Stoning in Germany

THe trans woman stated that this is the first time in thirty years in Germany, a majority Christian nation, that she felt unsafe.

Your attempt to hide from the truth is intellectually dishonest and reeks of moral cowardice.

"Germany, a majority Christian nation"

Which is what we've been saying, and here is a Trans woman agreeing with what we've been saying. Not only is Germany historically a majority Christian nation, but Europa is historically a majority Christian Continent.

A Christian continent that created such a safe space for odd balls like this trans woman and Paint, that they forgot what a dangerous world it is.

And started thinking that the Christians who did not celebrate their choices were the worst thing in the world.

I wonder if this transwoman has learned anything. It is obvious that Paint is still in denial.
Liberalism, not a religion, created the tolerance. Christianity did anything but.
Liberalism causes hate, disease and evil empires like Nazi Germany and the USSR.
Both of those hated liberals, like you, the American in name only.
THe trans woman stated that this is the first time in thirty years in Germany, a majority Christian nation, that she felt unsafe.

Your attempt to hide from the truth is intellectually dishonest and reeks of moral cowardice.

"Germany, a majority Christian nation"

Which is what we've been saying, and here is a Trans woman agreeing with what we've been saying. Not only is Germany historically a majority Christian nation, but Europa is historically a majority Christian Continent.

A Christian continent that created such a safe space for odd balls like this trans woman and Paint, that they forgot what a dangerous world it is.

And started thinking that the Christians who did not celebrate their choices were the worst thing in the world.

I wonder if this transwoman has learned anything. It is obvious that Paint is still in denial.
Liberalism, not a religion, created the tolerance. Christianity did anything but.
Liberalism causes hate, disease and evil empires like Nazi Germany and the USSR.
Both of those hated liberals, like you, the American in name only.
Both are left wing ideologies. That is irrefutable.
Religion, and reactionaries, meaning anti-liberalism, is the problem. You see the trees but not the forest, and the tress scare you so you lash out.

1.6 billion liberal Muslims would be no problem at all. it's the faithful ones that are blowing shit up.
1.6 billion Muslims hate everything you stand for. Would you feel safer if they all converted to Christianity?
I feel perfectly safe and what I'd like them convert to is the only rational positions, Agnosticism and Liberalism. Throw in a little Capitalism is it's time to get down and dance:
If you're concerned about our happiness, what would make us happiest of all would be if the Muslims would just stay the fuck in their Islamic nations.

The fags, would be mostly fine in Christian nations. Yes there would be the occasional discrimination, or a rare violent attack towards a gay, trans, lesbo etc., but they would be much safer than if in an Islamic nation.

Unfortunately you do not possess the honesty to admit that.

Not really.

Attacks, criminalization, persecution are not "rare" or "occassional" outside of parts of Europe and North America. About the only good thing you can say is that in most Christian countries they aren't put to death - they are thrown in jail or lynched instead.

This isn't 1950.

You finally noticed?

That many Muslims hate homosexuals and will kill them as command by their religion?

Known it for quite sometime!

Why are the far left drones denying this?
No one is denying it. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all have a bad habit of killing faggots. It's allowed, in their Holy Books.
. Communist atheists killed a few fags too. Not something we Christians do.
"Germany, a majority Christian nation"

Which is what we've been saying, and here is a Trans woman agreeing with what we've been saying. Not only is Germany historically a majority Christian nation, but Europa is historically a majority Christian Continent.

A Christian continent that created such a safe space for odd balls like this trans woman and Paint, that they forgot what a dangerous world it is.

And started thinking that the Christians who did not celebrate their choices were the worst thing in the world.

I wonder if this transwoman has learned anything. It is obvious that Paint is still in denial.
Liberalism, not a religion, created the tolerance. Christianity did anything but.
Liberalism causes hate, disease and evil empires like Nazi Germany and the USSR.
Both of those hated liberals, like you, the American in name only.
"Germany, a majority Christian nation"

Which is what we've been saying, and here is a Trans woman agreeing with what we've been saying. Not only is Germany historically a majority Christian nation, but Europa is historically a majority Christian Continent.

A Christian continent that created such a safe space for odd balls like this trans woman and Paint, that they forgot what a dangerous world it is.

And started thinking that the Christians who did not celebrate their choices were the worst thing in the world.

I wonder if this transwoman has learned anything. It is obvious that Paint is still in denial.
Liberalism, not a religion, created the tolerance. Christianity did anything but.
Liberalism causes hate, disease and evil empires like Nazi Germany and the USSR.
Both of those hated liberals, like you, the American in name only.
Both are left wing ideologies. That is irrefutable.
Nothing of the kind. About as far from liberalism as you are, only much smarter.
Silly me. I actually thought everyone would be horrified at the very idea of stoning someone to death in a first world nation in the 21st century.

