Stop Antisemitism

HonestReportingā€™s work ā€” ensuring truth, integrity and fairness, and combatting ideological prejudice in journalism where it impacts Israel and the global Jewish community ā€” is increasingly being recognized around the world, with reporters citing our expertise with greater frequency.

In this respect, since we published our last impact report on December 6, HonestReporting was cited some 125 times by widely-read outlets, including, among others, Newsweek, Fox News, EstadĆ£o (Brazil), The Jerusalem Post, The Times of Israel, Israel Hayom, Israelā€™s Channel 13.

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HonestReportingā€™s work ā€” ensuring truth, integrity and fairness, and combatting ideological prejudice in journalism where it impacts Israel and the global Jewish community ā€” is increasingly being recognized around the world, with reporters citing our expertise with greater frequency.

In this respect, since we published our last impact report on December 6, HonestReporting was cited some 125 times by widely-read outlets, including, among others, Newsweek, Fox News, EstadĆ£o (Brazil), The Jerusalem Post, The Times of Israel, Israel Hayom, Israelā€™s Channel 13.

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Honest reporting would complain that Israel illegal is preventing over 3 million Palestinian refugees from returning to their homes in Palestine/Israel.
Honest reporting would complain about the illegal military occupation of the sovereign nation of Palestine by the Israeli Defense Force.
The New York Times piece, too, mentions its main characterā€™s aggression against Israeli Jews, but as a side note. Readers learn that Refaat Alareer, the Islamic University of Gaza poetry professor featured in the piece, ā€œfrequently writes furious barrages that describe Israel as a source of evil.ā€ And the reporter, Jerusalem bureau chief Patrick Kingsley, quotes Alareer defending terrorism targeting Israeli civilians.

These, however, are mere foils in a story that overwhelmingly portrays the Palestinian professor in a flattering light. The piece claims that Alareer, through his teaching of poetry, adds ā€œnuanceā€ to contrasting narratives; that he is a ā€œchampionā€ of Israeli verse; and that he offers students an ā€œappreciationā€ of Jewish poets who show the humanity of the other side. Itā€™s a feel-good story celebrating an unlikely bridge-builder.

Alareer, though, is hardly the hero he is made out to be. He isā€¦

Something else. Jews, though, are increasingly cautious in our use of the term ā€œantisemite,ā€ lest an antisemite accuse us of ā€œweaponizingā€ the word to ā€œsilenceā€ mere ā€œcriticismā€ of Israel. So it may be safer to simply quote the professorā€™s ramblings and let the reader decide. Alareer is the type of person who writes on Twitter: ā€œAre most Jews evil? Of course they are.ā€ He is the type who writes: ā€œYou Jew wonā€™t understand, you will never, you are a Jew after all.ā€ (Typos corrected for readability.)

The professor was eventually kicked off of Twitter, though we canā€™t be sure if it was due to his anti-something-ism. What we do know is that, when he later returned under a different user name, Alareer was more circumspect, and even managed to avoid explicitly demonizing ā€œJewsā€ as evil.

Instead, he relied on the familiar euphemism, writing, for example, that ā€œ[Z]ionism and zionazism are the root cause of evilā€ around the world; that ā€œZionists are scumā€; that ā€œZionists are the most despicable filthā€; and that ā€œZionism is a disease.ā€ (And still, the Z-word can make for a flimsy disguise, as when Alareer wrote in reference to Jews in Nazi concentration camps, ā€œZios are the dirtiest little snitches everā€¦. No wonder many of them kapoed like bitches.ā€)

Furious barrages, indeed. Few should be surprised, then, that the New York Timesā€™s premise about Alareer ā€” that in the classroom he is different; the archetype of a noble professor; a bridge across the stormy divide ā€” turned out to be an utter fabrication.

Shortly after the newspaper published its hagiography, the media monitoring organization CAMERA uncovered video of Alareer spewing hate from the university lectern, demonizing Zionists, and slandering the same Israeli poets he was said to have praised.

The Times, at least, responded appropriately to the discovery, appending a 267-word editorsā€™ note to the piece that closed with a striking mea culpa: ā€œIn light of this additional information, editors have concluded that the article did not accurately reflect Mr. Alareerā€™s views on Israeli poetry or how he teaches it. Had The Times done more extensive reporting on Mr. Alareer, the article would have presented a more complete picture.ā€

But it didnā€™t do more extensive reporting. Instead, the paper was too quick to whitewash and glamorize an anti-Jewish hatemonger.

