Stocks in a NOSE DIVE....Thanks to OBAMA!

According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

C H I N A, in a word.

BTW, the swings in the stock market from bull to bear can be slowed. Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You're a bum, in more specific terms a callous conservative who lacks empathy and posts fully on a wealth of ignorance and parroting right wing propaganda. Likely a racist, obviously a bigot and clearly incapable of civil debate.
According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

C H I N A, in a word.

BTW, the swings in the stock market from bull to bear can be slowed. Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You're a bum, in more specific terms a callous conservative who lacks empathy and posts fully on a wealth of ignorance and parroting right wing propaganda. Likely a racist, obviously a bigot and clearly incapable of civil debate.

Says the racist far left drone that will vote for worse than Bush a third time when they vote for Hilary..
So because Conservatives don't agree with liberals' redistribution of others' (their) money they are bums and racists? Go peddle that emotional / guilt trip BS elsewhere.

Socialism is great until the Socialists run out of other people's money.
Damn, that President Obama sure is powerful huh? Crashing China's economy and all.

That's nothing, Democrats claim Bush tanked the WORLD economy in 2008. It was amazing!

The Buck stops where?

With Truman.

That phrase was on his desk, and I admire him for telling it like it is.

Goody for you. You entertain easily.
According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

C H I N A, in a word.

BTW, the swings in the stock market from bull to bear can be slowed. Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You're a bum, in more specific terms a callous conservative who lacks empathy and posts fully on a wealth of ignorance and parroting right wing propaganda. Likely a racist, obviously a bigot and clearly incapable of civil debate.

I have to admire someone who can openly behave like a prick.
...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

yaa..., a couple years ago when the stock market was at it's peak the liberfools here crowed how the Kenyan born muslime mulatto, O'Husseinbama was the cause of it being highest the market ever was.., i disagreeed of course, now that the S.M. is falling faster than a meteor, i am betting the blame will fall on Bush or Trump maybe both. :up:
According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

C H I N A, in a word.

BTW, the swings in the stock market from bull to bear can be slowed. Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You're a bum, in more specific terms a callous conservative who lacks empathy and posts fully on a wealth of ignorance and parroting right wing propaganda. Likely a racist, obviously a bigot and clearly incapable of civil debate.

I have to admire someone who can openly behave like a prick.

Honesty, I'm not surprised you can't recognize it.
According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

C H I N A, in a word.

BTW, the swings in the stock market from bull to bear can be slowed. Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You're a bum, in more specific terms a callous conservative who lacks empathy and posts fully on a wealth of ignorance and parroting right wing propaganda. Likely a racist, obviously a bigot and clearly incapable of civil debate.

I have to admire someone who can openly behave like a prick.

Honesty, I'm not surprised you can't recognize it.

Oh, it's easy to see you are a prick.
According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

C H I N A, in a word.

BTW, the swings in the stock market from bull to bear can be slowed. Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You too are challenged by realty, and your foolish opinions are framed by racism and bigotry and ignorance; I challenged you before and you cut and ran like cowardly crazy right wingers generally do.
Yes, I should learn the art of civil debate from you.
maybe as soon as you get your welfare check and can buy crack again you will calm down enough to converse in a more civil tone.
as far as cut and run like a coward? not really, I just dont find reason to argue with someone that is not able to understand the damage they and their party are doing to the country.
Where was the Dow Jones when Obama took office? | Investopedia
When President Obama took office on Jan. 20, 2009, the Dow Jones Industrial Average slumped to 7,949.09, the lowest inaugural performance for the Dow since its creation. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq took similar hits, dropping 5.3 and 5.8 percent, respectively, and fourth quarter earnings reports were on track to drop more than 20 percent over the previous year's figures. Bank stocks in particular were hit quite hard, with the sector in general declining by 30 percent. Bank of America Corp. dropped 29 percent, and Citigroup Inc. sank a comparatively gentle 20 percent.

While the economic backslide may have seemed to indicate that the America public was less than confident in their newly elected leader, the dip was instead widely credited to continued lack of confidence in the failing economy left behind by the previous administration. Under former President Bush, the stock market took a 2.3 percent fall on an annualized basis, reflecting the 1 percent increase achieved during his first four years and the 5.5 percent decline suffered during his second term. If nothing else, the historic lows of the Bush administration and the shaky beginnings of the Obama years definitely indicate an economy in flux.

Good news, however, was not too long in coming. Despite its inauspicious economic beginnings, the Obama administration has overseen an impressive upswing in the stock market. As of Sept. 12, 2014 the Dow Jones has more than recovered from its January 2009 slump, resting nicely at 16,987.51 for the day, more than double what it was on inauguration day. More importantly, it has maintained a healthy average between 14,719 and 17,162 for the past 52 weeks. Though there have been intermittent downturns, the Dow's general upward trend speaks well for the Obama administration's efforts at economic recovery.

