Stocks in a NOSE DIVE....Thanks to OBAMA!

here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You too are challenged by realty, and your foolish opinions are framed by racism and bigotry and ignorance; I challenged you before and you cut and ran like cowardly crazy right wingers generally do.
Yes, I should learn the art of civil debate from you.
maybe as soon as you get your welfare check and can buy crack again you will calm down enough to converse in a more civil tone.
as far as cut and run like a coward? not really, I just dont find reason to argue with someone that is not able to understand the damage they and their party are doing to the country.

You are a brazen fool, the worst kind of fool.

You're not even aware that your welfare comment is an example of why I called you out as a racist, bigot and ignoramus.
how about you explain for the class how a welfare comment is racist?
is it because you cant help but think that only minorities collect welfare? again, you show your racism by trying to paint others with what you actually are.
talk about ignorant. You certainly are at the top of that list.
I suspect your educational level is a bit on the low side too. ( cue response telling us about all his degree's and accomplishments in the academic world )

Hey, you're correct, many whites are on TANF; the use of the word welfare is a pejorative based on Reagan's welfare Queen comment.

Many women of all races with children who have been abandoned by dead-beat dads are also on TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families). Note the word TEMPORARY and you might want to look up the terms and conditions for TANF.

See, I'm always willing to provide facts to the ignorant.
funny thing about temporary, it only means that you have to reapply after a certain time. It does not mean that you completely get cut off and lose it.
I maintain, you are proving yourself to be the ignorant one here. Not the others that post.
Did you congratulate Obama when the stocks were soaring?
Did you congratulate Obama when the stocks were soaring?

I didn't, but I will give 10 to 1 that you blamed Bush when it crashed in 2008

Why not?

Mostly because he had nothing to do with it. He does not control the Fed and the 0% interest rate and pumping billions every month into the marker were the reasons for the market soaring.
Not my fault Obama has totally screwed up his time as President. You probably should blame Bush about now...
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.

You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You're a bum, in more specific terms a callous conservative who lacks empathy and posts fully on a wealth of ignorance and parroting right wing propaganda. Likely a racist, obviously a bigot and clearly incapable of civil debate.

I have to admire someone who can openly behave like a prick.

Honesty, I'm not surprised you can't recognize it.

Oh, it's easy to see you are a prick.

You and the faux patriot ought to get together.


The gay scene is your thing....not mine.

Of course, you can't dispute my original claim.

I am not a right winger.

But I am not fan of Obama either.

The big lie on both sides is that the man in the WH somehow runs things. He does not. Obama has a congress he can't work did he save the economy ? Answer: he didn't.

Just like Reagan didn't.

It is so much more complex than that.

Of course the OP is a simpleminded moron. He thinks Obama can.
Not my fault Obama has totally screwed up his time as President. You probably should blame Bush about now...
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.

You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster
Not my fault Obama has totally screwed up his time as President. You probably should blame Bush about now...
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.

You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster
huge disaster regardless of the party of the politician involved.
Its why I want to see what a non-politician like Trump can do. I would have been happy with Carson or Fiona too, however they are not the non politicians that it looks like will be an option
at this point if the right was running all career politicians and the left was running a non politician, Im pretty sure I would vote left.
Not my fault Obama has totally screwed up his time as President. You probably should blame Bush about now...
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.

You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster

The crash happened with Bush + Democrat Congress
Not my fault Obama has totally screwed up his time as President. You probably should blame Bush about now...
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.

You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster

The crash happened with Bush + Democrat Congress

I didn't say anything about the crash.

Bush got us in two wars.....

Ran up the deficit....

Blew several opportunities to do some really good things.

The country handed it to him and he flushed it down the toilet.

I don't hate his guts....but I'm pretty close.
Not my fault Obama has totally screwed up his time as President. You probably should blame Bush about now...
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.

You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster
huge disaster regardless of the party of the politician involved.
Its why I want to see what a non-politician like Trump can do. I would have been happy with Carson or Fiona too, however they are not the non politicians that it looks like will be an option
at this point if the right was running all career politicians and the left was running a non politician, Im pretty sure I would vote left.

I just wish Donald wasn't such a jackass.

I think indies would flock to him if he were less bellicose and belligerent.
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.

You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster

The crash happened with Bush + Democrat Congress

I didn't say anything about the crash.

Bush got us in two wars.....

Ran up the deficit....

Blew several opportunities to do some really good things.

The country handed it to him and he flushed it down the toilet.

I don't hate his guts....but I'm pretty close.

FDR got us into WWII because the Japanese bombed and killed a few thousand sailors in Hawaii. Bush went to war because some Islamist jihadists flew hijacked airliners into the WTC and the Pentagon and killed a few thousand US civilians. Was one or both of them justified in going to war?
Did you congratulate Obama when the stocks were soaring?

All you hear from the bleating left is how the market has surged under his leadership.

If it drops much more, it will be below the peak when Bush was in office...which says it has not grown at all.

Obama gets no credit for it returning to old would have gotten there faster if his daughters were running the show.
Yes, that is what you hear from many of the left wing hacks here.