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Two days later, activists from BLM posted his bond of $100,000, and sprung him from jail. During subsequent scrutiny of Brownā€™s social media accounts, Rabbi Shlomo Litvin, chairman of the Kentucky Jewish Council, discovered that Brown had retweeted an image portraying Robert Kraft, the Jewish owner of the New England Patriots, as a ā€œplantation master.ā€ Brown had also posted a tweet suggesting Jewish money ran politics in Kentucky, and an image touting the ideology of the Black Hebrew Israelites, an organization listed by the ADL as one that has promoted antisemitism.

Given Brownā€™s antisemitic proclivities, it shouldnā€™t be much of a surprise that he attempted to murder a Jewish politician in cold blood. Jew-hatred is part and parcel of some strong segments of the BLM movement.

One person who should draw a lesson from Greenbergā€™s attempted murder is Rev. J. Herbert Nelson, the Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA). Nelson recently declared Israel guilty of ā€œ21st century slavery,ā€ and portrayed American Jews as being complicit in this crime against humanity. He did this in a statement issued on Martin Luther King Day in January, and has since doubled down on his hatred.

Brown is described by his friends and family as suffering from mental illness and in need of counseling, not prison. Nelson, on the other hand, is the chief administrative officer of a prominent church headquartered, interestingly enough, in Louisville, Kentucky, where Brown tried to kill a Jew in broad daylight.

You canā€™t draw a straight line between Nelsonā€™s anti-Israel rhetoric and assaults on American Jews, but it is clear that his statements have contributed to a deterioration of the Jewish condition on the American scene.

On January 21, soon after Nelson made his anti-Israel comments on MLK Day, Rabbi Litvin issued a statement that all but predicted that violence was in the offing.

ā€œOur community does not have the luxury to stay quiet in the face of hate,ā€ Rabbi Litvin declared. ā€œShameful antisemitic tropes such as these have no place in a modern society. When words of hate are not countered, acts of violence are sure to follow.ā€

Twenty-four days later, a gunman walked into a Jewā€™s office and tried to kill him.

Rabbi Litvin called it.

In a blistering letter to Nelson himself, Litvin wrote, ā€œIn your haste to attack the Jewish people, you label them slavers, and in doing so you not only defame the People of Israel but besmirch the memory of each one of these heroes, unbound by your hatred, whose commitment to civil rights extended to the Jewish people as well.ā€

Litvin didnā€™t pull any punches in his letter to Nelson, declaring, ā€œyour false accusation of slavery against the Jewish people is antisemitic. Your use and distortion of Jewish history and oppression in which your church played no small role as a weapon against the Jewish people is antisemitic. Your demand of Jewish influence being used to move the American government is antisemitic.ā€

Sadly, aside from the reference to the church Nelson leads, the same things could be said to Quintez Brown about his Internet postings.

But will Nelson learn from Rabbi Litvinā€™s letter? Probably not. Nelson isnā€™t all that interested in listening to criticism.

ā€œHe blocked my email,ā€ Litvin declared in a brief interview.

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Bā€™nai Brith Canada expressed concern on Thursday after a Canadian mayor awarded a certificate of recognition to Lama TV, which has a history of antisemitic content.

Bonnie Crombie, Mayor of the city of Mississauga which is located west of Toronto, honored Lama TV with the certificate last November. Bā€™nai Brith noted that the show and its founder, Lama Aggad, have made numerous antisemitic remarks including describing "Jewish Zionists" as people who ā€œbreak agreements.ā€ Lama also has referred to Israel as a ā€œterrorist state,ā€ and called for an ā€œelectronic intifada.ā€

On social media, Aggad falsely and misleadingly insisted that the perpetrator of the murder of a Muslim family in London, Ontario was Jewish, based on the sound of his surname. Her remarks came in response to a Bā€™nai Brith tweet clarifying the attacker was in fact not Jewish and had no connection to Israel.

Canadaā€™s largest multicultural television channel, OMNI, pledged last July to no longer broadcast Lama TV, after Bā€™nai Brith Canada exposed the antisemitic rhetoric used by the program online.

