Stop Antisemitism

sserting that the IMA “would betray its intellectual mission” by “normalizing” and “standardizing” cooperation with Israel, the group, which included veteran PLO politician Hanan Ashrawi and Columbia University Professor Joseph Massad, denounced attempts “to present Israel and its regime of settler colonialism and apartheid as a normal state.” But the IMA didn’t fall for this boilerplate anti-Zionist guilt trip, objecting instead to “the virulence in the tone of BDS in the face of an exhibition whose scientific quality has been recognized.”

That anti-Zionism is being stripped of intellectual and moral legitimacy in French circles is a most welcome development. Far from its rosy self-portrait as a human-rights campaign, the pro-Palestinian lobby has been exposed as a practitioner of hate speech and a promoter of violence, glorifying terrorism against Israelis and rationalizing antisemitic outrages that target Diaspora Jews as flowing from legitimate Muslim grievances.

Are there any lessons to be drawn in the United States, where here too, anti-Zionist ideology is manifesting as a threat to the Jewish community’s security? Because the provisions of the First Amendment behoove us to emphasize all speech is protected, we have to redouble our efforts to explain what constitutes hate speech.

The fact that an understanding of anti-Zionism as a hateful ideology has emerged, of all places, in France — which last year excused the murderer of Sarah Halimi, a Jewish woman, from a criminal trial on the grounds of mental illness supposedly caused by his cannabis habit — might lead some to conclude that this is a kind of atonement for the ordeals faced by French Jews over the last 20 years. Even so, if it persuades politicians in other countries to revise their views on anti-Zionism in the same spirit, that will count as meaningful progress.

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Within our Lifetime (WOL), a New York City-based anti-Israel group that supports the Palestinian right of return “from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea,” resistance to the “Zionist occupation by any means necessary” and “the abolition of Zionism,” said that it had been banned from Instagram last week, apparently after it posted a collage featuring prominent Palestinian terrorists.

The collage—posted March 8 and featuring terrorist women—was WOL’s idea of celebrating International Women’s Day. Among those depicted in the collage were Rasmea Odeh, who was convicted of two terrorist bombings in 1969, one of which killed two Israeli agriculture students in Jerusalem; and Leila Khaled, part of a Palestinian terror group that hijacked a TWA flight that same year. The ban came the next day.

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Excerpts of the article are based on Qasha's book, "Zionism distorts the Bible:"

Father Suhail Qasha emphasized that the concept of Zionism is to work towards the formation of a Jewish community in Palestine, and the Zionist thought stems from the doctrines of the Torah, the laws of the Talmud, and the racist Jewish thought.

Father Qasha reviewed the relationship of Zionism to Jehovah’s Witnesses, Freemasonry, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Christian Zionism, and other organizations, all of which, according to his opinion, are forms and means of a single global Zionist plan “aims to dominate the world and subjugate the Jewish people on whom the Zionist movement imposed itself as a guardian.”

The Zionist movement is working, secretly and publicly, to destroy other religions, especially Christianity, in order to plunge the world into chaos and moral disintegration in implementation of the Zionist scheme to dominate the world.

This was manifested mainly in the distortion of the Bible and the issuance of an “Israeli version” of the books of the New Testament that was printed in Jerusalem in 1970. Zionism worked to spread this edition in various churches, organized conferences and supported Christian sects and heresy Zionism aimed at persuading the Christian masses in Europe and America to help the Jews to establish the state of Israel in preparation for the return of the Messiah.

The distortion and forgery movement culminated in the document acquitting the Jews of the blood of Christ, which was issued by the Ecumenical Council in 1963. Zionism took advantage of this tolerant humanitarian position of the Vatican to employ the vindication in the process of distorting the true Christian faith and encouraging heresies, movements and suspicious churches, especially in the United States of America to employ them in support of the government of Israel and the merging of the Zionist ideology with the expansionist American ideology.

Zionism first targeted Eastern Christianity because the Antiochene churches are the closest to the spirit of true Christianity, and they are the most capable of confronting the attempts of distortion and forgery carried out by Zionism.

