Stop Antisemitism

A Houthi newspaper has this really wild articleby Dr. Mowafak Mahadin (the craziest articles are always by people with doctorates...)

The Abrahamic Root of the Suspicious Alliance Against Russia

News agencies that are subject to the whims of the imperialist, reactionary and Zionist intelligence reported that the Atlantic and Turkish intelligence began assembling Erdogan and Uyghur mercenaries in Syria to send them to Ukraine to participate in stopping the Russian advance on the ruling Jewish protectorate in Kyiv.

As for the other members of the Abrahamic Brotherhood of political Judaism and Judaic Christianity, we know that the group that usurped power in Ukraine is an alliance of three forces that formed the backbone of what is known as the Color Revolution, namely:

1 - The Nazi group that was formed during the Second War and whose country betrayed Ukraine and cooperated with the German occupation before it became a puppet of international Judaism and the American intelligence after the defeat of Germany.

2 - The Jewish group in Ukraine, which was formed, like its counterparts in Russia and the Baltic republics, from serious penetrations within the Communist Party before Moscow cracked down on it in what was known as the purge trials.
Despite its small proportion to the population of Ukraine, the Jewish group managed to bring many of its leaders to the top of power in Kyiv, including the clown president, seven other ministers and the governor of the Central Bank, all of whom hold "Israeli" citizenship.

3 - The liberal activist group in the name of "human rights" and supported by the architects of the Jewish Color Revolutions, such as Bernard Levy and Soros.

It is not a coincidence that the declared and disguised Ukrainian Jews made an alliance with the “Abrahamian” Gulf Jews and the Turkish Donma Jews who, like Ukraine, dominate the government in Ankara.

There you go! The Jews control everything from Nazis to Ukraine to Uighurs to human rights personalities to the Gulf Arabs. Crypto-Jews control Turkey.

According to this bio, Mahadin is "a Jordanian writer and political analyst and a former researcher at the Center for Palestinian Studies in Damascus. He is the president of the Jordanian Writers Association, a member of the Philosophical Society, and a former president of the Jordanian Socialist Thought Forum."

In other words, a public intellectual.

A Republican legislator in the Arizona Senate is facing possible censure for a speech she delivered to a white supremacist conference last week in which she attacked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and financier George Soros, both of whom are Jewish, as “globalist puppets” who “report to the same Satanic masters.”

Sen. Wendy Rogers delivered the remarks last Friday at the America First Political Action Conference, an event organized by a 23-year-old neo-Nazi named Nick Fuentes.

Rogers warmly praised Fuentes during a speech in which she ranted for gallows to be built to hang “high-level criminals” and “traitors who have betrayed our country.”

She accused Zelensky — who has remained defiantly in Kyiv amid a heavy Russian artillery onslaught — of behaving as a “globalist puppet” on behalf of Soros, and said that the Ukrainian leader, along with French President Emmanuel Macron, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, “all report to the same Satanic masters.”

Arizona Republicans were divided in their response to Rogers’ appearance alongside a neo-Nazi.

“We do have a First Amendment right and anybody is allowed to say anything they want,” Arizona Senate President Karen Fann told the AZ Mirror news outlet. “That doesn’t mean that we, as a Senate body, agree with that.”

(full article online)

A Canadian neo-Nazi is on trial in a Montreal court for the “willful promotion” of antisemitic and hateful propaganda online.

The trial of Gabriel Sohier-Chaput, 35, began on Monday. Sohier-Chaput is alleged to have used the online pseudonym “Zeiger” when posting articles at the notorious neo-Nazi website the “Daily Stormer.”

He admitted that as Zeiger, he contributed to the Daily Stormer between 2016 and 2017, and wrote part of the article that resulted in his court appearance, entitled “Canada: Nazis Trigger Jews By Putting Up Posters On Ch**k Church.”

The article celebrated neo-Nazi posters pasted on a bus stop in British Columbia and insulted a Holocaust survivor, saying he only survived “for now,” broadcaster CBC reported. “We need to make sure no SJW [social justice warrior] or Jew can remain safely untriggered,” it read. “Non-stop Nazism, everywhere, until the very streets are flooded with the tears of our enemies.”

