Stop Insulting God

Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.
Fuck God
Fuck Allah
Fuck Mohammed

And Fuck you

You left off: fuck yourself.
Fuck all you religious wack jobs

Fuck off, fuck face. I'm not even particularly religious. But you are a fucking bigot piece of shit motherfucker, ya motherfucker.

You have no idea whether or not I am a bigot

I'm just tired of the religious nuts telling me how to live my life.
If you want to believe in a god then that's just fine by me but keep it to yourself why on earth do any of you care what someone else believes?

It's none of your fucking business anyway
Stop insulting God.
Or what?​

Or you deprive yourself of extraordinary senses that you wouldn't otherwise experience.


Question one: Which God will grant me the extraordinary senses that I'd be experiencing if not for my insulting ways?

Question two: How do I know that you're not just trying to sell me on your God?

If God is, She seems little interested in the day-to-day lives of Monkeys, and if God is, I seriously doubt that the ancient Arab tales that are the pillars of The Big Three modern religions are the last word on Him.
Those who claim to believe in 'God', yet strive to define and limit their deity with words, only testify to their ignorance by speaking. That would constitute blasphemy if their god were real and nonsense otherwise.
The very insinuation that 'The Supreme Being' could be insulted by a mere creation shows a basic flaw in reasoning.

Indeed... If you're going to have convictions and beliefs about ANY subject in our modern, crowded world, they better come with some thick fucking skin.

Stop insulting God.
Or what?​

Or you deprive yourself of extraordinary senses that you wouldn't otherwise experience.

Question one: Which God will grant me the extraordinary senses that I'd be experiencing if not for my insulting ways?
You unleash them yourself when you reach out and connect to God(s).

Question two: How do I know that you're not just trying to sell me on your God?
God(s). Any God(s). You could reach out and connect to the Abrahamic God, or you could reach out and connect to any other god(s) or goddess(es). Reaching out and connecting these forces Above, Below, Within... that is how you would experience these "extraordinary senses".

You have no idea whether or not I am a bigot

I'm just tired of the religious nuts telling me how to live my life.
If you want to believe in a god then that's just fine by me but keep it to yourself why on earth do any of you care what someone else believes?

It's none of your fucking business anyway

People telling me how to live my life doesn't bother me, I just ignore them.

People trying to cut my head off for not submitting to their religion, that bothers me. So Islam sits apart from all other religions as a result.
Christianity is an insult to God Almighty, simply.

Christians believe Jesus is the son of God. This is a blasphemy. The Almighty God, the Lord of the worlds does not have a son. He is far too great for that. Christians must stop insulting God. They must stop insulting God, whom they have been insulting for about 2000 years.

Also out of respect for other human beings, they must stop insulting God. By doing so, they are also insulting all of mankind.
Or telling us that we will go to hell if we don't convert. What's that all about?

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts
Or telling us that we will go to hell if we don't convert. What's that all about?

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

If you don't believe in hell, why do you care if someone says your will go there after death? The only way that could have power is if you do believe.

Now Muslims kill you, they don't let their impotent little Djin deal with you after death, they kill you in the here and now.
Or telling us that we will go to hell if we don't convert. What's that all about?

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

If you don't believe in hell, why do you care if someone says your will go there after death? The only way that could have power is if you do believe.

Now Muslims kill you, they don't let their impotent little Djin deal with you after death, they kill you in the here and now.
If you aren't a ni38er why do you care if someone calls you one?

It's insulting and disrespectful and in our history has been known to be harmful.

Memory Of Potato Famine Burdens 'Immortal Irishman'

In the Ireland of 200 years ago, Thomas Francis Meagher was born into privilege. His father was a wealthy Catholic merchant at a time when Ireland had been occupied by Great Britain for hundreds of years. Catholics had been barred from practicing their religion or speaking their language. At one point, an Irishman's fingernails would be pulled out for playing the harp.

