Stonehenge was built by Black Britons


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Stonehenge was built by black Britons, a new children’s history book has claimed.

The illustrated book entitled Brilliant Black British History, by the Nigerian-born British author Atinuke, says “every single British person comes from a migrant” but “the very first Britons were black”.

Readers of the newly-released book are told that Stonehenge was built while Britain was “a black country”.

The book, published by Bloomsbury and promoted by Arts Council-funded literacy charity The Book Trust, states that “Britain was a black country for more than 7,000 years before white people came, and during that time the most famous British monument was built, Stonehenge.”

The introduction says that “Britain has been a mostly white country for a lot less time than it has been a mostly black country”.

History books should be a truthful as possible.
It is surprising that the book was published.
It's sad that some Children might read and believe this book.
Stonehenge was built by black Britons, a new children’s history book has claimed.

The illustrated book entitled Brilliant Black British History, by the Nigerian-born British author Atinuke, says “every single British person comes from a migrant” but “the very first Britons were black”.

Readers of the newly-released book are told that Stonehenge was built while Britain was “a black country”.

The book, published by Bloomsbury and promoted by Arts Council-funded literacy charity The Book Trust, states that “Britain was a black country for more than 7,000 years before white people came, and during that time the most famous British monument was built, Stonehenge.”

The introduction says that “Britain has been a mostly white country for a lot less time than it has been a mostly black country”.

History books should be a truthful as possible.
It is surprising that the book was published.
It's sad that some Children might read and believe this book.

"Analysis of his nuclear DNA indicates that he was a typical member of the Western European hunter-gatherer population at the time, with a most likely phenotype of blue-green eyes, dark brown or black hair, and dark or dark-to-black skin, with no genetic adaption for lactase persistence into adulthood"

History... right there

"Analysis of his nuclear DNA indicates that he was a typical member of the Western European hunter-gatherer population at the time, with a most likely phenotype of blue-green eyes, dark brown or black hair, and dark or dark-to-black skin, with no genetic adaption for lactase persistence into adulthood"

History... right there
and there is no possibility that cheddar man was a slave, brought to Britain from another country?
Cheddarman wasn't what Atenuke had in mind when he wrote the lying shit that Africans settled Britian and whites came and stole it. Clearly historians distinguished typical western Europeans from africans.
Stonehenge was built by black Britons, a new children’s history book has claimed.

Sorry, no, I was just at Stonehenge about 9 months ago. The stones were quarried in Wales and assembled nearby, then a few hundred years later, they were moved to their current location.
Stonehenge was built by black Britons, a new children’s history book has claimed.

The illustrated book entitled Brilliant Black British History, by the Nigerian-born British author Atinuke, says “every single British person comes from a migrant” but “the very first Britons were black”.

Readers of the newly-released book are told that Stonehenge was built while Britain was “a black country”.

The book, published by Bloomsbury and promoted by Arts Council-funded literacy charity The Book Trust, states that “Britain was a black country for more than 7,000 years before white people came, and during that time the most famous British monument was built, Stonehenge.”

The introduction says that “Britain has been a mostly white country for a lot less time than it has been a mostly black country”.

History books should be a truthful as possible.
It is surprising that the book was published.
It's sad that some Children might read and believe this book.
Yeeeeeah, as a historian, this kind of thing really concerns me.

I can see her intentions; Black people really have been wiped out of history a lot, and as a Black Briton born in Nigeria, I can see how she would want to correct that injustice. She's over-correcting, though, and imposing racial concepts on people who had none. At one point, she notes that the concept of "race" is entirely cultural, but then she seems to forget that when she tries to pin it on people who had no such concept in their culture.

You see the same thing happen when people argue about whether Cleopatra was Black. You might as well ask whether she preferred to drive an automatic or stick shift; the question does not apply because they had no concept of racial divide as we do. It is a cruel irony that in her zeal to equalize the "races," she is actually adding to the whole problem.
Yeeeeeah, as a historian, this kind of thing really concerns me.

