Stop Antisemitism

Israel is closely monitoring and deeply concerned about “waves of antisemitism sweeping over France,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during Sunday’s weekly Cabinet meeting.

“In recent days, we have witnessed criminal assaults against Jewish targets. We strongly condemn these attacks and support the French government in its fight against antisemitism,” he added.

Mass chaos has engulfed France since the fatal police shooting of 17-year-old Nahel M., of Algerian origin, in the Paris suburb of Nanterre on Tuesday.

Rioters in areas with large Muslim populations have torched cars and looted shops, clashing with police and causing hundreds of injuries.

Vandals spray-painted “Police scum” on a monument in Nanterre commemorating the Holocaust and Jewish members of the French resistance to the Nazis.

Antisemitic chants have been heard during riots and Jewish businesses were ransacked in the Paris suburb of Sarcelles, dubbed “little Jerusalem” due to its large Jewish population.

(full article online)


You just KNEW that Jews would be blamed for the Quran burning

From Iran's PressTV (no surprise here):

Following the desecration of the Holy Qur'an in Sweden, the leader of the Yemeni popular resistance movement Ansarullah says the West allows the perpetration of the heinous crime under the Zionist lobby's influence.

Abdul-Malik al-Houthi made the remarks on Tuesday, less than a week after two men stood outside the Swedish capital of Stockholm's central mosque and burned a copy of the holy book following a go-ahead given to them by a Swedish court.

Al-Houthi vehemently condemned Western countries' double standards vis-à-vis Muslims, saying acts of sacrilege against the Holy Qur'an amounted to insult against all prophets and holy books.

The Westerners refuse to expose Zionists' crimes, he said, adding, "This points to the Zionist lobby's influence [across the Western countries]."

"The lobby manipulates the West and infiltrates nations as it pleases. The Western world has, therefore, turned into a hotbed of the lobby's plots."
I admit I don't quite follow the logic. It seems that since the Jews control the world, then they are obviously responsible for an ex-Iraqi in Sweden choosing to burn the Quran.

It is interesting that even though the Houthi's slogan includes "Curse the Jews," there is very little coverage of their explicit antisemitism in Western media. Moreover, the Houthi's main Shiite allies, who claim to be only anti-Zionist and not antisemitic in the least, have absolutely nothing negative to say about the Houthi's explicit (and in this case barely implicit) Jew-hatred.


Jordanian media remains implacably antisemitic

Jordanian media has consistently been among the most antisemitic in the Arab world.

Here are two examples from Ammon (Amman) News in the past couple of days.

The first is a pseudo-intellectual article titled "The power and arrogance of the Jews... A recommendation for direction and confrontation" by Dr. Dirar Mufdi Barakat. It starts off with:

What is Jewish hegemony and arrogance? According to the methodology "I shall be and others cannot be," strangeness of course, sterility of values, transcendence over the truth, and over all international norms, and blasphemy of the rights of the Palestinians, people, land and identity, without paying attention to international covenants and agreements and internationalism and organizations, both legal and humanitarian.
The second is a reaction to the Jenin anti-terror operation:

God Almighty says in the decisive revelation: "Neither the Jews nor the Christians will be satisfied with you until you follow their religion)." As usual, the descendants of monkeys and pigs carry out brutal attacks on the Palestinian people with all brutality, extremism and hatred. They do not know the difference between a civilian and a combatant. They kill children, the elderly and women without mercy. They do not have existential legitimacy in the outskirts of Jerusalem, and their criminal actions are not subject to any logic or any religion. How can someone who does not own the land kill the owners of this land?!

The ugliness of these acts is not strange, as they are planning for the Greater State of Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates....

Interestingly, the second article is the complete opposite of the first. The first portrays Jews as a super-intelligent super-villain that runs circles around the weak Arab world; the second says that the brave Palestinians are causing the Jews no end of panic as they cannot figure out how to counter their surprises.

The common denominator, as always, is hatred of Jews. No pretense of "Zionists" here - they are talking about Jews.


Sometimes, Arab newspapers just make things up: A tale of "Greater Israel"

Usually when I see outlandish claims in an Arab newspaper, I can trace back the story to a tiny kernel of truth that the newspaper decided to twist beyond recognition. Complete fabrication is far less common.

But this week, a Nasserist Egyptian news site called Al Majd wrote about a supposed anti-Egypt speech in Knesset by United Torah Judaism's Yaakov Asher - and I cannot find anything close to these quotes anywhere.

Of course, if he really would have said these things, it would be front page news.

Here is what Al Majd "reports:"

Yaakov Asher, a member of the United Torah Judaism party, a right-wing, religious, extremist Israeli political party, spoke a few days ago in the Knesset and revealed many of the deep plans of the Jewish state and what it thinks about neighboring countries and even the media among them,

Asher said in his speech after the martyrdom of Muhammad Salah (the Egyptian soldier [who killed IDF soldiers]), he declared that the killing of Muslims at the hands of Israeli soldiers is an act of worship. He added, with humiliating statements to the people and the Egyptian government, that this act (killing our soldiers) will lead to happiness in this world and the hereafter, and he added, “Who came to kill you! Kill him first. Wait for the opportunity so that an incident like the Egyptian border incident does not happen again. May God curse the terrorist Mohamed Salah, may God curse the Egyptians who live in this country and this land.”

