Stimulus Checks 2? Or "Go Forth and DIE!"

You have socialist food banks. What more do you want ?

Shove your scraps up your ass. You stand in line. If I had my way about it, if people are hungry, give them food stamps.

if people are hungry, give them food stamps.

Great idea!
That food doesn't make itself, get working, comrade!

For the people waiting in long lines for food, it the food making itself? There is a better solution to waiting in long lines. Going to a store and buying food. It works with food stamps.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
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Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.

This has been my position as well.

At this point, are we not doing more harm than good? People are losing their entire lives, because we have shut down our economy, and that doesn't include the real future damage of government spending.

I don't see this as being a good trade off.
There will be a lot more people starving and living under bridges in CA since stupid Newsome is keeping the state closed thru August?!
Some governors just don't get it, then again, the people get the government they vote for, serves them right to suffer. Keep voting democrats in.

Republican and democrat are just two different sides of the same coin. Also, don't want to live under a bridge? Don't move out. Many states (if not all) have made it illegal to evict people due to the coronavirus mess. So that argument fails.


If you get foreclosed on, you may not be evicted immediately... but you will be evicted.

You might not be homeless tomorrow... but you will end up homeless at some point if you don't pay the mortgage.

And if by some insanity, they make it so you can never be evicted, whether you pay your mortgage or not, that will cause such a massive devastation across this country, that we will have happy dreams of the Sub-prime recession days of Obama.

That's right. Crack that fucking whip! Asshole. Kill the landlords. That is the solution. Fuck them and their wealth. People shouldn't be made homeless because of something beyond their control. And I don't give a shit about what it does to anybody's 401K or the stock market. National Socialism can fix all the troubles.

Yeah, the Soviets tried that, and the result was millions dead as the entire economy imploded.

You really are that stupid?

Think about it. Do you have money to upkeep a large condo building? No? And just killed the guy who did?

Now what?

Abandoned buildings, and people are homeless.

Good job idiot. You just sent millions to be homeless. Brilliant move moron.

You have no clue about history. Real history. The worst part is that you likely don't want to know.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
View attachment 336171
Are you an epidemiologist?
No but I play one on forums. Why do you ask?
Because you're offering up advise actual epidemiologists warn against. You are abetting the death of expertise.
This pandemic is not just a medical emergency, its also an economic emergency.
How many US jobs can be lost, and businesses go bankrupt before we enter a new "Great Depression"?
Ever hear of a term called the "Law of Diminishing Returns"? Its when the cure is worse than the disease.

The government needs to balance the economic effects with the disease effects. Both patients need to be saved.

This has been my position as well.

At this point, are we not doing more harm than good? People are losing their entire lives, because we have shut down our economy, and that doesn't include the real future damage of government spending.

I don't see this as being a good trade off.
There will be a lot more people starving and living under bridges in CA since stupid Newsome is keeping the state closed thru August?!
Some governors just don't get it, then again, the people get the government they vote for, serves them right to suffer. Keep voting democrats in.

Republican and democrat are just two different sides of the same coin. Also, don't want to live under a bridge? Don't move out. Many states (if not all) have made it illegal to evict people due to the coronavirus mess. So that argument fails.


If you get foreclosed on, you may not be evicted immediately... but you will be evicted.

You might not be homeless tomorrow... but you will end up homeless at some point if you don't pay the mortgage.

And if by some insanity, they make it so you can never be evicted, whether you pay your mortgage or not, that will cause such a massive devastation across this country, that we will have happy dreams of the Sub-prime recession days of Obama.

That's right. Crack that fucking whip! Asshole. Kill the landlords. That is the solution. Fuck them and their wealth. People shouldn't be made homeless because of something beyond their control. And I don't give a shit about what it does to anybody's 401K or the stock market. National Socialism can fix all the troubles.

Yeah, the Soviets tried that, and the result was millions dead as the entire economy imploded.

You really are that stupid?

Think about it. Do you have money to upkeep a large condo building? No? And just killed the guy who did?

Now what?

Abandoned buildings, and people are homeless.

Good job idiot. You just sent millions to be homeless. Brilliant move moron.

You have no clue about history. Real history. The worst part is that you likely don't want to know.

You mean the part of history where we didn't all die from the flu?

That's my favorite part.
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Where does the money come from????

The same place it comes from now. Pretend land. Our fiat currency is probably over 20 trillion in debt. It doesn't matter if it is 40 trillion. Though before the coronavirus thing hit, the U.S. was paying around 420 billion dollars a year just on the interest of our national debt. Which is basically money flushed down the toilet. And we just burrow more money to pay that. We need to just tell whoever we owe interest to to suck it! Apart from the national debt, we also have around 61 trillion worth of unfunded obligations. And I don't want to split the hair between a debt and an obligation.