It's revealing how liberals justify the idea of self appointed sharia police.
Throwing women under the bus at the same time... hypocritical pigs.
Not really.

Attacks, criminalization, persecution are not "rare" or "occassional" outside of parts of Europe and North America. About the only good thing you can say is that in most Christian countries they aren't put to death - they are thrown in jail or lynched instead.

This isn't 1950.

You finally noticed?

That many Muslims hate homosexuals and will kill them as command by their religion?

Known it for quite sometime!

Why are the far left drones denying this?
No one is denying it. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all have a bad habit of killing faggots. It's allowed, in their Holy Books.
. Communist atheists killed a few fags too.
The list of ________s that haven't killed the faggots is too short to bother with. and that bothers you not at all.
...These thugs picked up stones and threw them...
Correction. "These IslamoNazi misogynist refugee Muslim pigs, picked up stones and threw them."

...Is that a "stoning"?...
Depends on whether or not the Polizei shows up in time to prevent it from becoming lethal, as the Neanderal Muslim pigs no doubt sought.

...Is every time someone throws stones a "stoning"? Or is it media hyperbole of a thuggish criminal behavior?
Only if they're IslamoNazi refugee Muslim pigs, in a land that neither wants them nor understands the threat they pose.
I'm surprised at the support these self styled sharia police are getting!

Why are you surprised ?

Liberals simply are incapable of just agreeing that Muslims are more likely to stone people, decapitate, burn alive here, etc. here in 2015.

They will claim they are not defending them, but it's a lie. By always claiming other religions are just as bad, it's a defense or excuse for the ones that are actually doing it here in 2016.

Also they say it's all "anti-Muslim propaganda", it's incredible that we hear of daily horror incidents and yet the Leftists are in denial, either they're in denial OR they actually agree with what the monsters are doing.
What do you expect from an ideology that supported slavery, started The KKK and implemented Jom Crow laws.
I'm surprised at the support these self styled sharia police are getting!

Why are you surprised ?

Liberals simply are incapable of just agreeing that Muslims are more likely to stone people, decapitate, burn alive here, etc. here in 2015.

They will claim they are not defending them, but it's a lie. By always claiming other religions are just as bad, it's a defense or excuse for the ones that are actually doing it here in 2016.

Also they say it's all "anti-Muslim propaganda", it's incredible that we hear of daily horror incidents and yet the Leftists are in denial, either they're in denial OR they actually agree with what the monsters are doing.
What do you expect from an ideology that supported slavery, started The KKK and implemented Jom Crow laws.
How odd, the Party of Lincoln, didn't vote for Lincoln, and hates his guts to this day:
Religion at work, and play.

Fundamental Islam at work, and play.
Nope. The Jews have the same rules, they just ignore them.
What have the ancient and long-nullified death penalty laws of other religions to do with the Neanderthal practices of Islam in our present age?

In your haste to pawn off another Moral Relativism and Faux Equivalency on an unsuspecting public, in order to defend Islam...

You attempt (and swiftly fail) to compare Judaism of 2000 years ago with the primitive warrior-religion cult of Islam today....

No sale...

In these stonings, we see Fundamental Islam at work and play...

Even pansy-ass Euro-Trash are beginning to figure this out for themselves...

Despite subversive fifth columnist propaganda and suicidal multi-culti government initiatives and tendencies...

The People are beginning to stop listening...

Thank God...
And the liberal fuckers here in the US want to bring that shit here.
Religion at work, and play.

Fundamental Islam at work, and play.
Nope. The Jews have the same rules, they just ignore them.
What have the ancient and long-nullified death penalty laws of other religions to do with the Neanderthal practices of Islam in our present age?

In your haste to pawn off another Moral Relativism and Faux Equivalency on an unsuspecting public, in order to defend Islam...

You attempt (and swiftly fail) to compare Judaism of 2000 years ago with the primitive warrior-religion cult of Islam today....

No sale...

In these stonings, we see Fundamental Islam at work and play...

Even pansy-ass Euro-Trash are beginning to figure this out for themselves...

Despite subversive fifth columnist propaganda and suicidal multi-culti government initiatives and tendencies...

The People are beginning to stop listening...

Thank God...
And the liberal fuckers here in the US want to bring that shit here.
That "shit" is already here, you dumbfuck.
Religion at work, and play.

Fundamental Islam at work, and play.
Nope. The Jews have the same rules, they just ignore them.
What have the ancient and long-nullified death penalty laws of other religions to do with the Neanderthal practices of Islam in our present age?

In your haste to pawn off another Moral Relativism and Faux Equivalency on an unsuspecting public, in order to defend Islam...

You attempt (and swiftly fail) to compare Judaism of 2000 years ago with the primitive warrior-religion cult of Islam today....

