Stoning in Germany

The irony of this thread is that I serously doubt the OP or many of those expressing horror at this give a damn about transexuals or homosexual rights if it wasn't for the Muslim aspect :lol:
Exactly right. They'd be more than happy to stone the faggots, if they could get away with it.

The point you and Coyote are missing here is that Christian religion considers it morally wrong and a sin. Whilst most Sharia inspired govt consider it a CRIME.. That's a big difference.

And ACTING on that belief that it is a crime and STONING someone is a far cry from carrying a protest sign or demanding that your kid's school back down from allowing trannies to CHOOSE a bathroom..
Not really.

Attacks, criminalization, persecution are not "rare" or "occassional" outside of parts of Europe and North America. About the only good thing you can say is that in most Christian countries they aren't put to death - they are thrown in jail or lynched instead.

This isn't 1950.

You finally noticed?

That many Muslims hate homosexuals and will kill them as command by their religion?

Known it for quite sometime!

Why are the far left drones denying this?
No one is denying it. Christians, Jews, and Muslims all have a bad habit of killing faggots. It's allowed, in their Holy Books.
. Communist atheists killed a few fags too. Not something we Christians do.
Christian Pastor Says Gays 'Worthy Of Death' At Conference With 3 GOP Presidential Candidates
The irony of this thread is that I serously doubt the OP or many of those expressing horror at this give a damn about transexuals or homosexual rights if it wasn't for the Muslim aspect :lol:
Exactly right. They'd be more than happy to stone the faggots, if they could get away with it.

The point you and Coyote are missing here is that Christian religion considers it morally wrong and a sin. Whilst most Sharia inspired govt consider it a CRIME.. That's a big difference.

And ACTING on that belief that it is a crime and STONING someone is a far cry from carrying a protest sign or demanding that your kid's school back down from allowing trannies to CHOOSE a bathroom..
Same evil peas, same evil pod, same source of evil meaning faith, not rational thought, and just as goddamned dangerous.

You don't stone them now, we won't allow you to, but you used to and you'd go back to that in a heartbeat if we allowed it. Given time, we'll stop them as well. We stopped you so it can be done.
The irony of this thread is that I serously doubt the OP or many of those expressing horror at this give a damn about transexuals or homosexual rights if it wasn't for the Muslim aspect :lol:
Exactly right. They'd be more than happy to stone the faggots, if they could get away with it.

The point you and Coyote are missing here is that Christian religion considers it morally wrong and a sin. Whilst most Sharia inspired govt consider it a CRIME.. That's a big difference.

And ACTING on that belief that it is a crime and STONING someone is a far cry from carrying a protest sign or demanding that your kid's school back down from allowing trannies to CHOOSE a bathroom..
Same evil peas, same evil pod, same source of evil meaning faith, not rational thought, and just as goddamned dangerous.

You don't stone them now, we won't allow you to, but you used to and you'd go back to that in a heartbeat if we allowed it. Given time, we'll stop them as well. We stopped you so it can be done.

What is the "you" and "we" biz? I've never stoned anyone in my life. And YOU have stopped NO ONE from stoning anyone.. :wtf:
The irony of this thread is that I serously doubt the OP or many of those expressing horror at this give a damn about transexuals or homosexual rights if it wasn't for the Muslim aspect :lol:
Exactly right. They'd be more than happy to stone the faggots, if they could get away with it.

The point you and Coyote are missing here is that Christian religion considers it morally wrong and a sin. Whilst most Sharia inspired govt consider it a CRIME.. That's a big difference.

And ACTING on that belief that it is a crime and STONING someone is a far cry from carrying a protest sign or demanding that your kid's school back down from allowing trannies to CHOOSE a bathroom..
Same evil peas, same evil pod, same source of evil meaning faith, not rational thought, and just as goddamned dangerous.

You don't stone them now, we won't allow you to, but you used to and you'd go back to that in a heartbeat if we allowed it. Given time, we'll stop them as well. We stopped you so it can be done.

What is the "you" and "we" biz? I've never stoned anyone in my life. And YOU have stopped NO ONE from stoning anyone.. :wtf:
We, the liberals, stopped you, the faithful, from being so true to your Holy Book that you did exactly what it actually said to do. Don't get hung up on terms, liberalism and capitalism are why the Christians and Jews aren't as bad as ISIS, in most cases.

