Stimulus Checks 2? Or "Go Forth and DIE!"

I am a liberal, and even I'm appalled at the level of government helicopter money that is being dropped onto people, especially those on unemployment -- they absolutely do not need the extra $600 per week, especially since most of that money is just going to end up in savings accounts or paying off high-interest debt.

Worse than that is employers are having a hard time getting people back to work. They are making more on unemployment.

In my state, if you earned a livable wage, they give you around 400 bucks a week. Add the feds contribution, that's 1000 a week. When you consider you are not paying a lot of taxes on that money like Medicare, FICA, SS, you are probably doing just as well as a working person doing 60K to 65K a year depending on what state you live in.

Totally agree with you. It's not going to incentivize most people to look for work -- just the opposite. So there you have it -- Congress and the President are supporting full-on socialism. I thought that was Bernie's bag, but apparently not!!!

Trump is worried about the economy. The Democrats are trying to use it to usher in one of their favored social programs called Universal Basic Income; everybody gets a check from the government making everybody a government dependent.

I believe Trump's intention will work. After all, if you have more money to spend, the economy doesn't suffer because everybody has buying ability. Universal Income is quite an interesting idea, but I would only support it if it replaced all our other social programs.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
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Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.

I just started a new thread that should interest you. It's called, "Lives first. Economy second."
What a stupid twit. Without the economy and people having a purpose in life, then more people can support not only themselves, but their families. Without that drive, you end up with total liberal compassion, which is "MISERY" and "POVERTY", thus people will go out and drug themselves up to overdose and die. Please, let a drunken illegal, T-Bone you, or a murderer released by the Demoncrap Governors, show up to your house one day. KARMA is a bitch, and you need a dose of it.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump
A President Chump beats your President Chimp any day.

giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy
As opposed to a bonehead like you who wants it kept locked down, economy crumbling away to nothing.

many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more
Risking their lives? So masks and gloves don't work? Risking their lives? You mean the virus that doesn't kill 99% of the people who get it? And apparently the vast majority don't even know were sick? Ever know anyone with the Flu who didn't know it?

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS with your melodrama. Pandemic, not. About 80,000 people died of the regular Flu alone last season and no one even told you about it much less closed the nation and banned all human activity as a result. In a normal year, about 3 million people die a year in the USA and that is expected to rise. 80,000 people is nothing but a headline to sell newspapers. That is only about 2.6% the total average annual number of deaths we always have.
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If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
What do you have against the poor and middle class? They are the ones being devastated by the economic lockdown.
How hard is it really to use the medical guide lines, protect your self & others? how did we get so weak that we are unwilling to make sacrifice to save lives.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Have y'all gotten "your" checks? I'm surprised that my wife and I haven't. She told me she filed our taxes last year, and I believed her. (-: Our daughter was not a dependent last year, and she has not received one either.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Where does the money come from????
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Have y'all gotten "your" checks? I'm surprised that my wife and I haven't. She told me she filed our taxes last year, and I believed her. (-: Our daughter was not a dependent last year, and she has not received one either.

The checks goes by your last name ..

Hey did Obama get his?
I was turned off by Obama's extended unemployment benefits but prefer it in a heartbeat over the recent $2 trillion stimulus handed out willy-nilly by congress and the president.

Obama's stimulous was $400
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
What do you have against the poor and middle class? They are the ones being devastated by the economic lockdown.
I don't think his OP dissed "the poor and middle class." I disagree with what seems to be his premise that there's a choice between more stimulus and opening up the economy. I don't think we have any choice but to try and reopen. We aren't even doing daily testing in high risk jobs like meat packing, and we don't have universal access to Roche's antibody tests. So while some people will no doubt come out to restaurants and amusements as they open, that will increase the infection rates, and a good number, even a majority, are just not going to stay home as much as we can until people stop dying to the tune of 1000plus a day. And Trump just changing numbers will not fool many.
I was turned off by Obama's extended unemployment benefits but prefer it in a heartbeat over the recent $2 trillion stimulus handed out willy-nilly by congress and the president.

Obama's stimulous was $400

Back in the days when Republicans acted as if they cared about the deficit and getting that through was like pulling teeth for the Democrats.

WASHINGTON — Congress on Thursday approved legislation that would keep unemployment checks flowing to jobless Americans, and President Obama immediately signed it.

After the Senate resolved a stubborn impasse, deciding the $18 billion cost of the measure could be added to the deficit, the House quickly followed with approval of the measure on a bipartisan vote of 289 to 112.

I was turned off by Obama's extended unemployment benefits but prefer it in a heartbeat over the recent $2 trillion stimulus handed out willy-nilly by congress and the president.

Obama's stimulous was $400

Back in the days when Republicans acted as if they cared about the deficit and getting that through was like pulling teeth for the Democrats.

WASHINGTON — Congress on Thursday approved legislation that would keep unemployment checks flowing to jobless Americans, and President Obama immediately signed it.

After the Senate resolved a stubborn impasse, deciding the $18 billion cost of the measure could be added to the deficit, the House quickly followed with approval of the measure on a bipartisan vote of 289 to 112.

99 weekers was a huge mistake no one wanted to work.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Have y'all gotten "your" checks? I'm surprised that my wife and I haven't. She told me she filed our taxes last year, and I believed her. (-: Our daughter was not a dependent last year, and she has not received one either.
I paid 64,000 last year in taxes, so i dont think i will get a stimulus check, even though i lost over 100,000 dollars of income...But still sucks to be you, because you need that check.
I was turned off by Obama's extended unemployment benefits but prefer it in a heartbeat over the recent $2 trillion stimulus handed out willy-nilly by congress and the president.

Obama's stimulous was $400

Back in the days when Republicans acted as if they cared about the deficit and getting that through was like pulling teeth for the Democrats.

WASHINGTON — Congress on Thursday approved legislation that would keep unemployment checks flowing to jobless Americans, and President Obama immediately signed it.

After the Senate resolved a stubborn impasse, deciding the $18 billion cost of the measure could be added to the deficit, the House quickly followed with approval of the measure on a bipartisan vote of 289 to 112.

Yeah, not to give the dems any credit, but it was pretty amusing to get back inside after my walk/failjog to see Kevin Brady on the tv that I'd left on warning about deficit spending.
I was turned off by Obama's extended unemployment benefits but prefer it in a heartbeat over the recent $2 trillion stimulus handed out willy-nilly by congress and the president.

Obama's stimulous was $400

Back in the days when Republicans acted as if they cared about the deficit and getting that through was like pulling teeth for the Democrats.

WASHINGTON — Congress on Thursday approved legislation that would keep unemployment checks flowing to jobless Americans, and President Obama immediately signed it.

After the Senate resolved a stubborn impasse, deciding the $18 billion cost of the measure could be added to the deficit, the House quickly followed with approval of the measure on a bipartisan vote of 289 to 112.

There are not a lot of Republicans crazy about the amount of unemployment being handed out. If you collect 400 a week from the state, and an additional 600 a week from the feds, that's more money than a lot of people bring home when you consider taxes. Depending on what state you live in, that's like 60 to 65K a year.

Now some employers are having a hell of a time getting their workers back. They are doing much better on unemployment, and don't have to do anything for it.

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