Stoning in Germany

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Religion at work, and play.

Fundamental Islam at work, and play.
Nope. The Jews have the same rules, they just ignore them.

Any posting loaded with ignorance.
The legal process defined by the Torah makes the death penalty virtually IMPOSSIBLE to implement.
The Torah always tends towards deliberation and life as opposed to shooting from the hip.
Well, Islam is a copycat knock-off hybrid of Judaism, Christianity and Bedouin Hallucination and Supersitition...

Knock-offs are rarely as good as the original(s)...

Explaining Islam's 1300-year-old Inferiority Complex...

They never got over being laughed-at by the powers of the 600s, before they went militant...
Who could not see this coming? Two men, with a history of prior assaults stoned a Trans woman in Germany.

The Jerusalem Post

A trans what? Man, woman, he/she, it? Take your pick. Maybe this wouldn't be happening if it weren't being shoved down our throats. No wonder it's an issue: 3% of a special interest group are FORCING the rest of us normals to accommodate their weirdness. Go figure.
It does not matter whether they are he/she/it. The animals tossing the stones should be tossed off of some high-rise building. It's not their business what others are doing as long as they are not forced to participate. F**kin' animals islaamists. If they don't like what's going on in the countries that have so graciously opened their doors, they should slither back to the shitholes they came from. Let them cadge free housing, food, and pocket money from those governments.
Not really.

Attacks, criminalization, persecution are not "rare" or "occassional" outside of parts of Europe and North America. About the only good thing you can say is that in most Christian countries they aren't put to death - they are thrown in jail or lynched instead.

This isn't 1950.

You finally noticed?

That many Muslims hate homosexuals and will kill them as command by their religion?

Known it for quite sometime!

Why are the far left drones denying this?
No one is denying it. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all have a bad habit of killing faggots. It's allowed, in their Holy Books.

However, here in 2015 it's Muslims that are much more likely to carry it out.

You of course as an American liberal, are incapable of making that admission.

You seem incapable of comprehending the true depth of anti-homosexual feeling around the world. That's the only excuse I can think of for your pretending it's was all "1950's" - it's alive and well in the Christian world, with the only difference being they aren't put to death. I'm sure you think it's fine if they are persecuted, jailed, lynched for being homosexual, as long as they aren't executed.
Silly me. I actually thought everyone would be horrified at the very idea of stoning someone to death in a first world nation in the 21st century.

It's revealing how liberals justify the idea of self appointed sharia police.
Silly me. I actually thought everyone would be horrified at the very idea of stoning someone to death in a first world nation in the 21st century.

It's revealing how liberals justify the idea of self appointed sharia police.

Personally, I find the idea of people murdering other people simply because they are homosexual, revolting. I'm less concerned with the means by which they do it than I am by the fact that they would do it. Dead is dead after all.

I realize, however, you really don't care about murdering homosexuals.
Who could not see this coming? Two men, with a history of prior assaults stoned a Trans woman in Germany.

The Jerusalem Post

A trans what? Man, woman, he/she, it? Take your pick. Maybe this wouldn't be happening if it weren't being shoved down our throats. No wonder it's an issue: 3% of a special interest group are FORCING the rest of us normals to accommodate their weirdness. Go figure.
It does not matter whether they are he/she/it. The animals tossing the stones should be tossed off of some high-rise building. It's not their business what others are doing as long as they are not forced to participate. F**kin' animals islaamists. If they don't like what's going on in the countries that have so graciously opened their doors, they should slither back to the shitholes they came from. Let them cadge free housing, food, and pocket money from those governments.
Bears repeating. Y'all are losing focus. THINK!
These animals tried to STONE someone in BERLIN. Get it? Stoning? In BERLIN? Not only are they invading Europe, they are bringing their 7th century wacko beliefs with them and if they are going to STONE someone in BERLIN, who else might die from their warped ideas? HELLOOOOOO?
Reality check.

Media calls it "stoning".

Article states:

“Within seconds we were tossed around…and they took stones from a gravel bed on the corner and threw them at us,” said Elisa.
A police car appeared at the train station as the stoning attack unfolded and arrested the men.

The German media as a general rule do not disclose the last names of victims to protect their privacy. The three men are between 16 and 18 years-old and are known to the authorities from theft and assault arrests.

These thugs picked up stones and threw them.

Is that a "stoning"?

Is every time someone throws stones a "stoning"? Or is it media hyperbole of a thuggish criminal behavior?
Ever had a rock thrown attcha? I have little gravel rocks in my driveway. They are a bitch on my feet. I can imagine them hitting me in the forehead by a 17 year old guy. And what about the bigger ones? Yep, got some of those too, to help hold the gravel in place. How about those hitting me in the chest, forehead, eyeball and more than just one? And what if I happen to be wearing my husbands jacket, a pair of boots and my hair up on my head underneath a baseball cap but I am a woman but they think I am a man? Does that give the right to anyone to pick up a rock and throw it at me?