We need to just tell whoever we owe interest to to suck it!

But you want to borrow more money for handouts to you?

You're not real bright, are you?
I want to go forth AND get government money just like those on Welfare. Hell I PAID for it!!! Take the government tit away from the e welfare leeches and give it to American intact families. They NEED it now because of anti-Constitutional lock downs preventing decent folks from making a living. Cut aid to single mothers and make the sperm donors support their offspring. It's time to cull the herd.
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If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

When you have capitalism, you have jobs. An economic plunge could close down a lot of business which means a lot of jobs lost if and when we are totally safe from the virus. And what happens if there is no way TO wipe out this virus.....what do we do then?

Most all people need a job to support themselves and their families. The government can't support us forever. So it's more than just saving business, saving jobs, it's also saving the country so we don't end up like Greece or Venezuela. And don't think for a minute that can't happen in our country.

Though I wish it was otherwise, what I speak of wouldn't be a forever thing. Just until the plague is crushed. Also, as I said before, bees, ants and termites have societies. And they have no need of money at all. Neither is employment an issue. Surely to some small degree we humans can do a little bit of what some basically brainless bugs can do.
Grow up.
You have socialist food banks. What more do you want ?

Shove your scraps up your ass. You stand in line. If I had my way about it, if people are hungry, give them food stamps.

if people are hungry, give them food stamps.

Great idea!
That food doesn't make itself, get working, comrade!

For the people waiting in long lines for food, it the food making itself? There is a better solution to waiting in long lines. Going to a store and buying food. It works with food stamps.

Food stamps can't buy food that doesn't exist.
Now go get your shine box.
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If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Have y'all gotten "your" checks? I'm surprised that my wife and I haven't. She told me she filed our taxes last year, and I believed her. (-: Our daughter was not a dependent last year, and she has not received one either.

I have direct deposit with the IRS, so mine was in my account April 30th. They say those who are getting paper checks, they might all not be sent out until September of this year.
We are getting paper checks and one can go onto the site and see the progress of their check. Site said ours is now in the mail.

That was stimulus checks 1. How many months were they supposed to last. From the people I see on the news who can't pay rent or waiting in long lines for food, I think it's time for a second round of stimulus checks. And why not. It's only money. Our national debt is already so large that it is basically an insanely large number on a tally sheet. What difference is 3 or 40 trillion more going to make.

Once we can no longer pay the interest on our debt, we lose our credit rating. When we lose our national credit rating, it's not that much different than your personal credit rating being low. Nobody will lend you money.
If capitalism can't create the jobs needed for people to sustain themselves, then government should step in and do so.

How? Government doesn't produce product or service for profit. Government doesn't create jobs--the private sector creates jobs. All government can do is make it more or less inviting for the private sector to do so.

Jobs were never created so people can earn a living. Jobs are created because an investor needs help in producing those products or services for a profit. Jobs are not a public or private obligation to society.
I am a liberal, and even I'm appalled at the level of government helicopter money that is being dropped onto people, especially those on unemployment -- they absolutely do not need the extra $600 per week, especially since most of that money is just going to end up in savings accounts or paying off high-interest debt.

Worse than that is employers are having a hard time getting people back to work. They are making more on unemployment.

In my state, if you earned a livable wage, they give you around 400 bucks a week on unemployment. Add the feds contribution, that's 1000 a week. When you consider you are not paying a lot of taxes on that money like Medicare, FICA, SS, you are probably doing just as well as a working person doing 60K to 65K a year depending on what state you live in.

The siren song of the out of touch aristocrats. "They're just lazy!" Any sane person would rather be working than not working.

Not actually, no. If you can make more money sitting at home than you can working, the choice is clear, stay at home and earn more money. Why would somebody spend 40 hours a week making less money than spending those 40 hours for leisure, going on vacation, and making more money to boot?

If you make a reasonable living in my state, you make about 400 bucks a week. Add the feds 600 bucks a week, you are making close to what somebody who makes at 60 to 65K a year. Now if you normally make 80,90, or over 100K a year, then of course you go back to work But that's not most people, and it certainly is not most blue-collar jobs.

Many people I know who were laid off found work under the table. So lets say you are making this $1,000 a week, and you have an off the record job making $400.00 a week. Why would you go back to your full-time on the record job to make $700.00 a week? That would be a completely stupid decision.
Its time to get back to work. The virus is waning if we can keep it going down.
The summer heat is almost here. Lets hope the virus keeps slowing, and slowing, and slowing....
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From what I have been seeing on the news, many states are reopening even though the cases of coronavirus is still increasing. Also, how many instances of coronavirus in this country did it take to get the whole ball rolling to begin with. 2 or 3?

