Stop Antisemitism

Once you walk away from Christian learned nonsense, you will be able to become a sane person.

Christianity bases itself on the Hebrew Scriptures.

So far, 1700 years of endless Jewish and other people persecution and forced conversion does not make Christians non evil, on the contrary.

And then......they cause Islam to be born.
Islam which borrows Christianity's evil towards all other people but Muslims. And some times towards Muslims as well, just as Christianity has always done.

Take care of your mind, as most of it seems to be in a dark tunnel full of Jewish boogie people, all learned from your Christian upbringing .

Educate yourself and have a nice, sane life.

Christianity is based on the repudiation of the Old Testament.
It is ignorant and wrong claim Islam preaches evil towards non-Moslems.
Clearly the Quran says both Judaism and Christianity are valid paths to heaven and must not be mistreated.

And again I have to remind you I am Jewish, not Christian.
That is silly because it is not a crime to hate some things, like violence, oppression, greed, arrogance, materialism, etc.
Again, you misunderstood the whole thing based on how you were taught to look at it.

Educate yourself
Israel is Zionism, not Judaism.
According to Judaism, all Jews are supposed to wait for the coming of the Messiah in order to know it is then ok to go to the Mideast.
Israel is in violation of Judaism.
Mind your Christian beliefs and Jews will mind theirs.

You pick and choose what you want Jews to follow in order to control Jews, like the good Christian you are.

Jews do not follow what Christians want them to follow.

You have no business with Judaism, Jews or Zionism . You understand none of them and none is any of your business.
Again, you misunderstood the whole thing based on how you were taught to look at it.

Educate yourself
You need to educate yourself.
Many things SHOULD be hated.
For example, the way women are mistreated and considered not to have a soul in the Old Testament, is horrendously EVIL.
The Old Testament can be ignored as ignorant, but anyone still following it these days, really is EVIL and deserves hatred.
Christianity is based on the repudiation of the Old Testament.
It is ignorant and wrong claim Islam preaches evil towards non-Moslems.
Clearly the Quran says both Judaism and Christianity are valid paths to heaven and must not be mistreated.

And again I have to remind you I am Jewish, not Christian.
You are a sad excuse for a Jew, if you really are one, who follows nothing more than extreme beliefs for Jews no matter what happens to them.

As far as you are concerned, apparently, Jews can go on wandering - and that would included you and your future generations - for ever and ever and continue to put up with any number of attacks and pogroms devised by Christians and Islam.

You are clearly ignorant as to many parts of the Quran and Hadids which the Muslims follow rather blindly.

Which is exactly the Quran and other Islamic teachings the Muslims who attack Jews all around the world, and Jews in Israel have been following since the founding of Islam.

Which is why Palestinians yell all the time How the Jews are going to end up exactly like the Jews of Kaybar. They were cheated and then killed and enslaved by Mohammad.

Let me see:

You know only what you want to know about Judaism

You know only what you want to know about Christianity


You know only what you know about Islam.

In a are an idiot of your own choosing.
Mind your Christian beliefs and Jews will mind theirs.

You pick and choose what you want Jews to follow in order to control Jews, like the good Christian you are.

Jews do not follow what Christians want them to follow.

You have no business with Judaism, Jews or Zionism . You understand none of them and none is any of your business.

I not only am Jewish, but know more about Judaism, Jews, and Zionism than you do obvious.
For example, Zionism is NOT about a return to Jerusalem in any way, at all.
Zionism is actually about a reward from God for being faithful, and it most likely is not of earthly intentions at all.
Zion essentially means the Promised Land, and it is not at all clear what that means.
But it likely never meant Jerusalem which rightfully always belonged to the Canaanites instead.
Stealing from one group to reward another is not something a God would ever do.

And again, you seem constantly to forget I am NOT Christian, but am Jewish instead.
Christianity is based on the repudiation of the Old Testament.
It is ignorant and wrong claim Islam preaches evil towards non-Moslems.
Clearly the Quran says both Judaism and Christianity are valid paths to heaven and must not be mistreated.

And again I have to remind you I am Jewish, not Christian.
The New Testament is guilt. It promotes people who may personally be more nonviolent but also stunts abilities and screwing over others a bit less to those affected.
Christianity is based on the repudiation of the Old Testament.
It is ignorant and wrong claim Islam preaches evil towards non-Moslems.
Clearly the Quran says both Judaism and Christianity are valid paths to heaven and must not be mistreated.