I had a roomie that was horribly scarred on his shoulders and back from being beaten almost to death in Iraq. He didn't die, thankfully. His mother got him out of there and in to NYC. From NYC he found his way to California. Alone. By himself. He met the love of his life and both men moved in with me as my roomies. See, here in the USA, STONING with little rocks or big rocks doesn't's against the laws of this land. But I guess its AOK in Berlin and everyone upset about it is just assholes, eh?
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Ever had a rock thrown attcha? I have little gravel rocks in my driveway. They are a bitch on my feet. I can imagine them hitting me in the forehead by a 17 year old guy. And what about the bigger ones? Yep, got some of those too, to help hold the gravel in place. How about those hitting me in the chest, forehead, eyeball and more than just one? And what if I happen to be wearing my husbands jacket, a pair of boots and my hair up on my head underneath a baseball cap but I am a woman but they think I am a man? Does that give the right to anyone to pick up a rock and throw it at me?

I had a roomie that was horribly scarred on his shoulders and back from being beaten almost to death in Iraq. He didn't die, thankfully. His mother got him out of there and in to NYC. From NYC he found his way to California. Alone. By himself. He met the love of his life and both men moved in with me as my roomies. See, here in the USA, STONING with little rocks or big rocks doesn't matter. But I guess its AOK in Berlin and everyone upset about it is just assholes, eh?

I'm not defending throwing rocks Gracie. I just wonder why the media labels it "stoning" when in any other situation, it's called "throwing rocks".
This isn't 1950.

You finally noticed?

That many Muslims hate homosexuals and will kill them as command by their religion?

Known it for quite sometime!

Why are the far left drones denying this?
No one is denying it. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all have a bad habit of killing faggots. It's allowed, in their Holy Books.

However, here in 2015 it's Muslims that are much more likely to carry it out.

You of course as an American liberal, are incapable of making that admission.

You seem incapable of comprehending the true depth of anti-homosexual feeling around the world. That's the only excuse I can think of for your pretending it's was all "1950's" - it's alive and well in the Christian world, with the only difference being they aren't put to death. I'm sure you think it's fine if they are persecuted, jailed, lynched for being homosexual, as long as they aren't executed.

I don't think any of that is fine, I just don't agree with homo marriage. Other than that, they can do whatever the fuck they want, it's none of my business.
And by the way, I'm not a Christian.
Because if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a duck and originally came from a duck stoning's stoning.
Religion at work, and play.

THe trans woman stated that this is the first time in thirty years in Germany, a majority Christian nation, that she felt unsafe.

Your attempt to hide from the truth is intellectually dishonest and reeks of moral cowardice.
Use the correct pronoun for the "trains woman": he.
The correct pronoun for "trains woman" is Choo Choo...
What is a "trains woman"?
Religion at work, and play.

THe trans woman stated that this is the first time in thirty years in Germany, a majority Christian nation, that she felt unsafe.

Your attempt to hide from the truth is intellectually dishonest and reeks of moral cowardice.

"Germany, a majority Christian nation"

Which is what we've been saying, and here is a Trans woman agreeing with what we've been saying. Not only is Germany historically a majority Christian nation, but Europa is historically a majority Christian Continent.

A Christian continent that created such a safe space for odd balls like this trans woman and Paint, that they forgot what a dangerous world it is.

And started thinking that the Christians who did not celebrate their choices were the worst thing in the world.

I wonder if this transwoman has learned anything. It is obvious that Paint is still in denial.
Liberalism, not a religion, created the tolerance. Christianity did anything but.
Liberalism causes hate, disease and evil empires like Nazi Germany and the USSR.
Religion at work, and play.

THe trans woman stated that this is the first time in thirty years in Germany, a majority Christian nation, that she felt unsafe.

Your attempt to hide from the truth is intellectually dishonest and reeks of moral cowardice.

"Germany, a majority Christian nation"

Which is what we've been saying, and here is a Trans woman agreeing with what we've been saying. Not only is Germany historically a majority Christian nation, but Europa is historically a majority Christian Continent.

A Christian continent that created such a safe space for odd balls like this trans woman and Paint, that they forgot what a dangerous world it is.

And started thinking that the Christians who did not celebrate their choices were the worst thing in the world.

I wonder if this transwoman has learned anything. It is obvious that Paint is still in denial.
Liberalism, not a religion, created the tolerance. Christianity did anything but.
Liberalism causes hate, disease and evil empires like Nazi Germany and the USSR.
Both of those hated liberals, like you, the American in name only.
Religion, and reactionaries, meaning anti-liberalism, is the problem. You see the trees but not the forest, and the tress scare you so you lash out.

1.6 billion liberal Muslims would be no problem at all. it's the faithful ones that are blowing shit up.
1.6 billion Muslims hate everything you stand for. Would you feel safer if they all converted to Christianity?

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