Stop Antisemitism

From The Forward:

A new study is casting doubt on the idea, held by some but not most American Jews, that antisemitism is just as prevalent on the far left as it is on the far right. Though far more American Jews consider the far right as the greater antisemitic threat, some academics and Jewish leaders have embraced horseshoe theory — the idea the opposite ends of an ideological spectrum are similar — and applied it to antisemitism.

Though the Anti-Defamation League, for example, has identified the far right as far more threatening to American Jews, its leader, Jonathan Greenblatt, has compared far-left critics of Israel as the “photo inverse” of the extreme right.

While antisemitism on the right tends to focus on conspiracy theories about Jews being disloyal to white people or rejecting conservative values, on the left it’s often tied to blaming Jews for actions undertaken by Israel.

A paper published in June in the journal Political Research Quarterly found that anti-Jewish beliefs are far more popular in right-wing circles, particularly among young people.

The results show that “there’s a problem on the young right,” said study author Eitan Hersh, an associate professor of political science at Tufts University. “It’s very interesting and, I think, concerning that we have this rare form of prejudice that is more common among young people and old people. It’s kind of shocking because if you look at other forms of prejudice, like racism, sexism, anti-gay attitudes, they’re just way higher among older people than younger people.”

For the study, a survey was sent to 3,500 American adults, 2,500 of them between the ages of 18 and 30. Respondents were asked to reply to a series of questions, such as whether they believe Jews are more loyal to Israel than the U.S.; if it’s appropriate to boycott Jewish-owned businesses to protest Israeli policies, and whether Jews have too much power. They were also asked questions to test for a double standard. For instance, one question would ask whether Jews who want to participate in activism must first denounce Israeli actions against Palestinians, and then a similar question was posed about Muslims denouncing a Muslim country’s actions.

Hersh said he was surprised by the results. Those on the left were less likely than even political moderates to believe Jews were more loyal to Israel. They were also less likely than moderates to think Jews have too much power or that boycotting Jewish businesses to protest Israel was acceptable. Young adults who held the most conservative views were almost five times more likely to say it was acceptable to boycott Jewish businesses than those on the farthest left and almost 10 times more likely to say Jews had too much power.

I'm not quite sure why this is being published now - the survey was published nearly a year ago.

The people behind the survey, while trying hard to make it as scientific as possible, are still missing the nature of modern antisemitism of the Left. So is The Forward.

The far-Left (in the US) is conditioned to be against traditional antisemitism. They know "hating Jews" is a bad thing. They know the Holocaust was a horrible event. Their visceral hatred for Nazis means that are never going to say that they will boycott Jewish-owned businesses or that Jews have too much power.

That is because they have replaced the object of their irrational hate from "Jew" to "Zionist."

The surveyors should have asked the identical questions across the same groups with the word "Zionists" instead of "Jews:"

(full article online)


A CUNY Law School graduation speech drew attention to the brazen Jew-hatred that has gone mainstream in academia on the public’s dime. There must be accountability.​

Orthodox Jews in the Stamford Hill section of London continue to face an onslaught of antisemitic harassment, according to a slew of reports by a neighborhood watch group.

Last week, Shomrim Stamford Hill reported, a “racist gang” of youths kicked open the door of a Jewish family’s home, the second time they have done so since April. Days earlier, a Black male riding public transport, seemingly of West Indian origin, verbally abused a Jewish passenger, calling Jews the “devil” and accusing them of being responsible for the Transatlantic Slave Trade. The man, who alluded to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in his tirade, welcomed being recorded by his victim, but he suddenly began striking his phone with a large pole and, demanding that it stop, reached for other objects that could be used as a weapon.

On May 24, a Jewish man walking past the Rose Cafe in Tottenham was waylaid by an elderly woman sitting at a table in the front of the restaurant. She accused the Orthodox Jewish community of taking over Muswell Hill and Stamford Hill and shouted that they aren’t welcome in either community.
There have been 211 antisemitic hate crimes in London so far in 2023, according to data reported by MPS. Members of the city’s Orthodox Jewish community, one of the largest in Europe, were victims in a substantial portion of the 3,280 antisemitic hate crimes that MPS has recorded since 2018. 853 were tallied in 2021 alone.

(full article online)

the Michael Jansen person did not invent----it is entirely
consistent with islamo nazi propaganda. Iran INSISTS
that it is and has been under CONSTANT ATTACK by
da jooooos. Da joooos are the
muslim children know that fact by the time they
are three and accept it with the faith that christian kids
know that Santa rides around in a Reindeer galvanized

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