Then why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
Its going down, with 1,417,350 US cases, how can it go down with so many active cases, not just 1 or 2?

Because of quarantine. With the 2 or 3 who got the whole plague rolling here, there was no quarantine.

Yes there most certainly was a quarantine here, for travelers from China, but not from Europe?!
Quarantine? Not all of the 1.4m are quarantined, so why isn't the pandemic still going out of control in the NYC area?
You did not answer this question: What's a worse condition, 1.4m cases or a few?
We have the 1.4m now and the number of cases is going down, why? How can that be?

President Chump just didn't handle things well. And he still isn't.

Really? So what should he have done? I'll show you why he couldn't or didn't.

Well, president Chump could have started out by not calling the coronavirus a hoax at the beginning.

He didn't call it a hoax, he called what Democrats were trying to do with it another one of their hoaxes. Of course this was before we had any idea how this thing would impact us. But lets say he never made that statement. How would that have changed our current plight?
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.

When you have capitalism, you have jobs. An economic plunge could close down a lot of business which means a lot of jobs lost if and when we are totally safe from the virus. And what happens if there is no way TO wipe out this virus.....what do we do then?

Most all people need a job to support themselves and their families. The government can't support us forever. So it's more than just saving business, saving jobs, it's also saving the country so we don't end up like Greece or Venezuela. And don't think for a minute that can't happen in our country.

Though I wish it was otherwise, what I speak of wouldn't be a forever thing. Just until the plague is crushed. Also, as I said before, bees, ants and termites have societies. And they have no need of money at all. Neither is employment an issue. Surely to some small degree we humans can do a little bit of what some basically brainless bugs can do.

Really? Are you going to grow your own food from now on? Are you going to create heat in your home? Are you going to never go anywhere unless you walk or ride a bike? Are you going to stop taking any and all medications you're on? Are you willing to lose your house or apartment and build a shack in the middle of the woods somewhere?

We are not insects, we are human beings. We are people that survive only because of a modern society, which of course requires money to participate.

What has most people bitching is being able to do business. Farming and food production is just a small part of it. Though it is the most important part. Also, as long as gas and electricity are being produced, heating a house is no problem. Next, as human beings, we should be able to better than bug civilizations. And they don't use money.

Modern society uses money to survive. You can't live without it. Hell, out in the sticks, we have several Amish communities. Many of them have jobs because money is not optional--it's a necessity. Given the fact there is only one way for most to get money, that's what we need to do. Our government is traveling dangerous territory right now. The quicker we get to the point we can no longer spend (and yes, that day is coming) the quicker our country will collapse.

Economically, our country has already collapsed. That is as far as the value of money goes. Because we can never pay back the amount that we owe. Even before the coronavirus, our national debt kept growing and growing. Ever economist I have ever heard speaking about it said that it was unsustainable. Sooner or later, the crash would come. Well let it happen now. Flush the dollar down the toilet, erase our debt and create a new currency. Just like the holy Hitler did with MEFO currency. And give every poor working age adult in the US a $12,000 new dollar stimulus check to see them through the coronavirus quarantine period. Or maybe they should make it a $24,000 check.

The federal government handing out checks like they were candy bars at Halloween will only make that crash you talk about come even sooner. Since at some point it will crash (unless something is done) doesn't it make sense to deal with it later than sooner?
I mean really do we have right now employable people who it’s illegal for them to do their job AND paying people who don’t want to work for not working???
If I had to guess, I would say that our government will probably go for the latter. Which is also helped along by president Chump giving encouragement to the protesters why want to re-open the economy. And there are a lot of people suffering economic hardship. But seeing how there isn't likely to be a second round of stimulus checks, many have no choice but to go back to work. Even if it means risking their lives and spreading the coronavirus even more.

Over 80,000 people have died so far. What is the amount of genocide our country is willing to endure at the altar of capitalism as we know it. For those in power, more than likely any level of slaughter is acceptable to preserve capitalism as it was before the coronavirus.
Sucks to be a liberal, who has to do what their liberal elites tell them to. Dont go out you could die of the Wuhan Virus, but not from a drunk illegal who the left want to be here. Really sucks to be a liberal.

2 miles down the street from my worries...

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Unfortunately that photo is very frightening to far too many people.
Why! The people are spread out. There are small groups in clusters, but that could be people from the same household that would be clustered together anyway.

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