Still want to talk Benghazi Repubs?

Back on the OP, as we get a few years away from the Obama administration and the collapse of the Clinton dynasty, I fully expect we'll see details emerge on what really happened that night and the cover up afterward.
nothing new divine ,,,both sides try to cover up mistakes,,,,,some mistakes are more grievous than others
So you admit the Democrats, specifically Obama, covered up Benghazi? Interesting.

What, specifically, do you think he was covering up and why?
did I really admit what you say I did ?? Go back and read what I said and correct yourself
Back on the OP, as we get a few years away from the Obama administration and the collapse of the Clinton dynasty, I fully expect we'll see details emerge on what really happened that night and the cover up afterward.
Divine, it was a grievous error, but I am certain nobody meant for anyone to be killed. I expect the thought was that a successful raid would be a great way to start a new aggressive admin. A hard learned lesson for a nation, and a very sad tragedy for a family. I sincerely hope no Congressperson shames us again by trying to turn this into another Benghazi....7 or 8 times.
Back on the OP, as we get a few years away from the Obama administration and the collapse of the Clinton dynasty, I fully expect we'll see details emerge on what really happened that night and the cover up afterward.
nothing new divine ,,,both sides try to cover up mistakes,,,,,some mistakes are more grievous than others
So you admit the Democrats, specifically Obama, covered up Benghazi? Interesting.

What, specifically, do you think he was covering up and why?

Benghazi attack
House Benghazi report faults military response, not Clinton, for deaths

Panel chair Trey Gowdy concludes $7m investigation with 800-page report that accuses US of being slow to respond after 2012 attack was already under way

Benghazi report blames military for slow response after attack

Lauren Gambinoin New York and David Smith in Washington

Tuesday 28 June 2016 10.49 EDTLast modified on Tuesday 31 January 2017 10.53 EST

House Republicans investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, have found no new evidence to conclude that Hillary Clinton, secretary of state at the time, was culpable in the deaths of four Americans, according to the committee’s final report released on Tuesday.

The 800-page document released by the Republicans on the House select committee on Benghazi brought to a close a fiercely partisan, two-year, $7m investigation that included interviews with more than 80 witnesses. The report reveals new details about the night of the attack and concludes that the Obama administration failed to recognize the possibility of it happening.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens, his state department colleague Sean Smith and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed when Islamist militants stormed the US consulate in Benghazi on 11 September 2012. Controversy has raged ever since over the chain of events and how much support the men had from Washington.

The White House noted tersely that this was the eighth congressional committee to investigate the attacks and went on longer than the 9/11 commission and the committees designated to look at Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President John F Kennedy, the Iran-Contra affair and Watergate. It accused Republicans of pursuing “wild conspiracy theories”.

Committee chairman Trey Gowdy, a Republican from South Carolina, denied that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Clinton was the target. “When the select committee was formed, I promised to conduct this investigation in a manner worthy of the American people’s respect, and worthy of the memory of those who died,” he said.

“That is exactly what my colleagues and I have done. Now, I simply ask the American people to read this report for themselves, look at the evidence we have collected, and reach their own conclusions.”
Back on the OP, as we get a few years away from the Obama administration and the collapse of the Clinton dynasty, I fully expect we'll see details emerge on what really happened that night and the cover up afterward.
nothing new divine ,,,both sides try to cover up mistakes,,,,,some mistakes are more grievous than others
So you admit the Democrats, specifically Obama, covered up Benghazi? Interesting.