Crombie, when asked by Bā€™nai Brith to rescind her certificate due to Lama TVā€™santisemitic comments, said she regretted the incident but rejected the request.

ā€œWhile Iā€™m unable to retract a certificate of this nature, Iā€™ve asked my team to review our vetting process for these requests to avoid situations like this in the future,ā€ Crombie told Bā€™nai Brith in an email. ā€œAt the time (of awarding the certificate) I wasnā€™t aware of the antisemitic comments posted on Lama TVā€™s social media accounts. If I had been aware, I can assure you I wouldnā€™t have given them a certificate.ā€

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And he segued from there into other issues of antisemitism:
The fight against anti-Semitism is European. As I said on January 27, on the occasion of the international day dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Holocaust, France has chosen to make the fight against racism and anti-Semitism one of the priorities of its Presidency. .

The fight is and remains of course national. France, which hosts the largest Jewish community in Europe, must show the way.
Fight to better fight against anti-religious acts. As I made a commitment to the representatives of religions and in particular to you, Chief Rabbi, I have entrusted two deputies (Isabelle Florennes and Ludovic Mendes present this evening) with a mission on the subject. They will submit their report in a few weeks. I expect strong proposals. Because it is the honor of our Republic to protect those who believe and in particular the Jews of France.

Fight of course to fight against Islamist separatism. Let's not hide: anti-Semitism is more and more often the work of radical Islamists who make life difficult for the Jews of France, who sometimes kill. In accordance with the laws passed by Parliament, we are going to step up our strategy to fight against Islamist separatism. Dina demalchuta dina. ā€œThe law of the kingdom is the lawā€: this principle must once again become a rule for all citizens of France.

This is why we will hold firm on the end of the detached imams. This is also why we will be firm on the control of foreign funding for places of worship. And I will be in Toulouse on March 20, with the Israeli President, to bring to life the memory of the victims of the March 2012 killings and in particular the children of the Ozar Atorah school: Gabriel, Aryeh, Jonathan Sandlers and Myriam Mossonego, as well as soldiers Imad Ibn Zlaten, Abel Chennouf and Mohamed Legouad.

As can be expected, Palestinian antisemites are furious. Hamas condemned his statement on Jerusalem, as did Islamic Jihad, a number of French Palestinian groups, and the PLO, which said:

The statement by French Prime Minister Jean Castxx regarding Jerusalem as the eternal capital of the Jews during his participation in the usual annual dinner of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions In France (CRIF), it contradicts the declared French policy within the framework of the European Union policy, which considers occupied Jerusalem part of the occupied territories in 1967, which raises many doubts and questions, and requires an official clarification from France about the truth of this statement and the reprehensible position of the President its ministers.
Notice that Castex didn't say that Jerusalem was Israel's capital, but the eternal capital of the Jewish people, which is undeniable. Any group that condemns a statement like that is clearly antisemitic.

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An alleged Nazi sympathiser started building a homemade submachine gun in his garage in order to fulfil his 'mission' of fighting in a religious war against Jews and other targets of right-wing terrorists, a court heard.

Birmingham Crown Court heard Ben Styles posted in an online group called '#Kill All the Jews' and described the holocaust to friends as the 'holohoax', adding: 'I hope the holocaust is real next time.'

Prosecutors allege the 24-year-old, who has a B-tec in Engineering from Warwickshire College, told his friend he was 'just getting as strong as possible for the war' and sent a picture of his phone lock screen which had images of swastikas on it.

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t is a little hard to follow the logic, but here's how it begins:

All the wars, conflicts and epidemics in the world, since before the First World War until now, are arranged and manufactured by global Zionism: the fall of the British Empire on which the sun did not set, and the emergence of America as a superpower, all of this is in a great Zionist arrangement.

The goal is the alleged dream of the ā€œGreater Kingdom of Israel from the Euphrates to the Gulf,ā€ and that kingdom, according to its plan, is a unified government that rules the world under the umbrella of a new religion called ā€œAbrahamicā€ within an economic globalization with one currency and one military with one army.

Now the dream is approaching, for that Zionist goal does not require a culture of freedom and democracy in which the West lives, because that culture contradicts the approach of the goal of the unified government that requires the dictatorship of decision-making, and since it aims at a unified religion, army and economy within a unified political administration, here several steps must be taken.

