Stimulus Checks 2? Or "Go Forth and DIE!"

If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
What do you have against the poor and middle class? They are the ones being devastated by the economic lockdown.
I don't think his OP dissed "the poor and middle class." I disagree with what seems to be his premise that there's a choice between more stimulus and opening up the economy. I don't think we have any choice but to try and reopen. We aren't even doing daily testing in high risk jobs like meat packing, and we don't have universal access to Roche's antibody tests. So while some people will no doubt come out to restaurants and amusements as they open, that will increase the infection rates, and a good number, even a majority, are just not going to stay home as much as we can until people stop dying to the tune of 1000plus a day. And Trump just changing numbers will not fool many.

It depends on the individual. I for one will continue to stay home as much as possible until we get this thing behind us. If you're young, healthy, probably those people are dying to get to the bars and restaurants. Their risk of death is low, so why not?

There was an announcement of a company that produced a vaccine that for now, is showing very promising results. They claim if things continue in that direction, it can be available as soon as January of next year. Several other manufacturers are also working on vaccines as well.

If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Have y'all gotten "your" checks? I'm surprised that my wife and I haven't. She told me she filed our taxes last year, and I believed her. (-: Our daughter was not a dependent last year, and she has not received one either.

I have direct deposit with the IRS, so mine was in my account April 30th. They say those who are getting paper checks, they might all not be sent out until September of this year.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171
Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.

This has been my position as well.

At this point, are we not doing more harm than good? People are losing their entire lives, because we have shut down our economy, and that doesn't include the real future damage of government spending.

I don't see this as being a good trade off.

Are you loosing money, moron. Money has no value. It is a fiat currency. It's only value lies in wishful thinking and fairy dust. Basically it is a tool for tallying transactions. Also, we are probably over 20 trillion in debt. And there is around 61 trillion worth of unfunded obligations. I wouldn't want to try to split the hair between debt and obligation. Every man woman child and fetus in the U.S. is around $250,000 in debt. And you are going to tell people that the economy (money) matters more than the lives of our people? You need to think again.

First, stop.... The trade off isn't between lives or the economy. It's a trade off being lives, and lives.

People are going to die if they lose everything because of a lock down, just as much if they get Corona and die.

Further, they are far less likely to die of Corona than of losing everything in life.

So you can sit there and make up your ridiculous false claim of "lives verse the economy", but that's the statement of an ignorant moron.

Second, to claim money has no value, is ridiculous. That is the ravings of a lunatic.

If I can buy a house with money, then it has value. If I can buy investments with money, then it has value. If I can buy food, clothing, shelter, heat, and on and on.... then it has value.

To deny that, makes you a lunatic.


No I'm not losing my money. My investments are still doing pretty good. Even right now, I have made double my money, on my investments.

So ... no you are wrong. I am not losing everything.

By the way, neither are my parents, which are millionaires.

Tell anyone with money, if money has no value, and see how that goes for you.

It would seem that you can't handle the reality. The reality is that money has no value. When you live in a state of debt, only a lunatic would say they have anything. Debt means debt. It means owing. It means having nothing. Because if you REALLY had anything, you wouldn't be in debt. That is if you paid your debt. You know what needs to be done? All the wealthy need their fucking heads cut off! Just like the French did with their aristocrats after the French Revolution.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Meh...I mean, there are serious problems involved with people not being able to work, regardless of cause. Helicopter money or universal basic income doesn't necessarily solve all the problems. What are folks doing on a daily basis to keep themselves productive, healthy, and happy?
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171
Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.

This has been my position as well.

At this point, are we not doing more harm than good? People are losing their entire lives, because we have shut down our economy, and that doesn't include the real future damage of government spending.

I don't see this as being a good trade off.
There will be a lot more people starving and living under bridges in CA since stupid Newsome is keeping the state closed thru August?!
Some governors just don't get it, then again, the people get the government they vote for, serves them right to suffer. Keep voting democrats in.

Republican and democrat are just two different sides of the same coin. Also, don't want to live under a bridge? Don't move out. Many states (if not all) have made it illegal to evict people due to the coronavirus mess. So that argument fails.


If you get foreclosed on, you may not be evicted immediately... but you will be evicted.

You might not be homeless tomorrow... but you will end up homeless at some point if you don't pay the mortgage.

And if by some insanity, they make it so you can never be evicted, whether you pay your mortgage or not, that will cause such a massive devastation across this country, that we will have happy dreams of the Sub-prime recession days of Obama.

That's right. Crack that fucking whip! Asshole. Kill the landlords. That is the solution. Fuck them and their wealth. People shouldn't be made homeless because of something beyond their control. And I don't give a shit about what it does to anybody's 401K or the stock market. National Socialism can fix all the troubles.
But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

If you're afraid to go to work, I hope you used the first check to buy an extra large bed under which to hide.

