Stop Antisemitism

Wrong again. The first time that word was used was by Arafat in 1967. Look it up.
Nope .we had lots of Palestinians in Arabia in the 1950s. Some were Christians and went to my church or the Catholic mass. The rest were Muslims. They worked in the post office, commissary and housing services. Our houseboy was Palestinian and so was the lifeguard at the pool.
Stop abusing the word "anti-Semitism".
You are not even using correct spelling and punctuation.
The word "Semitic" means "of an Arab language group" and not at all mean or imply Jewish.

And you are also lying about the fact all Arabs, including the Palestinians, resisted the Ottoman Empire taking over.
Keep spewing your hatred of Jews, as learned since you were a little baby.

You do not have one link of Arabs resisting the Ottoman Empire, much less fighting them during the 400-500 years of the Empire.

Jew hater.
Nope .we had lots of Palestinians in Arabia in the 1950s. Some were Christians and went to my church or the Catholic mass. The rest were Muslims. They worked in the post office, commissary and housing services. Our houseboy was Palestinian and so was the lifeguard at the pool.
No you didn’t. The way you talk you’re 120 years old and traveled the globe. No one believes you.

Wrong again. The first time that word was used was by Arafat in 1967. Look it up.

Are you going to hold to that obviously false claim?
I have showed you that the official documents used by Palestinian bureaucrats, as well as the British, all called them Palestinians.
When people were born in Palestine after 1925, I have shown that their citizenship was recorded as "Palestinian".
When Palestinians wanted to cross borders and were asked what their nationality was, they HAD to say "Palestinian".
That is well documented fact.
Anyone claiming that the word Palestinian was not commonly used BEFORE 1967 would simply have to be a liar.
If you want to lie, that is up to you.
But the records are clear and I have proved the links to prove it.
Nope .we had lots of Palestinians in Arabia in the 1950s. Some were Christians and went to my church or the Catholic mass. The rest were Muslims. They worked in the post office, commissary and housing services. Our houseboy was Palestinian and so was the lifeguard at the pool.
Coming from the end of the Mandate for Palestine, after the Arab leaders told them to leave, or because they did not want to stay there because of the war started by the Arab States, is not the same as those Arabs being indigenous to what the Romans called Syria Palestine to upset the actual Indigenous Jews who were fighting the Romans at the time.

The Romans called it Syria Palestine to upset, humiliate the Jews after the Bar Kochba defeat. The Assyrians and Phillistiine had defeated the Israelites/Judeans before the Romans .

I am sure that all of those who left the Mandate after 1948, or even before that, were very happy to return to their ancient homeland, the Arabian Peninsula.

You keep calling them Palestinians. The question is, how many of those Arabs who returned to their homeland in Arabia, cared for that word being put on them.
Keep spewing your hatred of Jews, as learned since you were a little baby.

You do not have one link of Arabs resisting the Ottoman Empire, much less fighting them during the 400-500 years of the Empire.

Jew hater.

That is ridiculous.
The Ottoman Empire was an extension of the Mongol and Moghul invasion, which wiped out millions of Mideast Moslems.

Baghdad fell to the Mongols in 1258. It was then the biggest, richest city in the world. It was where the Caliph lived. He ruled the Muslim world, at least in name. Baghdad has fallen to a non-Muslim army only one other time: in 2003 to the Americans.
Coming from the end of the Mandate for Palestine, after the Arab leaders told them to leave, or because they did not want to stay there because of the war started by the Arab States, is not the same as those Arabs being indigenous to what the Romans called Syria Palestine to upset the actual Indigenous Jews who were fighting the Romans at the time.

The Romans called it Syria Palestine to upset, humiliate the Jews after the Bar Kochba defeat. The Assyrians and Phillistiine had defeated the Israelites/Judeans before the Romans .

I am sure that all of those who left the Mandate after 1948, or even before that, were very happy to return to their ancient homeland, the Arabian Peninsula.

You keep calling them Palestinians. The question is, how many of those Arabs who returned to their homeland in Arabia, cared for that word being put on them.

The Greeks and Egyptians always called the area Palestine.

And the reason the British left has nothing to do with the Palestinians, who actually liked the British, but that Menachem Begin blew up their headquarters in the King David Hote, murdering over 100 people.

And only an idiot would call the Arabian Peninsula the homeland of Arabs.
Clearly Arabs originated in the Land of Canaan, about 10,000 BC.
The Canaanites and Akkadians were Arab, and predate any significant presence in the Arabian Peninsula.
The Palestinians did not come from anywhere else, and did not leave.
The are still there.
Are you going to hold to that obviously false claim?
I have showed you that the official documents used by Palestinian bureaucrats, as well as the British, all called them Palestinians.
When people were born in Palestine after 1925, I have shown that their citizenship was recorded as "Palestinian".
When Palestinians wanted to cross borders and were asked what their nationality was, they HAD to say "Palestinian".
That is well documented fact.
Anyone claiming that the word Palestinian was not commonly used BEFORE 1967 would simply have to be a liar.
If you want to lie, that is up to you.
But the records are clear and I have proved the links to prove it.
No you showed me Wikipedia. Link that someone was called a Palestinian by a newspaper before 1967. You’re the liar, Rigby.
No you showed me Wikipedia. Link that someone was called a Palestinian by a newspaper before 1967. You’re the liar, Rigby.

