Stop Antisemitism

Old anti-Zionist organizations don't die...they just fade away, slowly

Have you ever heard of the American Council for Judaism?

We've discussed it before. It was the IfNotNow of the 1940s and 1950s, holding an anti-Zionist position that it pretended was Jewish. The ACJ pretended to be loyal to "classical Reform Judaism," and insisted that Jews were a religion but not a people and that to be Zionist was to be anti-American. In 1957 the Union for Reform Judaism emphatically rejected the ACJ as having nothing to do with the Reform stance towards Zionism.

Because it had the name "Judaism" in its name, the media loved to quote it even though it represented only a fringe of a fringe of American Jewry. Just like "Jewish Voice for Peace" today, the early head of ACJ - Elmer Berger - managed to grab headlines and make it appear that ACJ was a major player in American Judaism.

So whatever happened to the ACJ?

It is still around, and even more irrelevant.

It has a website, and apparently it still has some assets, but not much income.

The website shows that there is a quarterly journal, "Issues of the American Council of Judaism." Nearly every article for the past twelve years is written by the same person, Allan C. Brownfeld.

Brownfeld, in a good As-A-Jew tradition, also writes for anti-Israel outlets like Mondoweiss and the Washington Report for Middle East Affairs.

If you want to know what JVP and IfNotNow will look like in ten years, look at the American Council of Judaism.

[ And to think that if it wasn't for Christians going to Arabia to spread the "word", none of these Arabs would find themselves in a world where their reason to live is to hate Jews, just as Christianity does to so many people who would never hate a Jew, if not for the teachings of Christianity ]

Oh come on.
Israel is entirely a fake country.

There is a history of lying.
The claim the Hebrew were held in captivity in Egypt is clearly false.
They lived in the Sinai before moving to Egypt voluntarily.
So the whole Exodus claim is false.
The move to Jerusalem is evil, trying to exterminate the Canaanites, who historically welcomed all others.
Like Joshua massacring the Canaanites at Jericho.
There clearly were no Jewish building or living sites before the Jewish invasion of Palestine around 1000 BC.
And they were constantly kicked out due to being unpleasant.
The Babylonians kicked them out.
The Assyrians kicked them out.
And the Romans finally kicked them out for good, around 160 AD.

The Jews did not start moving into Palestine until after the Balfour Declaration, around 1920.
And they have never been more than 30% of the population, so have no right to rule anywhere.
They have been illegally the native Palestinians and confiscating their land.
Four years into her stint as the European Union’s coordinator on combating antisemitism, Katharina von Schnurbein asked her boss to add the words “and Fostering Jewish Life” to her official job title.

The change in 2019 reflected a professional evolution for von Schnurbein, whom European Jewish Congress President Ariel Muzicant calls the “biggest and strongest ally the Jewish people have” in the EU apparatus.

It signaled her shift from merely countering hatred and discrimination of Jews, using tools such as the working definition of antisemitism of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. Under von Schnurbein, her office added a new and tricky role: defending Jewish customs, such as kosher slaughter, from growing scrutiny or limitations, including by governments of EU member states and even institutions of the European Union itself.

(full article online)


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