That does not change the point. I certainly do not wish to drag myself down to the level of those hacks demanding that Obama is the reason that the stock market has grown so much. Though I find it deliciously ironic that those same posters continually bleet about how horrible the rich are. They don't even see the irony there :D
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.

You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster

The crash happened with Bush + Democrat Congress

I didn't say anything about the crash.

Bush got us in two wars.....

Ran up the deficit....

Blew several opportunities to do some really good things.

The country handed it to him and he flushed it down the toilet.

I don't hate his guts....but I'm pretty close.
you must really hate obama then.
he has kept us in two wars and is now looking to back the Saudi's
Bush ran up the deficit with the wars, a big number but once the wars ended, (obama said he would do that) the expense would end and eventually the cost could be paid off. Like a mortgage. However obama started the ACA, thats a cost that will continue to grow and can never be paid off or have an end.
The debt has tripled since obama took office, and anytime the republicans tried to fight raising it even more, obama shut down the government.
Im surprised you havent taken out a hit on him yet.
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.

You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster
huge disaster regardless of the party of the politician involved.
Its why I want to see what a non-politician like Trump can do. I would have been happy with Carson or Fiona too, however they are not the non politicians that it looks like will be an option
at this point if the right was running all career politicians and the left was running a non politician, Im pretty sure I would vote left.

I just wish Donald wasn't such a jackass.

I think indies would flock to him if he were less bellicose and belligerent.
he really should have waited to say he would ship the illegals back until after he was elected.
You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster

The crash happened with Bush + Democrat Congress

I didn't say anything about the crash.

Bush got us in two wars.....

Ran up the deficit....

Blew several opportunities to do some really good things.

The country handed it to him and he flushed it down the toilet.

I don't hate his guts....but I'm pretty close.

FDR got us into WWII because the Japanese bombed and killed a few thousand sailors in Hawaii. Bush went to war because some Islamist jihadists flew hijacked airliners into the WTC and the Pentagon and killed a few thousand US civilians. Was one or both of them justified in going to war?

Japan attacked us...Japan....a country......

Timothy McVeigh blew up a building....did we declare war on rednecks ?
You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster
huge disaster regardless of the party of the politician involved.
Its why I want to see what a non-politician like Trump can do. I would have been happy with Carson or Fiona too, however they are not the non politicians that it looks like will be an option
at this point if the right was running all career politicians and the left was running a non politician, Im pretty sure I would vote left.

I just wish Donald wasn't such a jackass.

I think indies would flock to him if he were less bellicose and belligerent.
he really should have waited to say he would ship the illegals back until after he was elected.

He does not have to say it.

All he needs to do is let states go....

When AZ passed their bill....the Phoenix area saw a mass migration....south.
You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster

The crash happened with Bush + Democrat Congress

I didn't say anything about the crash.

Bush got us in two wars.....

Ran up the deficit....

Blew several opportunities to do some really good things.

The country handed it to him and he flushed it down the toilet.

I don't hate his guts....but I'm pretty close.
you must really hate obama then.
he has kept us in two wars and is now looking to back the Saudi's
Bush ran up the deficit with the wars, a big number but once the wars ended, (obama said he would do that) the expense would end and eventually the cost could be paid off. Like a mortgage. However obama started the ACA, thats a cost that will continue to grow and can never be paid off or have an end.
The debt has tripled since obama took office, and anytime the republicans tried to fight raising it even more, obama shut down the government.
Im surprised you havent taken out a hit on him yet.

I had low expectations of Obama.

I had high expectations of the GOP in full control.

They really screwed it up.

Obama is liar and elitist.........I could see that coming.

Bush could have done some really conservative things (not repbulcan or far right).
Bush continuing the devastating policies is why I left the republican party. I in no way wanted to be associated with the left like that.


Bush + Republican Congress = Huge Disaster

The crash happened with Bush + Democrat Congress

I didn't say anything about the crash.

Bush got us in two wars.....

Ran up the deficit....

Blew several opportunities to do some really good things.

The country handed it to him and he flushed it down the toilet.

I don't hate his guts....but I'm pretty close.
you must really hate obama then.
he has kept us in two wars and is now looking to back the Saudi's
Bush ran up the deficit with the wars, a big number but once the wars ended, (obama said he would do that) the expense would end and eventually the cost could be paid off. Like a mortgage. However obama started the ACA, thats a cost that will continue to grow and can never be paid off or have an end.
The debt has tripled since obama took office, and anytime the republicans tried to fight raising it even more, obama shut down the government.
Im surprised you havent taken out a hit on him yet.

I had low expectations of Obama.

I had high expectations of the GOP in full control.

They really screwed it up.

Obama is liar and elitist.........I could see that coming.

Bush could have done some really conservative things (not repbulcan or far right).
yes he could have, and he campaigned as if he was going to.
then,,, nothing, totally liberal, as far left as one can go.
I had no choice but to drop affiliation with the republican party since they were not representing me or the country.Bush was still far better than this idiot in office now.

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