People need to be afraid of the coronavirus. Very afraid. It is 10 times deadlier than the flu. 10 times! A little while back there was a statistic on the news that said in 8 months, around 24,000 people died from the flu. But in 2 months, around 43,000 people died from the flu. Only an idiot would scoff at those numbers. Another thing is that at a CDC website, they said that last year was the deadliest flu year in 40 years. Around 80,000 people died from it. Coronavirus deaths have already passed that number.

Also, maybe you don't care much about the coronavirus deaths because it kills mostly the elderly and those in poor health. Well I was watching a NOVA program last night that talked about Italy's fight with the coronavirus. Turns out, there is a reason why mostly the elderly were dying. When the hospitals were being flooded with coronavirus patients, the hospitals decided to try to save the young first.
Stimulus Checks 2? Or "Go Forth and DIE!"

I’ll go with Histrionic-Laden False Dichotomies for $1,000, Alex.


Trump is talking about opening up the economy again. The number of deaths be damned. I disagree.

But keeping the economy locked down is going to cause deaths anyway.

And you don't care about those deaths.... so that makes you no better than Trump, doesn't it?

With that, Former Congressman Patrick J Kennedy says calls at suicide hotlines have increased by 800 percent as resources shift to COVID-19 relief.​

But quarantine says "people killing themselves be damned. Lock down forever!"

What a bastard you are. So uncaring about people's lives. Like a Democrat....

You can stop being a moron at any time now. Why are people killing themselves? Because rather than give them the financial help they need, the government decided to throw them on the trash heap. Why? Because it's cheaper!!!!! Both you and president Chump suck in that regard.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171
Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.

This has been my position as well.

At this point, are we not doing more harm than good? People are losing their entire lives, because we have shut down our economy, and that doesn't include the real future damage of government spending.

I don't see this as being a good trade off.

Are you loosing money, moron. Money has no value. It is a fiat currency. It's only value lies in wishful thinking and fairy dust. Basically it is a tool for tallying transactions. Also, we are probably over 20 trillion in debt. And there is around 61 trillion worth of unfunded obligations. I wouldn't want to try to split the hair between debt and obligation. Every man woman child and fetus in the U.S. is around $250,000 in debt. And you are going to tell people that the economy (money) matters more than the lives of our people? You need to think again.

First, stop.... The trade off isn't between lives or the economy. It's a trade off being lives, and lives.

People are going to die if they lose everything because of a lock down, just as much if they get Corona and die.

Further, they are far less likely to die of Corona than of losing everything in life.

So you can sit there and make up your ridiculous false claim of "lives verse the economy", but that's the statement of an ignorant moron.

Second, to claim money has no value, is ridiculous. That is the ravings of a lunatic.

If I can buy a house with money, then it has value. If I can buy investments with money, then it has value. If I can buy food, clothing, shelter, heat, and on and on.... then it has value.

To deny that, makes you a lunatic.


No I'm not losing my money. My investments are still doing pretty good. Even right now, I have made double my money, on my investments.

So ... no you are wrong. I am not losing everything.

By the way, neither are my parents, which are millionaires.

Tell anyone with money, if money has no value, and see how that goes for you.

It would seem that you can't handle the reality. The reality is that money has no value. When you live in a state of debt, only a lunatic would say they have anything. Debt means debt. It means owing. It means having nothing. Because if you REALLY had anything, you wouldn't be in debt. That is if you paid your debt. You know what needs to be done? All the wealthy need their fucking heads cut off! Just like the French did with their aristocrats after the French Revolution.

So you do know that when the Greek government went into bankruptcy.... that the money still have value. People were still buying and selling stuff in Greece. The rich people of Greece, still have wealth.

Just because the government is broke, does not mean that the currency has no value.

Again, as long as people keeping buying and selling using the currency... then it has value.

Another example with be Argentina. They have actually defaulted several times. Which is absolutely baffling to me, why anyone would lend them money, when you know they'll default.

And by the way, Argentina has just recently defaulted, and they are pretty sure they'll default again on the 22nd.

Right now... people are still buying and selling using the Argentina Peso. The money still has value even when the Government is going broke.

Rich people in Argentina are still rich. The wealthy still have wealth.

So I don't know where you are getting this from, but it's not historically or empirically accurate.
10 times!

Ten Times?! Oh noes!!

Stimulus Checks 2? Or "Go Forth and DIE!"

I’ll go with Histrionic-Laden False Dichotomies for $1,000, Alex.


Trump is talking about opening up the economy again. The number of deaths be damned. I disagree.

That's if you believe we can't open the economy back up without massive spread of Covid. If people take reasonable precautions, wash hands a lot, when not capable, use hand sanitizer, wear masks, I think we can get by.

