Stop Antisemitism

Here is a chart showing the categories of hate crimes in New York City for the first half of the year.

Out of 235 incidents, 108 were anti-Jewish. This is a little less than half but still much, much more than any other kind of bias.

In 2022, 43% of all hate crimes in New York City were against Jews.

I am sure that the NYPD takes antisemitic incidents seriously, but - this is a lot. And it indicates that the usual ways of fighting hate need to be customized for anti-Jewish hate. For example, the NYPD keeps track of the race of the offenders and the districts the crimes occur in - if there is a clear pattern, that could indicate a more specific plan for combating anti-Jewish hate rather than just using the same methods as for all other hate crimes. After all, Jews are often targeted for the perception of being privileged, unlike most other bias crimes.

ntisemitic incidents are higher in America than at any time in the recent past. The 22nd annual Antisemitism Worldwide Report from the Anti-Defamation League and Tel Aviv University showed that reported or identifiable antisemitic attacks rose steadily from 751 in 2013 to just shy of 3,700 in 2022 — an increase of almost 400 percent. This is the largest number of such reported incidents since the ADL started recording the data in 1979.

The ADL has also been asking a representative sample of Americans 11 questions about classic Jewish stereotypes — clannishness, dual loyalty, dishonesty, shrewdness, and so on — since 1964. The percentage of American adults who agreed with six or more of the 11 stereotypes remained relatively constant from 1998 to 2019, mostly in a tight range between 12 and 15 percent. But this number took a sharp turn for the worse in the ADL’s most recent survey, in 2022, with 20 percent of respondents agreeing with six or more of the 11 stereotypes. We are now in an era where antisemitism is not only growing, but antisemites also feel much more free to express themselves in both word and deed. But there is no indication that the sources of today’s antisemitism are at all different from those that appear to operate perpetually.

Antisemitism must be vigorously faced down. So it behooves us to remember where it comes from.

There are two important sources of antisemitism. One, popularized in modern times by the malicious 1903 Russian hoax The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, is the figure of the conspiratorial Jew. The other is his figurative brother, the diabolical Jew. Bring the two together, and you have the delusional but abiding portrait of Jews as a community inherently hostile to non-Jews, intent on bringing endless suffering to mankind — a community that must be dealt with decisively before it is too late.

Hitler, history’s most infamous antisemite, wrote in Mein Kampf of the Jews as “veritable devils” determined to carry out activities that, unless averted, “must ultimately result in the collapse of human civilization and the consequent devastation of the world.” Hitler’s propaganda minister, Joseph Goebbels, set out his master’s thinking in a famous article, “The Jews Are Guilty.”

“The historic responsibility of world Jewry for the outbreak and widening of this war has been proven so clearly that it does not need to be talked about any further,” Goebbels wrote. “All Jews by virtue of their birth and their race are part of an international conspiracy against National Socialist Germany. They want its defeat and annihilation and do all in their power to bring it about.” But if allJews are guilty simply because they are Jewish, it does not take much analysis to see that the Jews are guilty not because they have done something wrong, but that they have done something wrong because they are guilty.

Here are the four most recent examples of lethal antisemitism in America:

(full article online)

Antisemitism is flourishing in the Palestinian Authority. Throughout Palestinian society, hatred of the Jewish people is communicated through media programming, school textbooks, and social media. Antisemitic themes permeate every aspect of classroom instruction.

What are the root causes of antisemitism in Palestinian society, and how does it impact prospects for Middle East peace and coexistence? Can antisemitism in the Palestinian Authority be reduced in the same way that it has been lowered in the UAE, Morocco, Egypt, and other Arab countries, or will the Palestinian Authority continue its tradition of educating children from a young age in Jew-hatred, thereby limiting the chance for peace?

Join Rebecca Rose, director of North American Affairs for the Combat Antisemitism Movement(CAM), for “Unraveling the Origins: An Examination of Antisemitism within Palestinian Society,” on Monday, August 7, 2023, at 12 PM Eastern Time, and 7 PM Israel time.

CAM was established more than three years ago to fight antisemitism from the right, from the left, and from radical Islam, through a broad coalition of hundreds of organizations around the world. As part of the organization’s activities, this webinar casts a spotlight on antisemitism in the Palestinian Authority.

The program will feature Marcus Sheff, CEO of IMPACT-se, an organization that has driven the elimination of antisemitism and the inclusion of Jewish history in textbooks in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, and the UAE; Asaf Romirowsky Ph.D., the Executive Director of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East (SPME) and the Association for the Study of the Middle East and Africa (ASMEA), and Itamar Marcus, founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch, is one of the world’s foremost experts on the Palestinian Authority (PA).

Following reports that a psychiatrist has posted numerous incendiary tweets about Zionists, Israel, and Nazis, Campaign Against Antisemitism will be writing to the General Medical Council (GMC).

According to GnasherJew, British-Libyan psychiatrist Dr. Ahmed Sewehli — a director and co-owner at Youmna Services Limited who may be treating NHS patients — has posted tweets in which he has compared the Nazis to Israel.

