Stop Antisemitism

That “Palestinian” wasn’t as thing til Arafat made it such cause he was a Jew hating Egyptian.

Arabs and Moslems have NEVER had a history of "hating" Jews.
Jews always lived with Moslems and Arabs, and were protected and safer with them.
It was Christians who massacred Jews, like in the Crusades, Inquisitions, etc.
There is not once any incident of Moslems or Arabs starting any trouble with Jews.

As for Arafat, he had nothing to do with starting the PLO or the resentment against Zionists.
He did not even take over the PLO until 1967, and that was because Ahmad Shuqayrī, the previous PLO leader, quit after a smear campaign falsely claiming he wanted to annihilate the Jews in Palestine.

And Arafat was NOT an Egyptian.
He was born in Cairo, but BOTH his parents were Palestinian.

Mohammed Abdel-Raouf Arafat As Qudwa al-Hussaeini was born on 24 August 1929 in Cairo**, his father a textile merchant who was a Palestinian with some Egyptian ancestry, his mother from an old Palestinian family in Jerusalem.
Hebron is the second holiest city to Jews. It has had a continuous Jewish presence from ancient times through today, with the exception of only 19 years when Jordan controlled the city. Jews there have been subjected to shootings, sniper attacks, boycotts and massacres, including the 1929 pogrom that murdered over sixty Jewish men, women and children in the most horrific ways. During the second intifada, Jews in Hebron were murdered by snipers, including ten month old Shalhevet Pas who was deliberately targeted in her baby stroller in 2001.

Now a Palestinian group together with hate site Mondoweiss are pushing the agenda of physically cleansing Jews from the city - fulfilling their Nazi desire to make areas "Judenrein."
We, as members of civil society in Hebron, call on our international partners to take action and join in the campaign Dismantle the Ghetto, evacuate the settlers out of Hebron.
Dismantle the ghetto? You mean, like, dismantling the Warsaw Ghetto? What happened to those Jews again?

The antisemitism is not even hidden here. The "open letter" not once refers to the Jewish connection to the city. It refers to the Tomb of the Patriarchs exclusively with the term created by Muslim usurpers, the "Ibrahimi Mosque." It doesn't mention that nearly all of Hebron is already Judenfrei.

Ethnic cleansing becomes a moral imperative to modern antisemites.

The Greeks and Egyptians always called the area Palestine.

And the reason the British left has nothing to do with the Palestinians, who actually liked the British, but that Menachem Begin blew up their headquarters in the King David Hote, murdering over 100 people.

And only an idiot would call the Arabian Peninsula the homeland of Arabs.
Clearly Arabs originated in the Land of Canaan, about 10,000 BC.
The Canaanites and Akkadians were Arab, and predate any significant presence in the Arabian Peninsula.
The Palestinians did not come from anywhere else, and did not leave.
The are still there.
This illness you consider history is the reason you are on ignore.

The Jews will continue to survive and breath freely after you are gone.

I assure you of it.
Hebron is the second holiest city to Jews. It has had a continuous Jewish presence from ancient times through today, with the exception of only 19 years when Jordan controlled the city. Jews there have been subjected to shootings, sniper attacks, boycotts and massacres, including the 1929 pogrom that murdered over sixty Jewish men, women and children in the most horrific ways. During the second intifada, Jews in Hebron were murdered by snipers, including ten month old Shalhevet Pas who was deliberately targeted in her baby stroller in 2001.

Now a Palestinian group together with hate site Mondoweiss are pushing the agenda of physically cleansing Jews from the city - fulfilling their Nazi desire to make areas "Judenrein."

Dismantle the ghetto? You mean, like, dismantling the Warsaw Ghetto? What happened to those Jews again?

The antisemitism is not even hidden here. The "open letter" not once refers to the Jewish connection to the city. It refers to the Tomb of the Patriarchs exclusively with the term created by Muslim usurpers, the "Ibrahimi Mosque." It doesn't mention that nearly all of Hebron is already Judenfrei.

