Stop Antisemitism

Jews have 2/3 of their homeland back and time to force them out of West Bank

Palestine is not the homeland or origins of the nomadic Hebrew Tribes.
Nor do you regain a homeland by murdering the natives.
If you want to live somewhere, you buy the property.
But Zionists want to save money by stealing instead.
Undeterred by the pile of evidence documenting support for terrorism and blatant antisemitism, a chorus emerged from a few usual suspectswhitewashing the employees’ bigotry and support for terror as mere “criticism of Israel,” and seeking to undermine the entire probe.

Farah Maraqa repeatedly glorified terrorism (Photo from Maraqa’s site)
Among the dismissed employees was Palestinian-Jordanian journalist Farah Maraqa, who penned multiple columns in the online pan-Arab newspaper Rai al-Youm (where UK-based rabid antisemite Abdel Bari Atwan is editor-in-chief) lauding the killing of Israeli civilians. Maraqa claims she has not been properly notified about the reasons for her firing, and is challenging DW in court.

As previously reported in the Algemeiner, Maraqa wrote in December 2015:

According to the Alegemeiner, in a separate op-ed, Maraqa referred to Israel as “a cancer to be cut out,” employing common Arab nationalist rhetoric.

CAMERA Arabic reveals here for the first time in English additional instances in which Maraqa glorified violence.

Concerning Gaza terrorists’ launching of rockets towards Tel Aviv, Maraqa wrote in July 2014: “The sound of the resistance’s rockets falling in the heart of Tel Aviv was once again music to our ears.”

Maraqa praised the November 2014 Har Nof synagogue attack in which killed a Palestinian terrorist slaughtered five worshippers and a police officer as an international media success:

(full article online)

Terrorism is when innocent civilians are attacked in an attempt at extortion.
But there are NO innocent Israelis, because they all know they are illegal immigrants occupying stolen homes through murder or forced expulsion of the real owner.
So then the only terrorists have to only be Zionists.
Arab retribution for murder and theft by Zionists, is not terrorism, but justice.
Just one month after an Islamist gunman seized four hostages at a local synagogue, the city of Colleyville in Texas was one of several locations around the US to be hit over the weekend with antisemitic flyers blaming Jews for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Police in Colleyville are investigating the leafleting blitz as a hate crime and have contacted the FBI, local news channel Fox 4 reported on Monday. Residents of the city were targeted with propaganda apparently produced and distributed by the so-called “Goyim Defense League (GDL),” a neo-Nazi group that has carried out several similar stunts over the last year in several cities, pushing antisemitic COVID-19 conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial. The words “goy” and “goyim” are pejorative terms in Hebrew and Yiddish for non-Jews.
Other cities were similarly targeted over the weekend. Residents of Parker, Colorado discovered the same flyers on their front lawns. Local resident Ken Buffington told the Denver Channel news outlet that his daughter had picked up one of the bags while taking their dog out for a walk.

“I was born Catholic and my wife is Jewish, and my kids were raised Jewish,” Buffington said. He added that he was disappointed that the Parker police department had told him that flyers were protected by the First Amendment and were not “criminal in nature.”

“That’s sad. I think that’s something that they should at least look into,” Buffington said. “Whether they consider this a criminal act or not, it’s still, to me, some form of a hate crime.”

Flyers were also spotted in Bowie, Md., and Palo Alto, Ca. ” I picked it up and I saw the headline, and you sort of react like you’re touching something gross,” one Bowie resident told local NBC News after she collected one of the bags.

On Sunday, residents of a Florida city targeted by the “GDL” last week held a rally to declare themselves “united against hate.”

The rally in Sarasota was organized after hundreds of antisemitic flyers were distributed in the Cherokee Park and Oyster Bay communities of the city. Politicians, community leaders and representatives of the Jewish community spoke at the event.