No sale...

In these stonings, we see Fundamental Islam at work and play...

Even pansy-ass Euro-Trash are beginning to figure this out for themselves...

Despite subversive fifth columnist propaganda and suicidal multi-culti government initiatives and tendencies...

The People are beginning to stop listening...

Thank God...
And the liberal fuckers here in the US want to bring that shit here.
That "shit" is already here, you dumbfuck.
Yeah, thanks to bleeding heart liberals.

Fundamental Islam at work, and play.
Nope. The Jews have the same rules, they just ignore them.
What have the ancient and long-nullified death penalty laws of other religions to do with the Neanderthal practices of Islam in our present age?

In your haste to pawn off another Moral Relativism and Faux Equivalency on an unsuspecting public, in order to defend Islam...

You attempt (and swiftly fail) to compare Judaism of 2000 years ago with the primitive warrior-religion cult of Islam today....

No sale...

In these stonings, we see Fundamental Islam at work and play...

Even pansy-ass Euro-Trash are beginning to figure this out for themselves...

Despite subversive fifth columnist propaganda and suicidal multi-culti government initiatives and tendencies...

The People are beginning to stop listening...

Thank God...
And the liberal fuckers here in the US want to bring that shit here.
That "shit" is already here, you dumbfuck.
Yeah, thanks to bleeding heart liberals.
Well, some dumbfuck native darkies didn't slaughter us as we came ashore. Payback is a bitch eh whitey?
Nope. The Jews have the same rules, they just ignore them.
What have the ancient and long-nullified death penalty laws of other religions to do with the Neanderthal practices of Islam in our present age?

In your haste to pawn off another Moral Relativism and Faux Equivalency on an unsuspecting public, in order to defend Islam...

You attempt (and swiftly fail) to compare Judaism of 2000 years ago with the primitive warrior-religion cult of Islam today....

No sale...

In these stonings, we see Fundamental Islam at work and play...

Even pansy-ass Euro-Trash are beginning to figure this out for themselves...

Despite subversive fifth columnist propaganda and suicidal multi-culti government initiatives and tendencies...

The People are beginning to stop listening...

Thank God...
And the liberal fuckers here in the US want to bring that shit here.
That "shit" is already here, you dumbfuck.
Yeah, thanks to bleeding heart liberals.
Well, some dumbfuck native darkies didn't slaughter us as we came ashore. Payback is a bitch eh whitey?

Say's the self-hating white Uncle Tom.
What have the ancient and long-nullified death penalty laws of other religions to do with the Neanderthal practices of Islam in our present age?

In your haste to pawn off another Moral Relativism and Faux Equivalency on an unsuspecting public, in order to defend Islam...

You attempt (and swiftly fail) to compare Judaism of 2000 years ago with the primitive warrior-religion cult of Islam today....

No sale...

In these stonings, we see Fundamental Islam at work and play...

Even pansy-ass Euro-Trash are beginning to figure this out for themselves...

Despite subversive fifth columnist propaganda and suicidal multi-culti government initiatives and tendencies...

The People are beginning to stop listening...

Thank God...
And the liberal fuckers here in the US want to bring that shit here.
That "shit" is already here, you dumbfuck.
Yeah, thanks to bleeding heart liberals.
Well, some dumbfuck native darkies didn't slaughter us as we came ashore. Payback is a bitch eh whitey?

Say's the self-hating white Uncle Tom.
Hating whitey is easy, there isn't much to like in the final analysis.

And you should be pissed at well. If they hadn't brought all those ******* here, or let those Beaners in, life here would be a paradise, right?
And the liberal fuckers here in the US want to bring that shit here.
That "shit" is already here, you dumbfuck.
Yeah, thanks to bleeding heart liberals.
Well, some dumbfuck native darkies didn't slaughter us as we came ashore. Payback is a bitch eh whitey?

Say's the self-hating white Uncle Tom.
Hating whitey is easy, there isn't much to like in the final analysis.

There it is !
And the liberal fuckers here in the US want to bring that shit here.
That "shit" is already here, you dumbfuck.
Yeah, thanks to bleeding heart liberals.
Well, some dumbfuck native darkies didn't slaughter us as we came ashore. Payback is a bitch eh whitey?

Say's the self-hating white Uncle Tom.
Hating whitey is easy, there isn't much to like in the final analysis.

And you should be pissed at well. If they hadn't brought all those ******* here, or let those Beaners in, life here would be a paradise, right?
There isn't much to like about you. You are a very typical coward your vitriol is in words but at the slightest provocation you run away and hide. Now I know you can't speak for all yellow bellied scum cowards just explain yourself. Why are you such a pretend loudmouth when you are, in fact, frightened of your own shadow?

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