Sohier-Chaput was also photographed at the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville in August 2017, after he had been contributing to the “Daily Stormer” for about one year.

(full article online)


A Nevada synagogue defaced by antisemitic propaganda in April 2021. Photo: courtesy of ADL

The distribution of white supremacist propaganda in the United States again reached historic levels in 2021, with all but one state targeted with antisemitic and racist materials, according to a new report issued on Thursday by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).
The report from ADL’s Center on Extremism registered a 27 percent rise in propaganda targeting Jews and Jewish institutions. A total 4,851 cases of racist, antisemitic and other hateful messages were recorded, making 2021 the year with the second-highest level of incidents reported since ADL began tracking such data.
The lions’ share of propaganda distribution lay with the Texas-based Patriot Front, which was responsible for 82 percent of the national total of incidents. Members of the Patriot Front — led by a 24-year-old white nationalist named Thomas Ryan Rousseau — are required to meet weekly propaganda distribution targets, the ADL said.

(full article online)

Since the late 1990s, mainline (AKA, liberal) Protestants in the United States have played a supporting but crucial role in the demonization of Israel in American society and the deterioration of the Jewish condition in the U.S.

Now that mainline Protestantism is collapsing, it appears the mantle for this style of activism is being handed over to another, somewhat healthier religious community in the United States – Evangelical Protestantism.

Two books serve as the markers of this process.

The first book is Whose Land? Whose Promise? What Christians are not being told about Israel and the Palestinians published by Pilgrim Press, the publishing house of the United Church of Christ. This text, written by Gary Burge, was riddled with errors and a hostile theology that portrayed Jewish sovereignty in the Holy Land as an affront to God. In a now notorious passage that was toned down in a subsequent edition published in 2013, Burge interpreted a passage from the New Testament (John 15:6) to affirm his assessment that Jews who try to live in the land of Israel without accepting Jesus Christ as their lord and savior will be “cast out and burned.”

This passage, redolent as it was with centuries of Christian antisemitism, which culminated in the Holocaust — where many Jews were in fact cast out of society, murdered, and then burned — was simply a shock to behold. At the time of his book’s publication, Burge was a professor at Wheaton College, an Evangelical school in Illinois, and a prominent New Testament scholar in the Evangelical world.

He knew what he was doing.

The fact that Burge’s book was published by a mainline Protestant denomination that had condemned Christian antisemitism and lamented the role this ideology played in laying the groundwork for the Holocaust indicated that there was something wrong with the American mainline’s witness about the Arab-Israeli conflict, an assessment that was confirmed by subsequent events.

In the years after the publication of Burge’s text, which was invoked as credible by numerous Christian peacemakers, three mainline churches joined the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement by anti-Israel divestment resolutions. The passage of these resolutions by the United Church of Christ (UCC), the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), and the Episcopal Church legitimized dishonest anti-Israel propaganda in American society, and in so doing serve to justify hostility toward American Jews who were portrayed as complicit in Israel’s alleged sins.

The impact of this process can be seen in the aftermath of statements made by J. Herbert Nelson, the Stated Clerk of the PCUSA, the church where Burge is an ordained pastor despite his renown as an Evangelical scholar.

On Martin Luther King Day, Nelson declared Israel guilty of 21st century slavery and American Jews as complicit in this crime against humanity. Leveling the charge of “slavery” at American Jews in an atmosphere of antisemitic attacks, many of them perpetrated by African Americans in places like New York City, is a profoundly irresponsible thing to do, but has become par for the course in the American mainline.

Ominously enough, a BLM activist described by his friends and relatives as having mental health problems attempted to murder a Jewish politician in Louisville, Kentucky, where the PCUSA is headquartered, just over three weeks after Nelson made his “slavery” accusation against Israel. To make matters worse, the would-be assassin had recently posted a Tweet portraying Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots, as a “plantation owner” because of the African Americans who play on his team.

The episode is just another example of how the rhetoric of mainline Protestant leaders and the peace activists supported by this community is similar to the rhetoric of those who attack Jews in Israel or in the United States. Palestinian terrorists rail on about the occupation and the Judaization of Jerusalem, and mainline peace activists unreflectingly repeat these lines of attack in the name of peace and justice.

