Stop Antisemitism

In a written response on Monday, 316 Jewish professors called the letter “an attack on Jewish faculty members and the Jewish community.”

“They portray Mr. Cotler’s defence of Jews as anti-Palestinian racism, thereby perpetuating an antisemitic tradition of accusing Jews who defend themselves as erasing the voices and suppressing the lives of others,” the signatories argued. “They represent this Holocaust Remembrance event as ‘reinforc[ing] anti-Palestinian racism,’ thereby trivializing and demeaning the torment and industrialized murder of Jews in the Holocaust.”

They continued, “Taken in its entirety, their letter is an example of the very antisemitism that Mr. Cotler dismantled in his presentation. Naturally the other Faculty members don’t like being exposed. … Sadly, Jews have had to live with this kind of hostility for centuries.”

FSWC head Michael Levitt called the accusations against Cotler “bizarre and disturbing” on Tuesday.

“Time and time again, it appears Jews are being told what is and isn’t antisemitism and what actions can and cannot be taken to combat this pervasive hatred,” he said. “Clearly, the IHRA definition of antisemitism needs to be endorsed by U of T now more than ever, as Jew-hatred continues to fester on campus. We commend the hundreds of U of T faculty members who have chosen to raise their voices in the face of such ugliness.”

(full article online)

This modern antisemite is telling Jews what our core Jewish values are?

He's saying that Jews don't really give a damn about Jerusalem and they only want a safe space, which could be in Miami Beach. He's saying that millennia of Jewish longing to return to Zion isn't a core Jewish value.

And how does he know? His gut tells him!

It gets worse:
Israel “shouldn’t exist as a Jewish state,” O’Brien told some 20 in-person and 30 virtual attendees at the Wednesday lunch event, before adding “Amnesty takes no political views on any question, including the right of the State of Israel to survive.”

“The right of the people to self-determination and to be protected is without a doubt something that we believe in, and I personally believe that,” said O’Brien. But “we are opposed to the idea — and this, I think, is an existential part of the debate — that Israel should be preserved as a state for the Jewish people.”

So what exactly does self-determination mean for the Jewish people? Living as "protected dhimmis" under benevolent Muslim rule? Not being allowed to defend yourself from those who want to destroy you and your people?

This is Amnesty's antisemitism in a nutshell - claiming that Jews have the right to a "safe space" but demanding that non-Jews define what the parameters of that space are.

It wasn't that long ago that there were regular terror attacks blowing Jews up in Israel. It wasn't long before that when Arab armies fully intended to utterly destroy Israel and throw the Jews into the sea. Israeli Jews are safe because Jews decided to defend themselves and prioritize the safety of their own people, as every other state does.

Amnesty wants to take that right away, and wants Jews to return to living as second-class citizens who must beg their non-Jewish leaders to treat them with basic human rights. Amnesty wants the Jews to be oppressed so it can issue sympathetic reports while Jews are being slaughtered.

That, according to Amnesty, is "human rights."

(full article online)

A man wearing a Jewish symbol on his clothes couldn't board a bus in Malmö, Sweden, Expressen reported on Friday, citing a Discrimination Ombudsman (DO) announcement.

The man was going to take a bus in the city - but was asked to get off the bus by the driver because of the Jewish symbol on his clothes.

In the report to the DO, the man wrote that he wanted to take bus line number three in Malmö - the ring line that runs around the city.

"The DO wants to know, among other things, what the transport company knows about the incident and what possible measures have been taken or are to be taken in connection with the incident," the report stated.

Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service has informed Campaign Against Antisemitism that it has appointed bailiffs to obtain £10,000 from the disgraced antisemitic aristocrat Pier Portman.

The Hon. Piers Portman, the youngest living son of the 9th Viscount Portman and heir to 110 acres of West End real estate, was sentenced in October 2021 to four months in prison and ordered to pay over £20,000 after being found guilty of calling Gideon Falter, Campaign Against Antisemitism’s Chief Executive, “Jewish scum” in a confrontation at a courthouse in 2018. Mr Portman was denied leave to appeal in December.

When Mr Portman was originally sentenced at Southwark Crown Court, His Honour Judge Gregory Perrins said that Mr Portman has “strongly-held antisemitic beliefs”, and that he had “deliberately targeted Mr Falter because of his role in prosecuting Alison Chabloz.” Ms Chabloz is an antisemite who has been repeatedly imprisoned following work by Campaign Against Antisemitism.