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Zionist attempting to prevent leafleting is fascist.
Anti-Jewish beliefs are protected political expression.
While this book purports to be an examination of the European Left and the Jewish Question, it is much more about France and Italy with a brief peek-in by the German and Spanish Lefts. The folly of Brexit seems to mean in this instance the geographical disappearance of the United Kingdom from the European continent — for there is no essay or reference in this work to the travails of the British Left and its attitude towards Jews.

The publisher, Palgrave Macmillan, has also allowed through a very poor translation into English of the essays and permitted some strange editing. The scholars who have contributed to this excellent work deserve better. Despite this, the essays are deeply interesting and shed new light on the continuing and tortuous relationship between the European Left and the Jews.

(full article online )

Our attacker frequently told us not to worry because President Biden and former President Trump would listen to his demands rather than allow even one Jew to get hurt. He had clearly bathed in racist tropes about my community.

People who say “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” do not know what Jewish people live with on a day-to-day basis. They do not understand what other marginalized communities live with either. Words have caused, and will continue to cause, harm. And those little throw-away tropes that we all endure may be the most damaging because, when repeated often enough, people begin to believe them.

When not addressed directly, racist tropes make all of us bystanders to hatred and participants in another’s suffering. We expect them from the skinheads, and we hope good people will ignore them. We roll our eyes as our friend winces and apologizes for the crazy older relative whom everyone accepts is a racist. We live in a society where we hold onto the premise that racists are the minority. We say nothing because we don’t want to bring attention to ourselves or to the comments. Sometimes we even tell ourselves that “we are stronger than those who hate us.” We very well may be. But that doesn’t mean that the actions of the hateful should be coddled or tolerated.

I say “we” because up until recently, I didn’t speak up either. But racist tropes do not automatically dissipate. They must be challenged consistently and vigorously.

How many of us have been taught that if we ignore the taunt and do not engage the bully, the bully will go away? That didn’t work in elementary school; it will not work now. Words matter. Words influence. Repeated racist tropes dehumanize. Unchallenged words signal acceptance.

As I reflect on how to challenge hatred, here are several things I am committing to do:

First, question what I hear, in the moment and on the spot. I will do better about asking, “Did I hear you correctly? What did you just say?” By making the speakers repeat what they say, I believe we can force them to acknowledge their words and confront social norms. It also empowers others to speak out as well.

Second, inform the individual that their comment is unacceptable. I will do better about sharing in the moment something like, “Statements like that are not acceptable here.” I do not believe it is helpful to call the speaker a racist or antisemitic because I do not want people to shut down and not hear what I am saying.

And third, respond to the trope with truth and appeal to the speaker’s sense of right and wrong. I might share, “Both the Fascists and the Communists used antisemitic tropes as propaganda. They needed a scapegoat to blame for their failings. Don’t follow in their footsteps.”

Will that approach keep the attacker out of the next synagogue or Black church, or from stalking another Asian-American woman? Probably not. But if we don’t challenge racist tropes, we have no hope they’ll ever stop. Far too many people will be threatened and harmed, and I don’t want anyone else to go through what I did.

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Referring to the incident involving an editor named only as Morhaf M. — this, owing to Germany’s strict privacy laws — and apparently referring to fired journalist Morhaf Mahmoud, the publication claims that in a Facebook post from July 2017, he boasted about how he cut off a conversation he was having with a woman in a cafe after he discovered she was Jewish. He reportedly told the woman, “we have a lot against you” and described her as “sneaky” for not immediately revealing her religious identity to him.

In another comment posted just three weeks later, Morhaf M. allegedly paid tribute to a German Holocaust denier who had died and described the genocide of six million Jews by the Nazis as an “artificial product.”

It is alleged that the cafe post was drawn to DW’s attention at some point in 2017, and an employee appraisal was held, although Morhaf M. alleges the first time he was spoken to about this subject by his employers was in 2020.

SZ further reports that even after Morhaf M.’s meeting with DW bosses, he continued making bigoted and inflammatory statements about Jews online, including invoking Nazi tropes by claiming Jews “control the brains of the people through art, media and music.”