ISIS is obeying, so they believe, God's rules and we need them, and you, to obey man's rules. Under man slaughter, or killing the gays, is forbidden but if I ask you who matters more, man or God, if you are honest you will give the same answer that ISIS would, and that is a big fucking problem...
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The irony of this thread is that I serously doubt the OP or many of those expressing horror at this give a damn about transexuals or homosexual rights if it wasn't for the Muslim aspect :lol:
Exactly right. They'd be more than happy to stone the faggots, if they could get away with it.

The point you and Coyote are missing here is that Christian religion considers it morally wrong and a sin. Whilst most Sharia inspired govt consider it a CRIME.. That's a big difference.

And ACTING on that belief that it is a crime and STONING someone is a far cry from carrying a protest sign or demanding that your kid's school back down from allowing trannies to CHOOSE a bathroom..
Same evil peas, same evil pod, same source of evil meaning faith, not rational thought, and just as goddamned dangerous.

You don't stone them now, we won't allow you to, but you used to and you'd go back to that in a heartbeat if we allowed it. Given time, we'll stop them as well. We stopped you so it can be done.

What is the "you" and "we" biz? I've never stoned anyone in my life. And YOU have stopped NO ONE from stoning anyone.. :wtf:
We, the liberals, stopped you, the faithful, from being so true to your Holy Book that you did exactly what it actually said to do. Don't get hung up on terms, liberalism and capitalism are why the Christians and Jews aren't as bad as ISIS, in most cases.

ISIS is obeying, so they believe, God's rules and we need them, and you, to obey man's rules. Under man slaughter, or killing the gays, is forbidden but if I ask you who matters more, man or God, if you are honest you will give the same answer that ISIS would, and that is a big fucking problem...

You got the wrong audience.. Go lecture someone else about the faithful.. I PREFER to live among the faithful because they know some humility and have a LOT of moral discipline. I'm really not as worthy as the faithful are.

Sure beats flailing at definitions with a bunch of moral relativist secular god-less humanists who believe that man's laws are infallible. And are always ready to punish and kill to preserve them..
Exactly right. They'd be more than happy to stone the faggots, if they could get away with it.

The point you and Coyote are missing here is that Christian religion considers it morally wrong and a sin. Whilst most Sharia inspired govt consider it a CRIME.. That's a big difference.

And ACTING on that belief that it is a crime and STONING someone is a far cry from carrying a protest sign or demanding that your kid's school back down from allowing trannies to CHOOSE a bathroom..
Same evil peas, same evil pod, same source of evil meaning faith, not rational thought, and just as goddamned dangerous.

You don't stone them now, we won't allow you to, but you used to and you'd go back to that in a heartbeat if we allowed it. Given time, we'll stop them as well. We stopped you so it can be done.

What is the "you" and "we" biz? I've never stoned anyone in my life. And YOU have stopped NO ONE from stoning anyone.. :wtf:
We, the liberals, stopped you, the faithful, from being so true to your Holy Book that you did exactly what it actually said to do. Don't get hung up on terms, liberalism and capitalism are why the Christians and Jews aren't as bad as ISIS, in most cases.

ISIS is obeying, so they believe, God's rules and we need them, and you, to obey man's rules. Under man slaughter, or killing the gays, is forbidden but if I ask you who matters more, man or God, if you are honest you will give the same answer that ISIS would, and that is a big fucking problem...

You got the wrong audience.. Go lecture someone else about the faithful.. I PREFER to live among the faithful because they know some humility and have a LOT of moral discipline. I'm really not as worthy as the faithful are.

Sure beats flailing at definitions with a bunch of moral relativist secular god-less humanists who believe that man's laws are infallible. And are always ready to punish and kill to preserve them..
Man's laws are up for grabs, but when based upon reason and tolerance there is a more than decent chance that everyone can just get on with their lives, mostly as they see fit. God's laws have no such ability. With those we get ISIS, I shouldn't have to say much else.

Liberalism and capitalism crushed most Christian insanity. It can do the same for Islam, if you would just stop fighting us at the very same time that they are...
You seem incapable of comprehending the true depth of anti-homosexual feeling around the world. That's the only excuse I can think of for your pretending it's was all "1950's" - it's alive and well in the Christian world, with the only difference being they aren't put to death. I'm sure you think it's fine if they are persecuted, jailed, lynched for being homosexual, as long as they aren't executed.
Show us a persecuted, jailed, lynched homo that had this done by a Christian.
Who could not see this coming? Two men, with a history of prior assaults stoned a Trans woman in Germany.