First, elimination of the Christian West by igniting a major war between them, to destroy everything, so that the theory of freedoms and democracy with all their military, economic and political derivatives disappear, so that the leaders of the Zionist scheme can form a unified government according to what is planned.

In short, Jews have been scheming to take over the world for a long time.

Things get convoluted after that. Israel is apparently preparing to dump the US and ally with China, the next superpower, which it will control as well. And India, which supports the "Abrahamic religion," is on board as well.

What about Ukraine? Well, since the government of Ukraine is dominated by Jews, clearly they were doing the Zionist plan. Russia has resisted the Zionist infiltration, so in this narrative, Russians are the good guys.

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And he segued from there into other issues of antisemitism:

As can be expected, Palestinian antisemites are furious. Hamas condemned his statement on Jerusalem, as did Islamic Jihad, a number of French Palestinian groups, and the PLO, which said:

Notice that Castex didn't say that Jerusalem was Israel's capital, but the eternal capital of the Jewish people, which is undeniable. Any group that condemns a statement like that is clearly antisemitic.

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Ridiculous libel and slander.
Moslems can not ever be anti-Jewish, but Jews are clearly racist every time they commit cultural appropriation by trying to claim the Semitic means Jewish when it really means Arab.
There is nothing wrong with being anti-Zionist.
Zionists are heretics against Judaism as well as justice and international law.
t is a little hard to follow the logic, but here's how it begins:

In short, Jews have been scheming to take over the world for a long time.

Things get convoluted after that. Israel is apparently preparing to dump the US and ally with China, the next superpower, which it will control as well. And India, which supports the "Abrahamic religion," is on board as well.

What about Ukraine? Well, since the government of Ukraine is dominated by Jews, clearly they were doing the Zionist plan. Russia has resisted the Zionist infiltration, so in this narrative, Russians are the good guys.

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Except that Judaism is not the only Abrahamic religion.
Christianity and Islam are also Abrahamic.
The diversity officer at the helm of the University of Maryland's anti-Semitism task force claimed in a Facebook post that Israel was engaged in an "ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestine."

Jazmin Pichardo, the assistant director for diversity training and education for the university's Office of Diversity and Inclusion, shared a series of anti-Israel posts in May 2021. Two Jewish alumni who are part of the school's Jewish Identity Programming Advisory Committee confronted Pichardo over the posts after she was put at the helm of the committee, which is tasked with fighting anti-Jewish bias on campus.

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Gov. Charlie Baker, redoubling the stateā€™s efforts to combat rising antisemitism, said Friday his administration has endorsed the International Holocaust Remembrance Allianceā€™s definition of antisemitism.

State officials and institutions play a ā€œpowerful roleā€ in protecting citizens from bigotry and discrimination, including antisemitism, according to a proclamation signed Friday by Baker, Lt. Gov. Karyn Polito and Secretary of the Commonwealth William Galvin. Identifying hate enables people to promote change, the proclamation states, and ā€œturn darkness into light.ā€

ā€œThe IHRA has defined antisemitism as a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews, and rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities,ā€ the proclamation states.

ā€œAntisemitism threatens public life, the media, schools, the workplace, and in the religious sphere,ā€ the proclamation continues. ā€œAntisemitism is multifaceted and multiform, manifesting in many ways, making it easier to spread and harder to combat.ā€

There were 51 incidents of anti-Jewish bias reported to Massachusetts police in 2020, according to a new hate crimes report released Friday by the stateā€™s Executive Office of Public Safety and Security.

The report found that 15.7% of all incidents were anti-religion, with the vast majority ā€” 12.3% ā€” directed at the Jewish community. More than half of all incidents reported to police were anti-race, with 168 cases reported as anti-Black bias.

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In his introduction to his new book, Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism, Elder of Ziyon writes about the reason for the image of Rashi that appears on his website:

Rashi earned fame for his encyclopedic knowledge as well as his uncanny ability to explain texts clearly and concisely...He is a role model for my writing...

