • Prior notification of a threat - American embassy officials and Ambassador Stevens repeatedly requested additional security for the Benghazi compound between 2011 and 2012 and the requests were either denied or ignored.
  • During a known threat no action was taken - During the attack on the Benghazi compound calls were made for immediate assistance and nothing was done.
  • The Ambassador was not a soldier.

During 2011/12, Congress cut the security budget for diplomatic outposts by 1/3. In spite of this constraint, there had been numerous upgrades to the Benghazi facility in the months leading up to the attack. New fencing and better lighting had been installed, among other improvements, but Republicans stubbornly refused to increase the budget.

This is an outright lie. See Benghazi Reports 1 through 7. All of them say this is a false narrative.

Ambassador Stevens was told not to go to Benghazi that day, and he chose to go anyway. Everyone there knew the risks and the State Department had warned all outposts, especially those in the Middle East, of the risks leading up to the anniversary of 9/11.

But continue to believe your alternative version of reality, so you can hate on Obama and Hillary.
Another thread on this bullshit?The attack was planned in December. Obama was still President. They had to wait for a moonless night.

The attack was not planned in December. The attack was proposed and Obama sent it back because it lacked the necessary intel. Trump approved the attack without even attending the briefing or reading the proposal.

The attack was a shit show from start to finish because there was no intel. Obama was right in refusing to authorize it. They went in not knowing what they were getting themselves into and a lot of civilians died, as well as a marine.

Nice work Donnie!
divine I agree with MOST of what you post ,,,yes we disagree on some issues but I have a feeling your heart is in the right place UNLIKE some chump supporters here
Thanks. Unlike political partisans, I don't play tit-for-tat. Our military personnel are risking their necks out there.

As for Benghazi, I have little doubt it was a gun-running operation removing guns from Libya but giving them to Syrian rebels. I support this just as I supported Reagan giving arms to the Contras. OTOH, Reagan got hammered for dodging Congress and I think Obama was afraid of the same thing just a few weeks before the election. A second thing is that Obama had spent the summer bragging how al-Qaeda was on the run, so this attack made him look stupid....again, just a few weeks before an election.

Trump is in over his head. I strongly doubt he ever really wanted to be President and it wouldn't surprise me to see him resign for "health reasons" in a year or two. The battle of Mogadishu happened on Clinton's watch. As CiC he's ultimately responsible, but there are a lot of factors in such events just like there was in Benghazi and this raid in Yemen. Over his head or not, this was a military operation suggested by and conducted by our military leadership. The CiC has to authorize attacks foreign soil such as this raid in Yemen, but troops dying in the field is a hazard of war. Unless there's some evidence Trump was covering up something or deliberately ran the operation on a shoestring like Benghazi, I doubt an investigation will find anything criminal or negligent.
Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…
“As a result, three officials said, the attacking SEAL team found itself dropping onto a reinforced al Qaeda base defended by landmines, snipers, and a larger than expected contingent of heavily armed Islamist extremists.”
Sounds like a successful raid to me I bet money those military "officials" are people who haven't seen a moment of combat.
Another thread on this bullshit?The attack was planned in December. Obama was still President. They had to wait for a moonless night.
True, but like Bay of Pigs and the Battle of Mogadishu, the current CiC is responsible. OTOH, like all CiC's in such situations I'm sure Trump just followed the recommendations of his military and intelligence advisors...which is the correct thing to do.
Benghazi - three key facts:
  • Prior notification of a threat - American embassy officials and Ambassador Stevens repeatedly requested additional security for the Benghazi compound between 2011 and 2012 and the requests were either denied or ignored.
  • During a known threat no action was taken - During the attack on the Benghazi compound calls were made for immediate assistance and nothing was done.
  • The Ambassador was not a soldier.

During 2011/12, Congress cut the security budget for diplomatic outposts by 1/3. In spite of this constraint, there had been numerous upgrades to the Benghazi facility in the months leading up to the attack. New fencing and better lighting had been installed, among other improvements, but Republicans stubbornly refused to increase the budget.

This is an outright lie. See Benghazi Reports 1 through 7. All of them say this is a false narrative.

Ambassador Stevens was told not to go to Benghazi that day, and he chose to go anyway. Everyone there knew the risks and the State Department had warned all outposts, especially those in the Middle East, of the risks leading up to the anniversary of 9/11.

But continue to believe your alternative version of reality, so you can hate on Obama and Hillary.

Cut security? The evil douchebag who was Secretary of State couldn't figure out that she could move embassy guards from Ottawa and Toronto to Libya?

Are you freaking kidding me?

Did you know who the guards were? Because she didn't like the optics of US Military guarding the compound she hired a well known militia group with ties to AQ to guard Stevens.

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