Stimulus Checks 2? Or "Go Forth and DIE!"

Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

None of them died of capitalism. The corona virus, is not a product of capitalism.

Honestly, our nation fared way better than some countries that have government run health care.

Additionally, the evidence suggests that is because of socialism, that many patients are dying. We already know for a fact, that you get better care if you are not a Medicare or Medicaid patient.

Sorry. You spout too many hallucinations to bother arguing against.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

None of them died of capitalism. The corona virus, is not a product of capitalism.

Honestly, our nation fared way better than some countries that have government run health care.

Additionally, the evidence suggests that is because of socialism, that many patients are dying. We already know for a fact, that you get better care if you are not a Medicare or Medicaid patient.

Sorry. You spout too many hallucinations to bother arguing against.

Sorry. You spout no arguments at all, and thus there simply isn't anything to argue against.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171
Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

None of them died of capitalism. The corona virus, is not a product of capitalism.

Honestly, our nation fared way better than some countries that have government run health care.

Additionally, the evidence suggests that is because of socialism, that many patients are dying. We already know for a fact, that you get better care if you are not a Medicare or Medicaid patient.

Sorry. You spout too many hallucinations to bother arguing against.

Sorry. You spout no arguments at all, and thus there simply isn't anything to argue against.

Are airlines a business? Don't businesses have something to do with capitalism? It was people on airliners that spread the virus. So anybody who died from the virus was killed by capitalism.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

When you have capitalism, you have jobs. An economic plunge could close down a lot of business which means a lot of jobs lost if and when we are totally safe from the virus. And what happens if there is no way TO wipe out this virus.....what do we do then?

Most all people need a job to support themselves and their families. The government can't support us forever. So it's more than just saving business, saving jobs, it's also saving the country so we don't end up like Greece or Venezuela. And don't think for a minute that can't happen in our country.

Though I wish it was otherwise, what I speak of wouldn't be a forever thing. Just until the plague is crushed. Also, as I said before, bees, ants and termites have societies. And they have no need of money at all. Neither is employment an issue. Surely to some small degree we humans can do a little bit of what some basically brainless bugs can do.

Really? Are you going to grow your own food from now on? Are you going to create heat in your home? Are you going to never go anywhere unless you walk or ride a bike? Are you going to stop taking any and all medications you're on? Are you willing to lose your house or apartment and build a shack in the middle of the woods somewhere?

We are not insects, we are human beings. We are people that survive only because of a modern society, which of course requires money to participate.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

None of them died of capitalism. The corona virus, is not a product of capitalism.

Honestly, our nation fared way better than some countries that have government run health care.

Additionally, the evidence suggests that is because of socialism, that many patients are dying. We already know for a fact, that you get better care if you are not a Medicare or Medicaid patient.

Sorry. You spout too many hallucinations to bother arguing against.

Sorry. You spout no arguments at all, and thus there simply isn't anything to argue against.

Are airlines a business? Don't businesses have something to do with capitalism? It was people on airliners that spread the virus. So anybody who died from the virus was killed by capitalism.

So in your world, the Soviets never had airplanes?

Such dumb dumb argument. You do know that Cuba and Venezuela have airlines, right?

SIgh.... like arguing with a toddler.

Yes, Timmy. You are so right. Capitalism has airplanes, and thus Capitalism killed the planet in your world! Good boy Timmy! Here's your participation award sticker! You are going to be so smart some day!
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171
Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.

This has been my position as well.

At this point, are we not doing more harm than good? People are losing their entire lives, because we have shut down our economy, and that doesn't include the real future damage of government spending.

I don't see this as being a good trade off.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171
Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.

This has been my position as well.

At this point, are we not doing more harm than good? People are losing their entire lives, because we have shut down our economy, and that doesn't include the real future damage of government spending.

I don't see this as being a good trade off.
There will be a lot more people starving and living under bridges in CA since stupid Newsome is keeping the state closed thru August?!
Some governors just don't get it, then again, the people get the government they vote for, serves them right to suffer. Keep voting democrats in.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency

forced upon the 'market' by people paid via their taxes at that....

Are you going to grow your own food from now on?

done that
Are you going to create heat in your home?

wood, easy to do..

We are not insects, we are human beings.

The Gub'Mit thinks so Ray

'eff them all

Yes we need to kill of a big portion of the jobs hand out money on the American credit card until we can't do it anymore. The we can all sit around and be miserable together.
What a brilliant idea.
Yeah if we all huddle in our homes never go out the virus will just magically disappear. Unlike every other virus that just hangs around. This one will be special. Just like unicorns are so special
Yeah if we all huddle in our homes never go out the virus will just magically disappear
I wish i had that option , but as many sm biz folk do not

I'm here to tell you any Gub'Mit 'hush $$$' is a joke , sliding fee scale that f*cks the lowest unwashed , unvoiced first

there is no way to survive, but to find work in a lockdown for many of us

add to this , our view of gub'mit right now is NOT GOOD

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