Stop Antisemitism

( Perfect example as to why Israel needed to be reconstructed on its homeland )

In reaction to the infamous 1840 Damascus blood libel, at least two British newspapers published an antisemitic article that pretends to confirm that Jews indeed have many rituals involving murdering Christians and consuming Christian blood.

The Cheltenham Chronicle and Gloucestershire Advertiser (July 2) and The Northern Liberator (July 4) both published, without comment, a lengthy antisemitic blood libel as if it was simple truth. (The Liberator claimed the text came from The Times of London. but I could not find that anywhere.)

The specific accusations of that essay don't only concentrate on the Passover blood libel. According to this account, every Jewish holiday and event is dedicated somehow to consuming Christian blood, from the eve of Tisha B'Av to the day of one's marriage and one's death.

It is the most lurid description of the blood libel I have ever seen.

Here is what it says about Purim:

Most newspapers at the time were sympathetic to the Jews suffering from persecution in Damascus because of the blood libel, but these two (at least) incited hate against Jews.

(full article online)

While this book purports to be an examination of the European Left and the Jewish Question, it is much more about France and Italy with a brief peek-in by the German and Spanish Lefts. The folly of Brexit seems to mean in this instance the geographical disappearance of the United Kingdom from the European continent — for there is no essay or reference in this work to the travails of the British Left and its attitude towards Jews.

The publisher, Palgrave Macmillan, has also allowed through a very poor translation into English of the essays and permitted some strange editing. The scholars who have contributed to this excellent work deserve better. Despite this, the essays are deeply interesting and shed new light on the continuing and tortuous relationship between the European Left and the Jews.

(full article online )

This is crap. Hitler wasn't left.... And Arabs are semites. It's a language group not a race
These obsessive attacks weave antisemitism into anti-Zionism, as the Jewish state becomes the despised, scapegoated collective Jew, the all-purpose lightning rod attracting so many different bolts of hatred. These smears prove that Jews can be guilty of Jew-hatred when they collaborate in the Jew-haters’ dirty work. They prove how plastic Jew-hating Zionophobia is, as the haters keep adapting it to changing headlines. And they prove Natan Sharansky’s analysis that demonizing and delegitimizing Israel, holding it to double standards, sinks from criticizing Israel into traditional cesspools of Jew-hatred.

TO COMBAT this anti-Jewish obsession, three-dozen countries and dozens of universities approved the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism as “a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews.”

Two of the examples the IHRA definition offers – to help people criticize Israel and Jews without crossing redlines – are relevant to the latest onslaught: rhetoric “calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews” and making “mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews,” in the spirit of “classic antisemitism.”

Nevertheless, now, when the attacks are so brazen, if you resist this gob of Zionophobic lies, you risk being accused of Islamophobia.

This January, human rights activist and former Canadian justice minister Prof. Irwin Cotler marked International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the University of Toronto’s Temerty Faculty of Medicine.

Although Cotler echoed the IHRA statement that “criticism of Israel similar to that leveled against any other country cannot be regarded as antisemitic,” 45 academics secretly protested. They claimed that by endorsing the IHRA definition, Cotler “reinforced anti-Palestinian racism.” Moreover, because U of T did not embrace the IHRA definition, these professo-tyrants objected that Cotler reopened the debate.

(full article online)

Nobody hates Jews even if your identity depends on that narrative.
( What nice Christians, oops !!! Muslims, are saying about the Russian/ Ukraine war )

A South African member of parliament who is also the grandson of Nelson Mandela, the country’s iconic leader in the struggle against apartheid during the late 20th century, is making headlines for a bombastic speech in which he branded Ukraine’s leaders as “neo-Nazis” who are allied with “apartheid Israel’s dogs of war.”

Nkosi Zwelivelile “Mandla” Mandela, a convert to Islam who is one of South Africa’s most outspoken anti-Zionist activists, was speaking at a session of the Pan African Palestinian Solidarity Network in the Senegalese capital Dakar last weekend, where he began by greeting “the global BDS family” — a reference to the cluster of pro-Palestinian organizations pushing for a comprehensive boycott of Israel.