Moreover, Zionism primarily targets eastern Christians because they are an element of resistance to its Judaization projects. Therefore, Zionism sought and seeks to displace Christians from their east, especially in Iraq, Syria, Palestine and Lebanon, so that the land would be permissible for the expansion of “Israel” and its Judaization of the region in order to build Greater Israel.

Zionism views Eastern Christianity with hostility and hatred, because the Antiochene Church is authentic and solid in its commitment to its Christian faith. The conflict of Antiochian Christianity with Zionism is an existential struggle because it is a civilizational conflict that extends to its historical roots. It is a struggle between racism and abolition on the one hand, and tolerance and love on the other.

“Zionism distorts the Bible” is not just a book that exposes the infiltration of Zionist Jews into the Church, and their control at times over centers of Christian education, interpretation of the Bible, and theological guidance through distortion and falsification. This book is not just a scientific text. Rather, it is a cry that Father Suhail Qasha wanted as a small bell with gentle ringing to save the human conscience first and the Christian second because of the Zionist plans of demolition and sabotage policies.

People who pretend that there is a distinction between anti-Zionism and antisemitism cannot possibly explain this.

(full article online)

In 700 BC Sargon 2 settled four Arab tribes in Samaria.
You may rest your garbage at your earliest convenience. Who remembers these 2 tribes in history? Greeks, Romans, Byzantine, Kurd and Arab Muslims, European Crusaders, Ottomans?

What part of these Arab tribes is so important to any of these invaders history?
At its national convention, the National Religious Broadcasters—a nonpartisan, international association of Christian communicators—announced that its board of directors adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, with the call to fight antisemitism front and center at the convention’s annual Breakfast Honoring Israel.

The convention was held at the Gaylord Opryland in Nashville from March 7 to March 11.

“Fighting antisemitism is a key issue for believers, and it’s very important that our understanding of the issue reflects cultural realities,” said NRB CEO Troy A. Miller. “An accurate and contemporary definition of antisemitism helps us to recognize and combat this form of hatred wherever it emerges.”

Johnnie Moore, the keynote speaker at the breakfast, said “very often, this breakfast has been a pep rally for Israel.” But this year, she said, there was a need to address “this particular topic at this particular moment.”

Moore is the founder of the KAIROS Company and president of the Congress of Christian Leaders.

She noted that “we are seeing all over the world, including in the U.S., a resurgent antisemitism that we have not seen in generations.”

Moore, who grew up in South Carolina and said he did not know anyone Jewish until he was an adult, said it’s not ideal for someone to love Israel yet have no Jewish friends. He emphasized how Christians need to know their Jewish neighbors and do so “with no other agenda than friendship,” a phrase he would repeat later in his remarks.

While mainstream pro-Israel groups maintain a non-proselytizing stance, Moore’s charge was particularly notable at NRB, where the Expo room included a couple of exhibitors promoting the “messianic” movement, and others that had materials on how to witness to the Jewish community.

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In 1967, Soviet Ambassador Nikolai Fedorenko at the United Nations described Israel’s military operations as examples of “fascist aggression.” During the Yom Kippur War of 1973, his successor, Jakob Malik compared Israel’s response to the Arab state attack to Nazi aggression during World War II in Europe.[4] The Israeli as Nazi canard spread to the radical left around the world. On the West German far left, it served to justify terrorist attacks against Israelis as a form of revolutionary anti-fascism. Such falsehoods about Israeli democracy played a role in Islamist and radical leftist attacks on Israel.[5]

This reversal and transformation of the meaning of antifascism from what it meant during the years before and during World War II and the Holocaust was consequential. It lent apparent legitimacy to what were, in fact, antisemitic and false conspiracy theories about the policies of Israel. Sadly, the Soviet Union achieved great success with its “Israeli as Nazi” propaganda. Associating attacks on the Jewish state with the language of antifascism comprised a crucial chapter in the reemergence and renewed respectability of antisemitism in the international radical left during the Cold War. So, it is not at all surprising that Putin, whose roots lie in the Soviet era KGB intelligence services, denounced Ukraine as a state of Nazis and fascists.