Another disturbing case was that of a Deutsche Welle instructor in the broadcaster’s training academy in Beirut, who was tasked with teaching would-be young journalists. According to SZ, the tutor named as Da’oud I., who is said to have gone through a “multi-stage assessment and then a training course lasting several months” before joining the academy, tweeted “The Holocaust is a lie” followed by the hashtag “FreedomOfSpeech.”

When quizzed about this, DW spokesman Christoph Jumpelt is said to have claimed the academy is entirely independent of DW’s editorial team.

Yet, DW later backtracked and admitted that Da’oud I. is actually the brother of a deputy department head at DW Arabia, who, incidentally, while in the employment of DW in Berlin, moonlighted as a writer for a newspaper that is aligned with the terrorist group Hezbollah. SZ reports that DW was aware of his part-time job.

DW has fired a handful of journalists who spread vicious antisemitism and hatred of Israel — which was undoubtedly the right thing to do. However, the broadcaster has outstanding questions to answer, namely, whether it ignored or swept under the rug similar allegations over the years.

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Indiana University officials and the Jewish community have denounced an antisemitic tirade posted on a Greek life website, as local police attempt to reveal its author, a campus newspaper reported Tuesday.

Written on, a website where students comment on and rank their fraternities and sororities at university, the post accused men in Jewish fraternities of being “east coast Jews” with an appetite for “money, greed, and sexually assaulting women.”

The truth is that their huge noses, afros, and smelliness prevent them from being attractive so they rape and justify it with their sick way of looking at the world,” it said, according to screenshots shared by the group Jewish on Campus. “Their families are in positions of power therefore they get away with everything and are not scared.”

Several antisemitic incidents have taken place at Indiana University this academic year. During the High Holidays in September, at least a dozen mezuzahs were stolen from Jewish students, prompting IU Hillel to commission an Antisemitism Task Force.

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A Brazilian podcaster has been fired and could potentially face criminal charges after he called for the launch of a Nazi Party in Brazil.

Bruno Aiub, a 31-year-old podcaster with a following of 3.6 million on YouTube and 1 million on Twitch, said on his podcast Flow, where he interviews politicians, that “I think there should be a Nazi party recognised by law” and that “the radical left has much more space than the radical right.”

He further stated that “If someone wants to be anti-Jewish, I think they have a right to be.”

Estudio Flow, the producer of the podcast, has since removed the video from social media and fired Mr Aiub from his position as host of the podcast.

Other people who have been interviewed on the podcast in the past have asked for their interviews also to be removed from social media, while Estudio Flow also lost several sponsors and the rights to broadcast football matches of the Football Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

Following the incident, Mr Aiub apologised and argued that his comments were made when he was “totally drunk”.

The public prosecutor’s office reported that it may order an investigation into the “alleged offence of apologising for Nazism”. This includes not only Mr Aiub’s comments but also comments by centrist MP Kim Kataguiri, who reportedly claimed that Germany had “made a mistake by criminalising the Nazi Party.”

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By September 2021, the PA — finally faced with the prospect of losing funding from its largest donor — agreed to a “roadmap” with the EU Commission. This should have been the moment that hate, antisemitism, and incitement to violence were finally taken out of the Palestinian curriculum, and replaced with peace education.

That is what the EU had hoped would happen. But, predictably, it did not.

The Institute for Monitoring Peace and Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se) analyzed the 2021-2022 Palestinian curriculum, and found no positive changes.

In fact, there were no changes at all.

The Palestinian Authority had simply taken all of the 2020 textbooks, replaced the date stamp with 2021, and reprinted thousands of copies. This was done without telling the European Union, throwing the roadmap to the wind. The European Commission was not even aware this had happened until IMPACT-se presented them with its report.

But this was just the beginning. Even as the PA agreed to a roadmap for textbook change with the EU, its Ministry of Education was writing thousands of pages of new material — study cards — roughly equivalent in size to all the textbooks in the curriculum. The material, in some places, contained content even worse than the current Palestinian textbooks, with a greater number of lessons that directly incite violence and propagate overt antisemitism.

