Stoning in Germany

If you're concerned about our happiness, what would make us happiest of all would be if the Muslims would just stay the fuck in their Islamic nations.

The fags, would be mostly fine in Christian nations. Yes there would be the occasional discrimination, or a rare violent attack towards a gay, trans, lesbo etc., but they would be much safer than if in an Islamic nation.

Unfortunately you do not possess the honesty to admit that.

Not really.

Attacks, criminalization, persecution are not "rare" or "occassional" outside of parts of Europe and North America. About the only good thing you can say is that in most Christian countries they aren't put to death - they are thrown in jail or lynched instead.

This isn't 1950.

You finally noticed?

That many Muslims hate homosexuals and will kill them as command by their religion?

Known it for quite sometime!

Why are the far left drones denying this?
No one is denying it. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all have a bad habit of killing faggots. It's allowed, in their Holy Books.

However, here in 2015 it's Muslims that are much more likely to carry it out.

You of course as an American liberal, are incapable of making that admission.
The irony of this thread is that I serously doubt the OP or many of those expressing horror at this give a damn about transexuals or homosexual rights if it wasn't for the Muslim aspect :lol:

What this illustrates is that the Muslims don't belong in Europa. Whilst many of us might disagree with the LGTB Agenda thing, we don't stone them, nor do majority of the peoples threaten them.
Liberal Muslims aren't just as tolerant as Liberal _______s? Do tell?

Or, do you just like things Christian, AKA, white?
I'm surprised at the support these self styled sharia police are getting!

Why are you surprised ?

Liberals simply are incapable of just agreeing that Muslims are more likely to stone people, decapitate, burn alive here, etc. here in 2015.

They will claim they are not defending them, but it's a lie. By always claiming other religions are just as bad, it's a defense or excuse for the ones that are actually doing it here in 2016.
I'm surprised at the support these self styled sharia police are getting!

Why are you surprised ?

Liberals simply are incapable of just agreeing that Muslims are more likely to stone people, decapitate, burn alive here, etc. here in 2015.

They will claim they are not defending them, but it's a lie. By always claiming other religions are just as bad, it's a defense or excuse for the ones that are actually doing it here in 2016.

Also they say it's all "anti-Muslim propaganda", it's incredible that we hear of daily horror incidents and yet the Leftists are in denial, either they're in denial OR they actually agree with what the monsters are doing.
I'm surprised at the support these self styled sharia police are getting!

Why are you surprised ?

Liberals simply are incapable of just agreeing that Muslims are more likely to stone people, decapitate, burn alive here, etc. here in 2015.

They will claim they are not defending them, but it's a lie. By always claiming other religions are just as bad, it's a defense or excuse for the ones that are actually doing it here in 2016.

Also they say it's all "anti-Muslim propaganda", it's incredible that we hear of daily horror incidents and yet the Leftists are in denial, either they're in denial OR they actually agree with what the monsters are doing.

It's utterly mind-blowing. Liberals just will not come out and admit that in the world today, Islam is the religion along with it's followers that are much MUCH more likely to present a violent threat to western cultures.

This is why I say, that the west's true enemy is the white liberals along with their allies the Muslims.
They are quietly and efficiently walking us all down the garden path, here in the U.S. and of course all of Europe.
The day will come when it's too late to stop the death of western culture, those that are alive at the time will be able to look back and see who it was that forced this death upon us. It is clearly liberalism, and it's followers. They are the enemy within.
I'm surprised at the support these self styled sharia police are getting!

Why are you surprised ?

Liberals simply are incapable of just agreeing that Muslims are more likely to stone people, decapitate, burn alive here, etc. here in 2015.

They will claim they are not defending them, but it's a lie. By always claiming other religions are just as bad, it's a defense or excuse for the ones that are actually doing it here in 2016.

Also they say it's all "anti-Muslim propaganda", it's incredible that we hear of daily horror incidents and yet the Leftists are in denial, either they're in denial OR they actually agree with what the monsters are doing.

It's utterly mind-blowing. Liberals just will not come out and admit that in the world today, Islam is the religion along with it's followers that are much MUCH more likely to present a violent threat to western cultures.

This is why I say, that the west's true enemy is the white liberals along with their allies the Muslims.
They are quietly and efficiently walking us all down the garden path, here in the U.S. and of course all of Europe.
The day will come when it's too late to stop the death of western culture, those that are alive at the time will be able to look back and see who it was that forced this death upon us. It is clearly liberalism, and it's followers. They are the enemy within.

Exactly, The Enemy Within. The Leftists hate Western Culture and must also therefore hate Western Civilisation, or else if not, why would they support and defend the savages that they want to force on our nations?

What is the Leftist fantasy? To turn Western Civilisation back into Stone Age era?

The Leftists the biggest champions of the LGTB crowd, how does this work with their love of the Muslims, who not only stone the LGTBs but also hang them and push them off buildings?
FURY is growing in Germany over mounting evidence of ANOTHER cover-up of migrant sex crimes after it emerged a welcome party for refugees held two months before the Cologne rapes descended into a mass groping session. MIGRANT SEX ATTACK 'COVER-UP': Welcome party for Cologne refugees turned into mass groping
Was this "party" to offer the German women to the migrants? It sure looks like the government threw a party for muslim men and German women as a kind of free for all meat market.
Who could not see this coming? Two men, with a history of prior assaults stoned a Trans woman in Germany.

The Jerusalem Post

A trans what? Man, woman, he/she, it? Take your pick. Maybe this wouldn't be happening if it weren't being shoved down our throats. No wonder it's an issue: 3% of a special interest group are FORCING the rest of us normals to accommodate their weirdness. Go figure.
No surprise, you agree with the Muslims.
Religion at work, and play.

Fundamental Islam at work, and play.
Nope. The Jews have the same rules, they just ignore them.
What have the ancient and long-nullified death penalty laws of other religions to do with the Neanderthal practices of Islam in our present age?

In your haste to pawn off another Moral Relativism and Faux Equivalency on an unsuspecting public, in order to defend Islam...

You attempt (and swiftly fail) to compare Judaism of 2000 years ago with the primitive warrior-religion cult of Islam today....

No sale...

In these stonings, we see Fundamental Islam at work and play...

Even pansy-ass Euro-Trash are beginning to figure this out for themselves...

Despite subversive fifth columnist propaganda and suicidal multi-culti government initiatives and tendencies...

The People are beginning to stop listening...

Thank God...
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It happens when you mix Third World Population with the First World Population
Who will liberal sissies throw under the bus here since it's ALWAYS liberal darling groups going at it. Will liberals side with muslims trying to kill transgender people?
Who will liberal sissies throw under the bus here since it's ALWAYS liberal darling groups going at it. Will liberals side with muslims trying to kill transgender people?
Decisions... decisions... what's a disingenuous Moral Relativist lying sack-of-shit Leftie to do?

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