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In his March 13, 2022 column in the Qatari state daily Al-Watan, Palestinian journalist Samir Al-Barghouti wrote that the real reason for the Russian invasion of Ukraine is President Putin's desire to prevent the Jews from establishing a presence on Russia's border. The column states that Jews have begun migrating to Ukraine with the intention of turning it into a place sacred to them, and that Putin, who is aware of the "danger" represented by the Jewish nation, went to war in order to prevent the Jews from harming Russia. Rife with antisemitic allegations and historical errors, the column goes on to blame the Jews for a series of historic events, including the assassination of American presidents Lincoln and Kennedy and of Russian Czar Nicholas II, financing the Soviet leaders Stalin and Lenin, planning the attack on the World Trade Center, stealing the gold of Chinese emperors, toppling the Ottoman caliphate and "selling the Middle East to the West for the lowest possible price," among other things.

(full article online)

Algerie Presse Service found an anti-Israel Moroccan who is foaming at the mouth over the first Royal Air Maroc flight to Tel Aviv.

The Makhzen system [Morocco] has raised the pace of normalization with the Zionist entity, in a "hysterical" manner, to include almost all sectors in a short time, including the air transport sector, where, on Sunday, the first direct flight between Morocco and the Zionist entity was launched, despite warnings of human rights organizations, and opponents of normalization, against normalization of tourism, which they considered as a "new colonization of the kingdom."

The head of the Moroccan Commission for the Support of Nation's Issues, Abdel Samad Fathi, warned ... that the opening of a direct air line between the Zionist entity and Morocco aims to "enable the Zionists to invade Morocco through the tourism gate, and this is after the doors became open for the hordes of occupying settlers, to enter the homeland."

He highlighted in this context that the opening of direct air routes between Morocco and the occupying entity also aims to “quadruple the number of Zionist visitors compared to before the fateful agreement, and to achieve 200,000 Zionist invaders annually, with the participation of the Zionist entity airline, which will make four weekly flights between the Zionist entity and Morocco."

The Moroccan human rights defender condemned the opening of this direct route, which falls under the "treason, normalized crime, and moral fallibility", for various reasons, including that "it is a welcome for killers and criminals, and a reward for those who emigrated from Morocco to engage in a Zionist project, occupy Arab land and kill and displace its Muslim people. "

And the same speaker stressed that if tourism normalization is “treason and a crime”, it is also not without risks for Morocco on several levels, including “weakening the people’s immunity from the Zionism virus, which paves the way for the intellectual and emotional penetration of the Zionist project for the Moroccan people.”

Besides, tourism normalization, according to him, “facilitates the process of espionage and recruitment for the benefit of the Zionist entity against the interest of the homeland and the nation, with the Palestinian cause at its heart, and contributes to spreading corruption by encouraging sex tourism, as well as contributing to supporting and strengthening normalization lobbies in our country and making them implement tools for its subversive projects.”

According to the head of the Moroccan Commission for the Support of the Nation, the danger of tourism normalization also lies in “facilitating the process of implementing Zionist plans, because it is an enemy and owner of a racist expansion project,” stressing that “it is an illusion to think that the presence of the Zionists in Morocco will be limited to recreation.”
Now read the first paragraph again and decide who is "hysterical."

The headline is culled from the op-ed’s opening paragraph:

What starts with “P” ends with “E” and is too terrifying a word for many people to so much as mention? “Palestine”, of course! Simply uttering the P-word in a vaguely sympathetic way can be enough to elicit bad faith accusations of antisemitism. The topic has become so loaded that some people seemingly prefer to pretend Palestine and Palestinians don’t exist and just ignore the issue altogether. Nothing makes liberals abandon their progressive values, or their courage, like someone mentioning Palestine.
First, the suggestion that Jews use the word “antisemitism” in bad faith whenever anyone expresses sympathy for the Palestinians is a smear straight out of the Corbynista playbook. In fact, page 28 of the Equality and Human Rights Commission’s report on antisemitism in the Labour Party denounced as racist that very tactic – used by former London Mayor Ken Livingstone and others – of discrediting Jewish complaints of antisemitism by alleging they are merely cynical attempts to stifle criticism of Israel.

