Stimulus Checks 2? Or "Go Forth and DIE!"

Are non-governmental food bqnksmSocialist too?

If they have no criteria of actual need and cause of need, then YES they are.

No. No. Charity is nothing like socialism.

Charity is exactly that. It is the act of people giving freely what they rightfully earned, to benefit others.

There is nothing socialist about it. It is not "from each according to their ability." People give to charity as they feel charitable to do so. They don't consider how much or little they have, only what they feel led to give.

Nor is it "to each according to their need". People do not determine what you need, and give you what you need. Some get more. Some get less. Some need more, and get less, because they have been using the system too much.

There is nothing Socialist about charity at all.

More over, there is no social control. Charities have complete control over themselves, and what services or goods they chose to provide, and which they chose not to provide. And they are not in control of the means of production, or the means of distribution.

They can only give out, what others voluntarily give to them. They have no ability to direct what they do, or do not get from the economy.

No. Not like socialism. Not in any way.
Do you deny that there are poor Americans even in the best of times?

Not at all. I just believe the vast majority of them deserve to be and/or have created their own situation.
Is poverty a character flaw or an economic circumstance beyond one's control?

In most cases, a character flaw. However that doesn't discount governments contribution towards it. When you promote irresponsibility by saying you have everybody covered no matter what mistakes they make, you create more irresponsible people.
Do you deny that there are poor Americans even in the best of times?

Not at all. I just believe the vast majority of them deserve to be and/or have created their own situation.
Is poverty a character flaw or an economic circumstance beyond one's control?

In most cases, a character flaw. However that doesn't discount governments contribution towards it. When you promote irresponsibility by saying you have everybody covered no matter what mistakes they make, you create more irresponsible people.
When a town's biggest employer shuts down, the effects touch everyone in that town. Are all those people afflicted by a character flaw?

When those jobs go away, what happens to property values? Is it easier or exponentially more difficult to pull one's self up by the bootstraps as your biggest investment, your home, suddenly loses its value?
No. No. Charity is nothing like socialism...

The only differences are whether or not the donation is voluntary and if it goes to people who truly deserve it or not. That’s why I do not believe in or involve myself with charity at either end. Government OR Private Charity.
Do you deny that there are poor Americans even in the best of times?

Not at all. I just believe the vast majority of them deserve to be and/or have created their own situation.
Is poverty a character flaw or an economic circumstance beyond one's control?

In most cases, a character flaw. However that doesn't discount governments contribution towards it. When you promote irresponsibility by saying you have everybody covered no matter what mistakes they make, you create more irresponsible people.
When a town's biggest employer shuts down, the effects touch everyone in that town. Are all those people afflicted by a character flaw?

When those jobs go away, what happens to property values? Is it easier or exponentially more difficult to pull one's self up by the bootstraps as your biggest investment, your home, suddenly loses its value?

And do you really believe for one minute that's the case in most instances?

Last night, my HUD neighbors once again had an all night party until 1:00 am. They are an overweight couple who spend most of their time at home. I'm sure they have part-time jobs somewhere, otherwise they wouldn't be able to live in the suburbs.

They have several children which I'm positive they could never afford in the first place. They moved here two years ago during our economic boom, and the police have been called there over a dozen times. I've been here for 35 years, and the police never once had to be called for a disturbance on my behalf or any of my tenants.

Yes, they had the BBQ going, about a dozen or so guests, getting all Fd up outside, screaming and yelling all hours of the night. I don't think their problem was their jobs moved away. Their problem is government is paying them to live in the suburbs and destroy our peace at the same time.

So is it jobs moving away that destroys property value, or the fact government moves their lowlifes into once good neighborhoods that make people want to sell their homes just to get away from them even at a loss?

Here is something you leftist and your government leaders have never learned: If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of curdled sour milk, you only have one thing, and that is one cup of bad milk.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Sucks to be a liberal, who has to do what their liberal elites tell them to. Dont go out you could die of the Wuhan Virus, but not from a drunk illegal who the left want to be here. Really sucks to be a liberal.

2 miles down the street from my worries...

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Unfortunately that photo is very frightening to far too many people.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

Fucking moron strikes again.

5 states in the N.E. responsible for 55% of total deaths.

MI + Ill + Ohio make up 12%.

There are still 12 states with less than 100 deaths. Most in the Mountain West. The West Coast has brought things under control.

I agree the N.E. should stay there until they figure out how not to die.

The rest of us can get on with our lives.