And again I have to remind you I am Jewish, not Christian.
This is Islam

This thread is about Stoping the Hatred on Jews.

You are clearly intent on feeding it
You need to educate yourself.
Many things SHOULD be hated.
For example, the way women are mistreated and considered not to have a soul in the Old Testament, is horrendously EVIL.
The Old Testament can be ignored as ignorant, but anyone still following it these days, really is EVIL and deserves hatred.
You are a religious nut who needs to go to the Religion community and threads to discuss your ideas, no matter how wrong they are.

You only wish to see evil in Jews, Judaism and Israel, so be it.

Your hatred for Jews has been fully noted.
You are a sad excuse for a Jew, if you really are one, who follows nothing more than extreme beliefs for Jews no matter what happens to them.

As far as you are concerned, apparently, Jews can go on wandering - and that would included you and your future generations - for ever and ever and continue to put up with any number of attacks and pogroms devised by Christians and Islam.

You are clearly ignorant as to many parts of the Quran and Hadids which the Muslims follow rather blindly.

Which is exactly the Quran and other Islamic teachings the Muslims who attack Jews all around the world, and Jews in Israel have been following since the founding of Islam.

Which is why Palestinians yell all the time How the Jews are going to end up exactly like the Jews of Kaybar. They were cheated and then killed and enslaved by Mohammad.

Let me see:

You know only what you want to know about Judaism

You know only what you want to know about Christianity


You know only what you know about Islam.

In a are an idiot of your own choosing.

No, you just lie.
For example, you claim the Quran and Hadiths do allow for abuse of Jews when that is clearly a lie, and Jews have NEVER been abused by Moslems, ever.
When Crusaders attacked, Jews sided with Moslems and were killed by Christians.
Khaybar was where a small group of Jews who were caught planning treason and assassination against Mohammad.
It has nothing to do with religion.
This is Islam

This thread is about Stoping the Hatred on Jews.

You are clearly intent on feeding it

You are a liar.
There was no massacre of Jews as Khaybar.
Jews continued to live there until long after the death of Mohammad.
You are a religious nut who needs to go to the Religion community and threads to discuss your ideas, no matter how wrong they are.

You only wish to see evil in Jews, Judaism and Israel, so be it.

Your hatred for Jews has been fully noted.

Anyone foolish enough to claim proof by verbal stories from almost 1500 years ago, is a fanatic.
Clearly Jews prefer to live with Moslems over Christians, and have never been harmed by Moslems.
While it is also clear Christians have harmed Jews often.
You are a liar.
There was no massacre of Jews as Khaybar.
Jews continued to live there until long after the death of Mohammad.
You are a hoot.
Laughing my head off. LOL

Make an appointment with Dr. Freud.

The sooner the better
I do not buy the New Testament either, but the Old Testament is totally barbaric and evil.
No one should ever be stoned to death.
I do not buy the New Testament either, but the Old Testament is totally barbaric and evil.
No one should ever be stoned to death.
I have good news for you.

No Jew has stoned anyone for the past 2500 years, or longer.

You can rest now.
How was stoning carried out in the Old Testament?

The Talmud describes four methods of execution: stoning, pouring molten lead down the throat of the condemned person, beheading, and strangulation (see Capital and corporal punishment in Judaism).
Where does the Bible talk about stoning?

The basis for punishment of stoning specifically for adultery is clearly provided in Leviticus (20:10-12) which reads: "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, even with the wife of his neighbour, both the adulterer and adulteress must be put to death...." Further, in Deuteronomy (22:22-24), it is stated ...
Where did stoning originate from?

The use of stoning as a method of execution finds its roots in ancient Greece and in Judeo-Christian religious texts, and has been used to punish those accused of adultery, prostitution, murder, and blasphemy.

Methods of execution and punishment. Lots of cults, clans, Nations of the area used the same methods at the time.

But you attack only the Jews.


It will put an end to your hatred of Jews.
I have good news for you.

No Jew has stoned anyone for the past 2500 years, or longer.

You can rest now.
How was stoning carried out in the Old Testament?

The Talmud describes four methods of execution: stoning, pouring molten lead down the throat of the condemned person, beheading, and strangulation (see Capital and corporal punishment in Judaism).
Where does the Bible talk about stoning?