There was plenty of food on the island while a million people died. And was grain, there was beef, corn wheat, oats, barley - food from Irish land and Irish labor, but it didn't go into Irish mouths. So one of the things that Thomas Meagher tried to do was to stop food from being exported from Ireland. And there are all these documents now that have come out and shown there was a British policy called extermination. They thought the Irish had breeded too fast, and this was nature's way - in some cases they said God's way - of culling the Irish. It was so much more than a potato famine, which of course, there was an awful blight on the potato crop, but it was so much more than that.

Christians have a long history of murder
If you aren't a ni38er why do you care if someone calls you one?

I don't.
It's insulting and disrespectful and in our history has been known to be harmful.

You fear they are right.

I do not, ergo it has no power over me.

In the Ireland of 200 years ago, Thomas Francis Meagher was born into privilege. His father was a wealthy Catholic merchant at a time when Ireland had been occupied by Great Britain for hundreds of years. Catholics had been barred from practicing their religion or speaking their language. At one point, an Irishman's fingernails would be pulled out for playing the harp.

There was plenty of food on the island while a million people died. And was grain, there was beef, corn wheat, oats, barley - food from Irish land and Irish labor, but it didn't go into Irish mouths. So one of the things that Thomas Meagher tried to do was to stop food from being exported from Ireland. And there are all these documents now that have come out and shown there was a British policy called extermination. They thought the Irish had breeded too fast, and this was nature's way - in some cases they said God's way - of culling the Irish. It was so much more than a potato famine, which of course, there was an awful blight on the potato crop, but it was so much more than that.

Christians have a long history of murder

Utterly irrelevant to the subject at hand.

A Christian telling me that I will go to hell has no impact on me, I don't believe in hell.

I fills you with fear because you do believe it.
Or telling us that we will go to hell if we don't convert. What's that all about?

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

If you don't believe in hell, why do you care if someone says your will go there after death? The only way that could have power is if you do believe.

Now Muslims kill you, they don't let their impotent little Djin deal with you after death, they kill you in the here and now.
If you aren't a ni38er why do you care if someone calls you one?

It's insulting and disrespectful and in our history has been known to be harmful.

Memory Of Potato Famine Burdens 'Immortal Irishman'

In the Ireland of 200 years ago, Thomas Francis Meagher was born into privilege. His father was a wealthy Catholic merchant at a time when Ireland had been occupied by Great Britain for hundreds of years. Catholics had been barred from practicing their religion or speaking their language. At one point, an Irishman's fingernails would be pulled out for playing the harp.

There was plenty of food on the island while a million people died. And was grain, there was beef, corn wheat, oats, barley - food from Irish land and Irish labor, but it didn't go into Irish mouths. So one of the things that Thomas Meagher tried to do was to stop food from being exported from Ireland. And there are all these documents now that have come out and shown there was a British policy called extermination. They thought the Irish had breeded too fast, and this was nature's way - in some cases they said God's way - of culling the Irish. It was so much more than a potato famine, which of course, there was an awful blight on the potato crop, but it was so much more than that.

Christians have a long history of murder

This is absolutely correct, and frankly, I thought that I was one of the very few who knew these details.
If you aren't a ni38er why do you care if someone calls you one?

I don't.
It's insulting and disrespectful and in our history has been known to be harmful.

You fear they are right.

I do not, ergo it has no power over me.

In the Ireland of 200 years ago, Thomas Francis Meagher was born into privilege. His father was a wealthy Catholic merchant at a time when Ireland had been occupied by Great Britain for hundreds of years. Catholics had been barred from practicing their religion or speaking their language. At one point, an Irishman's fingernails would be pulled out for playing the harp.

There was plenty of food on the island while a million people died. And was grain, there was beef, corn wheat, oats, barley - food from Irish land and Irish labor, but it didn't go into Irish mouths. So one of the things that Thomas Meagher tried to do was to stop food from being exported from Ireland. And there are all these documents now that have come out and shown there was a British policy called extermination. They thought the Irish had breeded too fast, and this was nature's way - in some cases they said God's way - of culling the Irish. It was so much more than a potato famine, which of course, there was an awful blight on the potato crop, but it was so much more than that.

Christians have a long history of murder

Utterly irrelevant to the subject at hand.