Anyone who is familiar with the Elder of Ziyon website can attest to the breadth of information available there and the clarity with which it is presented. The same is true as well in this new book, based on articles he has written. But make no mistake -- this is more than a collection of "Elder of Ziyon's Greatest Hits." The 51 articles in the 350-plus pages form a coherent whole which delve into five distinct areas:

  • Modern antisemitism
  • International law
  • The experts get it wrong
  • The dishonesty of Israel's demonizers
  • The NGO jihad against Israel
Once you read the first article, you see that beyond having a breadth of knowledge and clarity of presentation, Elder of Ziyon is innovative too.

In A new, better definition of antisemitism, he discusses the need to first define antisemitism before one can address it, and traces the attempts to do just that. He starts with Natan Sharansky's 3D test of demonization, double standards and delegitimization. He then proceeds to theInternational Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition, which has become the most accepted. Elder of Ziyon also addresses, and critiques, the watered-down definitions suggested by the Jerusalem Declaration on Antisemitism and the Nexus Task Force.
And then he offers his own definition:

Why bother with another definition of antisemitism?
For one thing, his definition makes clear that "denigration" -- i.e. unfair criticism -- as opposed to legitimate criticism, is antisemitic. This clearly counters those who claim that antisemitism is being defined in order to prevent all criticism of Israel.
But more than that:

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From reading the article, it appears that firing Johnson was not warranted. She shouldn't be punished for her boyfriend's bigotry. As much as I abhor GoyimTV, that was my first thought on reading this article, whose headline is, "Bay Area yoga teacher fired over boyfriendā€™s involvement with antisemitic website."

Then I looked at the original article in JWeekly which broke the story. And the Chronicle is leaving out a critical part of the story.

In late 2021, Renfro said he noticed a change in Johnson, that ā€œbigotedā€ comments were coming out of her mouth, about Black Lives Matter protests. He alleges she made a comment about sitting next to ā€œsmelly Jewsā€ on a plane. He wasnā€™t sure what to make of her comments, but suspected Minadeo was influencing her, he said, and gave her the benefit of the doubt because of their longstanding business relationship and friendship.

[About two months ago] Renfro said he found evidence that Johnson helped Minadeo with paperwork for her boyfriendā€™s LLC, Goyim TV LLC, on her work computer. Minadeo formed the business entity last year. Renfro also alleged Johnson helped Minadeo improve the technology on his livestream.
If the paperwork for incorporating GoyimTV is on her work computer, that is a fireable offense by any measure. Not only is it using a work computer for personal business, but it is using a work computer to help encourage antisemitism.

Now, why didn't the Chronicle - which admits that JWeekly broke the story - mention this? Why do they instead interview the antisemitic boyfriend and his defense of his girlfriend?

In fact, the Chronicle article spends far more space quoting the antisemite than the Jew, let alone the girlfriend who insists there is nothing wrong with helping an antisemitic organization.

The Chronicle is pretending to be balanced - between a Jewish store-owner and a white supremacist. And they are giving the white supremacist and his girlfriend more of an opportunity to say their side of the story than the Jew.

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The University of South Florida (USF) has indefinitely suspended a fraternity following complaints about antisemitic initiation rituals and an online post mocking the Holocaust, a campus newspaper reported Sunday.

USF commenced an investigation of Pi Kappa Phiā€™s conduct after a Jewish pledge revealed that a member drew a swastika on his body at an initiation event. A studentā€™s post ā€œendorsing Hitler and the death of more than 6 million Jewsā€ also surfaced on an online platform for discussing Greek life, according to a description of the incident by USF Hillel.

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Importantly, Ukraine has not indiscriminately lobbed rockets and started wars with Russia. Ukrainian people have not committed endless terrorist attacks against Russia. Ukrainian people have not been digging terror-attack tunnels under the Russian border, etc, etc, etc. These are all actions that Hamas and other Palestinian terrorists have unleashed against Israel in recent months and years.

Furthermore, Ivoryā€™s insinuation that there was no big social media hullabaloo when Israel faced war from Hamas because Israel is, in her estimation, a predominantly white country, is an outright falsehood. Color has nothing to do with the conflict that Israel faces on its borders. Terrorists target the Jewish people and the Jewish state, irrespective of the dint of birth and skin colour of Israelā€™s citizenry. Jews come in all colour and when terrorists indiscriminately fire rockets at Israeli cities, Israelā€™s Arab and Muslim minority civilians are also in the crosshairs.

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