Also, it’s absurd for Mahdawi to claim – on the pages of the Guardian no less, the global English-language home of pro-Palestinian journalism – that the issue of Palestinian rights is ignored. The issue of Palestine in fact garners a disproportionate amount of attention in the media, at international bodies like the UN, and “human rights” NGOs.

The final sentence of the paragraph rests upon the lie that support for the Jewish state – the most progressive state in the Middle East by far – is somehow inconsistent with liberal values. In fact, however one views the nature of the conflict, it is the Palestinians who embrace illiberalism. This is the case by virtue of their leadership’s undemocratic, authoritarian rule in both Gaza and the West Bank, as well as public opinion polls on the attitudes of ordinary Palestinians.

In fact, if journalists were to take Palestinian views and decisions seriously, their readers would see that they are far more ‘right-wing’ (as the term is generally used by the Guardian) than Israelis on matters ranging from patriarchy, LGBT issues, support for violence and attitudes towards religious minorities. Polls from Pew Global and Anti-Defamation League reveal the following:

  • 40% of Palestinians think suicide bombing is sometimes justified (the highest rate of any population in the world).
  • 89% of Palestinians think homosexuality is immoral.
  • 89% of Palestinians favor the imposition of sharia law into their society.
  • 45% of Palestinians think honour killings are sometimes justifiable.
  • 93% of Palestinians hold antisemitic views (the highest rate of any population in the world).

(full article online)

The omnibus bill dedicates money to strengthen normalization agreements with Israel and to counter antisemitism. At exactly the same time, it funds the council’s new multimillion-dollar venture to deny normalization and promote antisemitism.

On one hand, the omnibus bill requires reporting on “the prosecution of citizens or residents of Arab countries for … engaging Israeli citizens in any way.” On the other, it funds a U.N. endeavor to criminalize and ban engaging Israeli citizens and businesses, based on slanderous charges of “systematic discrimination and repression based on racial or religious identity.”

The omnibus bill includes new money to enhance security for the protection of nonprofit groups such as synagogues, yet it simultaneously funds a machine to inflame xenophobic hatred of Jews everywhere under the guise of mere criticism of Israel.

In a holdover from prior years, the omnibus bill says money for the Human Rights Council itself is dependent on the secretary of state determining and reporting that the council is “taking significant steps to remove Israel as a permanent agenda item and ensure integrity in the election of members to such Council.”

In practice, however, this requirement is ignored. The council has only 10 permanent agenda items. One is dedicated solely to condemning Israel, and the council has never taken any significant steps toward removing it. Nor will it because the U.S. and its allies don’t have the votes in the U.N. club to prevail. Russia, China, Cuba, Libya, Somalia, and Venezuela, all exemplars of human rights, are laughing all the way to the bank.

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At least two hundred institutions in 2021 endorsed the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism, according to a study released Tuesday.

First adopted in 2005 by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, the IHRA definition states that “antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews,” and includes a list of illustrative examples ranging from Holocaust denial to the rejection of the Jewish people’s right to self-determination.

In 2021, Australia, Estonia, Guatemala, Poland, South Korea and Switzerland adopted the definition, with the Philippines’ Feb. 2022 decision bringing the total of country endorsements to 37. At least 60 colleges and universities did the same in 2021, as well 39 non-federal governments and 96 NGOs and other groups.

The IHRA standard has become a “barometer in the global fight against Jew-hatred, serving as a comprehensive and well-known tool to monitor, measure and ultimately combat contemporary manifestations of this age-old societal scourge,” said the report, which was commissioned by the Combat Antisemitism Movement (CAM) and the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry at Tel Aviv University.

(full article online)

He makes them sound like they are different from other people, that they ignore laws. Kind of like how today's self-appointed arbiters of morality falsely say that Israel is violating international law when defending itself.

