Stop Antisemitism

Undeterred by the pile of evidence documenting support for terrorism and blatant antisemitism, a chorus emerged from a few usual suspectswhitewashing the employees’ bigotry and support for terror as mere “criticism of Israel,” and seeking to undermine the entire probe.

Farah Maraqa repeatedly glorified terrorism (Photo from Maraqa’s site)
Among the dismissed employees was Palestinian-Jordanian journalist Farah Maraqa, who penned multiple columns in the online pan-Arab newspaper Rai al-Youm (where UK-based rabid antisemite Abdel Bari Atwan is editor-in-chief) lauding the killing of Israeli civilians. Maraqa claims she has not been properly notified about the reasons for her firing, and is challenging DW in court.

As previously reported in the Algemeiner, Maraqa wrote in December 2015:

I would announce that if the Islamic State were to fight for liberation in Palestine, I would revise my judgment about the group, its men and its financiers […] and if they throw the Israelis out of the Holy Land, then I will join their ranks.
According to the Alegemeiner, in a separate op-ed, Maraqa referred to Israel as “a cancer to be cut out,” employing common Arab nationalist rhetoric.

CAMERA Arabic reveals here for the first time in English additional instances in which Maraqa glorified violence.

Concerning Gaza terrorists’ launching of rockets towards Tel Aviv, Maraqa wrote in July 2014: “The sound of the resistance’s rockets falling in the heart of Tel Aviv was once again music to our ears.”

Maraqa praised the November 2014 Har Nof synagogue attack in which killed a Palestinian terrorist slaughtered five worshippers and a police officer as an international media success:

(full article online)

Just one month after an Islamist gunman seized four hostages at a local synagogue, the city of Colleyville in Texas was one of several locations around the US to be hit over the weekend with antisemitic flyers blaming Jews for the COVID-19 pandemic.

Police in Colleyville are investigating the leafleting blitz as a hate crime and have contacted the FBI, local news channel Fox 4 reported on Monday. Residents of the city were targeted with propaganda apparently produced and distributed by the so-called “Goyim Defense League (GDL),” a neo-Nazi group that has carried out several similar stunts over the last year in several cities, pushing antisemitic COVID-19 conspiracy theories and Holocaust denial. The words “goy” and “goyim” are pejorative terms in Hebrew and Yiddish for non-Jews.
Other cities were similarly targeted over the weekend. Residents of Parker, Colorado discovered the same flyers on their front lawns. Local resident Ken Buffington told the Denver Channel news outlet that his daughter had picked up one of the bags while taking their dog out for a walk.

“I was born Catholic and my wife is Jewish, and my kids were raised Jewish,” Buffington said. He added that he was disappointed that the Parker police department had told him that flyers were protected by the First Amendment and were not “criminal in nature.”

“That’s sad. I think that’s something that they should at least look into,” Buffington said. “Whether they consider this a criminal act or not, it’s still, to me, some form of a hate crime.”

Flyers were also spotted in Bowie, Md., and Palo Alto, Ca. ” I picked it up and I saw the headline, and you sort of react like you’re touching something gross,” one Bowie resident told local NBC News after she collected one of the bags.

On Sunday, residents of a Florida city targeted by the “GDL” last week held a rally to declare themselves “united against hate.”

The rally in Sarasota was organized after hundreds of antisemitic flyers were distributed in the Cherokee Park and Oyster Bay communities of the city. Politicians, community leaders and representatives of the Jewish community spoke at the event.

(full article online)

The belated acknowledgment that the Colleyville incident was, in fact, an act of “terrorism” founded in antisemitism did nothing to clarify both the hostage-taker’s motives – the belief that Jews “control the world” - or the essential fact that this was a racist attack.

Though long accustomed to antisemitism from forces on the right, such as neo-Nazis, both culturally and politically, America has seen a steady normalization of antisemitism, particularly in progressive circles. One of the most pernicious effects of this normalization relates to the discourse on Israel and, by extension, Jews. All embrace a relentless misrepresentation of alleged Israeli human rights violations, slanderous talk of Israeli “ethnic cleansing,” “genocide,” and bitter attacks on Israelis, their international supporters, and the peace process itself. All have taken a massive toll on American civil discourse.

One of the most destructive results has been to deliberately cast Israel as a ‘racist’ and ‘white supremacist’ ‘ethno-state,’ terms rooted in growing American arguments over race, but with no relevance to the Middle East. Their use with respect to Israel is designed simply to tar the Jewish State with convenient slurs that Americans recognize.

(full article online)

Anyone claiming an attack on Jews is "anti-Semitic" is very ignorant, since Semitic mean Arab essentially.
And being Jewish is a religion, not a race.
If one were to attack the entire Semitic race, they would mostly be attacking Arabs.
Ashkenazi Jews are not at all Semitic.

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