These study cards contain additional justifications for violence not found in the textbooks, and antisemitic descriptions of Jews as devious, treacherous, and hostile. Students are taught that Jews control global events through financial power, manipulative behavior, and encouragement of others to fight in wars. Students are directly incited to violence and instructed to commit jihad against Israelis, and die as “martyrs” liberating the Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Israel is demonized; it is literally described as Satanic. One of the rules of jihad included in the texts explains that those who die as martyrs while killing infidels — Christians, Jews, and polytheists — will receive God’s grace and be greatly rewarded. In fact, jihad for the liberation of Palestine is described as a “private obligation for every Muslim,” and students are encouraged to sacrifice themselves for their homeland and “redeem it with blood.”

The EU should not have been surprised.

PA Prime Minister Shtayyeh made it clear that there would be no changes to the textbooks at a PA Cabinet meeting in September 2021. Shtayyeh stated that “everything mentioned in the textbooks is an accurate and honest description of the suffering our people have been going through for more than seven decades.”

It is this uncompromising rejection of any plan to offer Palestinian children some hope for an education conducive to peace and tolerance — and the total unwillingness to finally jettison the teaching of hate — that the European Commission now needs to digest and address.

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A Canadian Jewish group called on the Toronto District School Board on Tuesday to take “emergency action” to address antisemitism after a couple of incidents involving Nazi salutes were reported this month.

On Thursday, two students climbed onto a file cabinet in the classroom of a Jewish teacher at Valley Park Middle School and pantomimed a Nazi salute, with a third student then saying, “Heil Hitler,” according to the teacher. A similar incident was reported at Charles H. Best Middle School in North York earlier this month.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies (FSWC) has since urged the Toronto District School Board to “send a strong message that Jew-hatred will simply not be tolerated within our schools.”

“This wave of antisemitism at TDSB schools that we are seeing is unprecedented in terms of both number of incidents and their escalating gravity,” said FSWC President and CEO Michael Levitt. “It is unfathomable and shocking that, in 2022, a Jewish teacher is faced with Nazi salutes and a ‘Heil Hitler’ chant in her classroom. Clearly something is broken in Toronto’s public school system and requires immediate attention.”

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According to the Atlanta Jewish Times, there were incidents of Nazi graffiti in two other Cobb County high schools earlier in the school year. Swastikas and the words “Hail Hitler” were scrawled in the bathrooms of Pope and Lassiter High Schools during the High Holidays. “The Cobb school district was strongly criticized for not addressing the antisemitic aspect of the graffiti, calling it merely ‘hate speech,'” the AJT wrote.

Hershel Greenblatt, a Holocaust survivor who frequently speaks in Atlanta schools about his experiences told local Fox 5 that whenever he sees a swastika, he can’t help but think about all of his family members who were killed.

“We need actual meaningful education that teaches against hate,” Greenblatt said. “People were killed in the most horrific ways and that swastika is a symbol of what happened.”

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Both the Old Testament and modern Zionists are incredibly evil, and must be repudiated by all Jews, or else then all Jews will correctly be labeled as evil.
Both the Old Testament and modern Zionists are incredibly evil, and must be repudiated by all Jews, or else then all Jews will correctly be labeled as evil.
Once you walk away from Christian learned nonsense, you will be able to become a sane person.

Christianity bases itself on the Hebrew Scriptures.

So far, 1700 years of endless Jewish and other people persecution and forced conversion does not make Christians non evil, on the contrary.

And then......they cause Islam to be born.
Islam which borrows Christianity's evil towards all other people but Muslims. And some times towards Muslims as well, just as Christianity has always done.

Take care of your mind, as most of it seems to be in a dark tunnel full of Jewish boogie people, all learned from your Christian upbringing .

Educate yourself and have a nice, sane life.

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