What, specifically, do you think he was covering up and why?
did I really admit what you say I did ?? Go back and read what I said and correct yourself
Yes, you did. Are you now denying there was a Benghazi cover up? Will you now be denying Obama is responsible for our people being in Benghazi? Does the "buck stops here" philosophy only apply to Republicans now?
Back on the OP, as we get a few years away from the Obama administration and the collapse of the Clinton dynasty, I fully expect we'll see details emerge on what really happened that night and the cover up afterward.
Divine, it was a grievous error, but I am certain nobody meant for anyone to be killed. I expect the thought was that a successful raid would be a great way to start a new aggressive admin. A hard learned lesson for a nation, and a very sad tragedy for a family. I sincerely hope no Congressperson shames us again by trying to turn this into another Benghazi....7 or 8 times.
why not bull? benghazi investigations lasted longer than 9/11 's...seals died why treat republicans with kid gloves?
Back on the OP, as we get a few years away from the Obama administration and the collapse of the Clinton dynasty, I fully expect we'll see details emerge on what really happened that night and the cover up afterward.
nothing new divine ,,,both sides try to cover up mistakes,,,,,some mistakes are more grievous than others
So you admit the Democrats, specifically Obama, covered up Benghazi? Interesting.

What, specifically, do you think he was covering up and why?
did I really admit what you say I did ?? Go back and read what I said and correct yourself
Yes, you did. Are you now denying there was a Benghazi cover up? Will you now be denying Obama is responsible for our people being in Benghazi? Does the "buck stops here" philosophy only apply to Republicans now?
I'm sure he signed off on it just as he did when Osama was killed
Back on the OP, as we get a few years away from the Obama administration and the collapse of the Clinton dynasty, I fully expect we'll see details emerge on what really happened that night and the cover up afterward.
nothing new divine ,,,both sides try to cover up mistakes,,,,,some mistakes are more grievous than others
So you admit the Democrats, specifically Obama, covered up Benghazi? Interesting.

What, specifically, do you think he was covering up and why?

Benghazi attack
House Benghazi report faults military response, not Clinton, for deaths

Panel chair Trey Gowdy concludes $7m investigation with 800-page report that accuses US of being slow to respond after 2012 attack was already under way

Benghazi report blames military for slow response after attack

Lauren Gambinoin New York and David Smith in Washington

Tuesday 28 June 2016 10.49 EDTLast modified on Tuesday 31 January 2017 10.53 EST

House Republicans investigating the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya, have found no new evidence to conclude that Hillary Clinton, secretary of state at the time, was culpable in the deaths of four Americans, according to the committee’s final report released on Tuesday.

The 800-page document released by the Republicans on the House select committee on Benghazi brought to a close a fiercely partisan, two-year, $7m investigation that included interviews with more than 80 witnesses. The report reveals new details about the night of the attack and concludes that the Obama administration failed to recognize the possibility of it happening.

Ambassador Christopher Stevens, his state department colleague Sean Smith and former Navy Seals Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed when Islamist militants stormed the US consulate in Benghazi on 11 September 2012. Controversy has raged ever since over the chain of events and how much support the men had from Washington.

The White House noted tersely that this was the eighth congressional committee to investigate the attacks and went on longer than the 9/11 commission and the committees designated to look at Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President John F Kennedy, the Iran-Contra affair and Watergate. It accused Republicans of pursuing “wild conspiracy theories”.

Committee chairman Trey Gowdy, a Republican from South Carolina, denied that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Clinton was the target. “When the select committee was formed, I promised to conduct this investigation in a manner worthy of the American people’s respect, and worthy of the memory of those who died,” he said.

“That is exactly what my colleagues and I have done. Now, I simply ask the American people to read this report for themselves, look at the evidence we have collected, and reach their own conclusions.”
Nice red herring. The discussion was Commander in Chiefs being held responsible for military operations, not an also-ran Presidential nominee.

Why did you dodge my question? A simple "I don't know" would have been fine.
Back on the OP, as we get a few years away from the Obama administration and the collapse of the Clinton dynasty, I fully expect we'll see details emerge on what really happened that night and the cover up afterward.
nothing new divine ,,,both sides try to cover up mistakes,,,,,some mistakes are more grievous than others
So you admit the Democrats, specifically Obama, covered up Benghazi? Interesting.