Maybe we should at least wait until people can get some god damned protective equipment. Most of the people I see have to use home made masks. That isn't good enough. On another note, those masks that have the little ventilator in front are like "fuck you" masks. They will filter the air that goes in. But the air that gets breathed out just goes out the vent. That isn't good enough. It also drives me crazy when I see people wearing a mask that isn't covering their nose. Your mouth and nose are just two different openings to the same hole. It would be better if they had a mask that just covered their nose and kept their mouths shut.
Stimulus Checks 2? Or "Go Forth and DIE!"

I’ll go with Histrionic-Laden False Dichotomies for $1,000, Alex.


Trump is talking about opening up the economy again. The number of deaths be damned. I disagree.

But keeping the economy locked down is going to cause deaths anyway.

And you don't care about those deaths.... so that makes you no better than Trump, doesn't it?

With that, Former Congressman Patrick J Kennedy says calls at suicide hotlines have increased by 800 percent as resources shift to COVID-19 relief.​

But quarantine says "people killing themselves be damned. Lock down forever!"

What a bastard you are. So uncaring about people's lives. Like a Democrat....

You can stop being a moron at any time now. Why are people killing themselves? Because rather than give them the financial help they need, the government decided to throw them on the trash heap. Why? Because it's cheaper!!!!! Both you and president Chump suck in that regard.

That right there, is typical left-wing "toss money at all problems" stupidity.

Dignity does not come from throwing money at people. Dignity come from being self-sufficient.

In fact, one of the primary questions psychologists ask people suffering from depression is not "are people dumping enough money on you?", rather it's "are you working a job?".

In fact, one of my favorite stories out of Haiti after the Earthquake, was this CEO guy that traveled to Haiti with his family, to volunteer at a charity, and they were literally giving out money.

He noticed that few people they were "helping" seemed all that happy. So he tracked one of the recipients of the cash, and asked this lady, what do you really want? And she responded... a job.

Have you people not figured out, after all these decades of throwing money at every problem, that it hasn't worked? We've been doing your stupidity for years, and we still have all the same problems we did back when LBJ said we were going to have a war on poverty?

People need connection with people. They don't need money dumped on their head... they need social connection. People to talk to. People to be with. People they relate to.

Did you learn nothing from the 1960s, when prisons would put prisoners in constant isolation for months on end, and the prisoners went literally insane. You can't do that to people.

Having a career. Having interaction.

You mindless idiots and your "just throw money everywhere!" does not work, stupid.

And lastly, you morons don't seem to grasp... WE DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY. Why is that hard for you brainless idiots to grasp? Government does not have endless piles of cash to just give to everyone, for everything.

Stop being a moron. Use your head, if you have one. What is wrong with you people?
Stimulus Checks 2? Or "Go Forth and DIE!"

I’ll go with Histrionic-Laden False Dichotomies for $1,000, Alex.


Trump is talking about opening up the economy again. The number of deaths be damned. I disagree.

That's if you believe we can't open the economy back up without massive spread of Covid. If people take reasonable precautions, wash hands a lot, when not capable, use hand sanitizer, wear masks, I think we can get by.

Maybe we should at least wait until people can get some god damned protective equipment. Most of the people I see have to use home made masks. That isn't good enough. On another note, those masks that have the little ventilator in front are like "fuck you" masks. They will filter the air that goes in. But the air that gets breathed out just goes out the vent. That isn't good enough. It also drives me crazy when I see people wearing a mask that isn't covering their nose. Your mouth and nose are just two different openings to the same hole. It would be better if they had a mask that just covered their nose and kept their mouths shut.

I've even read that the N95 masks have barely any utility.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171
Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.

This has been my position as well.

At this point, are we not doing more harm than good? People are losing their entire lives, because we have shut down our economy, and that doesn't include the real future damage of government spending.

I don't see this as being a good trade off.
There will be a lot more people starving and living under bridges in CA since stupid Newsome is keeping the state closed thru August?!
Some governors just don't get it, then again, the people get the government they vote for, serves them right to suffer. Keep voting democrats in.

Republican and democrat are just two different sides of the same coin. Also, don't want to live under a bridge? Don't move out. Many states (if not all) have made it illegal to evict people due to the coronavirus mess. So that argument fails.


If you get foreclosed on, you may not be evicted immediately... but you will be evicted.

You might not be homeless tomorrow... but you will end up homeless at some point if you don't pay the mortgage.

And if by some insanity, they make it so you can never be evicted, whether you pay your mortgage or not, that will cause such a massive devastation across this country, that we will have happy dreams of the Sub-prime recession days of Obama.

That's right. Crack that fucking whip! Asshole. Kill the landlords. That is the solution. Fuck them and their wealth. People shouldn't be made homeless because of something beyond their control. And I don't give a shit about what it does to anybody's 401K or the stock market. National Socialism can fix all the troubles.

Yeah, the Soviets tried that, and the result was millions dead as the entire economy imploded.

You really are that stupid?