A Christian telling me that I will go to hell has no impact on me, I don't believe in hell.

I fills you with fear because you do believe it.
If you aren't a ni38er why do you care if someone calls you one?

I don't.
It's insulting and disrespectful and in our history has been known to be harmful.

You fear they are right.

I do not, ergo it has no power over me.

In the Ireland of 200 years ago, Thomas Francis Meagher was born into privilege. His father was a wealthy Catholic merchant at a time when Ireland had been occupied by Great Britain for hundreds of years. Catholics had been barred from practicing their religion or speaking their language. At one point, an Irishman's fingernails would be pulled out for playing the harp.

There was plenty of food on the island while a million people died. And was grain, there was beef, corn wheat, oats, barley - food from Irish land and Irish labor, but it didn't go into Irish mouths. So one of the things that Thomas Meagher tried to do was to stop food from being exported from Ireland. And there are all these documents now that have come out and shown there was a British policy called extermination. They thought the Irish had breeded too fast, and this was nature's way - in some cases they said God's way - of culling the Irish. It was so much more than a potato famine, which of course, there was an awful blight on the potato crop, but it was so much more than that.

Christians have a long history of murder

Utterly irrelevant to the subject at hand.

A Christian telling me that I will go to hell has no impact on me, I don't believe in hell.

I fills you with fear because you do believe it.
Then it shouldn't bother theists when I say there is no god. If they get offended it's probably because deep down they believe me.
Then it shouldn't bother theists when I say there is no god. If they get offended it's probably because deep down they believe me.

Christians in particular hold as sacred a command to convert others. Their motivation is easy enough to understand.

It does me no harm if you believe in one god, no god, or 20 gods.

If you try to cut my head off to please a Djin in an idol in Mecca, that does me harm.
Islam and Christianity are both cut from the same ancient Arab tales.

The Christians have had their bloody shots at world domination, and are finally one Supreme court nomination away from being defeated for good.

The same will happen to Islam, but it will take less time and be much better documented.

The future is NOT buried in the ancient Arab stories, Monkeys.... Stop focusing on the past and invest in the future - if you must worship something bigger than yourself, worship your collective spawn with infrastructure and education.
Or telling us that we will go to hell if we don't convert. What's that all about?

“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.” – Stephen F Roberts

If you don't believe in hell, why do you care if someone says your will go there after death? The only way that could have power is if you do believe.

Now Muslims kill you, they don't let their impotent little Djin deal with you after death, they kill you in the here and now.
That's it? They just kill you once here? That's nothing. Christians banish you to a place of eternal torture.

I get what your saying but I don't want to live in an insane asylum minimum or maximum security.

I'd rather room with someone who's just mildly depressed over Charles Manson but both are sick.
Islam and Christianity are both cut from the same ancient Arab tales.

The Christians have had their bloody shots at world domination, and are finally one Supreme court nomination away from being defeated for good.

The same will happen to Islam, but it will take less time and be much better documented.

The future is NOT buried in the ancient Arab stories, Monkeys.... Stop focusing on the past and invest in the future - if you must worship something bigger than yourself, worship your collective spawn with infrastructure and education.
Except for blacks eventually everyone assimilates into white culture. Right now in America we have Greeks Indians Chaldeans Muslims mexicans etc. All trying to keep their cultures in tact. But 1-5 generations from now my Greek nephews or their grandkids will meet a white American mut and they will break away from the Greek culture and they will no longer call themselves Greek Americans.
Even the blacks are assimilating in to "White America" at a surprisingly rapid rate.

Hell, considering that the paperwork for The Civil War wasn't done until 1965, it's amazingly fast.
Even the blacks are assimilating in to "White America" at a surprisingly rapid rate.

Hell, considering that the paperwork for The Civil War wasn't done until 1965, it's amazingly fast.
We have huge areas of flint and Detroit where some black kids grow up never even knowing a white person. Some would say they prefer it that way and can't say whites in the suburbs want to live with blacks either. When blacks came up north and moved to Detroit whites moved to the burbs.

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