Don't like it...hide in your mother's basement.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

When you have capitalism, you have jobs. An economic plunge could close down a lot of business which means a lot of jobs lost if and when we are totally safe from the virus. And what happens if there is no way TO wipe out this virus.....what do we do then?

Most all people need a job to support themselves and their families. The government can't support us forever. So it's more than just saving business, saving jobs, it's also saving the country so we don't end up like Greece or Venezuela. And don't think for a minute that can't happen in our country.
What if Joe Biden and China decides to have another Wuhan Virus leaked out in september of this year? Are we going to close the country down again? Or would this be an act of war by the Commies of the east working with the west and actions need to be taken to stop the bullshit?
Yeah if we all huddle in our homes never go out the virus will just magically disappear
I wish i had that option , but as many sm biz folk do not

I'm here to tell you any Gub'Mit 'hush $$$' is a joke , sliding fee scale that f*cks the lowest unwashed , unvoiced first

there is no way to survive, but to find work in a lockdown for many of us

add to this , our view of gub'mit right now is NOT GOOD
Well we could just put on our big boy pants and realize that Daddy government was and never should be expected to hold our hand.
We could actually go with the whole be brave of heart like those that stepped of the boats and onto the beaches on DDay or we can be the little mouse that only runs so far from his house because everything frightens it.
No. No. Charity is nothing like socialism...

The only differences are whether or not the donation is voluntary and if it goes to people who truly deserve it or not. That’s why I do not believe in or involve myself with charity at either end. Government OR Private Charity.

I would even agree with that. With Socialism, you end up with social control, which by definition means political control. That's huge. That alone is a absolutely massive.

Because the moment you have politicians in control of the system, eventually it will end up being a tool for political payback.

This is like putting Franklin Raines in control of Fannie Mae. What did Raines know about running a massive mortgage company? Nothing. But he was a political supporter.

The same thing would happen if you put government in charge of charities. And we should already know this, since SNAP is run by the Department of Agriculture, and top level positions at the DOA make between $150K to $200K a year. All political supporters of course.

The last charity I worked for, the CEO of the charity, was a church pastor, and worked for nothing. I should say, he had his pay from the church, and worked at the charity free.

On top of that, his church, with several others, had been running this charity cooperatively for years, so he knew how the system worked inside and out.

Completely different from how politically run welfare is handled.

And I could get into how some charities have their operations influenced by government. For example how some group will demand more help than what is given to another group, and this filters down into how welfare is used.

Whereas with a charity, they are going to handle it the way they see fit, and not care what government group is making noise in the culture.

There are many ways in which government influence damages welfare, where charity doesn't care.

So I would suggest there are many differences between Charity and Welfare, in addition to just whether the donation is voluntary.

By the way, I'm confused how you can say you don't involve yourself with government welfare. Unless you are not paying any tax ever, you are involved in welfare.
By the way, I'm confused how you can say you don't involve yourself with government welfare. Unless you are not paying any tax ever, you are involved in welfare.

I will concede that point. I do my best to (legally) reduce my tax burden, but I still have to pay some. I don’t donate to private charity or take from either. In fact we got my wife off SSDI, Medicare and SNAP when we got married.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

When you have capitalism, you have jobs. An economic plunge could close down a lot of business which means a lot of jobs lost if and when we are totally safe from the virus. And what happens if there is no way TO wipe out this virus.....what do we do then?

Most all people need a job to support themselves and their families. The government can't support us forever. So it's more than just saving business, saving jobs, it's also saving the country so we don't end up like Greece or Venezuela. And don't think for a minute that can't happen in our country.
What if Joe Biden and China decides to have another Wuhan Virus leaked out in september of this year? Are we going to close the country down again? Or would this be an act of war by the Commies of the east working with the west and actions need to be taken to stop the bullshit?

I don't buy into this theory that the virus outbreak was intentional. China does substandard work, and this is pretty clear by the products we purchase from them. I have dealt with several companies who tried to use China, but their products and labor lacked any kind of quality or oversight. Those companies gave up on China outsourcing and just did better by bringing that work back home.

The theme among most Americans is to boycott Chinese made products as much as possible. Whether we will hold this grudge in the long term is yet to be seen. Americans have very short memories. For that reason alone, I don't believe China would slit their own throats thinking an intentional release of this virus and destroying our economy would be an advantage to them.

The Chinese are careless and irresponsible, and that was what caused the release of this virus.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

When you have capitalism, you have jobs. An economic plunge could close down a lot of business which means a lot of jobs lost if and when we are totally safe from the virus. And what happens if there is no way TO wipe out this virus.....what do we do then?