In the continuation of his speech, this hardliner touched on the Torah and added: “According to the Torah, Egypt belongs to the Greater Land of Israel as described in biblical or historical sources. The enemies of the Jews are approaching us from the north and south. We must use every opportunity to destroy the Muslims, and expel them from the land of the Jews. This guarantees the existence of Israel. The Muslims of Egypt were and still are the staunchest enemies of Israel.”

Asher adds that from 1948 until today, Israel had to expand its maritime borders to Alexandria and Benghazi. "The Israeli authorities promised us fifteen years ago that the Nile would be destroyed and dried up. But this promise has not yet been fulfilled. The process of dividing Egypt into several states should begin as soon as possible. The Egyptian border incident is a major warning that must be taken seriously."

He also confirms in his speech that the land of Egypt is the land of the children of Israel. According to this Knesset member, “the division of Egypt,” “the drying up of the Nile,” and “the expansion of Israel’s maritime borders” to Benghazi in Libya refer to the evil strategies of the Jews in the region.

The blessing and blood of the Egyptian fighter, Mohamed Salah, forced this representative of the Knesset to reveal Israel's plot against the great Egypt.

As is so often the case, there is a lot of psychological projection going on here on the part of the Nasserites.


Speech in Egyptian parliament: "Jews are the most hostile people"

Arabs, including Arab Islamists, repeatedly claim that they have no problem with Jews but only Zionists.

In Arabic, things are a little different.

During a plenary session in Egypt's parliament on Sunday, Ahmed Khalil, head of the Parliamentary Committee of the Nour Party, spoke about Israel's anti-terror activities in Jenin.

Khalil said, "What happened in Jenin was genocide from the Israeli occupation."

Then, to make sure that no one would think that absurd accusations of "genocide" against Israel is anything but antisemitic, he added, "We have to confront the Jews because they are the most hostile of people."

He bases this expression on a verse in the Quran. That verse has been widely used to justify antisemitic writings in the Muslim world.

There has been no controversy in Egypt over explicit antisemitism being spouted in the Egyptian parliament. Which is the other reason you know that the Islamist protests that they oppose antisemitism are only for Western consumption.

From the Daily Telegraph, July 10, 1968:

The Guardian adds more detail:

Today's left-wing anti-Zionism is rooted in communist "anti-Zionism" which was obviously thily-disguised antisemitism from the post-war years. The number of stories of Soviet and other communist country repression of Jews are well known. Here's an account from 1949 that was originally published in the New York Herald Tribune:

From Times of Israel:

Outrage mounted in Israel on Friday after Swedish police accepted a request to allow the burning of a Bible outside of the Israeli embassy in Stockholm on Saturday, just weeks after Quran burnings took place in the city.

Local police confirmed two weeks ago to Sweden’s national public broadcaster that it had received an application from an individual in his 30s to burn a Jewish and a Christian Bible outside Israel’s Embassy in Stockholm on July 15 as “a symbolic gathering for the sake of freedom of speech.”

It was not immediately clear if the person planned to burn a copy of the Bible or a Torah scroll.

The person planning to do the burning appears to be the same Egyptian who threatened to burn a Torah and a Christian Bible in January. He ended up postponing the action but said he planned to do it in the future.

The Quran burning earlier this month was done outside a mosque. But this one is being done outside the Israeli embassy.

In January, the man told Swedish media, "Burning holy books is somewhat disgusting, but I am angry and will do it to have a discussion." He also said that the Islamic Association in Stockholm's mosque urged him not to do it, saying it is against Islam.

Israel has laws that explicitly criminalize burning any holy book, including the Quran, and forbids the insulting of any religion. In its penal code, it says:

170. If a person destroys, damages or desecrates a place of worship or any object which is held sacred by a group of persons, with the intention of to reviling their religion, or in the knowledge that they are liable to deem that act an insult to their religion, then he is liable to three years imprisonment.

173. If a person does any of the following, then he is liable to one year imprisonment: (1) he publishes a publication that is liable crudely to offend the religious faith or sentiment of others; (2) he voices in a public place and in the hearing of another person any word or sound that is liable crudely to offend the religious faith or sentiment of others.

So why would someone who ostensibly wants to protest freedom of expression to insult religious groups choose to protest outside the embassy of a country that protects the rights of religious groups from such insults?

Because this has nothing to do with freedom of expression. As I've mentioned before, if he wants to do something symbolic, he could burn a symbolic Torah or Bible. These aren't acts to protect freedom of expression but to express hate.

In this case, "freedom of expression" is an excuse to perform an antisemitic act - and to the person who plans to burn the Scriptures, he does not distinguish between hating Jews and hating Israel.

The term "antisemitism" was coined by the German agitator and publicist, Wilhelm Marr in 1879. In that year, Marr founded the Antisemites League and published a book called Victory of Jewry over Germandom.[150] The late 1870s saw the growth of antisemitic political parties in Germany. These included the Christian Social Party, founded in 1878 by Adolf Stoecker, the Lutheran chaplain to Kaiser Wilhelm I, as well as the German Social Antisemitic Party and the Antisemitic People's Party. However, they did not enjoy mass electoral support and at their peak in 1907, had only 16 deputies out of a total of 397 in the parliament.[151]


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