The basis for punishment of stoning specifically for adultery is clearly provided in Leviticus (20:10-12) which reads: "If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, even with the wife of his neighbour, both the adulterer and adulteress must be put to death...." Further, in Deuteronomy (22:22-24), it is stated ...
Where did stoning originate from?

The use of stoning as a method of execution finds its roots in ancient Greece and in Judeo-Christian religious texts, and has been used to punish those accused of adultery, prostitution, murder, and blasphemy.

Methods of execution and punishment. Lots of cults, clans, Nations of the area used the same methods at the time.

But you attack only the Jews.


It will put an end to your hatred of Jews.

That is foolish because the point is that everyone repudiates the sources of stoning as being wrong and evil.
And yet Jews have yet to repudiate the Old Testament.
Jews are the only ones who cling to books glorifying barbarism.
And we see it today, as only the Zionists would try to still to this day, justify the evils of colonialism, like in Palestine.
Others may also commit similar crimes, but at least they try to it secretly instead of claiming it is not evil.
That is foolish because the point is that everyone repudiates the sources of stoning as being wrong and evil.
And yet Jews have yet to repudiate the Old Testament.
Jews are the only ones who cling to books glorifying barbarism.
And we see it today, as only the Zionists would try to still to this day, justify the evils of colonialism, like in Palestine.
Others may also commit similar crimes, but at least they try to it secretly instead of claiming it is not evil.
How many Greeks have repudiated their ancient history? None.

Home many Italians have repudiated their Roman History? None.

Jews have nothing to apologize to someone like you for legally being able to recreate their ancient Homeland on ONLY 20% of their Ancient homeland.

Rebuilding their Nation ON their ancient homeland is and never has been, or will be, colonialism.
One cannot "colonize" one's own homeland.
Palestine is Israel, always has been.

Educate yourself !!!!

Stay a fool.
You have made a fool of yourself with your hatred of Jews learned wherever you learned them.

Your senseless rants will not take away the right of the Jewish People to their ancient homeland, ON their ancient land. No matter how much your repeat your nonsense.

Am Israel Chai

The People of Israel Live
Eighty years ago this week, on February 24, 1942, nineteen-year-old David Stoliar was alive, alone, floating on a piece of wood in the middle of the Black Sea, surrounded by corpses, yelling all night into the dark so that he would not fall asleep and freeze to death.

He was in the Black Sea, surrounded by death, because he was a “surplus Jew,” as the British put it unabashedly. We’ll come back to David Stoliar.
Last week, the Israeli government was cooperating with relief groups to prepare for the possible evacuation to Israel of some of the 100,000 Jews in Ukraine, should the anticipated war make that necessary. Officials apparently do not expect to need a massive airlift, but they’re preparing for all eventualities, some said. Twenty-one years ago, as many of us vividly recall, Israel airlifted 14,000 Ethiopian Jews to Israel on massive El Al jumbo jets. It was for the same reason. Ethiopian Jews, as far as Israel was concerned, were not “surplus.” Neither are the Ukrainian Jews.

And sure enough, this morning’s Israeli press announced that they had begun arriving. Dozens of olim from Ukraine arrived in Israel on Sunday as the threat of war grew ever ominous. According to the Ministry of Aliyah and Immigrant Absorption, 75 immigrants arrived on an initial flight and another 22 were expected the same day. Said Immigrant Absorption Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata, “Our message to the Jews of Ukraine is very clear — Israel will always be their home; our gates are open to them during normal times as well as in emergencies.”

Israel’s most important function is not serving as a refuge for Jews who need it. Nine-million people do not go about their business of living here and building this country so that one day, if Jews need a place to go, we’ll be here. Still, though, refuge is part of why Israel is around; the fact that there is a Jewish state means that there are no longer “surplus Jews.”​

Perhaps the most important element of the story to remember is to be found in a British governmental communication from 1941, referring to the Jews who were desperate to escape Europe and who, the British rightly understood, would try to make their way to Palestine despite British objections. “We should have some alternative scheme in hand for disposing of these surplus Jews, who having escaped from persecution in Europe, are going to be kept in detention camps in British colonies,” the communication stated matter-of-factly.

Tragically, if Vladimir Putin wants to set that region ablaze, he can and he will. Innocent lives didn’t matter to the Soviets when they torpedoed the Struma, any more than innocent lives matter to the Russians today. The only difference is that this time, there’s a Jewish state. This time, there are no “surplus Jews.” This time, no one will be left in the freezing water, yelling into the dark of night, wondering why no one cares.

(full article online)


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