If wiki is not good enough for you, then use the wiki just to get something to search more on yourself.
Clearly it was not making up the 1925 declaration about Palestinian citizenship.
What citizenship do you think Palestinians had from WWI to 1948?
In fact, what citizenship do you think Gaza and the West Bank have NOW?

Clearly it was not Jewish or Israeli, or else Menachem Begin would not have murdered the British high command in Palestine, by blowing up the King David Hotel.
If wiki is not good enough for you, then use the wiki just to get something to search more on yourself.
Clearly it was not making up the 1925 declaration about Palestinian citizenship.
What citizenship do you think Palestinians had from WWI to 1948?
In fact, what citizenship do you think Gaza and the West Bank have NOW?

Clearly it was not Jewish or Israeli, or else Menachem Begin would not have murdered the British high command in Palestine, by blowing up the King David Hotel.
Link that someone was called a Palestinian before 1967. Any newspaper will do. Thanks
The Greeks and Egyptians always called the area Palestine.

And the reason the British left has nothing to do with the Palestinians, who actually liked the British, but that Menachem Begin blew up their headquarters in the King David Hote, murdering over 100 people.

And only an idiot would call the Arabian Peninsula the homeland of Arabs.
Clearly Arabs originated in the Land of Canaan, about 10,000 BC.
The Canaanites and Akkadians were Arab, and predate any significant presence in the Arabian Peninsula.
The Palestinians did not come from anywhere else, and did not leave.
The are still there.
It was called Palestine cause the Romans called it that to throw shade at Judeans. LOL

You cannot rewrite history
Link that someone was called a Palestinian before 1967. Any newspaper will do. Thanks

Easily done.
Here is the Churchill Whitepaper of 1922.

Further, it is contemplated that the status of all citizens of Palestine in the eyes of the law shall be Palestinian, and it has never been intended that they, or any section of them, should possess any other juridical status. So far as the Jewish population of Palestine are concerned it appears that some among them are apprehensive that His Majesty's Government may depart from the policy embodied in the Declaration of 1917. It is necessary, therefore, once more to affirm that these fears are unfounded, and that that Declaration, re affirmed by the Conference of the Principle Allied Powers at San Remo and again in the Treaty of Sevres, is not susceptible of change.
Easily done.
Here is the Churchill Whitepaper of 1922.

Further, it is contemplated that the status of all citizens of Palestine in the eyes of the law shall be Palestinian, and it has never been intended that they, or any section of them, should possess any other juridical status. So far as the Jewish population of Palestine are concerned it appears that some among them are apprehensive that His Majesty's Government may depart from the policy embodied in the Declaration of 1917. It is necessary, therefore, once more to affirm that these fears are unfounded, and that that Declaration, re affirmed by the Conference of the Principle Allied Powers at San Remo and again in the Treaty of Sevres, is not susceptible of change.
Nope. What person did he call a Palestinian? Lol

He is not using it in that context. You lose again, Rigby. He actually agrees with me
Nope. What person did he call a Palestinian? Lol

He is not using it in that context. You lose again, Rigby. He actually agrees with me

I already proved the word Palestinian was used, and that the law passed in 1925 ensured each resident of Palestine was of Palestinian citizenship.
So then what else could they be called except Palestinian?

While I am at it, I might as well quote the 2nd use of "Palestinian" in the Churchill Whitepaper.

The Secretary of State is of the opinion that before a further measure of self government is extended to Palestine and the Assembly placed in control over the Executive, it would be wise to allow some time to elapse. During this period the institutions of the country will have become well established; its financial credit will be based on firm foundations, and the Palestinian officials will have been enabled to gain experience of sound methods of government.
I already proved the word Palestinian was used, and that the law passed in 1925 ensured each resident of Palestine was of Palestinian citizenship.
So then what else could they be called except Palestinian?

While I am at it, I might as well quote the 2nd use of "Palestinian" in the Churchill Whitepaper.

The Secretary of State is of the opinion that before a further measure of self government is extended to Palestine and the Assembly placed in control over the Executive, it would be wise to allow some time to elapse. During this period the institutions of the country will have become well established; its financial credit will be based on firm foundations, and the Palestinian officials will have been enabled to gain experience of sound methods of government.
Nope. Try again.
So what is it you want?
The fact the Palestinians think of themselves as Canaanites, Akkadians, Urites, Phoenicians, Philistines, Amorites, Chaldeans, etc., makes Israel make even less sense and be even less ethical.
That “Palestinian” wasn’t as thing til Arafat made it such cause he was a Jew hating Egyptian.
Keep spewing your hatred of Jews, as learned since you were a little baby.

You do not have one link of Arabs resisting the Ottoman Empire, much less fighting them during the 400-500 years of the Empire.

Jew hater.
The ottomans were pretty benign. They let them self govern. Jews, Muslims or Christians. The big problem was stagnation.

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