In scathing sentencing remarks, HHJ Perrins told Mr Portman: “You said you’re an honourable British gentleman. You’re anything but.”

HHJ Perrins then imprisoned him for four months, with the possibility of release on licence after two months, and ordered him to pay a £10,000 fine, make an additional £10,000 compensatory payment to the victim, Mr Falter, and pay court costs.

Mr Falter intends to donate the entire £10,000 to Campaign Against Antisemitism when the bailiffs obtain it from Mr Portman.

Mr Portman, 50, was prosecuted after approaching Mr Falter, Campaign Against Antisemitism’s Chief Executive, at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on 14th June 2018 following the sentencing of Alison Chabloz, a notorious Holocaust denier and antisemite. Campaign Against Antisemitism had brought a private prosecution against Ms Chabloz which the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) took over, and which ultimately led to a conviction and landmark legal precedent. Mr Falter had testified against Ms Chabloz, who has since been repeatedly sent to prison over her antisemitic statements, including denying the Holocaust and claiming that Holocaust survivors had invented their suffering for financial gain.

A Canadian family has won a human rights case against the Ottawa school board for not addressing a student’s threatening antisemitic behavior toward their son.

The complaint was filed with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario six years ago by the parents of David Armitage, who was a teenager when the abuse took place, CBC News reported.

According to the decision in the family’s favor released by the tribunal, in 2015 when Armitage was 17-years old, “his educational environment was poisoned by the threats, assaults, and discriminatory conduct of another student (“AB”), including conduct that was antisemitic in nature.”

Armitage was harassed by the other student with racist, violent and pornographic rants, including threats invoking the Holocaust, Nazis and Hitler, despite the fact that he told his classmate he was not Jewish, the tribunal wrote in its decision.

“Although the applicant is not Jewish, he was personally targeted by AB and the antisemitism was a factor in poisoning his educational environment,” the tribunal said.

(full article online)

Last year, anti-vaxxer Dr. Sherry Tenpenny was widely reported to be peddling antisemitic Covid-19 conspiracy theories, which she denied. She did quote Holocaust deniers and post that "the CEOs of the major vaccine manufacturers are Jews," which she said was written by a member of her team.

It will be hard for her to deny her latest post about Jews on Telegram.

Quoting Holocaust-denial Telegram channel EndTimesNewz, she posted:

Whilst everyone is distracted by the events in (((Ukraine))), the (((WHO))) is ramming through an international treaty on 'pandemic' procedures.

Same tribe every time 🔯

Practically anywhere you find conspiracy theories, you find antisemitism.


Things are getting even worse for Jews in New York City.

In January, the number of hate crimes in the city went up 75% compared to January 2021. However, most of that increase came against Jews - anti-Jewish hate crimes increased 275% in January, from 4 to 15.

February was not only worse, but much worse.

Hate crimes against Jews in New York City skyrocketed 409% compared to the same month in 2021, from 11 to 56. That means that there were nearly four times as many hate crimes against Jews in February compared to January.

How does that compare to the scourge of Islamophobic hate crimes that we hear so much about?

In those two months, there were exactly three hate crimes against Muslims. And 71 against Jews.

(full article online)

Antisemitism in the UK appears to be at a modern record high. The Community Security Trust (CST) is an organisation dedicated to protecting Jewish communities. According to the most recent data it has collected, there were 2,255 antisemitic incidents in the UK in 2021.

This is the highest number ever collected by the CST in a single year. It represents a 34% increase from 2020 and breaks the previous record of 1,813 incidents set in 2019. The organisation explains this rise, in part, as being a consequence of the Israel-Palestine conflict. The flare-up in hostilities in the Middle East that took place in May 2021 led to a sharp spike in antisemitism here in Britain.

These shocking figures alert us to the current threats facing British Jewish communities. For many, the type of antisemitismmonitored by CST and found online is a modern phenomenon. Evidence of anti-Jewish hatred, though, can be traced back across two millennia.

This long history means that the study of antisemitism has attracted to date far more historians than data scientists. There is, however, a growing body of statistical work that seeks to measure the nature and extent of current issues so that policies can address them more effectively.

Recent research has mapped the scale of problems in the UK, as well as attitudes towards Jews, sensitivity towards anti-Jewish sentiment and the influence of social media. It shows that what might appear to be new forms of antisemitism are often merely age-old tropes revived.

(full article online)


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