What, specifically, do you think he was covering up and why?
did I really admit what you say I did ?? Go back and read what I said and correct yourself
Yes, you did. Are you now denying there was a Benghazi cover up? Will you now be denying Obama is responsible for our people being in Benghazi? Does the "buck stops here" philosophy only apply to Republicans now?
who denied obama signing off? are you like some republicans here all honest people lol lol ,building scarecrows just to tear them down? and did the chump sign off on this latest mistaken attack?
Hey Edward , your premise is false. Seals are special force trained military, An US Ambassador and his team called for help. None was sent. And a video was falsely accused over and over of being the instigator of an instantaneous protest, for what was a planned attack by terrorists, in which they knew it was. They lied to the world. They even made videos to apologize on tv in the Middle East for such video. The Obama admin and his State Dept we not on national tv for weeks blaming it on said video, knowing full well it was a lie.

A young girl, unfortunately, was put in harms way by al queda.
When her father, Anwar al-Awlaki, decided to commit treason against the US and moved their family to the Middle East to fight with al queda, and become one of its leaders, he put them in the middle of the fight.
Last edited:
who denied obama signing off? are you like some republicans here all honest people lol lol ,building scarecrows just to tear them down? and did the chump sign off on this latest mistaken attack?
You might try reading the posts in your own thread before making yourself look like a partisan:
The Commander in Chief is responsible. Thanks for agreeing Obama was responsible for Benghazi and, by inference, lied about the video tape/youtube movie.
those are my main sources too. cnn, the new york times and the blue dot daily.
Hey Edward , your premise is false. Seals are special force trained military, An US Ambassador and his team called for help. None was sent. And a video was falsely accused over and over of being the instigator of an instantaneous protest, for what was a planned attack by terrorists, in which they knew it was.

A young girl, unfortunately, was put in harms way by al queda.
When her father, Anwar al-Awlaki, decided to commit treason against the US and moved their family to the Middle East to fight with al queda, and become one of its leaders, he put them in the middle of the fight.
so you are saying that it was murder ?
Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and Hillary allowing 3 Americans to be murdered because she was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
It's more complicated than that but I'm sure you know that.

This reminds me of when bush stupidly rushed into Iraq then rumsfeld said"you don't go to war with the army you want you go with what you got
Is the shoe on the other foot now?

Military Officials Say Trump Botched Yemen Raid, He Never Even Came to Situation Room
If you tried to count how many times Donald J. Trump slammed Hillary Clinton for the night of the Benghazi attacked, it would take you weeks of research. Trump…

Let me know when the Trump administration tries to proclaim that people were shot and or killed, because of some movie. Till then, I see no correlation.
He's blamed it on Real-President Obama already.
Divine, it was a grievous error, but I am certain nobody meant for anyone to be killed. I expect the thought was that a successful raid would be a great way to start a new aggressive admin. A hard learned lesson for a nation, and a very sad tragedy for a family. I sincerely hope no Congressperson shames us again by trying to turn this into another Benghazi....7 or 8 times.
Agreed it was a grievous error, but I think we disagree on what that error was. Also agreed the Republicans overplayed the tragedy in their bid to shit all over Hillary.

As this thread discusses, it's the CiC who's responsible. Why the Republicans went after Hillary as State instead of Obama always mystified me. My guess is that, by that time, Obama was already reelected and they were simply targeting his most likely successor.
Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and Hillary allowing 3 Americans to be murdered because she was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
It's more complicated than that but I'm sure you know that.

This reminds me of when bush stupidly rushed into Iraq then rumsfeld said"you don't go to war with the army you want you go with what you got
and notice how many of these cowards stood up against the gwb fiasco
Leave it to an ignorant liberal to try drawing a comparison between a SEAL being killed during a military operation and Hillary allowing 3 Americans to be murdered because she was too damn lazy/stupid to send help after being asked several times.
It's more complicated than that but I'm sure you know that.

This reminds me of when bush stupidly rushed into Iraq then rumsfeld said"you don't go to war with the army you want you go with what you got
SoS Powell also warned of Pottery Barn rules...."You break it, you buy it."

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