The Jerusalem Post

Jerusalem Post???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

root of stoning in islam=
jewish tribe was in islam land..
jewish tribe asked mohammad a question.if jewish woman cheated .what we can do?
and mohammad said= Anything that is written in the torah
.then jewish tribe stoning ............
many moslem believed mohammad just respect jewish rule and religious and islam dont believed stoning
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Bears repeating. Y'all are losing focus. THINK!
These animals tried to STONE someone in BERLIN. Get it? Stoning? In BERLIN? Not only are they invading Europe, they are bringing their 7th century wacko beliefs with them and if they are going to STONE someone in BERLIN, who else might die from their warped ideas? HELLOOOOOO?
Silly woman. Don't you know all cultures are equivalent according to libtards.
Same evil peas, same evil pod, same source of evil meaning faith, not rational thought, and just as goddamned dangerous.

You don't stone them now, we won't allow you to, but you used to and you'd go back to that in a heartbeat if we allowed it. Given time, we'll stop them as well. We stopped you so it can be done.
Stopped us? You are delusional and should seek help elsewhere rather than voicing your mental masturbations here.
Who could not see this coming? Two men, with a history of prior assaults stoned a Trans woman in Germany.

The Jerusalem Post

Jerusalem Post???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

root of stoning in islam=
jewish tribe was in islam land..
jewish tribe asked mohammad a question.if jewish woman cheated .what we can do?
and mohammad said= Anything that is written in the torah
.then jewish tribe stoning ............
many moslem believed mohammad just respect jewish rule and religious and islam dont believed stoning
Which modern days Jews are stoning gays?
Religion at work, and play.

THe trans woman stated that this is the first time in thirty years in Germany, a majority Christian nation, that she felt unsafe.

Your attempt to hide from the truth is intellectually dishonest and reeks of moral cowardice.

"Germany, a majority Christian nation"

Which is what we've been saying, and here is a Trans woman agreeing with what we've been saying. Not only is Germany historically a majority Christian nation, but Europa is historically a majority Christian Continent.

A Christian continent that created such a safe space for odd balls like this trans woman and Paint, that they forgot what a dangerous world it is.

And started thinking that the Christians who did not celebrate their choices were the worst thing in the world.

I wonder if this transwoman has learned anything. It is obvious that Paint is still in denial.
Liberalism, not a religion, created the tolerance. Christianity did anything but.

When did that occur? At what point in the West did "liberals" create tolerance, when it was not Christians who were the ones being tolerant?
Who could not see this coming? Two men, with a history of prior assaults stoned a Trans woman in Germany.

The Jerusalem Post

Jerusalem Post???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

root of stoning in islam=
jewish tribe was in islam land..
jewish tribe asked mohammad a question.if jewish woman cheated .what we can do?
and mohammad said= Anything that is written in the torah
.then jewish tribe stoning ............
many moslem believed mohammad just respect jewish rule and religious and islam dont believed stoning
Which modern days Jews are stoning gays?


jewish= 18 million
moslem=1300 million
controlling 18 million in two country (most jewish live in israel and usa) is very easy
+jews cant stoning gays.because israel regime rule dont let them
this people love stoning:
dont forget burning moslem children by jewish


THe trans woman stated that this is the first time in thirty years in Germany, a majority Christian nation, that she felt unsafe.

Your attempt to hide from the truth is intellectually dishonest and reeks of moral cowardice.
These reactionaries are asswipes, like all reactionaries. Evil peas in an evil pods, religion at work.

The 30 years of safety the trans woman in question enjoyed in a majority Christian nation shows conclusively otherwise.

Your attempt to hide from the truth is intellectually dishonest and reeks of moral cowardice.
The truth is reactionaries use religion to try and turn back the clock, and if you get rid of the religion they don't have the chance to. Just because liberalism and capitalism have made Christianity into a tepid and token religion doesn't mean we shouldn't just dump the whole fucking thing. These Muslims are being faithful, hence the giant fucking problem.

THis attack IS the clock moving forward, Paint.

YOu lefties are getting your way, a more diverse society is being created.

Meanwhile you ignore the fact that importing muslims is the problem so that you can lump in your long standing pet peeve, the "tepid and token religion" this is not the problem.

While you are working out your issues, real people are paying the price of these policies.
Religion, and reactionaries, meaning anti-liberalism, is the problem. You see the trees but not the forest, and the tress scare you so you lash out.