(full article online)

Hassan Asfour was a key aide to
Mahmoud Abbas in the 90s and helped negotiate Oslo II. He's written articles for major journals and became a foe of the peace process. He is now editor of Amad, a Palestinian political news site. His character is portrayed in the HBO film Oslo.

His latest editorial proves that he is an antisemite, too.

Trying to equate Russia with Israel, he mentions US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken three times - always describing him as "the Jew Blinken."

Seems a little odd.

But that isn't quite enough to prove he is an antisemite. This paragraph is:

The cry of theatrical actor Zelensky, "Jews of the world, save me." A call that replaced national affiliation with religious affiliation... Such words assert that he is not a president of a country but an employee of a gang!

There you have it. Being a proud Jew makes you a gang member, answering only to the Elders.

(full article online)

This silent film was based off of a novel by Jewish-Austrian writer Hugo Bettauer. He wanted to combat what was happening in Vienna post World War I – the growing intolerance towards Jews. The novel and subsequent adaptation of it into a film was warning of the dangers of intolerance and hatred. The film was released in 1924. And what happened? Just one year later, Hugo Bettauer was murdered – by none other than a Nazi. Bettauer tried warning about the rise of antisemitism. Not enough people listened.

What is so terrifying is how relevant this video still is today. The world has not learned the lesson. The hatred has not stopped. Even after the murder of 6 million innocent Jewish men, women, and children, there are still those in the world who hate with a deep passion. There are still those in the world who side with Hitler and want to murder more Jews.

It has been almost 100 years since the release of this film. Where is the world holding today regarding its hatred of Jews? Sadly, it is still on the rise. Antisemitism has not disappeared and is continuing to grow.

The College of Business Administration at the University of Bahrain held a "Middle East Conference" on March 2 and 3 with the participation of a number of business schools in the Gulf countries.

But they didn't say ahead of time that one of the speakers was from Tel Aviv University.

The Kuwaiti delegation found out about this terrible thing, and they withdrew from the conference - although apparently not before taking this photo that was clearly from the very end of the lecture.

I don't know whether the Israeli withheld his affiliation until the end - it seems doubtful since the PowerPoint uses a template where every page would have said that it was from Tel Aviv University.

The Kuwaitis are saying that their withdrawal causes damage to the Israelis, when in fact no one really cares what they do.

But there was one valid reason to leave this lecture.

No one should ever use the Comic Sans font for any reason whatsoever.

( Reduce? The Palestinian Leaders are wealthy enough to the point where they do not need outside funding, they can fund education and health in the territories all by themselves. Stop the funding of hatred for Jews, already !!!! )

Anti-vaccine activists protesting outside New Zealand’s Parliament are promoting their demonstration as peaceful, reasonable and non-threatening. But it is a highly divisive event which has the potential to be an antisemitism super-spreader.

Since the protest – which the vast majority of the population does not support – began, there have been multiple reports of antisemitic signs and graffiti. These have included a Nazi swastika painted on a statue outside Parliament and a ute with “Jewcinda” – a slur referring to New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern – scribbled across the cab. There have been frequent comparisons of vaccine mandates and public health restrictions to the Holocaust and Nazism, and misappropriations of the Star of David.

On social media, particularly platforms favoured by the protestors such as Telegram, antisemitic imagery and rhetoric have been circulating regularly. On Counterspin Media, an online channel affiliated with Steve Bannon, a controversial former advisor to Donald Trump, which has been broadcasting live from the protest and getting thousands of views, the hosts have been telling people to read the antisemitic forgery, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

And then there is the presence of well-known neo-Nazi and far-right activists at the protest. One Counterspin host, Kelvyn Alp, established an armed militia to try to overthrow the NZ government in the early 2000s. At the protest, he has encouraged demonstrators to storm Parliament and arrest MPs, while making multiple threats to kill MPs.

A coronavirus conspiracist who distributed anti-Semitic hoax theories has been given an extended jail sentence of more than 12 years.

Matthew Henegan, 37, from St Neots in Cambridgeshire, was found guilty of possessing, distributing and publishing documents to stir up racial hatred.

A pre-sentence report said he was "potentially a very dangerous man".

Sentencing at Winchester Crown Court, Judge Nigel Lickley QC, said Henegan "created racist material".

(full article online)


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