Stop Antisemitism

[ What to expect from some Irish nowadays ]

An Italian-speaking passenger was surprised that the flight attendant doubled-down on their views during a conversation, insisting that Tel Aviv is located not in the State of Israel, but in Palestine.

The flight attendant who made the announcement was not wearing a name tag, making it impossible to identify anyone by name in order to file a complaint at a later time.

One passenger, who tried to take a picture of the attendant, was told that she would be arrested upon landing if she left her seat in order to get a clear image of the speaker, according to the Channel 14 report.

Ryanair, which is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, refused to respond to multiple requests for comment from Channel 14 regarding the incident.

(full article online)

[ What to expect from some Irish nowadays ]

An Italian-speaking passenger was surprised that the flight attendant doubled-down on their views during a conversation, insisting that Tel Aviv is located not in the State of Israel, but in Palestine.

The flight attendant who made the announcement was not wearing a name tag, making it impossible to identify anyone by name in order to file a complaint at a later time.

One passenger, who tried to take a picture of the attendant, was told that she would be arrested upon landing if she left her seat in order to get a clear image of the speaker, according to the Channel 14 report.

Ryanair, which is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland, refused to respond to multiple requests for comment from Channel 14 regarding the incident.

(full article online)

the operative phrase here is "some Irish"-----the reality is (sorry, but true) some Irish
are the victims of a classical Catholic education
the operative phrase here is "some Irish"-----the reality is (sorry, but true) some Irish
are the victims of a classical Catholic education
All over the world, many Christians are the victims of what Paul of Tarsus wrote, and what the Romans did once they converted and took over calling themselves the Roman Catholic Church. They are the ones who chose which books would make their NT.

The lessons have not changed. Jews killed Jesus and kept the world from being saved. A simple ugly sentence which turns desperate ignorant people into possible attackers, torturers and killers of Jews.

It is classical Christianity, unfortunately, which unfortunately created Islam.
How is it that antisemitism is present all over the world - foremost in non-christian countries?

And Christianity created Islam - "provocative-hideous" statements like that, could very well explain antisemitism.
How is it that antisemitism is present all over the world - foremost in non-christian countries?

And Christianity created Islam - "provocative-hideous" statements like that, could very well explain antisemitism.
wrong again-----REAILITY-----antisemitism is ALL OVER... THE CHRISTIAN AND MUSLIM
what bothers you about the FACT that christianity created islam? Do you know anything
about SHARIAH LAW?------it is a clear version of Constantine's (codified by his descendant
JUSTIN) Law ----which also spawned the office of the INQUISITION and the NUREMBURG
Laws of 1935. Do you know anything about CANON LAW?
Today's antisemitism that couldn't possibly be antisemitism comes from Lebanon's Al Mayadeen, a Hezbollah linked site.

It is a recollection of a Palestinian in Lebanon of what his teacher had taught him about leaving Palestine in 1948.

He pressed the arms of the razor: "With this we will deal with We shave our hair to nothing, and with this, young men, we prevent lice from hiding among the hair because we shaved them."

A boy sitting on a stone either side raised his finger and asked, "And the fleas, Professor?"

"Lice and fleas feed on our blood, and our blood is weak because we eat food that does not satisfy us. I mean, lice suck our blood, I mean, they don't care if we die, and so they do what the Jews did to us, who expelled us from our villages and homes and threw us under tents due to cold, hunger, and lice."

- "These days, the days of hunger, lice, and living under tents will pass, and you will grow old and fight and liberate our villages and cities. We will be victorious over lice and those who occupy our villages and cities."

* I am Rashad Abu Shawer...we have grown up with heads full of certainty of the inevitability of liberating all the villages and cities of Palestine, just as Mr. Ahmed Al-Ajouri liberated our heads from lice.....

Comparing Jews to lice? Why would anyone think that this has anything to do with Jews?

Today's antisemitism that couldn't possibly be antisemitism comes from Lebanon's Al Mayadeen, a Hezbollah linked site.

It is a recollection of a Palestinian in Lebanon of what his teacher had taught him about leaving Palestine in 1948.

Comparing Jews to lice? Why would anyone think that this has anything to do with Jews?

antisemitism has nothing to do with 1948. It is part and parcel of christianity and islam

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