Omitting the basic fact that Russia — a country that went entirely unmentioned — invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, Mandela went on to blame the war on Israel and the western alliance.

“The global military industrial complex that beat the drums of war in Ukraine feeds an agenda of which they are the sole beneficiaries. Behind them lies the ruins of Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. They are joined in this disgraceful endeavor by neo-Nazis in Ukraine, the apartheid Israel dogs of war and those in NATO intent on advancing cold war politics,” Mandela stated.

(full article online)

( What nice Christians, oops !!! Muslims, are saying about the Russian/ Ukraine war )

A South African member of parliament who is also the grandson of Nelson Mandela, the country’s iconic leader in the struggle against apartheid during the late 20th century, is making headlines for a bombastic speech in which he branded Ukraine’s leaders as “neo-Nazis” who are allied with “apartheid Israel’s dogs of war.”

Nkosi Zwelivelile “Mandla” Mandela, a convert to Islam who is one of South Africa’s most outspoken anti-Zionist activists, was speaking at a session of the Pan African Palestinian Solidarity Network in the Senegalese capital Dakar last weekend, where he began by greeting “the global BDS family” — a reference to the cluster of pro-Palestinian organizations pushing for a comprehensive boycott of Israel.

Omitting the basic fact that Russia — a country that went entirely unmentioned — invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, Mandela went on to blame the war on Israel and the western alliance.

“The global military industrial complex that beat the drums of war in Ukraine feeds an agenda of which they are the sole beneficiaries. Behind them lies the ruins of Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq. They are joined in this disgraceful endeavor by neo-Nazis in Ukraine, the apartheid Israel dogs of war and those in NATO intent on advancing cold war politics,” Mandela stated.

(full article online)

He's a jerk.
The researchers determined that schools with “five or more faculty who had expressed support for academic BDS prior to May 2021” were more than seven times more likely to have academic departments that released or endorsed anti-Zionist statements. They were also 5.6 times “more likely to have a student government that issued an anti-Zionist statement,” and 3.6 times more likely to witness “acts targeting Jewish and pro-Israel students for harm.”

Last May, for example, visibly Jewish students at Rutgers University were verbally assaulted and reported having their car tires slashed. At University of California-Santa Cruz, Zionist students and faculty received antisemitic messages during a student government Zoom meeting on a resolution condemning Israel, including “f**k all jews they belong in the oven” and “u filthy k*ke HEIL HITLER BURN ALL JEWS.”

AMCHA also found, based on a series of regression analyses, an “extremely strong correlation between the number of faculty academic boycotters” on campus before the May conflict, and a surge of new faculty endorsers during the fighting, suggesting faculty boycotters were “successfully influencing their colleagues” to target Israel.

During the conflict, 160 academic departments at more than 120 colleges and universities issued anti-Zionist statements, with each falling within the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism, which has been adopted by more than 800 governmental and non-governmental organizations worldwide.

(full article online)

The researchers determined that schools with “five or more faculty who had expressed support for academic BDS prior to May 2021” were more than seven times more likely to have academic departments that released or endorsed anti-Zionist statements. They were also 5.6 times “more likely to have a student government that issued an anti-Zionist statement,” and 3.6 times more likely to witness “acts targeting Jewish and pro-Israel students for harm.”

Last May, for example, visibly Jewish students at Rutgers University were verbally assaulted and reported having their car tires slashed. At University of California-Santa Cruz, Zionist students and faculty received antisemitic messages during a student government Zoom meeting on a resolution condemning Israel, including “f**k all jews they belong in the oven” and “u filthy k*ke HEIL HITLER BURN ALL JEWS.”

AMCHA also found, based on a series of regression analyses, an “extremely strong correlation between the number of faculty academic boycotters” on campus before the May conflict, and a surge of new faculty endorsers during the fighting, suggesting faculty boycotters were “successfully influencing their colleagues” to target Israel.

