Stop all benefits for one year.

Your fellow man should come before profits especially when you make MORE than enough to live comfortably and there are your fellow citizens starving and homeless on the streets. Like I said its a republican thing...they can lie all they want. They hate the poor. In return I hate them.

And you and your ilk keep creating poor people through your idiotic policies... therefore we hate you.

That's right the person advocating for a living wage is the one creating poor you are a special kind of stupid.

They don't care. Haven't you realized that? libertarians/republicans only care for themselves and the big business assholes who lobby them to give a shit...

Well you are right about one thing. I don't care about some lazy ass who can work but refuses to get off his ass and go looking for a job. I don't care much about some lazy ass 10 years out of HS still working for minimum wage and complaining about it.

But, show me someone who can't work, or a hungry kid; and I'm glad to help out.....

Americans poor are the richest poor in the world........

No you don't care about anyone but yourself. Plain. Simple. Its the republican way.I wish I could take back every vote I ever gave to a stinking republican. You don't want to give higher wages nor do you want people like me,poor people to be able to live. You just want people to die off and it won't happen. Class warfare is a reality and us poor outnumber you rich pricks by a longshot. 3 things I can't stand and this world needs to eliminate. Christians,Capitalists and Cops.

Poor baby, Why are you poor? Do you have cable TV, cell phone, car?

You aren't poor, go get a job.......

Oh I missed that last sentence.....
.this world needs to eliminate. Christians,Capitalists and Cops

Really? So you do hate our constitution, our free society and our laws.... Fucking anarchist...Go drown a puppy or something.....
Go fuck yourself you old bastard. Not a fucking anarchist you mental midget try reading my posts you ignorant boy.
I find it interesting that SwimExpert seems to have deleted a great number of his own posts from this thread despite Cecilie2000 quoting him widely. Also interesting that he would quote Cecilie from this thread in his own sig, as if it was something to be proud of, when to anyone else's view, he gets so thoroughly pwned here.

Oh well, carry on.

And that is why you are an idiot.
Because many recipients paid into the systems.. for years. You can't just tell them "fuck you".

And that is different than unemployment? How do you feel about Congress not extending unemployment benefits? What if someone works for 20 years, then starts collecting welfare. They've paid into the system, right?

Either way, the fact remains that we have a major spending problem, and the largest portion of our massive, deficit riddled budget is entitlements. If we're going to ever reduce spending, we have to be willing to make difficult, even painful cuts.
The federal government is spending roughly $1.5 trillion a year on Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid alone. That doesn't even include foodstamps and other welfare programs, pensions, etc. How much is this doing for our economy, as we sink deeper into debt? I propose we cease all spending on such things for one year. The only exception being for those are disabled. During that same time, payroll taxes be reduced by 50% for everyone.

With the money saved, every tax payer and person who receives benefits gets a check for $7500. Use it as you see fit. Use it for food, use it for health care, use it for rent, use it to start your own business. This approach will offer substantial aid for people in need, will be a lesser total expenditure, and will actually yield a lesser deficit. Meanwhile, individuals will be able to have more disposable income with which to stimulate the economy.

Why shouldn't we do this?

You go first.

How do the bills get paid? With no income, many people would starve, die of heat stroke or freeze.

They could get a job. That's how I pay bills. Or they could cut their expenditures so that their bills won't be so much.

Listen, the fact of the matter is that these kinds of deep cuts are going to happen sooner or later. It's inevitable, because current spending is unsustainable. I know that "they'll just have to find a way" seems a little heartless. But the fact of the matter is that it's more heartless to pass that burden on to our children for our spending, than it is to take the burden on ourselves for our spending.
The federal government is spending roughly $1.5 trillion a year on Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid alone. That doesn't even include foodstamps and other welfare programs, pensions, etc. How much is this doing for our economy, as we sink deeper into debt? I propose we cease all spending on such things for one year. The only exception being for those are disabled. During that same time, payroll taxes be reduced by 50% for everyone.

With the money saved, every tax payer and person who receives benefits gets a check for $7500. Use it as you see fit. Use it for food, use it for health care, use it for rent, use it to start your own business. This approach will offer substantial aid for people in need, will be a lesser total expenditure, and will actually yield a lesser deficit. Meanwhile, individuals will be able to have more disposable income with which to stimulate the economy.

Why shouldn't we do this?

If you want to help the debt and still make sure everyone gets their money, you are barking up the wrong tree.

If you make $50k a year, you pay the following:
$247.75 a year for defense
$3.98 a year for disaster relief
$22.88 a year for unemployment insurance
$36.82 for food stamps
$6.96 a year for welfare
$43.78 for retirement & disability to gov't workers (civilian & military)
$235.81 a year for Medicare
$4000 a year for corporate subsidies

Maybe it is time to cut out what really hits your wallet hardest.

Your fellow man should come before profits especially when you make MORE than enough to live comfortably and there are your fellow citizens starving and homeless on the streets. Like I said its a republican thing...they can lie all they want. They hate the poor. In return I hate them.

And you and your ilk keep creating poor people through your idiotic policies... therefore we hate you.

That's right the person advocating for a living wage is the one creating poor you are a special kind of stupid.

Poor baby, Why are you poor? Do you have cable TV, cell phone, car?

You aren't poor, go get a job.......

Oh I missed that last sentence.....
.this world needs to eliminate. Christians,Capitalists and Cops

Really? So you do hate our constitution, our free society and our laws.... Fucking anarchist...Go drown a puppy or something.....
Go fuck yourself you old bastard. Not a fucking anarchist you mental midget try reading my posts you ignorant boy.

Anyone who want to eliminate cops is an anarchist...You think Crime will simply go away?
Go back to the original 2nd amendment people can stop crime themselves. :) I just hate cops. I don't hate government. Christ sake. Take your sanity pills.
I can name about 100 people i know who I would not want to be responsible for stopping crime.

And I have the utmost respect for Police officers until the individual gives me reason not to...
I am sure they are. I don't really care if they are or not. That isn't my goal. My goal is to let them know when harassed by them I won't put up with their bullshit. For example been battling an illegal ticket since June with these retards. I will continue to drag it out as long as possible.I let them know exactly what I think of them. When time comes that uniform would be a dumb idea to wear.
I am sure they are. I don't really care if they are or not. That isn't my goal. My goal is to let them know when harassed by them I won't put up with their bullshit. For example been battling an illegal ticket since June with these retards. I will continue to drag it out as long as possible.I let them know exactly what I think of them. When time comes that uniform would be a dumb idea to wear.

I am sure they are. I don't really care if they are or not. That isn't my goal. My goal is to let them know when harassed by them I won't put up with their bullshit. For example been battling an illegal ticket since June with these retards. I will continue to drag it out as long as possible.I let them know exactly what I think of them. When time comes that uniform would be a dumb idea to wear.



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