Stop Antisemitism

Al Ahed News (Lebanon) reports that Shiite Sheikh Muhammad Sanqour, the Friday preacher at the Imam al-Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, Bahrain, today called on the government to ban all sales of real estate to Jews.

He claimed that "usurping Jews" are making handsome financial offers for Bahraini real estate, and called on the government of Bahrain "to reassure people by issuing a law that categorically prohibits owners from selling any of their property and assets to Jews, individuals or entities, directly or through an intermediary."

Sanquor added, "Selling something of real estate, even if it is easy for the likes of these usurpers, is tantamount to selling the homeland."

He continued, "These people do not coexist with anyone. The first of their victims is the one who did them a favor.

And then: “We call for the state to have the right to annul any contract that was concluded or is to be concluded if one of its parties was Jewish."

Sounds like Jew-hatred to me.

In September, another Shiite cleric in Bahrain, Ayatollah Qassem, made a similar demand:

Dear people of Bahrain,
Do not hand over to the Jews even a small piece of land or a small house; By this, you are selling to them your religion, your history, your homeland, your present and your future. Be aware that you are committing suicide – materially and morally.

Today, Bahrain is an Islamic country
Tomorrow, according to the plan of Judaisation, it will become a country of Jews and Muslims. The day after tomorrow, it will become a country of Jews and Muslim residents – at the disposal. After that, the Muslims will be expelled. The beginning [O dear people of Bahrain] is the purchase of your land and the land of your Muslim brother.

Whoever sells land or a house to the Jews is not selling soil and stone, but rather a homeland, people, nation, history and dear sanctities. He is selling Islam as if it is not worth anything.
The government of Bahrain has not had a great relationship with Sanquor. It closed down his mosque briefly in 2016 and detained him.

Al Ahed News (Lebanon) reports that Shiite Sheikh Muhammad Sanqour, the Friday preacher at the Imam al-Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, Bahrain, today called on the government to ban all sales of real estate to Jews.

He claimed that "usurping Jews" are making handsome financial offers for Bahraini real estate, and called on the government of Bahrain "to reassure people by issuing a law that categorically prohibits owners from selling any of their property and assets to Jews, individuals or entities, directly or through an intermediary."

Sanquor added, "Selling something of real estate, even if it is easy for the likes of these usurpers, is tantamount to selling the homeland."

He continued, "These people do not coexist with anyone. The first of their victims is the one who did them a favor.

And then: “We call for the state to have the right to annul any contract that was concluded or is to be concluded if one of its parties was Jewish."

Sounds like Jew-hatred to me.

In September, another Shiite cleric in Bahrain, Ayatollah Qassem, made a similar demand:

The government of Bahrain has not had a great relationship with Sanquor. It closed down his mosque briefly in 2016 and detained him.

SHEEESH---you do not know?----land ownership by JOOOOS is forbidden
in Shariah shit holes. In fact----the forerunner to shariah----was
CONSTANTINE----he outlawed land ownership by JOOOOS too---the
filth made it into JUSTINIAN LAW and thus CANON LAW. Get with the
program-----JOOOOS do not own the TEMPLE MOUNT----that is ALSO
MUZZIE LAND (along with spain)
Al Ahed News (Lebanon) reports that Shiite Sheikh Muhammad Sanqour, the Friday preacher at the Imam al-Sadiq Mosque in Diraz, Bahrain, today called on the government to ban all sales of real estate to Jews.

He claimed that "usurping Jews" are making handsome financial offers for Bahraini real estate, and called on the government of Bahrain "to reassure people by issuing a law that categorically prohibits owners from selling any of their property and assets to Jews, individuals or entities, directly or through an intermediary."

Sanquor added, "Selling something of real estate, even if it is easy for the likes of these usurpers, is tantamount to selling the homeland."

He continued, "These people do not coexist with anyone. The first of their victims is the one who did them a favor.

And then: “We call for the state to have the right to annul any contract that was concluded or is to be concluded if one of its parties was Jewish."

Sounds like Jew-hatred to me.

In September, another Shiite cleric in Bahrain, Ayatollah Qassem, made a similar demand:

The government of Bahrain has not had a great relationship with Sanquor. It closed down his mosque briefly in 2016 and detained him.

I'm an anti-Bankite. No one should sell real estate to a bank and they should not be allowed to possess rental property unless holding a

mortgage on it or it's been foreclosed on and they should sell it immediately.
The incident occurred Dec. 1 at Sir Robert Borden High School on Greenbank Road when two Jewish students who had stayed after school were called into a room, where they found a swastika painted on the floor. As the students saw the swastika, another student made a Nazi salute gesture.

(full article online)


Vandalized mural that was established to commemorate Jewish Greeks who were deported from Thessaloniki to Nazi concentration campus during the Holocaust. Photo: Twitter
A mural commemorating Greek Jews who were deported from Thessaloniki and sent to Nazi concentration camps during World War II was vandalized this week, according to Kathimerini, a Greek daily newspaper.

The mural, located on a wall at the Thessaloniki Railway Station, was graffitied with swastikas. A similar incident occurred two weeks ago, the Vadaris Neighborhood Group, an addiction and recovery group that made the mural, told the paper on Tuesday. In December, at Aristotle University in Thessaloniki, a swastika was graffitied on a monument commemorating a Jewish cemetery that was razed by the Nazis in 1942.

(full article online)

For years, Iranian media has been in the forefront of spreading classic antisemitism - at the same time as insisting that they have only respect for Jews.

How do they do this?

By finding the worst Western antisemites and highlighting what they have to say.

This way they can spread antisemitism and claim that they are simply reporting what Westerners are saying.

Here's the latest example, and its a doozy. MEMRI summarizes the interview:

On January 4 and January 8, 2023, Channel 4 (Iran) aired an interview with British Bishop Richard Nelson Williamson. Williamson said that the Jews control the media, that they "twist" people's minds, and that they have cleverly taken control of universities and the media. He also said that the Holocaust was a "myth", that the Jews have replaced "objective" history with their "emotional scenario" about the Holocaust, and that only around 100,000 Jews were actually killed.

Mocking Holocaust survivors, Bishop Williamson said: "I was there and I saw it, when the Hungarian [Jews] were being burned it was green smoke and when the Czechs were being burned it was red smoke." In addition, he said that the Jews created the Freemasons so that gentiles bring "Jewish corruption" into Christian society, and he claimed that the Jews have "infiltrated" the U.S. government and were behind 9/11, the war in Ukraine, and the JFK assassination. Bishop Williamson has been convicted of Holocaust denial in Germany and was excommunicated by the Catholic Church in 2009, he was reinstated by the Church in 2009, and excommunicated once again in 2015.

There's far more. Jews learn evil from the Devil, they control the media, they are behind all wars, they are racists, they twist the is an unreal display of antisemitism.


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