Still want to talk Benghazi Repubs?

Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and Hillary allowing 3 Americans to be murdered because she was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
Especially a mission designed and approved under the Obama administration.

Liberals sure don't mind belittling the sacrifices our soldiers make.
Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

Trump isn't LBJ personally picking out targets and launching missions. I strongly doubt any "military officials" would say such a thing since it's the military's job to suggest missions and give recommendations.

As for Trump's lack of presence in the Situation Room, his choice, but it's an interesting tidbit on what type of Presidente he will be.

As for Benghazi, I'd still like to know why the Ambassador was in Benghazi that night although I place more blame on the WH than on State for the debacle.
Trump signed off on this mistake Does the buck stop with him or are repubs going to blame Obama?
Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and Hillary allowing 3 Americans to be murdered because she was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
Especially a mission designed and approved under the Obama administration.

Liberals sure don't mind belittling the sacrifices our soldiers make.
approved by obama is total repub bs ,,,,nothing new
Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…
WTF? You don't even know what the issue was about. How stupid can a human being even be? It was the lies and cover up over the botched mission and after many calls for help. How is that remotely the same? Liberals are just stupid assholes, there's no better way to sum them up.
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Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…
WTF? You don't even know what the issue was about. How stupid can ahuman being even be? It was the lies and cover up over the botched mission and after many calls for help. How is that remotely the same? Liberals are just stupid assholes, there's no better way to sum them up.
Iceman calm down Donald has 4 more years of this BS Save your nastiness You'll need it in years to come ,,

And here's another dumb asshole that never understood what the problem was, even though it was widely discussed.
Trump signed off on this mistake Does the buck stop with him or are repubs going to blame Obama?
The Commander in Chief is responsible. Thanks for agreeing Obama was responsible for Benghazi and, by inference, lied about the video tape/youtube movie.
no one denies that the buck stops at the WH but it's a sad day for America when republican scum can't admit to their own mistakes and as usual try to pass the blame
Trump signed off on this mistake Does the buck stop with him or are repubs going to blame Obama?
The Commander in Chief is responsible. Thanks for agreeing Obama was responsible for Benghazi and, by inference, lied about the video tape/youtube movie.
no one denies that the buck stops at the WH but it's a sad day for America when republican scum can't admit to their own mistakes and as usual try to pass the blame
What mistake? You keep asserting it without any specifics. Any special ops mission is dangerous, do you even understand why?
Iceman calm down Donald has 4 more years of this BS Save your nastiness You'll need it in years to come ,,
I'm calm as ice. I will be kicking your balls as often and freely as needs dictate.
Ice have bad news for you ...You're melting
You talk trash. It's all you have.
look in the mirror iceman
You talk trash. It's all you have.

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