Most all people need a job to support themselves and their families. The government can't support us forever. So it's more than just saving business, saving jobs, it's also saving the country so we don't end up like Greece or Venezuela. And don't think for a minute that can't happen in our country.
What if Joe Biden and China decides to have another Wuhan Virus leaked out in september of this year? Are we going to close the country down again? Or would this be an act of war by the Commies of the east working with the west and actions need to be taken to stop the bullshit?

I don't buy into this theory that the virus outbreak was intentional. China does substandard work, and this is pretty clear by the products we purchase from them. I have dealt with several companies who tried to use China, but their products and labor lacked any kind of quality or oversight. Those companies gave up on China outsourcing and just did better by bringing that work back home.

The theme among most Americans is to boycott Chinese made products as much as possible. Whether we will hold this grudge in the long term is yet to be seen. Americans have very short memories. For that reason alone, I don't believe China would slit their own throats thinking an intentional release of this virus and destroying our economy would be an advantage to them.

The Chinese are careless and irresponsible, and that was what caused the release of this virus.
I find it too convenient that Joe Biden and his son has ties to China, and Joe isnt doing very well in the polls for his candidacy. So he sends a message over to China, asking for one of Obama's funded viruses to be released, because Russian Collusion didnt work, Story Daniels didnt work, Brett Kavanaugh didnt work, and even Ukraine meddling didnt work. So as the last hope, China and the Groper have released this Wuhan Virus upon US, in the attempt to bring President Trump down, and punish US for even voting for him..

Now for the idiots of the left to put on their tin foil hats, and show their hatred to this Country and its President...

Please rephrase your message that a few people have a very short memory and they vote Demoncrap..
Are airlines a business? Don't businesses have something to do with capitalism? It was people on airliners that spread the virus. So anybody who died from the virus was killed by capitalism.

That is...there are just no words to describe how jaw-droppingly, mind-blowingly STUPID that statement is.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

When you have capitalism, you have jobs. An economic plunge could close down a lot of business which means a lot of jobs lost if and when we are totally safe from the virus. And what happens if there is no way TO wipe out this virus.....what do we do then?

Most all people need a job to support themselves and their families. The government can't support us forever. So it's more than just saving business, saving jobs, it's also saving the country so we don't end up like Greece or Venezuela. And don't think for a minute that can't happen in our country.
What if Joe Biden and China decides to have another Wuhan Virus leaked out in september of this year? Are we going to close the country down again? Or would this be an act of war by the Commies of the east working with the west and actions need to be taken to stop the bullshit?

I don't buy into this theory that the virus outbreak was intentional. China does substandard work, and this is pretty clear by the products we purchase from them. I have dealt with several companies who tried to use China, but their products and labor lacked any kind of quality or oversight. Those companies gave up on China outsourcing and just did better by bringing that work back home.

The theme among most Americans is to boycott Chinese made products as much as possible. Whether we will hold this grudge in the long term is yet to be seen. Americans have very short memories. For that reason alone, I don't believe China would slit their own throats thinking an intentional release of this virus and destroying our economy would be an advantage to them.

The Chinese are careless and irresponsible, and that was what caused the release of this virus.
I find it too convenient that Joe Biden and his son has ties to China, and Joe isnt doing very well in the polls for his candidacy. So he sends a message over to China, asking for one of Obama's funded viruses to be released, because Russian Collusion didnt work, Story Daniels didnt work, Brett Kavanaugh didnt work, and even Ukraine meddling didnt work. So as the last hope, China and the Groper have released this Wuhan Virus upon US, in the attempt to bring President Trump down, and punish US for even voting for him..

Now for the idiots of the left to put on their tin foil hats, and show their hatred to this Country and its President...

Please rephrase your message that a few people have a very short memory and they vote Demoncrap..

People on the left are controlled by the MSM. It doesn't matter what lie they tell, the sheep ask no questions.

I don't think Creepy Joe wants the presidency that badly. In fact, I don't think he wants it at all. Speculation is that if he wins, it will be a plot by the Democrat party for him to take the presidency only to usher in their had picked VP to take over when Joe resigns. Who knows, maybe even Hillary!

Joe's approval for the job are in the toilet. That tells us this pandemic is not playing in their favor. Only the far left with blinders on actually hold Trump responsible for a worldwide virus. However they were never going to vote for Trump any way.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
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Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.

I just started a new thread that should interest you. It's called, "Lives first. Economy second."

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