1.6 billion liberal Muslims would be no problem at all. it's the faithful ones that are blowing shit up.

Your words have nothing to do with the reality of the situation.

It is you lefties who are pushing for Third World Immigration and your policies that are leading to these "reactionary" changes.

You refuse to admit that there are any differences between two very different groups. Even after you admitted that there were differences (ie one is "tepid and broken").

Which is irrational of you.

This change is bad. It should be resisted and reversed.
Who could not see this coming? Two men, with a history of prior assaults stoned a Trans woman in Germany.

The Jerusalem Post

Jerusalem Post???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

root of stoning in islam=
jewish tribe was in islam land..
jewish tribe asked mohammad a question.if jewish woman cheated .what we can do?
and mohammad said= Anything that is written in the torah
.then jewish tribe stoning ............
many moslem believed mohammad just respect jewish rule and religious and islam dont believed stoning
Which modern days Jews are stoning gays?


jewish= 18 million
moslem=1300 million
controlling 18 million in two country (most jewish live in israel and usa) is very easy
+jews cant stoning gays.because israel regime rule dont let them
this people love stoning:
dont forget burning moslem children by jewish
So they don't stone anybody. That proves you're a retard, don't call anybody else dumb.
Reality check.

Media calls it "stoning".

Article states:

“Within seconds we were tossed around…and they took stones from a gravel bed on the corner and threw them at us,” said Elisa.
A police car appeared at the train station as the stoning attack unfolded and arrested the men.

The German media as a general rule do not disclose the last names of victims to protect their privacy. The three men are between 16 and 18 years-old and are known to the authorities from theft and assault arrests.

These thugs picked up stones and threw them.

Is that a "stoning"?

Is every time someone throws stones a "stoning"? Or is it media hyperbole of a thuggish criminal behavior?

From the linked article you apologist.

"Dortmund police official Kim-Ben Freigang said the suspects told the police that “such persons must be stoned.” "
The irony of this thread is that I serously doubt the OP or many of those expressing horror at this give a damn about transexuals or homosexual rights if it wasn't for the Muslim aspect :lol:
Exactly right. They'd be more than happy to stone the faggots, if they could get away with it.

The point you and Coyote are missing here is that Christian religion considers it morally wrong and a sin. Whilst most Sharia inspired govt consider it a CRIME.. That's a big difference.

And ACTING on that belief that it is a crime and STONING someone is a far cry from carrying a protest sign or demanding that your kid's school back down from allowing trannies to CHOOSE a bathroom..
Same evil peas, same evil pod, same source of evil meaning faith, not rational thought, and just as goddamned dangerous.

You don't stone them now, we won't allow you to, but you used to and you'd go back to that in a heartbeat if we allowed it. Given time, we'll stop them as well. We stopped you so it can be done.

70% of Americans self identify as Christians. If we wanted to go back to stoning, you couldn't stop US.
That "shit" is already here, you dumbfuck.
Yeah, thanks to bleeding heart liberals.
Well, some dumbfuck native darkies didn't slaughter us as we came ashore. Payback is a bitch eh whitey?

Say's the self-hating white Uncle Tom.
Hating whitey is easy, there isn't much to like in the final analysis.

There it is !

Whites who suck-down a giant helping of White Guilt and who loathe their own race, make the very best, most dedicated, and most vocal Liberals.

The same kind that serve-up their backsides to waves of immigrants and who deal in Moral Relativism when it comes to comparing religious belief-systems.

Fortunately, their time on the Main Stage is once again coming to an end, and, with any luck, this next time around, for much longer than the previous interlude or two.

It's going to be a relief, to see them chased from power - this last burst has gone quite over-the-top, and much of American can't wait to see them turn-tail and leave the stage.

They really are too dangerous to leave in power overly long.
Who could not see this coming? Two men, with a history of prior assaults stoned a Trans woman in Germany.

The Jerusalem Post

Jerusalem Post???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

root of stoning in islam=
jewish tribe was in islam land..
jewish tribe asked mohammad a question.if jewish woman cheated .what we can do?
and mohammad said= Anything that is written in the torah
.then jewish tribe stoning ............
many moslem believed mohammad just respect jewish rule and religious and islam dont believed stoning
Which modern days Jews are stoning gays?


jewish= 18 million
moslem=1300 million
controlling 18 million in two country (most jewish live in israel and usa) is very easy
+jews cant stoning gays.because israel regime rule dont let them
this people love stoning:
dont forget burning moslem children by jewish



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