During the conflict, 160 academic departments at more than 120 colleges and universities issued anti-Zionist statements, with each falling within the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of antisemitism, which has been adopted by more than 800 governmental and non-governmental organizations worldwide.

(full article online)

Have you ever wondered why? Maybe it's time for some introspection and soul searching.
Boycotting Israel is a failure, and has only helped that country while damaging Arab nations that have long shunned the Jewish state, according to a small new group of liberal-minded Arab thinkers from across the Middle East who are pushing to engage with Israel on the theory that it would aid their societies and further the Palestinian cause.

The group has brought together Arab journalists, artists, politicians, diplomats, Quranic scholars and others who share a view that isolating and demonizing Israel has cost Arab nations billions in trade. They say it has also undercut Palestinian efforts to build institutions for a future state, and torn at the Arab social fabric, as rival ethnic, religious and national leaders increasingly apply tactics that were first tested against Israel.

“Arabs are the boycott’s first — and only — victims,” Eglal Gheita, an Egyptian-British lawyer, declared at an inaugural gathering this week in London.

Calling itself the Arab Council for Regional Integration, the group does not purport to be broadly representative of Arab public opinion. Its members espouse a viewpoint that is, to put it mildly, politically incorrect in their home countries: Some have already been ostracized for advocating engagement with Israel and others said they feared retribution when they return.

(full article online)

How will Israel survive if it cannot protect itself against terrorist enclaves located as close as Bethesda, Md., is to D.C.? That, alas, seems to be of scant concern to its most ardent critics. The BDS movement demands a “right of return” to Israel for 7.25 million descendants of Palestinian refugees, which would mean that Israel (which has 6.8 million Jews) would cease to be a Jewish-majority state.

Anti-Israel activists should ask themselves why they’re fine with at least 45 Muslim-majority states in the world — including notorious human rights violators such as Iran, Saudi Arabia and Syria — but they refuse to accept the lone Jewish state?

They should also ask themselves why they are more exercised by human rights violations committed by Israel, a liberal democracy, than by dictatorships that commit far more heinous offenses. If any country is guilty of apartheid, it is China, which is carrying out crimes against humanity in both Xinjiang and Tibet. Its actions against the Muslim Uyghurs have even been described as genocide. In both regions, Beijing is trying to erase an entire culture and religion. By contrast, Israel allows freedom of religion for all.

Yet there is no BDS movement targeting China. Sally Rooney doesn’t want her new novel published in Israel, but her bestseller “Normal People” was published in China by a publishing house with close links to the tyrannical Communist regime. That bespeaks an inexcusable double standard.

I hesitate to hurl accusations of “antisemitism,” and I freely admit that it is fair to criticize Israeli actions (I do so myself). But there is no denying that BDS supporters display a strange, selective animus against the Jewish state. They should do some soul-searching about why they are more anti-Israel than many Arab states.

(full article online)

This boycott, too, has since begun to fade, as a rising tide of Arab youth seek to engage their Israeli neighbors. But now a fourth iteration of the boycott has emerged, this time driven largely by foreigners. The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement brings together Islamist, far-left, and hardline Palestinian elites—primarily in Europe and the Americas—in a campaign to drive a cultural and economic wedge between Israelis and their global partners.

The history of boycotts against Israel is marked by several consistent patterns. First, boycotts have not only failed to defeat Israel and its people; they have actually spurred innovation, invigorating Israeli economy and society. At the same time, boycotts have harmed Arab societies and economies, and the techniques used in these boycotts have spread to other conflicts within Arab societies, hardening sectarian attitudes and increasing intra-communal divisions, thereby contributed to the disintegration of fractured nation-states including Yemen, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Furthermore, the boycotts have effectively isolated Palestinians within the West Bank and Gaza from the region: While hardline “resistance” factions have enjoyed support from numerous external powers, the Palestinians working to build institutions for a future state could hardly find Arab partners. Nor could they work hand in hand with Israelis in engaging the region—a role which would have empowered them economically.