Read more: Where was the Dow Jones when Obama took office? | Investopedia Where was the Dow Jones when Obama took office? | Investopedia
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According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

C H I N A, in a word.

BTW, the swings in the stock market from bull to bear can be slowed. Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You too are challenged by realty, and your foolish opinions are framed by racism and bigotry and ignorance; I challenged you before and you cut and ran like cowardly crazy right wingers generally do.
Yes, I should learn the art of civil debate from you.
maybe as soon as you get your welfare check and can buy crack again you will calm down enough to converse in a more civil tone.
as far as cut and run like a coward? not really, I just dont find reason to argue with someone that is not able to understand the damage they and their party are doing to the country.

You are a brazen fool, the worst kind of fool.

You're not even aware that your welfare comment is an example of why I called you out as a racist, bigot and ignoramus.
C H I N A, in a word.

BTW, the swings in the stock market from bull to bear can be slowed. Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You're a bum, in more specific terms a callous conservative who lacks empathy and posts fully on a wealth of ignorance and parroting right wing propaganda. Likely a racist, obviously a bigot and clearly incapable of civil debate.

I have to admire someone who can openly behave like a prick.

Honesty, I'm not surprised you can't recognize it.

Oh, it's easy to see you are a prick.

You and the faux patriot ought to get together.
According to Liberals:
The economy is doing awesome because of Obama.

Unemployment is down because of Obama.

Conservatives are committing 'Seppuku' because gas process are so low...all because of Obama.

...then that must mean that the sudden, record-setting stock market nose dive HAS to be Obama's doing as well.

(Let the Liberal excuse making / denial begin... :p)

C H I N A, in a word.

BTW, the swings in the stock market from bull to bear can be slowed. Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You too are challenged by realty, and your foolish opinions are framed by racism and bigotry and ignorance; I challenged you before and you cut and ran like cowardly crazy right wingers generally do.
Yes, I should learn the art of civil debate from you.
maybe as soon as you get your welfare check and can buy crack again you will calm down enough to converse in a more civil tone.
as far as cut and run like a coward? not really, I just dont find reason to argue with someone that is not able to understand the damage they and their party are doing to the country.

You are a brazen fool, the worst kind of fool.

You're not even aware that your welfare comment is an example of why I called you out as a racist, bigot and ignoramus.
how about you explain for the class how a welfare comment is racist?
is it because you cant help but think that only minorities collect welfare? again, you show your racism by trying to paint others with what you actually are.
talk about ignorant. You certainly are at the top of that list.
I suspect your educational level is a bit on the low side too. ( cue response telling us about all his degree's and accomplishments in the academic world )
C H I N A, in a word.

BTW, the swings in the stock market from bull to bear can be slowed. Let's charge .25 cents for every stock or bond purchased or sold on the markets, foreign or domestic; then, apply the income generated to universal health care for all Americans.
here is another idea.
How about liberals figure out for once how to support themselves without having to beg others to pay for them.
maybe then the economy can recover.

You too are challenged by realty, and your foolish opinions are framed by racism and bigotry and ignorance; I challenged you before and you cut and ran like cowardly crazy right wingers generally do.
Yes, I should learn the art of civil debate from you.
maybe as soon as you get your welfare check and can buy crack again you will calm down enough to converse in a more civil tone.
as far as cut and run like a coward? not really, I just dont find reason to argue with someone that is not able to understand the damage they and their party are doing to the country.

You are a brazen fool, the worst kind of fool.

You're not even aware that your welfare comment is an example of why I called you out as a racist, bigot and ignoramus.
how about you explain for the class how a welfare comment is racist?
is it because you cant help but think that only minorities collect welfare? again, you show your racism by trying to paint others with what you actually are.
talk about ignorant. You certainly are at the top of that list.
I suspect your educational level is a bit on the low side too. ( cue response telling us about all his degree's and accomplishments in the academic world )

Hey, you're correct, many whites are on TANF; the use of the word welfare is a pejorative based on Reagan's welfare Queen comment.

Many women of all races with children who have been abandoned by dead-beat dads are also on TANF (Temporary Assistance to Needy Families). Note the word TEMPORARY and you might want to look up the terms and conditions for TANF.

See, I'm always willing to provide facts to the ignorant.
Not my fault Obama has totally screwed up his time as President. You probably should blame Bush about now...
No. If it's about the economic crash, you have to blame Carter. Then Clinton. Then you skip over the President on whom's watch the crash occurred, for some reason never explained. Then you retroactively blame Obama.

That's how you you do it. Just ask any rube.

You got most of it right. We have to blame Bush for continuing the policies put in place by Carter and Clinton.

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