A screenshot appears to show a tweet from 26th Feb in which Dr Sewehli wrote: “Hitler also had a democratically elected government. So please don’t go there. Democracy does not stop fascism, apartheid and ethnic cleansing. All occurring in Israel.”

According to the International Definition of Antisemitism, “Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis” is an example of antisemitism.

Dr Sewehli also made several other incendiary tweets relating to Israel.

Campaign Against Antisemitism shall be submitting a complaint about the doctor to the GMC, the regulator of the medical profession.

Earlier this year, we submitted complaints to the GMC in relation to a prominent junior doctor with a history of inflammatory posts on social media and a doctor who made references to “Jewish supremacy”.

The International Legal Forum (ILF), a nonprofit organization based in Tel Aviv which advocates for equality in Israel and the Middle East, on Sunday asked Princeton University to remove from the syllabus of a Department of Near Eastern Studies course a book that accuses the Israeli Defense Forces of “maiming” Palestinians and harvesting their organs.

Students in the class are assigned Rutgers University professor Jasbir Puar’s The Right to Maim for a course titled “The Healing Humanities: Decolonizing Trauma Studies from the Global South,” which will be taught by Professor Satyel Larson this fall. Right to Maim has been accused by academics of being “pseudo-scholarship” for trafficking in antisemitic blood libels rooted in medieval conspiracies charging that Jews murdered Christian children and drank their blood during Passover.

Puar began making such claims in Feb. 2016, when she said at Vassar College that “young Palestinian men…were mined for organs for scientific research.” At the same event, she accused Israel of committing “genocide in slow motion.” Later that year, during a panel at Dartmouth College she said Israel uses “maiming as a deliberate biopolitical tactic” to enforce settler-colonialism.

(full article online)

[ Henry Ford, Coco Chanel, Melvin Dewey. The art of Judeophobia/antisemitism being taught in Christianity for the past 2000 years ]

Dewey described his system in A Classification and Subject Index for Cataloguing and Arranging the Books and Pamphlets of a Library, a 44-page pamphlet with 2,000 index entries, which has grown monumentally since. By popular request, the Library of Congress began to print Dewey Classification numbers on nearly all its cards in 1930.

Copy of title Page of 1876 edition of Dewey’s Decimal Classification and Subject Index.
The Dewey Decimal System, which is currently used in 200,000 libraries in at least 135 countries, was first introduced in Eretz Yisrael by noted Jewish philosopher Gershom Sholem who, after making aliyah in 1923, worked as a librarian for a few years at the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem. Although the system was a logical choice for the large library, it proved problematic because Dewey, whose belief that Christianity was the only true faith, had marginalized non-Christian religions and, in particular, he had assigned only one number (296) to Judaism. The problem was further exacerbated by the fact that the scope of the Jerusalem library, which was far broader than merely Judaism as a religion, included comprehensive materials on the Jewish people, the land of Eretz Yisrael, Jewish history, and much more. As such, Sholem adapted and expanded the Dewey system to meet the specific needs of the Judaica Department.

In 1893, Dewey began to acquire land for the development of a private club in Lake Placid, New York, originally for the purpose of providing an escape during hay fever season. Two years later, he founded the Lake Placid Club on the site as an affordable health resort for educators; as he explained “We wanted to devote our lives to the cause of education and one way of doing this was to help the educators. If we could give them an opportunity to find health, strength, and inspiration at moderate cost, we knew we would be helping them.” The club became an Adirondack mountain retreat for wealthy and privileged WASPs that encouraged healthy eating and good habits; drinking, smoking, and dancing were strictly prohibited.

Lack Placid stock certificate signed by Dewey.
The Lake Placid Club became a great success, as Dewey transformed it into a 10,000-acre complex with tennis courts, golf courses and concert halls, and there were 150 member families by 1904. Like other Adirondack resorts, Dewey’s Club excluded Jews; his promotional literature for the club stipulated that “no Jews or consumptives allowed” and he declared it “impracticable to make exceptions to Jews or others excluded, even when of unusual personal qualification.”

Dewey, who claimed that “personally, many of my choicest friends are Jews” and that “I have some Hebrew friends who are very charming,” was a Judeophobe who refused to eat with Jews and exhibited classic cognitive dissonance by believing in educational reform for the masses as a means to improve society on one hand and exhibiting extreme antisemitism, racism, and sexism on the other hand. Ironically, his strict adherence to his exclusionary policies ultimately led to his downfall.

In 1903, Henry Marcus Leipziger was barred from attending a New York Library Association meeting held at Dewey’s club because he was Jewish. Trained as a lawyer, Leipziger (1861-1934), who earned a reputation as an expert in the field of educational extension activities, founded and led the Hebrew Technical Institute, whose purpose was to give both academic and manual training to immigrant boys. He was later appointed assistant superintendent of New York City schools and placed in charge of the Free Lecture Series, an adult education program for working people which he called “the People’s University.” He built up the program to the point that by 1905, more than 1.25 million people had attended more than 3,000 lectures, and he also published The Education of the Jews (1890).

(full article online)


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