Ethnic cleansing becomes a moral imperative to modern antisemites.

Hebron was completely Arab until 1500 when some Jewish families from Spain and Portugal settled without incident.
Hebron was completely Arab until 1500 when some Jewish families from Spain and Portugal settled without incident.
Keep believing that, you poor thing.

Just as you believed that Jews never made their home in the Arabian Peninsula. And probably still do believe it.
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Hebron is the second holiest city to Jews. It has had a continuous Jewish presence from ancient times through today, with the exception of only 19 years when Jordan controlled the city. Jews there have been subjected to shootings, sniper attacks, boycotts and massacres, including the 1929 pogrom that murdered over sixty Jewish men, women and children in the most horrific ways. During the second intifada, Jews in Hebron were murdered by snipers, including ten month old Shalhevet Pas who was deliberately targeted in her baby stroller in 2001.

Now a Palestinian group together with hate site Mondoweiss are pushing the agenda of physically cleansing Jews from the city - fulfilling their Nazi desire to make areas "Judenrein."

Dismantle the ghetto? You mean, like, dismantling the Warsaw Ghetto? What happened to those Jews again?

The antisemitism is not even hidden here. The "open letter" not once refers to the Jewish connection to the city. It refers to the Tomb of the Patriarchs exclusively with the term created by Muslim usurpers, the "Ibrahimi Mosque." It doesn't mention that nearly all of Hebron is already Judenfrei.

Ethnic cleansing becomes a moral imperative to modern antisemites.

There can not be any cities "holy" to Judaism because not only were Hebrew traditionally nomadic and built nothing, but Jews are supposed to remain out of the Mideast entirely in atonement, until the coming of the Messiah.
Nor has Hebron had a continual Jewish presence, and only recently has a small and violent Jewish presence.

The largest city in the West Bank, and the second largest in the Palestinian territories after Gaza, Hebron has a population of over 215,000 Palestinians (2016),[9] and seven hundred Jewish settlers concentrated on the outskirts of the Old City of Hebron.[10] It includes the Cave of the Patriarchs, which Judeo-Christian and Islamic traditions all designate as the burial site of three key patriarchal/matriarchal couples.

Burial sites are not holy and do not require any occupation by the living.
At most people might want to go there for ceremonies, but not LIVE there.
No one should want to live near burial sites.
This illness you consider history is the reason you are on ignore.

The Jews will continue to survive and breath freely after you are gone.

I assure you of it.

Palestine greatly predates the Hebrew invasion.
Remember Samson and Delilah in the Old Testament?
Well Delilah was a Philistine, a citizen of Palestine.
Keep believing that, you poor thing.

Just as you believed that Jews never made their home in the Arabian Peninsula. And probably still do believe it.

No, everyone knows that Jews kicked out of the Levant by the Romans, moved to Medina and became allies of Mohammad.
The belated acknowledgment that the Colleyville incident was, in fact, an act of “terrorism” founded in antisemitism did nothing to clarify both the hostage-taker’s motives – the belief that Jews “control the world” - or the essential fact that this was a racist attack.

Though long accustomed to antisemitism from forces on the right, such as neo-Nazis, both culturally and politically, America has seen a steady normalization of antisemitism, particularly in progressive circles. One of the most pernicious effects of this normalization relates to the discourse on Israel and, by extension, Jews. All embrace a relentless misrepresentation of alleged Israeli human rights violations, slanderous talk of Israeli “ethnic cleansing,” “genocide,” and bitter attacks on Israelis, their international supporters, and the peace process itself. All have taken a massive toll on American civil discourse.

One of the most destructive results has been to deliberately cast Israel as a ‘racist’ and ‘white supremacist’ ‘ethno-state,’ terms rooted in growing American arguments over race, but with no relevance to the Middle East. Their use with respect to Israel is designed simply to tar the Jewish State with convenient slurs that Americans recognize.

(full article online)


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