Think about it. Do you have money to upkeep a large condo building? No? And just killed the guy who did?

Now what?

Abandoned buildings, and people are homeless.

Good job idiot. You just sent millions to be homeless. Brilliant move moron.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

When you have capitalism, you have jobs. An economic plunge could close down a lot of business which means a lot of jobs lost if and when we are totally safe from the virus. And what happens if there is no way TO wipe out this virus.....what do we do then?

Most all people need a job to support themselves and their families. The government can't support us forever. So it's more than just saving business, saving jobs, it's also saving the country so we don't end up like Greece or Venezuela. And don't think for a minute that can't happen in our country.

Though I wish it was otherwise, what I speak of wouldn't be a forever thing. Just until the plague is crushed. Also, as I said before, bees, ants and termites have societies. And they have no need of money at all. Neither is employment an issue. Surely to some small degree we humans can do a little bit of what some basically brainless bugs can do.

Also, as I said before, bees, ants and termites have societies. And they have no need of money at all.

You should live with the bees, ants and termites.
Then we wouldn't have to hear your constant whining.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

When you have capitalism, you have jobs. An economic plunge could close down a lot of business which means a lot of jobs lost if and when we are totally safe from the virus. And what happens if there is no way TO wipe out this virus.....what do we do then?

Most all people need a job to support themselves and their families. The government can't support us forever. So it's more than just saving business, saving jobs, it's also saving the country so we don't end up like Greece or Venezuela. And don't think for a minute that can't happen in our country.

Though I wish it was otherwise, what I speak of wouldn't be a forever thing. Just until the plague is crushed. Also, as I said before, bees, ants and termites have societies. And they have no need of money at all. Neither is employment an issue. Surely to some small degree we humans can do a little bit of what some basically brainless bugs can do.

Really? Are you going to grow your own food from now on? Are you going to create heat in your home? Are you going to never go anywhere unless you walk or ride a bike? Are you going to stop taking any and all medications you're on? Are you willing to lose your house or apartment and build a shack in the middle of the woods somewhere?

We are not insects, we are human beings. We are people that survive only because of a modern society, which of course requires money to participate.

What has most people bitching is being able to do business. Farming and food production is just a small part of it. Though it is the most important part. Also, as long as gas and electricity are being produced, heating a house is no problem. Next, as human beings, we should be able to better than bug civilizations. And they don't use money.

Modern society uses money to survive. You can't live without it. Hell, out in the sticks, we have several Amish communities. Many of them have jobs because money is not optional--it's a necessity. Given the fact there is only one way for most to get money, that's what we need to do. Our government is traveling dangerous territory right now. The quicker we get to the point we can no longer spend (and yes, that day is coming) the quicker our country will collapse.

Economically, our country has already collapsed. That is as far as the value of money goes. Because we can never pay back the amount that we owe. Even before the coronavirus, our national debt kept growing and growing. Ever economist I have ever heard speaking about it said that it was unsustainable. Sooner or later, the crash would come. Well let it happen now. Flush the dollar down the toilet, erase our debt and create a new currency. Just like the holy Hitler did with MEFO currency. And give every poor working age adult in the US a $12,000 new dollar stimulus check to see them through the coronavirus quarantine period. Or maybe they should make it a $24,000 check.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

When you have capitalism, you have jobs. An economic plunge could close down a lot of business which means a lot of jobs lost if and when we are totally safe from the virus. And what happens if there is no way TO wipe out this virus.....what do we do then?

Most all people need a job to support themselves and their families. The government can't support us forever. So it's more than just saving business, saving jobs, it's also saving the country so we don't end up like Greece or Venezuela. And don't think for a minute that can't happen in our country.

Though I wish it was otherwise, what I speak of wouldn't be a forever thing. Just until the plague is crushed. Also, as I said before, bees, ants and termites have societies. And they have no need of money at all. Neither is employment an issue. Surely to some small degree we humans can do a little bit of what some basically brainless bugs can do.

Really? Are you going to grow your own food from now on? Are you going to create heat in your home? Are you going to never go anywhere unless you walk or ride a bike? Are you going to stop taking any and all medications you're on? Are you willing to lose your house or apartment and build a shack in the middle of the woods somewhere?

We are not insects, we are human beings. We are people that survive only because of a modern society, which of course requires money to participate.

What has most people bitching is being able to do business. Farming and food production is just a small part of it. Though it is the most important part. Also, as long as gas and electricity are being produced, heating a house is no problem. Next, as human beings, we should be able to better than bug civilizations. And they don't use money.

.............. BWAHAHHAHAA......

You just compared human civilization to bugs.....

Yeah. Yeah actually I do agree that we in fact have some people who are mentally like bugs... and likely posting on a forum somewhere....

Like it or not, bugs are doing a better job than you and your way. Which doesn't say much about you.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171

From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

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