He implies that these different people could conspire against the Kingdom.

Compare Haman's accusations against the Jews with this description in an 1826 newspaper (it was published in America but appears to have been republished from elsewhere, perhaps England.)

The king's courtiers are essentially the media of the day. They see something happening and - pretending to be only interested in transparency - try to stir things up so they have something to talk about and feel important. They tell Haman - at the equivalent of a press conference - hey, check out that Jew who is not bowing to you! What are you going to do about it?

Haman didn't notice it himself. He's the Grand Vizier, after all. But he cannot ignore an affront to his honor once it is pointed out. People will make fun of him. And, then as now, honor is supreme.

But Haman, like all antisemites in history, generalizes one Jew to the entire nation. He must wipe them all out. It is an obsession.

Haman knows how irrational it is. So when he presents his plan to the King, he cannot possibly say he hates Jews because of one Jew who doesn't bow. He needs to find an excuse where getting rid of the entire Jewish nation is the moral thing to do. It has no right to exist. And that bogus reason is treated as if it is truth, even though the actual hatred always precedes the justification given afterwards.

Haman makes up lies about the Jewish people. The king really doesn't care that much about Jewish lives. If Haman says there's smoke, there must be fire, and it is not worth the time to find out if there is another side to the story. After all, Haman is a respected member of the human rights community - he wouldn't lie.

And Jews cannot rely on others to protect them.

But Haman wants to make sure that the king is on his side, so he literally tries to bribe him. The king might not take the bribe but he is honored at the offer. Just as today's antisemites are honored as brave souls who speak truth to power - once they join that side, they cannot change their mind no matter what the facts are. They are tied to their original opinions and they are lauded for it.

Notice that Mordechai realizes the psychological power of the bribe offer as well in the next chapter.

Nothing changes.

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On March 9, 2022, France’s Minister of Interior Gérald Darmanin announced the dissolution of Collectif Palestine Vaincra (CPV), an anti-Zionist group linked to the EU-designated Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) terror group. According to Darmanin, the group “calls for hatred, violence and discrimination.” The following day, CPV’s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts were deleted.

The governmental decree, signed by President Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister Jean Castex, and Darmanin, formally declares the dissolution of CPV. It referenced clauses 6 and 7 of Article L. 212-1 of the Internal Security Code, which permits dissolving groups that:

  • Provoke discrimination, hatred or violence towards people because of their ethnicity, nationality, race, or religion, and/or are found to propagate ideas or theories which justify or encourage such discrimination, hatred or violence (clause 6).
  • Engage in acts that provoke terrorism (clause7).

(full article online)

These obsessive attacks weave antisemitism into anti-Zionism, as the Jewish state becomes the despised, scapegoated collective Jew, the all-purpose lightning rod attracting so many different bolts of hatred. These smears prove that Jews can be guilty of Jew-hatred when they collaborate in the Jew-haters’ dirty work. They prove how plastic Jew-hating Zionophobia is, as the haters keep adapting it to changing headlines. And they prove Natan Sharansky’s analysis that demonizing and delegitimizing Israel, holding it to double standards, sinks from criticizing Israel into traditional cesspools of Jew-hatred.

TO COMBAT this anti-Jewish obsession, three-dozen countries and dozens of universities approved the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.”

Two of the examples the IHRA definition offers – to help people criticize Israel and Jews without crossing redlines – are relevant to the latest onslaught: rhetoric “calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews” and making “mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews,” in the spirit of “classic antisemitism.”

Nevertheless, now, when the attacks are so brazen, if you resist this gob of Zionophobic lies, you risk being accused of Islamophobia.

This January, human rights activist and former Canadian justice minister Prof. Irwin Cotler marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the University of Toronto’s Temerty Faculty of Medicine.

Although Cotler echoed the IHRA statement that “criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic,” 45 academics secretly protested. They claimed that by endorsing the IHRA definition, Cotler “reinforced anti-Palestinian racism.” Moreover, because U of T did not embrace the IHRA definition, these professo-tyrants objected that Cotler reopened the debate.

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