To rebuild and revitalize the region, we must break with this tragic history: We must overcome the boycott, for the benefit of all, moving from a mindset of segregation to a policy of integration. The following study traces the impact of all four phases of the boycott on Israelis and on Arabs. It then outlines a project to transition to a “post-boycott region,” in which the benefits of partnership overcome the folly of exclusion.

(full article online)

Claim: Israel Is a Zionist Project

Referring to a “Zionist project” and accusing the Jewish state of creating propaganda to manipulate the US education system embodies antisemitic tropes. The problematic notion that Jews are manipulators has been used to justify ethnic cleansing and genocide for centuries.

It is not a coincidence that SJP uses this rhetoric. The foundation of modern arguments against Jewish self-determination finds their origins in the Soviet Union, where antisemitism was rampant. Stalin had a long history of pushing anti-Jewish conspiracies within the USSR, even launching a “Jewish Doctors’ Plot” that accused Jewish doctors of conspiring to murder Soviet officials. The USSR continued to push its anti-Israel and anti-Jewish agenda after Stalin’s death, eventually using its power to make the Jewish state a pariah by labeling Zionism (Jewish self-determination) as racism, shaping the rhetoric we see today.

Claim: Israeli Jews are European Settlers

The SJP Instagram post also broadly categorizes Israelis as “European Jewish settlers,” and conveniently neglects that Jewish immigration to Israel did not involve stealing land but rather legally purchasing it. Many of course also came after the Holocaust, when no one else would give them refuge. The Nazis certainly didn’t see them as European.

SJP also fails to mention that over half of Israel’s Jewish population are not “White Europeans,” but come from the Middle East and North Africa.

They also ignore the million Jewish refugees from Arab lands who were forced to move to Israel after being expelled from their home countries.

This is unlikely to be an oversight. SJP’s rhetoric excludes the experiences of Jews who have suffered in Middle Eastern and North African countries that ethnically cleansed them.

Addressing the persecution of Jews in Europe and the Middle East would also put the facts at odds with their political ideology, which deceitfully classifies Jews as white colonizers.

Claim: Pinkwashing

SJP claims, “Israel uses a propaganda technique calling ‘pinkwashing’ which exploits queer rights to hide its occupation and apartheid behind an image of progressiveness.”

Pinkwashing is the unsubstantiated and completely fabricated notion that the Jewish state only supports LGBTQ+ rights for purposes of propaganda. Their statement is also seemingly blind to the Palestinian Authority and Hamas’s strict opposition to LGBTQ+ rights.

The Palestinian Authority and Hamas are both extremely repressive governments that are fundamentally opposed to LGBTQ+ rights. In 2019, the Palestinian Authority police cracked down on LGBTQ+ activism and banned Al Qaws, a Palestinian group that advocates for LGBTQ+ rights in the West Bank. The situation is far worse in Gaza, where same-sex relationships are legally punishable by prison, and being outed can mean life and death.

Most of all, SJP’s statement is the ultimate show of SJP’s moral hypocrisy and misrepresentation of values: SJP has a history of responding to criticism from Jewish organizations with accusations of censorship; now, they are calling for a monopoly on free speech.

That’s no surprise, however, because the only way that SJP can win its argument is by distorting and suppressing the facts.

UChicago has and continues to offer a number of divisive anti-Israel courses. Still, SJP would rather limit students to a single perspective that only touches on one aspect of a culturally rich and innovative country.

Ultimately, SJP’s statement speaks to a rather frantic sense of desperation embodied by the anti-Israel movement. These fringe groups seek to monopolize discourse on Israel because they realize all too well that the truth will win out. People around the world are waking up to the fact that Israel is here to stay. Arab countries have signed historic normalization agreements with Israel. It is more apparent than ever that the Jewish story is one of resilience, and that Israel will continue to thrive for generations to come.

(full article online)


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