I can see her intentions; Black people really have been wiped out of history a lot, and as a Black Briton born in Nigeria, I can see how she would want to correct that injustice. She's over-correcting, though, and imposing racial concepts on people who had none. At one point, she notes that the concept of "race" is entirely cultural, but then she seems to forget that when she tries to pin it on people who had no such concept in their culture.

You see the same thing happen when people argue about whether Cleopatra was Black. You might as well ask whether she preferred to drive an automatic or stick shift; the question does not apply because they had no concept of racial divide as we do. It is a cruel irony that in her zeal to equalize the "races," she is actually adding to the whole problem.
And also, people had no concept of what a 'country' was 4000 years ago.
Was the island of Briton a country 4000-7000 years ago?
I don't think so.
"Briton" was not even an island during the Ice Age.
The whole thing is some sort of racial appropriation.
Stonehenge was built by black Britons, a new children’s history book has claimed.

The illustrated book entitled Brilliant Black British History, by the Nigerian-born British author Atinuke, says “every single British person comes from a migrant” but “the very first Britons were black”.

Readers of the newly-released book are told that Stonehenge was built while Britain was “a black country”.

The book, published by Bloomsbury and promoted by Arts Council-funded literacy charity The Book Trust, states that “Britain was a black country for more than 7,000 years before white people came, and during that time the most famous British monument was built, Stonehenge.”

The introduction says that “Britain has been a mostly white country for a lot less time than it has been a mostly black country”.

History books should be a truthful as possible.
It is surprising that the book was published.
It's sad that some Children might read and believe this book.
This is just a load of nothing; it is historical pollution. This person is either very ignorant or a liar. There could be no black people living in Europe before the modern era at least not before agriculture. Their black skin would be a death sentence. People don’t realize how vital vitamin D is to good health. I feel the reason the that too many blacks in America today suffer so many health problems at an early age is because of a lack of the vitamin. Vitamin D is essential for things like a healthy heart and resistance to cancer not to mention the other benefits of vitamin D. And it is only found in Sun exposure, egg yolks, fish liver oils, and milk. My reference is: The Unity and Diversity of Life, Wadsworth publishing company. 1995. None of these sources of the vitamin were found in Europe in sufficient quantity during the Paleolithic. And by the time the Neolithic arrived in Europe the black people of Africa were cut off from the north by the Sahara Desert. There were no black people living in Europe until the time of the Ancient Romans and then their numbers were very small and even, they disappeared during the dark ages.
The book's author is an idiot, and he is attempting change history.

"Analysis of his nuclear DNA indicates that he was a typical member of the Western European hunter-gatherer population at the time, with a most likely phenotype of blue-green eyes, dark brown or black hair, and dark or dark-to-black skin, with no genetic adaption for lactase persistence into adulthood.[3]"

The prevailing theory is that 11,000 years ago people were dark skinned. Probably such people then adapted to their environment and became lighter skinned, rather than being different people.
And also, people had no concept of what a 'country' was 4000 years ago.
Was the island of Briton a country 4000-7000 years ago?
I don't think so.
"Briton" was not even an island during the Ice Age.
The whole thing is some sort of racial appropriation.

It's trying to explain things in a manner that modern people can comprehend. If you had to explain EVERYTHING nobody would even bother.
Sorry, no, I was just at Stonehenge about 9 months ago. The stones were quarried in Wales and assembled nearby, then a few hundred years later, they were moved to their current location.

"Analysis of his nuclear DNA indicates that he was a typical member of the Western European hunter-gatherer population at the time, with a most likely phenotype of blue-green eyes, dark brown or black hair, and dark or dark-to-black skin, with no genetic adaption for lactase persistence into adulthood.[3]"

Probably the people of 9th Century BC Europe were dark skinned and have adapted since then to become lighter skinned.

Neanderthals also had darker skin.

"The people who built Stonehenge 5000 years ago probably had the same pallid complexion of many modern inhabitants of the UK. Now it seems that the humans occupying Britain and mainland Europe only lost the darker skins of their African ancestors perhaps just 6000 years earlier, long after Neanderthals had died out."

This one suggests that at the time, 9,000BC, people were darker skin. That they began to lose this darker skin around the time of Cheddar Man.

However we really don't know who built Stonehenge, so it's difficult to say.

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